Thursday, May 25, 2006

2nd Post Today

Hello Ladies! If you haven’t seen it already, please look at my post before this one. I posted an URGENT PRAYER REQUEST for HBM and Elvis. So, take a moment to read that if you haven’t already!

Well, yesterday was very interesting! I had a fine day at work…Hubby ended up not going to work yesterday. He spent the day doing yard work. Just all the stuff (like mulching) that we usually have done by now…but we haven’t had time to do it. So, he ended up picking up the kids! So, I got home and finished straightening up the house lighting candles and stuff like that. Then Hubby and the kids got home…we ate dinner…Hubby talked to his Grandpa and he wasn’t sure how to get to our house…so Hubby was going to go meet him up the road. Well, Hubby and I went outside to look at his nice landscaping job and to fill up our birdfeeder and low and behold, his Grandpa and Step-Grandma pulled up! SO, we weren’t quite ready for them yet…but I cleaned up dinner dishes really quickly and it was fine. They looked around at our house and seemed very impressed with it. Then we went outside and sat on the back porch for a while. The kids were being shy…I mean, I-Man was playing in the yard, but not really talking to them. And FAB was being very shy. But they were okay.

So, here is where it starts to get a little weird. I was sitting with his Step-Grandma and his Grandpa was playing in the yard with I-Man. Well, I mentioned to her that we had met two of her kids at a wedding a few years ago. I asked a simple question…”Didn’t your daughter and her husband live on a houseboat for a while?” I had remembered that because I thought it was really neat…and they were neat people. Well, her response was very weird… “They might’ve”…and it was just weird. Well, I proceeded to ask her a few other questions …and she stumbled with all of them. Well, we came inside and Hubby and his Grandpa went out front to look at FIL’s truck (it is parked here while he is on vacation). She had all night been commenting on how pretty FAB is and how sweet. Well, I asked her if her Sister (who they are staying with here) lives in Centerville…I knew she did but was just trying to make conversation…and she looked at me and then started saying….”well, no…not Center Florida….she lives South of Naples…what is the name of that town South of Naples?”….I changed the subject. Then she asked me if I had other kids besides FAB. So, I knew something was up.

After they left, Hubby says..”Oh, I probably should’ve told you. She has Alzheimers.”. REALLY??? Yes…he should’ve told me. Poor woman! She probably thought I was weird. If I would’ve known…I wouldn’t have asked her so many questions. How sad. His Grandpa told him (when they were outside) that it is getting worse and it is getting harder and harder for him to take care of her. She doesn’t even know who he is sometimes. I guess the other night she said to him “I hope I’m not keeping you from something. It is very nice of you to come and spend time with me like this.” They were sitting and watching TV…and have been married for over 35 years. His Grandpa also gave him some money….and when he gave it to him he held his hand and looked in his eyes and said “You have a good wife. You better hold onto that woman. Don’t follow your Dad and my footsteps.” That is pretty neat. He was very concerned about me when he was here….I didn’t sit still very long…part of that is just nervous energy and I am a hostess….but the other part was chasing after the kids. He kept telling me to sit down and rest since I had worked all day too.

So, it was a very nice visit. What is very bizarre to me is that watching him talk and listening to him and just looking at him is like looking at an older version of FIL. I mean, I know they should look alike – they are father and son….but to have the same mannerisms and expressions when they have spent very little time together…really no time in FIL’s adult life. It was very weird. Like the way he laughed….the way he squinted his eyes…..just his mannerisms in general. Unreal. He likes to talk…so it was interesting! I am glad they came over….he might take Hubby golfing before he leaves. I could tell that Hubby was very glad they came over. They took pictures of us before they left. I didn’t think to take one of them with my camera…..that was dumb! Oh well!!

So, then it was soon time for AI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHHOOO! First of all, I thoght it was a great finale show. I loved the awards thing they did…and the way they brought out special people….especially what they did with Clay. That was really cool. Hubby said that he heard Clay had come out of the closet…is that true? I don’t think it is. And I am not a Prince fan…but it was pretty cool to have him a part of the show too! And then, of course….when Taylor won…I was beside myself!!! LOVE him. And I kept getting more and more excited about seeing them all in concert last night. I bet it will be a fun show. However, I thought they had Paris sing too much…she almost sang as much as Kat and Taylor! But it was a great finale! SOUL PATROL!

So…work was fine. I ended up working in my office until 12:00 and then coming home to work from here for the afternoon. FAB started running a low-grade fever last night and still has it today. I am not sure what is going on…but I didn’t want to take her to SQ’s if there is something wrong. I think it is just her teeth…she is acting fine (a little more whiney than normal)….but drooling a ton. So, it is probably just teeth. Hopefully!

Anyways, I got home and the kids and Hubby were playing outside. We came in and were getting lunch for the kids when Hubby’s friend Jason stopped over with his daughter (this is a different Jason than you all know…not the hottey that was in our wedding). His daughter will be 2 next week…so she and FAB play very well together. They played for a bit and then he left….Hubby went to work…FAB went to sleep…I-Man played games and/or watched TV…and I have been working. I wish I could come home and work every afternoon! That would be GREAT! But not realistic!

So, I-Man is supposed to have a t-ball game tonight. Am I a bad mother? I hope the rain starts before his game so we get out of it. It is only the 2nd game…so that isn’t good. But it will be better next week when KK and her Hubby are there….they can be in charge and we can just enjoy it!
Other than that…that is about it! Please see my prayer request below for HBM and Elvis. Love you all and I will talk to you soon!!!!


Kelley said...

Thank you for the help today!!!!! You are truly a friend that God sent to me!!! Love ya Girlie!!!

I'm so glad that the whole "wierd family" situation worked out well! And money too?!!?!? WOW!!! And YES...your hubby should have told you about her having Alzhiemer's. What a silly boy!!!
Lots of Love!

Sara said...

Glad you had a good visit with the grandpa! How nice of your hubby to tell you about his step-grandma after you had been talking to her for awhile....Funny. Yeah for money!

Love ya and Happy Friday!