Ramblings of the Mommy of three beautiful "Angelkids" (as dubbed by their Papaw). I have been married to Scott for 12 years and we have 3 Angelkids - Isaac (11), Faith (8) and Gracie (6). I am not perfect, but I am a Princess - Daughter of the King of Kings!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
We Found Out, and.......
I will update more later, but wanted everyone to know! Anyone from church that has Diamond's email address, can you send her a quick email? She wanted me to let her know..but I don't have her email address.
Love you all!!!!!
Thursday, May 25, 2006
2nd Post Today
Well, yesterday was very interesting! I had a fine day at work…Hubby ended up not going to work yesterday. He spent the day doing yard work. Just all the stuff (like mulching) that we usually have done by now…but we haven’t had time to do it. So, he ended up picking up the kids! So, I got home and finished straightening up the house lighting candles and stuff like that. Then Hubby and the kids got home…we ate dinner…Hubby talked to his Grandpa and he wasn’t sure how to get to our house…so Hubby was going to go meet him up the road. Well, Hubby and I went outside to look at his nice landscaping job and to fill up our birdfeeder and low and behold, his Grandpa and Step-Grandma pulled up! SO, we weren’t quite ready for them yet…but I cleaned up dinner dishes really quickly and it was fine. They looked around at our house and seemed very impressed with it. Then we went outside and sat on the back porch for a while. The kids were being shy…I mean, I-Man was playing in the yard, but not really talking to them. And FAB was being very shy. But they were okay.
So, here is where it starts to get a little weird. I was sitting with his Step-Grandma and his Grandpa was playing in the yard with I-Man. Well, I mentioned to her that we had met two of her kids at a wedding a few years ago. I asked a simple question…”Didn’t your daughter and her husband live on a houseboat for a while?” I had remembered that because I thought it was really neat…and they were neat people. Well, her response was very weird…..like “They might’ve”…and it was just weird. Well, I proceeded to ask her a few other questions …and she stumbled with all of them. Well, we came inside and Hubby and his Grandpa went out front to look at FIL’s truck (it is parked here while he is on vacation). She had all night been commenting on how pretty FAB is and how sweet. Well, I asked her if her Sister (who they are staying with here) lives in Centerville…I knew she did but was just trying to make conversation…and she looked at me and then started saying….”well, no…not Center Florida….she lives South of Naples…what is the name of that town South of Naples?”….I changed the subject. Then she asked me if I had other kids besides FAB. So, I knew something was up.
After they left, Hubby says..”Oh, I probably should’ve told you. She has Alzheimers.”. REALLY??? Yes…he should’ve told me. Poor woman! She probably thought I was weird. If I would’ve known…I wouldn’t have asked her so many questions. How sad. His Grandpa told him (when they were outside) that it is getting worse and it is getting harder and harder for him to take care of her. She doesn’t even know who he is sometimes. I guess the other night she said to him “I hope I’m not keeping you from something. It is very nice of you to come and spend time with me like this.” They were sitting and watching TV…and have been married for over 35 years. His Grandpa also gave him some money….and when he gave it to him he held his hand and looked in his eyes and said “You have a good wife. You better hold onto that woman. Don’t follow your Dad and my footsteps.” That is pretty neat. He was very concerned about me when he was here….I didn’t sit still very long…part of that is just nervous energy and I am a hostess….but the other part was chasing after the kids. He kept telling me to sit down and rest since I had worked all day too.
So, it was a very nice visit. What is very bizarre to me is that watching him talk and listening to him and just looking at him is like looking at an older version of FIL. I mean, I know they should look alike – they are father and son….but to have the same mannerisms and expressions when they have spent very little time together…really no time in FIL’s adult life. It was very weird. Like the way he laughed….the way he squinted his eyes…..just his mannerisms in general. Unreal. He likes to talk…so it was interesting! I am glad they came over….he might take Hubby golfing before he leaves. I could tell that Hubby was very glad they came over. They took pictures of us before they left. I didn’t think to take one of them with my camera…..that was dumb! Oh well!!
So, then it was soon time for AI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHHOOO! First of all, I thoght it was a great finale show. I loved the awards thing they did…and the way they brought out special people….especially what they did with Clay. That was really cool. Hubby said that he heard Clay had come out of the closet…is that true? I don’t think it is. And I am not a Prince fan…but it was pretty cool to have him a part of the show too! And then, of course….when Taylor won…I was beside myself!!! LOVE him. And I kept getting more and more excited about seeing them all in concert last night. I bet it will be a fun show. However, I thought they had Paris sing too much…she almost sang as much as Kat and Taylor! But it was a great finale! SOUL PATROL!
So…work was fine. I ended up working in my office until 12:00 and then coming home to work from here for the afternoon. FAB started running a low-grade fever last night and still has it today. I am not sure what is going on…but I didn’t want to take her to SQ’s if there is something wrong. I think it is just her teeth…she is acting fine (a little more whiney than normal)….but drooling a ton. So, it is probably just teeth. Hopefully!
Anyways, I got home and the kids and Hubby were playing outside. We came in and were getting lunch for the kids when Hubby’s friend Jason stopped over with his daughter (this is a different Jason than you all know…not the hottey that was in our wedding). His daughter will be 2 next week…so she and FAB play very well together. They played for a bit and then he left….Hubby went to work…FAB went to sleep…I-Man played games and/or watched TV…and I have been working. I wish I could come home and work every afternoon! That would be GREAT! But not realistic!
So, I-Man is supposed to have a t-ball game tonight. Am I a bad mother? I hope the rain starts before his game so we get out of it. It is only the 2nd game…so that isn’t good. But it will be better next week when KK and her Hubby are there….they can be in charge and we can just enjoy it!
Other than that…that is about it! Please see my prayer request below for HBM and Elvis. Love you all and I will talk to you soon!!!!
Please pray for Elvis and his family. HBM and Elvis are leaving this afternoon for Tennessee so that they can be with their family. HBM is having to step into a role she isn't used to - that of the support for her Husband who has always been her support in situations such as this. Elvis has never experienced the death of a close family member/friend before, so this will be very hard for him - and for HBM as she is also close to his Grandparents.
Just remember them in your prayers and thoughts as they travel to be with family and that God's will be done in the situation with his Grandma.
Thanks Girls! I know that our prayers do make a difference and that HBM and Elvis will feel them! Love you all!!!!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Hump Day!
Let’s see….well, after work yesterday, I went and picked up the kiddos. They were in rare form. Both I-Man and C-Man had t-ball games last night…so they were excited and bouncing off the walls with excitement. So, I got the kids home…fed them a quick “snack” and then Hubby came home and we were off to the first t-ball game.
Let me tell you, it was an experience! In Pony T-Ball, everybody gets to bat in the inning…so, since we had 13 kids on our team and they had 15 kids on their team….they each only got to bat twice! Also in T-Ball, you get to run one base at a time (even if they by some miracle get you “out”). And the last batter gets to run all the bases. So, it was fun. It really is just about getting kids comfortable with the concept and having fun while doing it. KK and her husband (who is the COACH) are out of town…so it was just me and Hubby. Well, thankfully when we got there, many of the other parents helped out…especially since Hubby and I had never been to a T-Ball game before…and neither had the other coach of the other team! SO, THANK GOODNESS that one of the Dad’s on our team had been a coach last year…he was a lifesaver! My job was to keep the kids in the right order on the bench and make sure they didn’t kill each other while they were sitting there…oh! And it was also my job to put their batting helmets on them. It was fun….but I was exhausted afterwards!!!! Then, I had to go turn in the candy money….it was a busy night with I-Man’s activity!!!!
I-Man did really good, though. His first time that he got to go home…he decided to do some sort of a slide-thing. Well, he was wearing SHORTS….so he skinned his knee up a bit. He didn’t cry (because that wouldn’t have been cool), but I had to put water on it to clean it and then a bandaid. But he did really good hitting the ball…and then he played “2nd Base” and did pretty good when the ball was hit to him. I was so proud! FIL was there and he helped out by being a base-coach. I was proud of him because I thought he would for sure try to take over and tell Hubby what to do…but he didn’t! And MIL was there and she really helped by watching FAB. So, it was a good evening!!!
Tonight, Hubby’s biological grandpa (that is what I call him because it is his dad’s dad, but he wasn’t a big part of their lives, like his step-grandpa was) is coming over to visit. He lives in Naples, Florida and is up here visiting his brother or someone…..so, that should be interesting! I have only met him once…..I think 3 years ago and he made a comment then about how overweight Hubby and I are…so I wonder what he will say this time! He also kinda ignored me last time…turned his back from me to talk to Hubby…so I hope he doesn’t stay long. BUT….it is nice that he is coming to visit. The weird thing is….he isn’t going to see FIL while he is here….only us! That is one weird family. He doesn’t get along with FIL – never really has. And since FIL left MIL, he hasn’t even talked to him. So, it will be an interesting evening, that much is for sure. I just hope he leaves before AI starts!
