Monday, May 08, 2006


Is it Monday already?!?! Where, oh where, do my weekends go? It seems like all we ever do is run…and then it is time to go back to work again! That is the pits! But, on the bright side, actually there are quite a few bright sides:

Bright side #1: Next Saturday is the last Saturday for I-Man’s soccer and t-ball commitments!

Bright side #2: At least I have a job to return to every Monday!

Bright side #3: At least I have the means and the need to do so much stuff on the weekend!

And most importantly……

Bright side #4: I am on VACATION beginning Saturday!!!!!!! So, I can make it through this week!!!!!!

So! Do you wanna know how I spent my weekend? I am sure you are on the edge of your seat in anticipation….so here goes:

Friday after work, I went and got the kiddos at my aunt’s house. We rushed home and as soon as Hubby got home, we headed to the church. There were about 20 of us who gathered at the church to “beautify” it. Well, I didn’t really do much….but that’s okay! When we got there, Hubby got to work right away with Tom. That was cool. Tom is a guy who I guess comes to the first service now and he has been at our church forever. Well, he was a youth sponsor when Hubby was in youth group and he is a good guy. Hubby has always thought very highly of him. So, they worked together pulling up the bushes in front of the office. So, HBM….if you notice a “nick” in the siding on the wall outside Elvis’ office… Hubby did that! He got a little carried away with the pick-thing he was using. Oops! Well, when I got there, Detergent and Pat (cuz I don’t know what to call her) were working together. They were talking about getting perennials from people’s houses to plant at the church. Well, I mentioned that I had a ton of haustas that needed split. They are taking over our flowerbed! So, we all went to my house and got a ton of haustas and ferns to plant at the church. They could’ve probably taken a lot more than they did…but they were afraid to take too much. So, then we went back to the church and they planted those. I pretty much just walked around with FAB and watched the kids. They had so much fun getting dirty! I-Man was sliding down the mulch pile and just having a grand ole time! They ordered pizza and we had fun sitting around and eating and talking. It was a diverse group, so it was interesting. I am glad we went…so that Hubby could work hard. Again, I didn’t do much of anything. Oh, I did un-tangle the water hose and helped with that! I am just not much into gardening. Oh well! So, FAB and I left and Hubby and I-Man stayed until past dark. They got home and we put I-Man in the tub immediately. That little boy had mulch in his pants, in his ears…..just about everywhere! Bless his heart! His butt was black from sliding down that pile! But he had fun!

Saturday morning….we got up and I conned Hubby into making eggs, bacon and hash browns for breakfast. Then we RUSHED to I-Man’s soccer game. Actually, they had to leave without me because I was rushing to get everyone else ready but wasn’t ready myself! Oh well… his game was great! This was the best he has played. He really got into it! I did get some cute pictures of him playing. He is so funny because his favorite coach is Coach Mike and so he won’t hardly listen to any of the other coaches. Too funny. So, after his game, we went home and cleaned the house…and then took off to his t-ball practice. It was such a beautiful day on Saturday. FAB was so tired that she fell asleep in the sun at t-ball! We walked home…she slept the whole way…then we got home and I put her in her bed and she woke up. So, she only had a 30 minute nap….GREAT! We rushed and got ready and left for Bug’s birthday party. He is the son of my cousin who married my best friend from high school. So, we got to the party and thought we were late…but really we were 10 minutes early! I had the time wrong! Oh well! So, that was an interesting party. Three of my other friends from high school were there…two of them are pregnant and one of them (a guy) is gay. They talked a lot about drinking and how much the two that are pregnant miss drinking and then the gay guy wanted to make sure we knew he was gay and was telling me about a new job he just got….and then he threw in there where his boyfriend lived. SO, that seemed unnecessary…but whatever! So, it was interesting to say the least! I just sat there at one point and thought how grateful I am that my life turned out like it has and that I married a man who is a Christian and we have a wonderful life together and a wonderful church family. I wish that Sister or some of the rest of my family had been there…but they don’t invite everyone to their parties. It wasn’t bad….just awkward. The kids had fun though…even with a few mis-haps. I-Man hit Bear (Bug’s little brother) in the head with the bat when he was swinging at a ball. And FAB fell off the ladder to the swing-set and has a bruise on her face. She is one tough cookie! So, we got home from the party and gave the kids baths and put them to bed. They were pooped after our busy day…..and so were we! I did watch the movie “Monster-In-Law”…that is a cute movie. Then I went to bed!

