Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Still Under the Weather

Well, another day of hacking and snotting for me! Sorry for the gross words, but that is how I feel! I am getting very frustrated! I am thinking of making an appointment with my family doctor today. The nurse at my OBGYN (the one who gave me the script for the z-pack) told me that if it didn’t work to call my family doctor. So, I might have to do that. This is getting ridiculous!!! I hate this feeling!

So, enough whining! Yesterday was an alright day. Work is actually pretty boring right now. I am in between projects…so there isn’t a whole lot going on. That makes for LONG days….I get really bored. I would much rather be super busy than trying to find things to do. Ya know? I have gotten caught up on a lot of things…and done some things that I have been needing to do for a while, but haven’t had the time. But, only so much of that before I get bored. So, that stinks. But, I didn’t have to see much of Stinky Pete yesterday. And he is in Columbus today and tomorrow….out in branches on Thursday and only working part of the day on Friday because he has family coming in town for the weekend. So, that is a good thing!!!! KK and I are looking forward to a good week without him! He has already called me this morning…twice….but at least I don’t have to see the man!

After work yesterday, I went and got the kiddos from my aunt’s house. She was telling me how cute FAB was today at repeating what the older boys were saying. She can be so darn cute and sweet one minute…and then a holy terror the next if she doesn’t get her way! What a little DIVA! So, the kids and I went home and I-Man and I had a fight. That little guy has really developed an attitude lately. First, we got home and he helped me move the trash can back to the side of the house. Then, I turned around to walk inside and he threw his jacket at me. So, that made me mad. I scolded him for that. Then, we get inside and he “told me” that he was going to play his games on the computer. I told him that he needed to ask and that he had to wait until after I checked my email (this is our daily routine). Well, he proceeded to “tell me” that he “was” going to play his games and that I could check my email when he was done. Well, that didn’t go over too well with me. So, he got a time-out for his attitude. GEESH!

We ate dinner and then Hubby came home and we raced off to soccer practice. Our neighbors were walking their dogs by the field, so we talked to them for part of his practice. Then we were watching the practice and we were sitting by one of the coaches’ wife. Well, she and I have talked quite a few times before…she is very nice and her husband is I-Man’s favorite coach…and mine too. They all just do such a great job. Really – they are wonderful with the kids. So anyways, her husband…his name is Mike…was working with a group of kids and we could here him telling this one little boy that he wasn’t funny. All we could hear was that Mike was getting pretty upset with this little boy. I think he told him that if he didn’t straighten up then he couldn’t play with his team. The wife and I were talking about it and I said that it looked like that little boy (Ollie) was giving Mike a hard time tonight. She agreed. Well, a bit later, Mike came over to his wife and I could tell they were exchanging words…so I looked away. After Mike walked away, she came over and told me that she had told him he needed to cool off, he was getting a little short-fused with Ollie. Well, Mike told her that Ollie (the 4 year old little kid) had come up to him (the coach) and told him to “shut the ‘f’ up”! We were both (the wife and I) just absolutely flabbergasted! A minute before I had asked her where Ollie’s parents were…because he was kicking other kids and stepping on them and basically just being a brat. Well, after she told me what he said…I told her that obviously he gets it honestly and no wonder his parents weren’t doing anything about it. I just can’t believe that a little kid talked like that ….worse ….that obviously he has heard someone say that to him! Horrible! Hopefully that kid doesn’t rub off on I-Man! Luckily, he isn’t one of the kids that I-Man tends to hang out with…..geesh!

So, after soccer practice, we went home. I-Man’s attitude came out AGAIN! We were all getting inside and FAB was trying to go back outside…so I-Man pulled her feet out from under her and she fell and bumped her head (HARD) on the floor. Well, Hubby started to scold I-Man who wouldn’t listen…he just kept yelling that he was only trying to help. So, he got his face smacked by me and then he started crying. ARGH! Who is this kid?!?! We finally got everyone calmed down and had a long talk with I-Man. He is driving me crazy! Oh well…this too shall pass…right?!?!?!

So, then Hubby decided to mow the front yard. So, I-Man went outside with him…so FAB and I went out to watch and the kids ended up running around the yard picking up sticks. They had so much fun. We have one kid’s mower (we need to buy another one!) and they took turns “mowing” with Daddy. FAB was wearing these orange Cleveland Browns sunglasses…she was so stinking cute. I just don’t get how one minute the kids are brats and I want to strangle them…and then the next minute they are so cute!

So, that was our evening! We came inside and put FAB to bed….and then the rest of us followed shortly! Scrapbook Queen is watching the kids for us today because my aunt works all elections and today is an election day. So, poor SQ had to have the kids at 7:30 because Hubby has training this week…he gets his laptop today! So, he has 3 days of training on that. So, thanks SQ! She is such a life-saver!!!! MIL is taking off work on Thursday to watch the kids…but she couldn’t take today off.

Well, I hope you all have a great day! It looks pretty yucky out there right now…hopefully the sun will come out later! Love you all!!!


Sara said...

Just be thankful you don't have the mumps like JJ! :) I really hope you get something to fix you up! You sound miserable! :(

I'm sorry that I-man is having trouble with the 'tude! We're already predicting that Piglet will having a sore bottom 24/7. She's already got an attitude!

Enjoy your Stinky Pete free week! Love ya!

Kelley said...

I'm shocked at what that kid told the coach. I pray that it doesn't rub off on the other kids....that would be horrible!!!!

Sorry with the whole attitude thing. I keep reading your journal and realizing what I have to look forward to....Pita Pocket has learned to be a smart alleck using his facial expressions...GREAT!!

Hope you have a great day today...no Stinky Pete!

Lots of Love!

girlie_mom said...

Hey so I think that I-man and Pretty are in cohoots to be turds lately!! Let me tell you I have to put the sweetest pic of Pretty in my mind when she does some of the crazy things she has been doing. Not coo!!!!!!!!!!! So sorry, but I feel your pain!

Yucko that you have the snots!!!!!!!!!! :( I got ear infections when I was pregnant, the only time since I was a little kid that I got one and I had one with each of the girls.

Hope you start feeling better soon, you should be able to enjoy some part of this pregnancy.

Lots of love,


Jodi said...

take a bar of soap to the next soccer practice! we can't have cussers around my nephew dangit!

sis...I hope you get to feeling better soon too!! after I wrote my whiny entry I came here and read about you being sicky too...sorry! Do we have our mother to thank? or your children? lol

love you!