Okay…so AI was great last night! I got so excited about going to that concert while I was watching it!!!! That is going to be so much fun! Taylor did AWESOME…and I thought it was obvious that the judges, the audience…and even the former Idol contestants were cheering for Taylor. So, hopefully he wins! I will be very disappointed if Kat wins….VERY! But…I really can’t say anything because I didn’t vote! I almost did last night…but then I just went to bed instead!
Well, that is about it! Have a great day…..keep Minnie in your prayers as she interviews for this teaching position today. Love you all!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
WARNING: Venting contained!!!
So, where did I leave off? Sunday was a good day. We got up and went to church…that was good. The message was great. I got really hot during our first or maybe second song and I almost just walked off the stage…but I held on. I think it was because the first song took so much breathing! Speedy…now I know how you felt when we sang “Arise” and I made fun of you! GEESH! But anyways, the sermon was really good and the video was neat. We can’t be reminded enough to turn down the “noise” in our lives and truly listen to what God is telling us. It was great.
After church, we went home and changed clothes and then headed over to Minnie’s house. Let me tell you, her Hubby can cook! We had a grill-out and it was very, very yummy. My Hubby is still talking about how good everything was! We were teasing them and telling them that we are going to invite ourselves over more often! It was yummy! And we had a good time. The kids all had fun….but they were all getting tired towards the end. It was just fun to hang out with Minnie and her family and SQ and her family! We missed HBM and her family, though! And like I said….the food was GREAT! Oh, Minnie had asked us to bring our corn-hole game….now I remember why we don’t play that very often. It is too hard with little kids around! They want to climb on the thing or get in the way of where you are throwing the bean bags….it was not fun. So, that reminded me why that game is only good when the kids aren’t around or when they are distracted by something else!!!!
After that, we went home and took naps. Then I got up and went and mowed my parents yard. I am stubborn and told Hubby that I could do it even though I am pregnant. Well, I did it…but I won’t be doing it again. It was just harder than I though it would be! Oh well. I enjoy doing that. But I won’t do it again this summer!!!!
Then I came home and Hubby went to Men’s Group. I-Man was a very sweet boy on Sunday night. Who knows where that came from? Anywho, I watched the season finale of Desperate Housewives. That was very good! I just love that show. Then I went to bed!
Yesterday, I got up for work. It was VERY hard to get up so early…but I did! I got into work and had a very busy day! I had to try to dig out of all my emails plus we had a meeting yesterday. So, I had to do the last minute stuff for that and then sit in the meeting all afternoon. So, it was a very busy day! I was so ready to go home at the end of it!
I went and picked up the kids. I talked to Aunt Chatty Cathy for a bit and she recommended that we not try to surprise Mom & Dad with their anniversary party. They are so very last minute and you just never know when Dad will have to work, so in order to have them at their party…she thought we should just tell them. So, I called Sister and she agreed. She called Mom and we are on our way to a 40th Anniversary Party! We have the date….it is going to be at my house…..now we just have to figure out what we are going to do for food and what we can afford, blah, blah, blah. But! I am excited! Neither of us have a lot of money…but Hubby keeps reminding me that this is for my parents – who took care of me and still take care of us! So, it is good that he is supporting that! We want to make it nice…but still affordable! I would love to have it catered because then we wouldn’t have to worry about the food….but we have to find something within our budget! So, that is going to be fun!
Anyways…so Sister and I talked about that and then I fed the kids a quick dinner and then we went to Hubby’s softball game. He is playing with the church team. Well, let’s just say this….they have the best cheering section! They got run-ruled, but they were having fun and again, they have the best fans! Boss was there and brought candy for all the kids….she is just the greatest! I-Man was really getting into the game and having fun cheering for his Daddy. It was fun.
MIL was there….she told me that FIL called her and asked her to check on his house next week while he and his wife are on vacation. She told him she would. I told her that she should’ve told him to go fly a kite! That is just weird….and his neighbor is going to have a key to the house and will be checking on their dogs 2 –3 times a day. So, why does he need her to check on it too? So bizarre! That women is on my LAST NERVE. Hubby called her last night and asked her to watch the kids this Saturday night for PT practice….she can’t because she has plans. So, then he asked her about other Saturday nights…..since we won’t have child-care at church anymore…..and she said that she wasn’t giving up any of her Saturday nights. Okay…so I know that Saturday nights are a night that a lot of people have plans and what-not and it can be inconvenient to have a church thing every Saturday night…and I didn’t think she would do it every Saturday night….but the way in which she says it…..it just looks like her social life is more important to her than her grandkids. She doesn’t spend time with them any other time except for the OCCASIONAL Saturday morning or Sunday afternoon…and that is VERY occasional. It is just weird. And besides, normally she doesn’t go out until later anyways! I just don’t know about her. Then, today, she sent me this email talking about how ungrateful my Hubby is because he gets so upset at the one-time she tells him she can’t help him. She actually said all of her kids were ungrateful. I am not even going to reply to that email because if I do…I will DEFINITELY say something that I will regret! I can’t even tell you the last time she watched our kids BECAUSE WE ASKED HER TO…..she only watches them when it is convenient for her. I am about at my wits end. Oh….and then she emails me today and asks me to go to Nurse’s wedding with her and SIL….they are driving up the night before. Well, the night before Nurse’s wedding is FAB’s birthday……so I am not leaving my baby girl on her birthday. So, I told her that. So, then she emails me back and says that she knew it was FAB’s birthday…she didn’t forget…..and why can’t we just have a joint birthday party for FAB and me on Sunday (my birthday). I want to tell her to go fly a kite. Not because I don’t think that is a good idea….but because again, it is all about her and her social life. Okay…I really need to stop now. But she has me fuming today…can you tell?
So, I got way off track. Today has been a good day at work so far. I am getting more caught up….although I have a long way to go. But, I would rather be busy than bored!
Umm….I guess that is about it for today! Sorry for the tantrum about my MIL. She just really gets to me sometimes. Hubby was very upset with her last night…and I am REALLY trying to keep my mouth shut. I know that I am fortunate…some people don’t have their MIL’s in their lives….or have worse situations than mine…so I am not trying to be ungrateful. I do love her…..I just don’t GET her sometimes, ya know?
Well, I better get back to work. I am sure I am leaving somethings out….but oh well! Tonight is I-Man’s first t-ball game. Hubby and I are the coaches because KK and her family are out of town on vacation. This should be very interesting! I hope it all goes smoothly!!!
Have a great day and I will talk to you all soon! Love ya!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Busy Day!
So, we left there and FAB and I dropped Hubby and I-Man off at the house and headed out to some garage sales. We went to this church one up the road and I bought a bouncey-seat/toddler rocker thing for $4.00. It looks brand new…and still had the box even…so I think I got a good deal! We left there and went in search of the one that Sebbiedue told us about…I couldn’t find it because I thought it was on David Road, but it was on Far Hills Road….so we just drove around and looked at other sales. We saw some “illegal ones” as my Dad calls them…and I did see a nice car seat at one…but it was $50! I could buy a brand new one for that much! So, Hubby called me and told me where the one Sebbiedue was talking about was at. We went there and they had one car-seat left (it looked like they probably had a lot…but they had been sold already). It was an off-brand and didn’t have a base…so I didn’t buy it. SO! We only spent $4.00! That isn’t bad…and it is a really nice thing. FAB can sit in the rocker thing and she likes it. I don’t want her to get too attached to it before the baby gets here, though.
So, we came home and I packed lunches for all of us and we headed out for I-Man’s t-ball pictures. They were running behind and we were starting to panic that we would miss the putt-putt thing. So, we asked to move I-Man’s pictures up to the front of the line and they did. So, the kids and I ate our lunches in the van while Hubby bought the pictures and then we were off to putt-putt!
It was a very cheap outing…only $4.50 per adult and I-Man was free! And that was for 36 holes of golf! I think that 18 would’ve been enough…but it was cheap and I-Man had fun! Many Kids and her family were in front of us and HBM and her family were behind us. It was fun. I wish we could’ve spent more time with everyone…but it is kinda hard to do that at an event like that. MIL was there and she watched FAB during the 2nd round of 18 holes….so that was nice.
We left there and headed to Dairy Queen. We had good company and good ice cream there…and then came home. FAB went right to sleep – it was way past her naptime! Hubby went to work for a bit…I-Man was playing games….I did some housework and then we all got together and grilled out and ate outside at the picnic table. We had a nice dinner!
