Thursday, May 11, 2006


So, I realize that I might’ve over-reacted to AI last night….but I am still in shock. Oh well. It is just a show, right? I am sure that Chris will get a recording contract, so he will be okay. Life will go on. Funny how sucked into these reality shows I get. A little ridiculous, actually.

So! Only 1 more get-up until vacation! That is a groovy thing! I haven’t started packing yet or anything. That is stressing me out! I have a lot to do. My parents are coming up tomorrow to spend the day with the kids. I kinda hope they keep them overnight because that would give me more time to pack. On the way to work this morning I was thinking of all the things I need to do and starting to panic. Besides getting ready for vacation, I need to get Mother’s Day presents for both my mom and MIL. I know what MIL wants, so that shouldn’t be too hard. It is just a matter of getting it! And WHO KNOWS what to get my MIL. I also need to get my Secret Sister something and drop it off at the church…I will be surprised if I actually do that…but I need to. AND I need to get Nurse a present and either drop it off at the church or to Speedy’s house. SO much to do! PLUS I will want to spend some time with my parents when they are here. GEESH! How will I ever get it all done….oh, I will. I am just being silly! I am pretty sure that I-Man’s t-ball will be cancelled tonight…so that will help!

So, last night…I got home earlier than normal from work because my aunt had a doctor’s appointment or something. So, that was kinda nice. Hubby was home early too. He and I-Man ended up going down to the Reds game after all. And I am glad they did…it didn’t rain in Cincinnati! They had a good time. Hubby sent me pics from there and I talked to I-Man a few times. They had a great Daddy & Son night out. They didn’t get home until really late.

One time when I was talking to I-Man on the phone…he asked me to “please, please, please call him when Scooby Dooby came on so that I could tell him which Scooby Dooby it was that he was missing.” What a funny kid! The other time that I talked to him, I wasn’t very happy with him. I was calling Hubby to tell him that Chris got voted off of AI and I-Man would not give Hubby the phone. I was distraught and frustrated…..but then I-Man just wanted to chat about this and that. It was very funny. At one point I told him that I wasn’t going to talk to him, I was just going to sit there….and so I did, but he kept saying “Mommy….Hello? Mommy? Heeellllloooooo? Helllloooooooooo? “ Priceless. He is every bit as stubborn as I am. GREAT!

FAB and I had fun just hanging out last night too. I was supposed to teach at church, but I got there and we only had one kid…and they were going to watch Nemo. Their lesson was about bravery and then they were going to wach Nemo and how brave he was. So, FAB and I went home. We just played and she is such a cute kid. I had a hard time getting her to go to bed because she wanted to hug Daddy and Brother, but they weren’t there. So, I rocked her to sleep and she finally went down!

So, we had a sales call last night….and I usually just hang up on them immediately. Well, this guy had a very strong accent (like HBM only worse) and he was calling from Gatlinburg. So, I talked to him. He was very nice….actually he was born in Lewisburg and all of his family live around here…..I told him that he didn’t sound like he was from around here and he said “you do”. It was funny. So, anyways, I am a sucker. So, for $59 I bought a “vacation package”. Basically, we get 2 nights in a hotel, a $30 Gift Certificate for dinner, 2 tickets to a show and a coupon book to come down and listen to a time-share speil. Now, we will not buy the timeshare, we can’t afford it…but I think that Hubby and I can go down sometime between now and the end of the year and have a quick get-away for $59. I called Hubby and made sure it was okay and he was all over it. I know that if he had been the one to answer the phone, he would’ve done it without asking me. His good buddy that he works with and his wife are going down to Gatlinburg next weekend (the weekend after we are there) on the same kinda deal. So, I think it was a good deal. I talked to my mom last night and she said they would keep the kids whenever we want to go down and do that. I think it would be nice to do it after the baby is born……but I probably won’t want to leave the baby that soon. So, it will have to be before the baby, I think. We’ll see! That is sooooo not like me to do something like that.

