Tuesday, May 23, 2006

WARNING: Venting contained!!!

Whew! I am really busy at work…so busy that I should really be working…but I feel like I need to post! So, I am going to take a quick break from work and give you an update. I am sure you are all waiting with abated breath!

So, where did I leave off? Sunday was a good day. We got up and went to church…that was good. The message was great. I got really hot during our first or maybe second song and I almost just walked off the stage…but I held on. I think it was because the first song took so much breathing! Speedy…now I know how you felt when we sang “Arise” and I made fun of you! GEESH! But anyways, the sermon was really good and the video was neat. We can’t be reminded enough to turn down the “noise” in our lives and truly listen to what God is telling us. It was great.

After church, we went home and changed clothes and then headed over to Minnie’s house. Let me tell you, her Hubby can cook! We had a grill-out and it was very, very yummy. My Hubby is still talking about how good everything was! We were teasing them and telling them that we are going to invite ourselves over more often! It was yummy! And we had a good time. The kids all had fun….but they were all getting tired towards the end. It was just fun to hang out with Minnie and her family and SQ and her family! We missed HBM and her family, though! And like I said….the food was GREAT! Oh, Minnie had asked us to bring our corn-hole game….now I remember why we don’t play that very often. It is too hard with little kids around! They want to climb on the thing or get in the way of where you are throwing the bean bags….it was not fun. So, that reminded me why that game is only good when the kids aren’t around or when they are distracted by something else!!!!

After that, we went home and took naps. Then I got up and went and mowed my parents yard. I am stubborn and told Hubby that I could do it even though I am pregnant. Well, I did it…but I won’t be doing it again. It was just harder than I though it would be! Oh well. I enjoy doing that. But I won’t do it again this summer!!!!

Then I came home and Hubby went to Men’s Group. I-Man was a very sweet boy on Sunday night. Who knows where that came from? Anywho, I watched the season finale of Desperate Housewives. That was very good! I just love that show. Then I went to bed!

Yesterday, I got up for work. It was VERY hard to get up so early…but I did! I got into work and had a very busy day! I had to try to dig out of all my emails plus we had a meeting yesterday. So, I had to do the last minute stuff for that and then sit in the meeting all afternoon. So, it was a very busy day! I was so ready to go home at the end of it!

I went and picked up the kids. I talked to Aunt Chatty Cathy for a bit and she recommended that we not try to surprise Mom & Dad with their anniversary party. They are so very last minute and you just never know when Dad will have to work, so in order to have them at their party…she thought we should just tell them. So, I called Sister and she agreed. She called Mom and we are on our way to a 40th Anniversary Party! We have the date….it is going to be at my house…..now we just have to figure out what we are going to do for food and what we can afford, blah, blah, blah. But! I am excited! Neither of us have a lot of money…but Hubby keeps reminding me that this is for my parents – who took care of me and still take care of us! So, it is good that he is supporting that! We want to make it nice…but still affordable! I would love to have it catered because then we wouldn’t have to worry about the food….but we have to find something within our budget! So, that is going to be fun!

Anyways…so Sister and I talked about that and then I fed the kids a quick dinner and then we went to Hubby’s softball game. He is playing with the church team. Well, let’s just say this….they have the best cheering section! They got run-ruled, but they were having fun and again, they have the best fans! Boss was there and brought candy for all the kids….she is just the greatest! I-Man was really getting into the game and having fun cheering for his Daddy. It was fun.