Then we headed off to PT practice. It was good to be back up on stage again and singing with HBM again. There were some “argghhhh!!!!!” moments at practice…but overall, it was good. I just have a really hard time breathing. Oh well! We are having a hard time finding someone to take care of the kids during practices….I am hoping that MIL will watch our kids…but I seriously doubt she will commit to doing it every Saturday night. It cuts into her social life and bar hopping too much. I am having a really bad attitude about her again….I guess I just don’t understand how she chooses her boyfriend over my kids so much. I understand that she needs to have a social life…but it seems to me that she picks her boyfriend over my kids way more than the other way around. I am having a hard time not being vocal about it to Hubby…..but…I bet when SIL’s baby is born, she will have to watch her baby a lot….so maybe that is what she is thinking. Who knows! Anyways….if MIL can’t watch our kids every Saturday, then either Hubby or I will have to take turns sitting out of PT to be with the kids. Although, I don’t know how long I will stay up on stage anyways with the pregnancy. I am really trying to listen to God and be obedient to what He wants me to do…..I know that sounds weird…but maybe this is God’s way of telling me something. We’ll see! At any rate, it was great to be up there singing again tonight. And we are singing some really good songs!!!
We came home from PT and I sat and played with FAB for a bit. She is so stinking cute! Hubby called MIL and I-Man is spending the night with her tonight. She hasn’t seen much of the kids lately…so she just came and picked him up. I doubt she will get much time with him tonight because he has to be tired. He had no nap today…he got up early and we have been running all day! But oh well! Hopefully they make it to Sunday School in the morning! She couldn’t handle FAB too….plus FAB was already in bed when she got here. I told Hubby to tell his mom that we had plans after church tomorrow…otherwise she would get her panties in a pinch if we don’t have lunch with them. Can you tell she is on my nerves?!?!?!? Oh well!!!!!!!!
SO! That is about it! I am going to be a busy hostess in June! Whatever weekend (of the two we are tossing around) that Sister and I don’t throw my parent’s anniversary party, I am going to be throwing my SIL’s “family” baby shower! Lord knows Hubby’s other sister won’t throw her a shower…cuz she is a mooch…so I guess that leaves me! I am just waiting for someone at the church to approach me about throwing her a church shower….but I don’t think I should have to do that one too! And besides…HBM told me that it wasn’t proper etiquette for me to do that. So, we will see!
Well, I am really rambling now. I am pretty tired. I think I am going to find a movie to watch and go to bed! I will see most of you tomorrow! Love ya and have a great night and a great Worship tomorrow!
Friday, May 19, 2006
Last Day of Vacation :(
Anywho, like I said….I am enjoying the last few hours of vacation. Yesterday, we didn’t do much of anything! Like I told you, I-Man didn’t want to go anywhere…and it was so rainy. We just took it easy around the house all day and that was so nice. I can’t even tell you the last time we did that! When Hubby got home from work, he took I-Man to the grocery and FAB and I just played and played until it was time for her to go to bed. She can be so sweet and adorable sometimes…and a pure brat others! Today, I saw this shirt for I-Man (didn’t buy it…but I should’ve) that said “I’m the Good Kid…My sister’s the brat!”. I thought some people might find that shirt offensive…but it is true sometimes! She aggravates him and we get on him for aggravating her…but if you really watch, she eggs him on! What a little Diva. And then she just sits back and laughs when he gets in trouble. I bet I did that to my sisters too….right JJ?
So, anyways….yesterday was a day full of a whole lot of nothing! It was wonderful!!!! Today, the kids slept in until after 9:00…yep! You read that right, 9:00! That is SOOOOO unlike my kids…but I LOVED it! We got up and had waffles (the frozen kind..not the Josy kind) and then I got ready and got the kids ready and we went to meet Minnie and her girls at Chic-F-Le. We had a good time. FAB finally went all the way up in the playland thing and then she wouldn’t come down. I-Man and Pretty tried to coax her and help her down, but she wouldn’t do it. Truthfully? She was pooping! SO, anyways, Minnie was kind enough to go up in there and get her. Bless her heart. So, we all went to the bathroom…what a fiasco…and Minnie was kind enough to remind me that soon I would be doing that with 3 little ones. Thanks Minnie!!!! Then we headed to the mall. We had a good time…rode the Merry Go Round and did some shopping and then headed home. It was fun! I haven’t done that in a long time.
We came home…FAB fell asleep on the way home…and then I put her in her crib for a nap and I-Man went outside to play soccer. I sat out there and watched him and made some calls for the party. My sister and I are going to throw my parent’s a 40th Anniversary Party. Well, it looks like it is going to be at my house because all of the Kettering and Beavercreek parks are booked for the dates we need. We are going to look into renting a tent…cuz that would be nice to have in case it rains. I love hosting parties, so it will be fun, even if it is a lot of work. We only have a month to pull this off. We aren’t sure if it will be a surprise or not. Our parents are hard to surprise because they are very “fly-by-the-seat-of-their-pants” and also Dad has crazy work hours…so we might have to tell them in order to ensure they will be here. We haven’t figured that out exactly yet. We are going to wait until the cruisers get back and ask Aunt Chatty Cathy if she thinks we can pull it off…..Sister has this cool idea of playing the Newlywed Game with our parents and the cruisers (or some of them)….so it should be a fun party. And she wants dancing….because no party of my mom’s would be right without dancing! So, it should be a good time. We’ll see! I wish we had more money to do this with…but neither of us are rich…..so we will do the best we can!
So, anyways….I was making calls about that and then we came inside…..HBM had a good idea to go see a movie tonight. Well, FAB wouldn’t do well at a movie, so I told her we couldn’t go. But when Hubby came home, we decided that I-Man and I would go on a date to see “Over the Hedge”…so we did! It was funny. Although, I-Man told me that we were not on a date because “dates are for boys who get married”. Hubby and I asked him if we could get that in writing. What a funny kid! Anyways, so I-Man and I did that and then we came home. It was a good idea…thanks HBM!
So, that is about it! FAB is in bed….Hubby is off picking his sister up from work and taking her home….boy she needs to get a car! And get this….MIL left work early today because she wasn’t feeling well….but she is out bar-hopping with her boyfriend tonight. NICE. Did I say that out-loud? Sorry. I-Man is watching Scooby Dooby. Did I tell you all that he decided if we have a boy that we would name the boy I-Man and rename him Scooby Dooby. What a silly kid?!??!
I am off to work on a blanket for SIL’s baby. It is just one of those fleece things…so don’t get too excited! She bought some fleece on clearance and asked me to make it for her.
Hopefully I will get to the great sale that Sebbiedue told me about via email tomorrow. We’ll see! Hubby is going to mow the yard, so I will have to bring the kiddos. And then we have t-ball pictures and then putt-putt golf with church…and then PT practice! Hopefully it is a beautiful day tomorrow!
Y’all have a great night and I will “talk to you” later! Love ya!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Still on Vacation!!!
Let’s see….Saturday morning, we got up and went to Crackerbarrell with MIL, SIL and our family. We gave MIL her Mother’s Day present since we were leaving later that day. I think we decided to do that every year for Mother’s Day. It was so nice and not crowded….she really enjoyed that more than trying to figure out what to do on Mother’s Day. That was nice! We left there and finished packing our stuff and the van (no, I didn’t get my clothes that I had ordered!). Then we went to I-Man’s soccer game. They only got half of it in before it started POURING DOWN RAIN and HAIL. It only lasted a few minutes…but enough to call the game. At least my parents got to see I-Man play! We came home and changed his clothes and then we were off on vacation! The kids did great on Saturday with the driving. We stopped when FAB was getting restless, which was at Richmond, Kentucky. That is where Hubby wanted to stop anyways. So, we got a hotel room at a Holiday Inn Express (it was really nice) and ordered pizza and went swimming and had a great first night! I-Man and I had fun playing in the pool with a couple of other little girls. FAB didn’t want to have anything to do with the pool. Good thing we didn’t spend a lot of money on a hotel in Pigeon Forge with an indoor pool! She was TERRIFIED of it. Oh well.