Sunday…we got up and rushed for church. The kids slept in later than normal, so we had to rush more than normal. I was in the nursery for Sunday School and church hours…so I didn’t really feel like I was at church. Plus, we had to rush out of there because I was meeting KK and walking in the “Walk for Women’s Wellness” yesterday. So, in the nursery….TT was supposed to help me in SS, but she didn’t show up. So, thank goodness Debbie stayed with me! Thanks so much Debbie!!!! And I had to do the attendance books, so Tammy stayed with Debbie so I could go do that real quick. It was crazy! The kids were all wound up during worship….and we didn’t get to go out and see the baptism, but we watched it on the TV (no sound, though…what is that all about?). Then we rushed home. The walk was nice…I took FAB and she rode in her wagon. KK took her little boy and he had a ball entertaining FAB. It was at a historic park here in Dayton. I have never been there before but I am definitely going back! They have an old village you can walk through that has museums and stuff. It was REALLY cool. I know that I-Man would like it because it has old cars and airplanes and bikes. Really neat! I never knew it was like that. They had people dressed in vintage (period) clothing walking around. It was neat! So, anyways…we had a good time. After that, we got home and took a short nap and then it was time for the children’s program at church. I-Man didn’t sit still very well, but FAB did. It was a cute program…but I agree with HBM, the sound was really bad. It was hard to understand. I always get teary eyed at those things….I just think it is so awesome to see those kids praising the Lord. I thought it was especially neat that we had a quite a few kids that only attend Wednesday night church. So, it is a great outreach. And then there parents come to the programs….we are planting seeds! Detergent was recruiting for Camp Extreme at the dinner afterwards. I volunteered to be a secretary. I will probably end up doing other things too, but that is what I volunteered for right now. Hubby is going to teach too. I guess if they have the 2 year old class again this year that FAB will be “old-enough” for that. But I don’t know if she is ready for that. She doesn’t hardly talk yet! We’ll see! Anyways…so after that we came home and Hubby played with the kids in the backyard for a while. I took a bunch of pictures. The kids were being so cute. Then I-Man took some pictures…he loves to take pictures with the digital camera. So cute. Then Hubby went to Men’s group. The kids played for bit and then I put FAB to bed and I-Man went shortly there after. Desperate Housewives was interesting last night. I don’t know about that show. It is funny….but in a distorted kind of way.

SO, that was my weekend! Like I said, I feel like all we did was run! I really can’t wait for vacation next week!!! Have I mentioned that before?!?!?!

I really want to ask for prayers for KK and her husband. She actually called off today for a “mental health day”. Things are really strained between them right now and it seems that her husband is pulling away from everything right now. Like I have said before, they are approaching their 15th anniversary (next week) and have just been having a rocky time over the past few weeks. I mean, like they are not talking. She actually told him to go stay at his mom’s house for a while. He didn’t go, because they have two kids and they don’t want the kids to know that something is wrong…but it is weighing very heavy on her heart. He won’t talk to her so she doesn’t know how to fix it. They have planned (before this started) to go out of town this weekend to see Joel Olsteen (the preacher from Texas) in Columbus this weekend. He has mentioned that he is not going…but they both need the time away together and what a better thing to do than to go hear a sermon from a powerful preacher. So, I know I can confide in you all (plus most of you don’t even know her). But she….they really need all the prayers they can get. I have never seen her like this before. So, thank you in advance for adding them to your prayer list. It is weighing heavy on my heart because I don’t know what to say to help her, other than to tell her that I am praying.

Well, I better get to work! I hope you all have a great Monday and I will talk to you soon! Love you!


Jodi said...

I-man's soccer is over this weekend?? agh! I definately nned to get up there this Saturday if possible! I know that there will be many more events like this in years to come...but it just seems like it's a can't miss thing, ya know? oh the guilt of living far away during this kind of stuff! grr

and I thought for a while Not-Matt was claiming that he was un-gay? lol...was the other friend the grumpy friend? I didn't know she was preggers too! how funny...ya'll preggers together! And I know what ya mean about being thankful about how blessed and how far God has brought you...cuz I can totally "yaya" group of girlfriends down here aren't Christians and sometimes it just makes me so sad for them because life isn't meant to be lived without God and those that try it are only fooling themselves...and there by the grace of God would I be...

I will be keeping KK in my prayers too...

and I hope you all have a fabulous vacation!!

Sara said...

I feel for KK and I will definitely be praying!

Sounds like you had another busy weekend! I'm glad things will slow down for you after this weekend and of course you'll be on vacation!!!!! Not that I'm envious or anything....

Well, if you didn't help plant flowers, at least you were being a supporter! I didn't know anything about it. How am I missing these things??? Anyway, it was good to see you on Sunday, even if in passing in the parking lot! Love ya!

Kelley said...

That's so wierd because when I saw some of my old high school friends that have a blog....they are all either gay, have very wierd lives or just got out of jail!! LOL! Not all of them...but a big handful of them!!!!

I'm sorry about KK and her hubby. Do you know (and you don't have to tell me) if there is a specific strain....financially, spiritually, family??!?!?!!? Is there something that one wants that the other doesn't? I'm just asking because that is a big thing this day and age....selfishness. Could be on both parts, but that seems to pull people away a lot...especially looking at how long they have been married. I'll pray for them....maybe she'll come to church!!! I hope they get to see Joel Olsteen this weekend. That would be good for both of them.

What time is the game on Saturday?

Lots of Love!

SebbieDue said...

Cat and I have lived through some pretty heavy stuff, and we're still together, by the grace of God! The enemy does not want families to survive, and so focuses many, if not most of his attacks on tearing them down. Does KK know that? I know it helped me to be able to understand that Satan was behind the scenes pulling strings. It turned my focus to God, to wearing my armor and to prayer, and away from human frailty and hurt. I am amazed at what God has done!

I just shake my head, thinking about all the years I didn't live for God, and now that I know who He is, and what He's done, I just can't believe I was so blind for so long! He is so GOOD!

Thank you for volunteering for Camp Xtreme!! We are going to be so short-handed this year. Due to vacations and other things, several families are unavailable. Oh, and btw, there won't be a 2yo class this year. They about drove L. to the looney bin last year. It was just too much. So the nursery will include the 2s this year, and the age breakouts will be much like the SS classes are now, including 3yos - 5th graders.

You're welcome about the nursery. That's a tough place to be alone! BTDT!

Oh, and I didn't know about the gardening either. Was it in the newsletter? Oh well, I missed the last one too. Phooey.

Have a great rest of your week! Counting down hours to vacation yet? Much love!