MIL was there….she told me that FIL called her and asked her to check on his house next week while he and his wife are on vacation. She told him she would. I told her that she should’ve told him to go fly a kite! That is just weird….and his neighbor is going to have a key to the house and will be checking on their dogs 2 –3 times a day. So, why does he need her to check on it too? So bizarre! That women is on my LAST NERVE. Hubby called her last night and asked her to watch the kids this Saturday night for PT practice….she can’t because she has plans. So, then he asked her about other Saturday nights…..since we won’t have child-care at church anymore…..and she said that she wasn’t giving up any of her Saturday nights. Okay…so I know that Saturday nights are a night that a lot of people have plans and what-not and it can be inconvenient to have a church thing every Saturday night…and I didn’t think she would do it every Saturday night….but the way in which she says it…..it just looks like her social life is more important to her than her grandkids. She doesn’t spend time with them any other time except for the OCCASIONAL Saturday morning or Sunday afternoon…and that is VERY occasional. It is just weird. And besides, normally she doesn’t go out until later anyways! I just don’t know about her. Then, today, she sent me this email talking about how ungrateful my Hubby is because he gets so upset at the one-time she tells him she can’t help him. She actually said all of her kids were ungrateful. I am not even going to reply to that email because if I do…I will DEFINITELY say something that I will regret! I can’t even tell you the last time she watched our kids BECAUSE WE ASKED HER TO…..she only watches them when it is convenient for her. I am about at my wits end. Oh….and then she emails me today and asks me to go to Nurse’s wedding with her and SIL….they are driving up the night before. Well, the night before Nurse’s wedding is FAB’s birthday……so I am not leaving my baby girl on her birthday. So, I told her that. So, then she emails me back and says that she knew it was FAB’s birthday…she didn’t forget…..and why can’t we just have a joint birthday party for FAB and me on Sunday (my birthday). I want to tell her to go fly a kite. Not because I don’t think that is a good idea….but because again, it is all about her and her social life. Okay…I really need to stop now. But she has me fuming today…can you tell?

So, I got way off track. Today has been a good day at work so far. I am getting more caught up….although I have a long way to go. But, I would rather be busy than bored!

Umm….I guess that is about it for today! Sorry for the tantrum about my MIL. She just really gets to me sometimes. Hubby was very upset with her last night…and I am REALLY trying to keep my mouth shut. I know that I am fortunate…some people don’t have their MIL’s in their lives….or have worse situations than mine…so I am not trying to be ungrateful. I do love her…..I just don’t GET her sometimes, ya know?

Well, I better get back to work. I am sure I am leaving somethings out….but oh well! Tonight is I-Man’s first t-ball game. Hubby and I are the coaches because KK and her family are out of town on vacation. This should be very interesting! I hope it all goes smoothly!!!

Have a great day and I will talk to you all soon! Love ya!


girlie_mom said...

HOly cow. I would've told her what was up. It would only be for about an hour and a half and she could probably even drop them off at the church on her way to drinking the night away, I mean socializing. Dude what is up?!?!?! I would be ticked off too. Just you wait when SIL#1's baby comes she will have it 24/7, sorry I would be ticked too!

Hey speaking of birthday's when are you doing FAB's b/c Boo's is right with hers and I don't want to plan hers at the same time you all are doing FAB's. We are just going to do a party here no big stuff. She is only 2, but still we want you all to be there. FAB is one of her bestest buds.

Hope you MIL gets the hint about how selfish she is being.

Love ya lots!

Kelley said...

Okay, I would show Scott the e-mail. I know that you would hate to do that....but what if later on, she says something to Scott (like apologizing) and he says he has no idea what she is talking about. I know that you are very frustrated, but you are doing this together. She's not your mom. You have tried to make the peace and I am very proud of you for that. But you also need to deal with this together. I'm sorry that she would suggest that about the wedding. It's almost like she's only thinking about "me". That seems to be a bit of a problem!!!!

I hope the game goes well! Give I-Man a "high five" for me! And I wish we were going....I would LOVE to see a pregnant woman coach!! LOL!

Lots of Love!

Jodi said...

I agree with Kelley...show your hubby the email...after all...if, Lord forbid, our mother sent that sort of email to him about you wouldn't you want him to show you it? A united front is the best way to handle your MIL...

you deserve a medal for holding your tongue as long as you have...but then again...you are my sister and we like to "hope" things away so you need to stand your ground too...

love you and I'll be praying for you and BIL...this can't be easy for him to deal with either...