We got up on Sunday and Hubby and the kids showered me with Mother’s Day hugs, kisses, cards and a devotional book. Then Hubby and I-Man went and got breakfast for all of us. We had a nice morning and then were on the road! The kids were more restless this time….I-Man just wanted to be there!!!! We FINALLY got there and we had lunch at the A&W Rootbeer Stand…went to Wal-Mart….and then went to check-in. Well, check-in time wasn’t until 4:00 and it was only 3:00…so we headed back into Pigeon Forge and the kids rode rides. I-Man and Hubby did the “Wild Woody Race Cars”….race cars on a wooden track. I wanted to do it but it said that if you were pregnant, you couldn’t do it. And truth be told, I am not sure how I would’ve gotten down into the car and out again. Then they rode other rides….we spent $35 in a matter of minutes! GEESH! They had fun..that is all that matters. We headed to our room and it was VERY NICE! First thing, FAB drops the remote control on the tile floor and it breaks into many pieces. So, the phone rings and it is the front desk making sure everything is fine….so I tell them about the remote and within 10 minutes we had a new remote! Cool. So, we un-packed and then headed out for dinner. We went into Gatlinburg to the Texas Roadhouse. YUM! But, FAB was about to expire….so dinner was no fun. We had to take turns eating and walking around with her. Oh well. The service was great….they have sweet tea everywhere…it was fine. Oh, side-bar….as we are driving into downtown Gatlinburg, we see Girlie Mom’s younger SIL. Very funny!!!! So, after dinner we head back to the resort and the kids play on the cool playground for a while. Well, this might be severe overshare, but we get back to the room and we have to use the bathroom….well, the toilet clogs. NICE! We can’t get it to go down. So, I call the front desk and tell them we need a plunger. Well, 15 minutes go by and it is now emergency because I-Man has to go potty and blah, blah, blah. SO, we call again. They say someone is on their way and sure enough, here comes the same man who changed our remote for us. A plunger doesn’t work…so he had to go get a snake. JOY! How embarrassing! Trouble was…the toilet bowl was shaped funny and that was the real problem. Lesson learned. We have made a GREAT impression…I tell the guy that we hope we don’t see him again the rest of the week. He was very nice…..but geesh! We watched the Survivor finale. I-Man was happy because he wanted Aras to win. Then we went to bed.
Monday…we got up and the kids had breakfast in the room. We decided to go up in the mountains. So, we drove up to Cherokee Point…where you are standing at the state lines of Tennessee, North Carolina and Virginia. It was 59 degrees in Gatlinburg when we started up…and 39 degrees at the top. We didn’t stay long, needless to say. But it was neat. FAB really liked the scenery and so did Hubby. He had never been up there before. So, we came back down and headed into Pigeon Forge. Hubby and I-Man rode the race cars again….FAB and I went to get tickets to the Black Bear Jamboree for that night….and then we all went to play Putt-Putt. That was a blast. Then we did a little shopping. We bought FAB a doll that is adorable! It looks like one of those American Girl dolls….but was less than half the price. I also got some buttons (or whatever they are called) for my crocs. I forgot to mention….before we left on Saturday, I went to a local store here and bought myself a pair of black crocs. I had been looking at them for a few weeks….KK bought a pair and she took me to look at them a while back. They didn’t have a pair in my size in the color I wanted….so I went back and they had them! I got a black pair. So, anyways….there was a croc store and I bought two buttons (one for each shoe) for my crocs. I wore those suckers the entire vacation! I LOVE them. I still think they are ugly…..very ugly…..but comfort supercedes looks and they are very comfortable! I have ingrown toenail issues and these are the bomb for that!!!!
Anyways…so after shopping for a bit, we decided to go back to the room to freshen up a bit before going to the Black Bear Jamboree. That was a GREAT show. After that, we went into Gatlinburg and walked around the downtown area. We had ice cream at Ben & Jerry’s and then did a little shopping. Then we went back to the room and went to bed. We were all pooped!!!!
Tuesday morning, we got up and got ready and went into Gatlinburg and had breakfast at that yummy pancake place. I got the French Toast and it was SOOOOO good. Then we walked around there for a bit and then headed into Pigeon Forge to do a little shopping. I forgot to mention that on Monday night, we stopped at the quilt place and I got a new quilt! Yahoo! It is very cute….it is in the pinwheel design. I got it off the clearance rack…so it was only $45 for a king-size quilt. I had to buy the pillow shams too…and those weren’t on clearance. Oh well!
Okay..so back to Tuesday. We went shopping a bit at the outlet malls. We got some good deals at Old Navy and the Disney store. Then we headed back to the room. Hubby and I-Man went swimming. They have a very nice HEATED outdoor pool. So, the boys had fun while FAB took a bit of a nap and I started packing up our stuff. I really got on Hubby’s nerves on this trip because I am so anal about keeping things neat and organized…..even when it isn’t our house! Oh well, can’t help it! So, after the boys got back from the pool, we all ended up laying down and taking a quick nap. We were worn out! Then we got up and went to Golden Corral….we decided that a quick place for the kids was better than trying to eat at a nice restaurant again. Not our first choice…but it made the kids happy! Then we went to the Comedy Barn. That was a GREAT show! It was very funny and the kids did great. I am glad we did that. I HIGHLY recommend that if you all go there with your families. It was fun and good, clean fun for the whole family.
After that, we went back to the room and crashed. Again, we were all very tired!!! We packed a lot into the few days we were there! It only rained once…and that was when we were at the Black Bear Jamboree, so it didn’t bother us a bit. It was just cloudy the whole time, but that was fine with us!
We got up on Wednesday, packed up all of our stuff and headed down the road! We took our time, stopping at a few places for the kids to play and stretch their legs. The funniest thing is that neither of the kids fell asleep until we were almost home. Those stinkers! Oh well…we made it home safely!
We got in and got everything un-packed (immediately because I am anal about that too) and then MIL came over with one of her sisters. They split some more of our haustas. Then Hubby mowed the yard….I took I-Man to church….FAB and I ran some errands…then came home and Hubby went and got I-Man. Then we watched AI….SIL came over because we had let her borrow our car while we were gone. So, she came over and then Hubby drove her home.
Today, again, we haven’t done much of anything! The kids are enjoying being home. I-Man actually told me he didn’t want to go anywhere! Funny kid. It looks like his t-ball game will be cancelled again tonight. His first game on Tuesday was cancelled too. Bummer! Hopefully they will get to play next week! His games are on Tuesday & Thursday nights. He is really looking forward to it!
Well, I think that catches you all up on our lives! Hubby did take his laptop, but it was so slow….I wasn’t patient enough to full with it.
OH! Isn’t my Mother’s Day/Birthday present from Sister the greatest!?!?!? I can’t wait to go to that! That will be sooooooo much fun! She is the bestest! I know you are all jealous of my great sister….my Mom will be so excited too!!!!!
I am off to get caught up on all of you! Hope you are all doing fine and I have certainly missed you all! I feel so out of the loop for missing a few days!!!!
Love you all!!!!
Friday, May 12, 2006
Happy Friday!!!! The day before my VACATION!
So, yesterday I left work early to go to my monthly doctor appointment. I got to hear the heartbeat again and then was on my way! I picked up the kids from SQ’s house…..FAB was so cute when we were leaving. She kept saying “Bye Babby” to A-Girl. So cute! She was having so much fun that she didn’t want to leave. I-Man was having fun too! A-Girl was tackling him, which he LOVES. So, they had fun. I think they were disappointed that they didn’t get to play very long. So, we went to the little grocery store in SQ’s town and then we headed home.
When we got home, I was so tired that I just didn’t do anything for the first hour that we were home. Then I got up and fed the kids dinner and made dinner for Hubby and I. Then I vacuumed the entire house and picked up the toys. Not sure why I bother with that because the toys are all over the place again! ARGH! I got a few things together for vacation….but I am going to pack tonight. I have ordered some carpis that I hope I get before we leave! I was counting on those since I don’t have very many “casual” pregnant pants. I have a lot of “work” preganant pants….but who wants to wear those on vacation? So, hopefully I get that stuff today or tomorrow!
I-Man’s t-ball was cancelled last night….and it isn’t looking good for Saturday’s t-ball practice and his last soccer game! He will be so upset if his soccer game is cancelled since my parents will be here! And it doesn’t look good for his first t-ball games next week either! Lots of rain in the forecast!!! Bummer for vacation…but I am not going to let it ruin our time! We will just find inside things to do! At least we will be together and I won’t be at work!
So, Survivor made me mad last night. I hate the way the ended it. Geesh! Between AI on Wednesday and Survivor on Thursday, my shows didn’t end the way I thought they would! It is a bummer that the season finale of Survivor is on Sunday night. We probably won’t get to see it. Maybe at least who wins and then we can watch the rest when we get back. Who knows? And…does it really matter?!?!??!
Umm…that really is about it! Not a whole lot to talk about today! I am hoping that Hubby takes his laptop on vacation so I can keep up with my journal pals! He actually has it all figured out now. He can do everything he needs to do by himself! I am so proud of him. He really has come so far with this job!!!!
Hopefully I will get out of here early so I can get all my shopping done and packing and everything else! I hope you all have a great Friday! Next time I talk to you…I will be on VACATION!!!!!
Love you….oh! And I am so happy that HBM has joined my “Vera Addict” club! I can’t wait to see her new stuff!!!!! I am telling you! You can’t beat the quality of that stuff!!!
Love you all!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
So, I realize that I might’ve over-reacted to AI last night….but I am still in shock. Oh well. It is just a show, right? I am sure that Chris will get a recording contract, so he will be okay. Life will go on. Funny how sucked into these reality shows I get. A little ridiculous, actually.