So, after the shock of AI, I called Sister (who couldn’t talk to me because she was watching Lost) and then I called Mom. We commiserated over Chris being voted off. Neither of us are into his kind of music but we were shocked. We really thought he would win. So, as long as Katherine doesn’t win, I will be alright. But if she wins, I will be very upset!!!!!!

Then I went to bed. I don’t even remember Hubby and I-Man coming home. In fact, I woke up at 3:00 and saw that Hubby was in bed with me and then went back to sleep. That is not a good thing. The fact that I didn’t even wake up when he got into bed with me is scary! I mean, what if someone broke in? Would I wake up for that? Geesh!

Well, I have a doctor’s appointment today. No, it is not the ultrasound….that is on May 30th. This is just a normal check-up. Hopefully everything will be normal! Scrapbook Queen is going to watch our kids for a bit today. Girlie Mom was going to, but it sounds like Pretty might be sick….I hope not! So, thanks to both of them for helping us out. I don’t know what I would do without you Girls!

Have a great day and think Sunny thoughts…since it is so dreary!!!

OH….one thing I forgot….thanks for your prayers for KK and her Hubby. They worked. She shared with me this morning that they actually talked last night and worked a lot of things out. He is going to the Joel Olsteen thing with her and that will be great for them. They need that little get-away together!!!!! So, things are on the up-swing for them. Funny how different men are from women. The biggest issue for him is that she doesn’t initiate sex enough….actually I don’t think she ever does, according to our conversations. But then when he has been acting the way he has, it has certainly been the last thing on her mind. But that is so important to men……just funny how different we are. If you haven’t done so, I recommend reading the book “The Power of a Praying Wife”. Queen bought me that book and it really convicted me of how important that is in a marriage….that the wife initiates it every now and again. Just because God made us so different…..we have to keep that in mind. Remembering that their needs are different from ours…..well, you know what I mean. Anyways, that wasn’t the only problem, but it was the one that he was focusing on the most. So, they have talked and things are getting better. She could definitely feel our prayers. Thanks Ya-Yas!

Love you all!!!!


Sara said...

I'm so glad KK and her hubby are on the road to recovery! Funny that the sex thing was one of their problems. Hubby and I have had the same kind of argument at times. It's hard to remember that our hubby's need that reassurance the we "want" them just as much as us girls do. Sorry if I overshared, but you started it! :) ha ha.

I thought your comments about over-reatcting to AI were funny. You should check out my last post. Of course mine was mostly in fun, but it still makes me look slightly obsessive. Okay, not my journal!

I know you'll get everything done in time for your trip. Don't stress! I'm meeting Froggy at the church at 5:30 tomorrow to set up, so if you have a gift for Nurse by then and you want me to stop by and get it, I can. Just let me know! Love ya!

Kelley said...

You are a lifesaver!!! Hubby and I talked about ordering mother's day gifts at the beginning of the week and I forgot! As soon as I read your 2nd paragraph, I dropped you and went to order something!!! Thanks for the reminder!!

That will be a great get-away for you and your hubby. It's nice to get away...and it might be good right before the baby is born! That will be fun!

So glad that KK and her hubby are slowly getting mended back together. I'm glad that they are going to their get-away this weekend!

We'll miss you Sunday!! Have fun getting all your stuff together. I know you'll do it!

Lots of Love!

girlie_mom said...

I know all too well about the sex thing. That is what most of the "hostility" would be from when Baby and I would fight. It always got down to the sex thing. Took us about 4 years to work that out. But all is well now as you all well know! :) So jealous that you get to go on vacation. YOu have to take lots of pictures!!!!

Hope you get all your stuff done. I know you will and still have time to do something that isn't even on your list!!

Lots of love!

Sherry said...

Okay, call the governor and declare a holiday...I have finally caught up on your journal! That's what I get for falling behind...

I am so glad things with KK are working out. The power of prayer, girl! It helped me through so much.

Please send me pictures of I-man at soccor, I have the cutest soccer stuff for scrapbooking, I just thought of him when I saw it, I couldn't help it.

So much that I want to say...but I'll leave it at: Get your rest, enjoy your vacation and love your hubby and babies! You are so blessed to have a full life.

Love in Faith,