So! Only 1 more get-up until vacation! That is a groovy thing! I haven’t started packing yet or anything. That is stressing me out! I have a lot to do. My parents are coming up tomorrow to spend the day with the kids. I kinda hope they keep them overnight because that would give me more time to pack. On the way to work this morning I was thinking of all the things I need to do and starting to panic. Besides getting ready for vacation, I need to get Mother’s Day presents for both my mom and MIL. I know what MIL wants, so that shouldn’t be too hard. It is just a matter of getting it! And WHO KNOWS what to get my MIL. I also need to get my Secret Sister something and drop it off at the church…I will be surprised if I actually do that…but I need to. AND I need to get Nurse a present and either drop it off at the church or to Speedy’s house. SO much to do! PLUS I will want to spend some time with my parents when they are here. GEESH! How will I ever get it all done….oh, I will. I am just being silly! I am pretty sure that I-Man’s t-ball will be cancelled tonight…so that will help!
So, last night…I got home earlier than normal from work because my aunt had a doctor’s appointment or something. So, that was kinda nice. Hubby was home early too. He and I-Man ended up going down to the Reds game after all. And I am glad they did…it didn’t rain in Cincinnati! They had a good time. Hubby sent me pics from there and I talked to I-Man a few times. They had a great Daddy & Son night out. They didn’t get home until really late.
One time when I was talking to I-Man on the phone…he asked me to “please, please, please call him when Scooby Dooby came on so that I could tell him which Scooby Dooby it was that he was missing.” What a funny kid! The other time that I talked to him, I wasn’t very happy with him. I was calling Hubby to tell him that Chris got voted off of AI and I-Man would not give Hubby the phone. I was distraught and frustrated…..but then I-Man just wanted to chat about this and that. It was very funny. At one point I told him that I wasn’t going to talk to him, I was just going to sit there….and so I did, but he kept saying “Mommy….Hello? Mommy? Heeellllloooooo? Helllloooooooooo? “ Priceless. He is every bit as stubborn as I am. GREAT!
FAB and I had fun just hanging out last night too. I was supposed to teach at church, but I got there and we only had one kid…and they were going to watch Nemo. Their lesson was about bravery and then they were going to wach Nemo and how brave he was. So, FAB and I went home. We just played and she is such a cute kid. I had a hard time getting her to go to bed because she wanted to hug Daddy and Brother, but they weren’t there. So, I rocked her to sleep and she finally went down!
So, we had a sales call last night….and I usually just hang up on them immediately. Well, this guy had a very strong accent (like HBM only worse) and he was calling from Gatlinburg. So, I talked to him. He was very nice….actually he was born in Lewisburg and all of his family live around here…..I told him that he didn’t sound like he was from around here and he said “you do”. It was funny. So, anyways, I am a sucker. So, for $59 I bought a “vacation package”. Basically, we get 2 nights in a hotel, a $30 Gift Certificate for dinner, 2 tickets to a show and a coupon book to come down and listen to a time-share speil. Now, we will not buy the timeshare, we can’t afford it…but I think that Hubby and I can go down sometime between now and the end of the year and have a quick get-away for $59. I called Hubby and made sure it was okay and he was all over it. I know that if he had been the one to answer the phone, he would’ve done it without asking me. His good buddy that he works with and his wife are going down to Gatlinburg next weekend (the weekend after we are there) on the same kinda deal. So, I think it was a good deal. I talked to my mom last night and she said they would keep the kids whenever we want to go down and do that. I think it would be nice to do it after the baby is born……but I probably won’t want to leave the baby that soon. So, it will have to be before the baby, I think. We’ll see! That is sooooo not like me to do something like that.
So, after the shock of AI, I called Sister (who couldn’t talk to me because she was watching Lost) and then I called Mom. We commiserated over Chris being voted off. Neither of us are into his kind of music but we were shocked. We really thought he would win. So, as long as Katherine doesn’t win, I will be alright. But if she wins, I will be very upset!!!!!!
Then I went to bed. I don’t even remember Hubby and I-Man coming home. In fact, I woke up at 3:00 and saw that Hubby was in bed with me and then went back to sleep. That is not a good thing. The fact that I didn’t even wake up when he got into bed with me is scary! I mean, what if someone broke in? Would I wake up for that? Geesh!
Well, I have a doctor’s appointment today. No, it is not the ultrasound….that is on May 30th. This is just a normal check-up. Hopefully everything will be normal! Scrapbook Queen is going to watch our kids for a bit today. Girlie Mom was going to, but it sounds like Pretty might be sick….I hope not! So, thanks to both of them for helping us out. I don’t know what I would do without you Girls!
Have a great day and think Sunny thoughts…since it is so dreary!!!
OH….one thing I forgot….thanks for your prayers for KK and her Hubby. They worked. She shared with me this morning that they actually talked last night and worked a lot of things out. He is going to the Joel Olsteen thing with her and that will be great for them. They need that little get-away together!!!!! So, things are on the up-swing for them. Funny how different men are from women. The biggest issue for him is that she doesn’t initiate sex enough….actually I don’t think she ever does, according to our conversations. But then when he has been acting the way he has, it has certainly been the last thing on her mind. But that is so important to men……just funny how different we are. If you haven’t done so, I recommend reading the book “The Power of a Praying Wife”. Queen bought me that book and it really convicted me of how important that is in a marriage….that the wife initiates it every now and again. Just because God made us so different…..we have to keep that in mind. Remembering that their needs are different from ours…..well, you know what I mean. Anyways, that wasn’t the only problem, but it was the one that he was focusing on the most. So, they have talked and things are getting better. She could definitely feel our prayers. Thanks Ya-Yas!
Love you all!!!!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Now, I would probably NEVER buy a Chris Daughtery album...it is not my taste of music at all....but he is so talented that he deserves to be there more than she does!!! Geesh!
But, I guess I can't really complain because I didn't vote!
Now I just wonder who will make it to the final two. If Katharine does, I will be so disappointed. She doesn't do well under pressure.....and that is kinda important!
Still pulling for my personal favorite.....Taylor. But I would also be okay with Elliot winning. So, anyone but Katharine!
K....off my soapbox. Just had to share that I am STUNNED!!!!!!
Love you all!
My 100th Post!!!!
So, yeah….the lunch with Stinky Pete yesterday was interesting. I guess that after thinking back over the conversation, there are more things I could’ve/should’ve said….but at least the door is open now. This is the first time we have been asked for HONEST feedback. The key is how will he put it to action. Talk is cheap….he can apologize and tell us his plans….but until we SEE a difference in his actions, I am not going to get too excited. So, we will see!!!!
Not really a whole lot to talk about yesterday. After work, I picked up the kiddos and decided to go to Wal-Mart to get a few things for vacation. The kids cooperated for the most part. I got a basket thingy for the van to collect toys and books for the kids. FAB is one of those kids that always has to take something with her. So, she usually has books or toys or something every time we go someplace. I get so tired of that stuff all over the van…so I bought a basket on clearance for that. And let’s see….I bought a new little fan because I need one for my desk at work…it is going to be a hot summer for me! And we need it for vacation because we have to have our fan!!! I got I-Man a soccer goal that we saw at Bug’s party on Saturday and a new Scooby Dooby movie for vacation. The thing I was really looking for…I couldn’t find! My parents have a sleeping bag that has an air mattress in it for I-Man. It is a Bob the Builder thing and he has out-grown Bob….so I was looking for a new one. So, since we couldn’t find it there, we headed to Target. So, at Target, first of all I want to get FAB a pair of sandals that she will wear. SQ has given me some really cute sandals….but FAB cries for her tennis shoes when I try to put them on her. So, I thought maybe if we bought some Dora ones or something that she would wear them. Well, I was showing her a pair of Dora ones and even a pair that lit up and she liked them. So, I took her tennis shoe off and her sock and started to put the sandal on her. She threw a fit. So, I have figured out that she doesn’t like the feel without socks. So, she might not be a sandal girl until later. Isn’t that funny? She is a silly girl! So anyways….we headed to the toy aisle and I found the sleeping bag/air mattress thing I was looking for. They had some girly ones and then they had a Spiderman one for about $30….which is what I was figuring they would be. Well, I thought I-Man would pick the Spiderman one – but he really wanted Batman…they didn’t have that…..so instead he picked out a Mrs. Spider one. That is a show on Noggin or Nick Jr. Basically, it looks like a rainforest with pretty bugs on it. So, I don’t see a price for it…but figure it shouldn’t be more than the Spiderman one. So, we take it and the Spiderman one to a price checker thingy and it shows that it is $6.24. WHAT? That can’t be right! I check it a few times to be safe. I still didn’t really believe it…so I went up to the check-out and was fully expecting it to ring up higher…but it didn’t! It was only $6.24! I was shocked! For once my kid didn’t pick the most expensive thing!!!!
So, we went through McD’s drive through and went home. We ate on the picnic table which FAB thought was so much fun. Then I put together I-Man’s new soccer goal and then we all came inside. We blew his new bed up and it was great! I really can’t believe the deal I got! He laid on it and watched TV all night. We gave the kids baths and then watched AI.
My take on AI: LOVED Taylor and don’t agree with Simon at all…..thought Chris’s first song was not great…more the selection than the vocals….but LOVED his second song. Elliot was the best he had ever been and the best overall last night! His second song was just AWESOME. HATED Katherine and think she should go home. We’ll see tonight!
So, that was about it last night! Today, Hubby took the van to get the breaks fixed. They have been acting up lately. So I had to clean his trashy car out before I could even bring myself to drive it to work today. Geesh! He lives in that thing! But I forgot how fun it is to drive a little car and zip around in it! Have had a good day at work so far. Lots of big-wigs here today…so Stinky Pete has been busy with that. I have gotten a lot done…but still have a lot more to do and I have to leave early to get the kids because my aunt has a funeral to go to. And I have to leave early tomorrow too for my doctor’s appointment. I am loving that!!!!
Hubby has tickets to the Red’s game tonight….I got them through work. But the weather doesn’t look good. I think that King and Big Bear are going to go with Hubby and I-Man…if it doesn’t rain. Bummer that the first and maybe only time I got the tickets the weather is sucky! I have to teach at church tonight even thought I-Man won’t be there…..that is a bummer! Oh well!!!
Well, I guess that is it for today. I want for my Sister to make my journal pretty like hers! I am so jealous of the fun things that others do….Mine is so blah! Oh well!
Love to all and hope you have a great day!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Tuesday...Interesting Day!
So, yesterday was a boring day at work…AGAIN! It is driving me crazy! KK took a “mental health day”, so I didn’t even have her to hang out with! I went over to CVS and bought a book and read it over my lunch. I sat in the Courthouse Square and enjoyed the sunshine! The little birds were frustrating though. They aren’t scared of people, it seems and they are beggers. They just come right up to you! And then there was this group called “Zumba” and they do an exercise dance thing to Latin music. So, that was interesting. There were actually people on their lunch break (so dressed for work) doing this aerobic dance thing. Whatever floats your boat! Needless to say, eating lunch in Courthouse Square is always an experience!
So, when I went to buy a book, I was going to buy the DaVinci Code, but then I was afraid that if people saw me reading it, they would think I believed it. Isn’t that dumb. I should’ve bought it. Instead, I bought a Mary Higgins Clark mystery novel. I love those dumb things. I am a closet bookie….not as bad at Josy…but I do love to read and when I am reading a good book, it is hard to put it down!
So, after work, I went and got the kids. They were having a grand ole time playing and didn’t want to leave. We finally got in the van (after all the kids had to tell me something and they all had to give each other a billion hugs and so on and so on!) and we headed home! I fed the kids dinner and got I-Man ready for his soccer game so that when Hubby got home, we were all ready to walk out the door! Big Bear and Daisy came to I-Man’s soccer game last night! It was so cute, when they were walking up to the field, I-Man was practicing with his team and he just so wanted to run over and hug them…but had to wait until they were allowed. So, he came over and hugged them. They didn’t bring SweetiePie because we thought it would be too cold for her to sit outside at the soccer game….but it was actually very warm and sunny! Oh well! We had fun visiting with them and talking about the baby. She also brought me back some of my maternity clothes! That is cool! The only thing I really wanted back wasn’t in there. SO, I either gave it to someone else or gave it to the goodwill. Oh well! I had bought a pair of Capri jean over-alls and I loved those! Who knows what I did with them!?!?! So, anyways! I got some “new” clothes!
So, the soccer game was great fun! I-Man kept trying to pick the ball up when he was playing offense. There was this bratty kid on the other team who was bugging I-man. So, I think he was getting frustrated and that is why he was trying to pick the ball up. That kid kept pushing I-Man…so once, I-Man kinda barreled right over him. I think that was his way of telling that other kid to back-off because I am bigger…but just nicer! That is one thing about I-Man. He is usually the biggest kid out there but he is very careful. I think he realizes that he could hurt someone if he wanted to…so he is more careful than the other kids are. Anyways….he almost scored once (even though he was supposed to be playing defense). He did really good. I am such a proud mama when I am at those games. It is so stinking cute! Big Bear and Daisy had fun too. We all laughed a lot!
After that, we came home and played with the kids until it was time for FAB to go to bed. She is so funny. She likes to scream every now and again. Then Hubby told her to give everyone hugs cuz it was time for bed and she said very loudly “NO!”. It is cute now. But it won’t be soon! She is a ham! I just love those kiddos. FAB keeps trying to raise my shirt and look for the baby. Last night she was laying on me and talking to the baby. I remember when I-Man used to do that before she was born. So sweet!!!
Hubby and I watched Deal or no Deal….the guy that was on there last night was a trip! Then I-Man and I went to bed. He is so cute. He always wants to lay in bed with me and watch a movie….well, we had told him no last night. But when I went to go to bed, he was already in my bed and he said: “Well Mommy, since I am already in your bed I may as well watch a movie with you. Kay?” I just had to laugh. So, he won. He got to “watch a movie with me”. I say it like that because I think I was asleep before the movie actually started! I was tired!!!!
Got up this morning and into work! I actually have some things to keep me busy today! I think I am going to start getting things ready for our vacation tonight. Just a few things I want to pick up at the store and get everything ready! I am excited!
Oh, continue to pray for KK. She is here today and we went down and had a bagel this morning and talked. She actually cried this morning……and that is SOOOOO not like her. I have said this before, she and HBM are very much alike. I told her that she is really handling this so much better than I would…but it is really starting to weigh on her. She mentioned again this morning that she is ready to tell him to move out if he won’t talk to her. I know there are two sides to every story….but it really seems as if he just doesn’t care. It breaks my heart to see my friend – really one of my very best friends – in so much pain. (Oh…for those that are here….don’t mention this around my Hubby. I haven’t told him about any of this because he is friends with her hubby and blah/blah.) I told her that I have my prayer warriors praying for her…..that made her cry. I know what she needs it. This weekend will be very telling….if he goes with her. So, please pray!
Well, I guess that is it for today! I hope you all have a great day…looks like another beautiful day! I will talk to you later! Love all my Journal Goddesses!!!!
P.S. I actually wrote this this morning...but couldn't get on here to post it! I don't know what was up with this system! Oh well....so......Stinky Pete took KK and I to lunch and asked for our honest feedback. We were as honest as we could be....actually got a lot off my chest that I have been wanting to say for a while. We will see if things change. I am NOT holding my breath...but at least he is asking for honest feedback! He apologized for a lot of things and took ownership for a lot of things that haven't gone well.....so, we will see!!!!!!
Monday, May 08, 2006
Bright side #1: Next Saturday is the last Saturday for I-Man’s soccer and t-ball commitments!
Bright side #2: At least I have a job to return to every Monday!
Bright side #3: At least I have the means and the need to do so much stuff on the weekend!
And most importantly……
Bright side #4: I am on VACATION beginning Saturday!!!!!!! So, I can make it through this week!!!!!!
So! Do you wanna know how I spent my weekend? I am sure you are on the edge of your seat in anticipation….so here goes:
Friday after work, I went and got the kiddos at my aunt’s house. We rushed home and as soon as Hubby got home, we headed to the church. There were about 20 of us who gathered at the church to “beautify” it. Well, I didn’t really do much….but that’s okay! When we got there, Hubby got to work right away with Tom. That was cool. Tom is a guy who I guess comes to the first service now and he has been at our church forever. Well, he was a youth sponsor when Hubby was in youth group and he is a good guy. Hubby has always thought very highly of him. So, they worked together pulling up the bushes in front of the office. So, HBM….if you notice a “nick” in the siding on the wall outside Elvis’ office…..my Hubby did that! He got a little carried away with the pick-thing he was using. Oops! Well, when I got there, Detergent and Pat (cuz I don’t know what to call her) were working together. They were talking about getting perennials from people’s houses to plant at the church. Well, I mentioned that I had a ton of haustas that needed split. They are taking over our flowerbed! So, we all went to my house and got a ton of haustas and ferns to plant at the church. They could’ve probably taken a lot more than they did…but they were afraid to take too much. So, then we went back to the church and they planted those. I pretty much just walked around with FAB and watched the kids. They had so much fun getting dirty! I-Man was sliding down the mulch pile and just having a grand ole time! They ordered pizza and we had fun sitting around and eating and talking. It was a diverse group, so it was interesting. I am glad we went…so that Hubby could work hard. Again, I didn’t do much of anything. Oh, I did un-tangle the water hose and helped with that! I am just not much into gardening. Oh well! So, FAB and I left and Hubby and I-Man stayed until past dark. They got home and we put I-Man in the tub immediately. That little boy had mulch in his pants, in his ears…..just about everywhere! Bless his heart! His butt was black from sliding down that pile! But he had fun!
Saturday morning….we got up and I conned Hubby into making eggs, bacon and hash browns for breakfast. Then we RUSHED to I-Man’s soccer game. Actually, they had to leave without me because I was rushing to get everyone else ready but wasn’t ready myself! Oh well…..so his game was great! This was the best he has played. He really got into it! I did get some cute pictures of him playing. He is so funny because his favorite coach is Coach Mike and so he won’t hardly listen to any of the other coaches. Too funny. So, after his game, we went home and cleaned the house…and then took off to his t-ball practice. It was such a beautiful day on Saturday. FAB was so tired that she fell asleep in the sun at t-ball! We walked home…she slept the whole way…then we got home and I put her in her bed and she woke up. So, she only had a 30 minute nap….GREAT! We rushed and got ready and left for Bug’s birthday party. He is the son of my cousin who married my best friend from high school. So, we got to the party and thought we were late…but really we were 10 minutes early! I had the time wrong! Oh well! So, that was an interesting party. Three of my other friends from high school were there…two of them are pregnant and one of them (a guy) is gay. They talked a lot about drinking and how much the two that are pregnant miss drinking and then the gay guy wanted to make sure we knew he was gay and was telling me about a new job he just got….and then he threw in there where his boyfriend lived. SO, that seemed unnecessary…but whatever! So, it was interesting to say the least! I just sat there at one point and thought how grateful I am that my life turned out like it has and that I married a man who is a Christian and we have a wonderful life together and a wonderful church family. I wish that Sister or some of the rest of my family had been there…but they don’t invite everyone to their parties. It wasn’t bad….just awkward. The kids had fun though…even with a few mis-haps. I-Man hit Bear (Bug’s little brother) in the head with the bat when he was swinging at a ball. And FAB fell off the ladder to the swing-set and has a bruise on her face. She is one tough cookie! So, we got home from the party and gave the kids baths and put them to bed. They were pooped after our busy day…..and so were we! I did watch the movie “Monster-In-Law”…that is a cute movie. Then I went to bed!
Sunday…we got up and rushed for church. The kids slept in later than normal, so we had to rush more than normal. I was in the nursery for Sunday School and church hours…so I didn’t really feel like I was at church. Plus, we had to rush out of there because I was meeting KK and walking in the “Walk for Women’s Wellness” yesterday. So, in the nursery….TT was supposed to help me in SS, but she didn’t show up. So, thank goodness Debbie stayed with me! Thanks so much Debbie!!!! And I had to do the attendance books, so Tammy stayed with Debbie so I could go do that real quick. It was crazy! The kids were all wound up during worship….and we didn’t get to go out and see the baptism, but we watched it on the TV (no sound, though…what is that all about?). Then we rushed home. The walk was nice…I took FAB and she rode in her wagon. KK took her little boy and he had a ball entertaining FAB. It was at a historic park here in Dayton. I have never been there before but I am definitely going back! They have an old village you can walk through that has museums and stuff. It was REALLY cool. I know that I-Man would like it because it has old cars and airplanes and bikes. Really neat! I never knew it was like that. They had people dressed in vintage (period) clothing walking around. It was neat! So, anyways…we had a good time. After that, we got home and took a short nap and then it was time for the children’s program at church. I-Man didn’t sit still very well, but FAB did. It was a cute program…but I agree with HBM, the sound was really bad. It was hard to understand. I always get teary eyed at those things….I just think it is so awesome to see those kids praising the Lord. I thought it was especially neat that we had a quite a few kids that only attend Wednesday night church. So, it is a great outreach. And then there parents come to the programs….we are planting seeds! Detergent was recruiting for Camp Extreme at the dinner afterwards. I volunteered to be a secretary. I will probably end up doing other things too, but that is what I volunteered for right now. Hubby is going to teach too. I guess if they have the 2 year old class again this year that FAB will be “old-enough” for that. But I don’t know if she is ready for that. She doesn’t hardly talk yet! We’ll see! Anyways…so after that we came home and Hubby played with the kids in the backyard for a while. I took a bunch of pictures. The kids were being so cute. Then I-Man took some pictures…he loves to take pictures with the digital camera. So cute. Then Hubby went to Men’s group. The kids played for bit and then I put FAB to bed and I-Man went shortly there after. Desperate Housewives was interesting last night. I don’t know about that show. It is funny….but in a distorted kind of way.
SO, that was my weekend! Like I said, I feel like all we did was run! I really can’t wait for vacation next week!!! Have I mentioned that before?!?!?!
I really want to ask for prayers for KK and her husband. She actually called off today for a “mental health day”. Things are really strained between them right now and it seems that her husband is pulling away from everything right now. Like I have said before, they are approaching their 15th anniversary (next week) and have just been having a rocky time over the past few weeks. I mean, like they are not talking. She actually told him to go stay at his mom’s house for a while. He didn’t go, because they have two kids and they don’t want the kids to know that something is wrong…but it is weighing very heavy on her heart. He won’t talk to her so she doesn’t know how to fix it. They have planned (before this started) to go out of town this weekend to see Joel Olsteen (the preacher from Texas) in Columbus this weekend. He has mentioned that he is not going…but they both need the time away together and what a better thing to do than to go hear a sermon from a powerful preacher. So, I know I can confide in you all (plus most of you don’t even know her). But she….they really need all the prayers they can get. I have never seen her like this before. So, thank you in advance for adding them to your prayer list. It is weighing heavy on my heart because I don’t know what to say to help her, other than to tell her that I am praying.
Well, I better get to work! I hope you all have a great Monday and I will talk to you soon! Love you!
Friday, May 05, 2006
Happy Cinco de Mayo!!!!!!!!
SO! I am so very happy with my Vera purchases from yesterday! All three pieces that I bought are lime green! I bought a backpack, a cute “hobo” purse and a wallet. I am very anal that my wallet has to match my purse. That drives KK crazy. But it has to match! So, it all matches. Here is how my conversation with Hubby went:
Me: So, I saved you some money on my Mother’s Day present today!
Hubby: What did you do? It better not be a purse!
Me: Well, listen to what happened.
Hubby: Woman, it better not be a purse!
Me: Just listen to what happened.
Hubby: You bought a purse!
Me: Listen….(so I explained the story about the lady I work with…blah…blah)
Hubby: How much did you spend?
Me: $60 (bit of a fib b/c it was actually $70) BUT one of the purses normally sells for
$80! So, that is a great deal!!! And, I might give the other purse to JJ if she
likes it.
Hubby: That is a good idea! Give her one of them.
Me: So you aren’t mad?
Hubby: No…if you would’ve said $160 I would’ve just hung up the phone!
Me: Laughing
SO! He was proud of my bargain! Well, proud might be a strong word…but you get my drift! Then last night, I was showing him my purchases (my babies) and he said “As if that is the only thing you are going to get for Mother’s Day. We are going to be Gatlinburg. I know you so well.” But really, the only thing that I ever REALLY want to buy when we are down there is a new quilt for our room. So, that isn’t really just for me. That is for both of us. He kinda laughed at that….but we’ll see!
So…..LOVE my new Veras. I am going to stop talking about it now because I am sure it is getting on your nerves!
So, yesterday at work…..I filled my dumpster in about 15 or 20 minutes. So, I didn’t get as much done as I wanted to do. But, I got a good start. And the pack-rat lady didn’t even get in my way. She questioned me on one thing and I explained to her that we don’t need ATM balancing sheets from 1993 anymore…no body expects us to still have that stuff…and she dropped it. So, that went good!
After work, I went to my MIL’s house to get the kids. They had a good time and came home with a bunch of junk! Why is it that Grandparents buy so much stuff for grandkids?!?! It is ridiculous! Oh well. They had gone to garage sales and Odd Lots. I guess I-Man told his Mimi that they needed to buy stuff for vacation. Since I bought him swim-trunks, he had to get water shoes, goggles and a floatie. Geesh! Oh well. Just more clutter for our house!
We left there and went home and Hubby was mowing the yard. The kids had fun playing outside for a bit….FAB got absolutely filthy. It is funny to me that I-Man has never liked getting dirty, but FAB doesn’t mind it at all. Funny. So, I made dinner….but we didn’t have time to eat it. We had to rush off to t-ball practice. I left t-ball practice early because we had I-Man’s kindergarten parent-teacher meeting last night.
SO! Here begins this saga….I get to the meeting and get my packet of information – including I-Man’s scores from the testing. So, I open the test and nearly start crying. His score was 88 out of a possible 200. Well, I just thought he would’ve done better than that. But, I have to remind myself that he is only 4! Most of the kids are 5 or 6. So, then they started talking and come to find out…the average score was 105, so I felt much better about everything. Well, maybe not much, but better. So, the meeting was very informative and I got to meet the principal, the nurse, the guidance counselor and two of the Kindergarten teachers. They both seemed very nice. Well, I decided right then that the only way we are sending him in the fall is if we can 1) get him into the Kid’s Club program (I will tell you about that in a minute) and 2) if we can afford the Kid’s Club program.
Basically, the Kid’s Club program is a whole day program that costs $70 a week (not including lunches). He will go to normal kindergarten in the morning, lunch and recess and then to Kid’s Club – which is like an educational preschool where they build on what they are learning in kindergarten. It just gives them more exposure and more help to what they are learning in class. It is taught by a kindergarten teacher too. SO. There are only 24 spots for Kid’s Club and they are filling it based on scores and interest first. So, the kids with the lower scores will have a better chance of getting in the program. The application is due by May 19…I turned mine in last night. I already knew that I wanted to do that.
So, I get home and tell Hubby all of this. We both got very upset. We were just blaming ourselves…..we should’ve been working harder with him and just basically how bad of parents we are. You know how that goes. And then there is the whole money thing. I don’t know how we are going to be able to afford that $70 a week, plus child-care! Now, granted, for October, November and December, we will only have that $70 a week. We won’t have any other child-care expenses because I will be home with the baby and FAB. But, in January, we will have both expenses! So, we just have to figure out how we are going to make that work. They give you a discount if you can pay $2,000 up front (where would that come from?), or you can pay it in installments, or monthly or bi-monthly. Oh, the joys of parenting!!!! So, we will see! Hopefully we will know for sure if he got in by June so we can start saving or working extra or something! So, please keep that in your prayers. This is a tough decision. And then, as I was walking home from the meeting (because we live so close!)…I just kept thinking how un-real it is that I-Man is old enough for kindergarten! Time FLIES by. I mean FLIES! And then…I keep thinking that I can’t believe we have another kid on the way. What were we thinking?!?!?!??! Oh, that’s right, we weren’t!
So, we got FAB to bed and then we watched Survivor. It was good again last night! I love it when there are twists and turns! SO glad that Shane is gone…..but it doesn’t look too good for Terry to win unless he goes up against Danielle…although, Sirie (or however you spell her name) has lied to a lot of people now. So, maybe they wouldn’t vote for her. Who knows. This has been a very good season!
That was about it for us yesterday! I hope you all have a FABULOUS Friday and a great weekend! We are going to the “Beautify Bethany” thing at church tonight (helping plant flowers and stuff like that). Tomorrow, I-Man has a soccer game and t-ball practice and then we have a birthday party to go to! So, a busy day! And then on Sunday, church and then FAB and I are walking in a Walk for Women’s Wellness. SO, a busy weekend, as usual!
Love you all!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Second Post for Today
So, yesterday was an uneventful day at work! Again, bored out of my mind! I did start cleaning out our “supply” (aka junk) room yesterday. I have ordered a big dumpster to be delivered up here today…so that is my project of the day! It is a HUGE mess and the lady I work with is a MAJOR, MAJOR, MAJOR pack rat. So, she might have a heart attack today because I am a “pitcher”. If we haven’t used it or won’t use it…I just pitch it. She will try to justify why we should keep it. So, it should be fun! LOVE her to death….but her “pack-ratness” has created the mess that I have to clean up. So, I hope she doesn’t go into cardiac arrest.
I probably should’ve put a disclaimer at the top of my journal…I am in a goofy mood. So, the ramblings today may be odd. LOL
Side-bar….Speedy mentioned in her journal that she will be buying her mom a Vera purse for Mother’s Day. Well, I have this cute new back-pack that I bought….NOT a Vera. It looks like a Vera…but it was cheaper. Well, I am ready to go buy a Vera back-pack. See, it has one of those magnet closure things on it…and the magnet is so strong that you have to really pull on it to open it, well, now the fabric around that magnet thing is coming off or ripping! A Vera would NOT have done that. So, hence, why to buy a Vera. Okay. Sorry about that side-bar, but had to get that in.
So, after work yesterday I went to my Aunt’s and got the kiddos. They were outside playing and having a good ole time. FAB looked so stinking adorable! Her hair was down and just wavy from the curls and Hubby had a cute outfit on her. She just looked like a little model because of the way her hair looked. So cute.
So, we came home and the kids played and we had dinner – Hubby was working late, so he wasn’t home – and then we took I-Man to church. We dropped him off there and then FAB and I went shopping at Target. I didn’t buy anything off the clearance rack, but I should’ve. They did have some cute things. I did buy her 2 pairs of shorts and a t-shirt that is SO her. It says something like: “Toddler Rules of Ownership: 1) If I like it, it is mine. 2)If I had it at one time, it is mine. 3)If I want it, it is mine.” I don’t remember all the things it said, but it was stinking cute. I had to buy it. She is absolutely in that stage right now….especially with I-Man. I also got her an ADORABLE bikini! It is not really a bikini…it is two-piece, but the bottom is like a skirt with panties. So cute. It was only $8.99! And then I bought I-Man some Scooby Dooby swimming trunks and a few cheap shorts. He was so excited about those stinking swimming trunks! He put them on as soon as we got home from church…..I made him take them back off after Hubby came home and he showed them to him. It is the little things that kids so excited about.
So, then Hubby took the kids to MIL’s house. She took the day off today to watch the kids, so they spent the night with her. Today is Hubby’s last day of training – which means his last early day. He has had to be at work at 8:00 this week….which he usually isn’t even out of bed by 8:00! So, this has been a change for him! So, anyways, then Hubby came home and we watched AI. I was happy that Paris was in the bottom two….I thought she should’ve been there with Katherine instead of Elliot…but oh well. I was also glad she went home…but sad for her too. I hate to see anyone leave at this point. I think they are all very talented. I am sure she won’t have any trouble getting a break in the industry. She has connections. I think she just needs to grow up a little bit. But, anyways, they have all been very good at how they have reacted this year. Only a few of them (actually, I think only Mandisa) cried. In the past, there have been lots of tears. So, that is good. So, that was good.
Then I went to bed and read for a bit before I fell asleep. Really exciting stuff!!! Oh! I had been telling Hubby that we need to get a lilac bush for our yard…because I LOVE the smell lilacs! Turns out, we have 2!!!!! They are at the back of our property and last year either Hubby or my Dad trimmed them back so far that the lilacs never bloomed. So, this year, one of them is blooming – not the whole bush…so not as many as I would like. But I did go out last night and cut a few sprigs off and put them in my room. I LOVE the smell of them. I brought a few into work today. Now, I can’t really smell. So, I have to put my nose in the lilacs to smell them….but that smells good! I wish I could smell better. Oh well!
Well, I guess that is all I have to say tonight. Nothing too exciting going on here. I only have two more days of work this week and then next week and then I am on VACATION! I cannot wait!!! Just a whole week away from this place makes me smile!
You all have a fabulous day and I will talk to you later! Love ya!
OH! Just as I am getting ready to post this.....my phone rings and it is one of the Managers that is also addicted to Vera. She goes to the Vera trunk show in Indiana every year (they discount a bunch of her stuff and sell it). She just told me that she went crazy and bought way too much stuff so she is going to bring me the price-list and stuff and she wants to sell me some of it!!!!!!!!! COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, it isn't the new stuff....but who cares?!?!?! It is Vera!!!!! I am really addicted.......Hello, my name is Mac-N-Cheese and I am a Vera Bradley addict.
Love you all!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Hump day!
So, yesterday, I called my family doctor. I go to a practice and my normal doctor was booked for the day, but they could get me in with one of the other doctors. So, I made the appointment! I took off and went to the doc. He thinks my problem is allergies. Now, I am nearly 30 (AHHH!) and I have NEVER had problems with allergies before. He did think that was odd…but that is what my symptoms look like. He said that the past two weeks have been the worst pollen season we have seen in this area. Add that to the fact that I am pregnant…there isn’t much he can give me. GREAT! So, he did give me samples (enough for 6 – 8 months) of a nasal spray. He told me that it didn’t work over-night. It might take 10 days (he said)…so in other words….”If you are still stuffed up tomorrow, don’t call me!” Oh well. At least I know I am not dying or something. Actually, I can tell a bit of a difference already! I am still snotty and hacking….but what can you do? He also said that typically women in their 3rd trimesters also have problems with this. So, that is why he gave me so much of the sample…so I would have it in my 3rd trimester if I need it. That was nice of him…so I didn’t have to pay for a prescription! Every time I have been to my family doctor’s office they have given me samples. I love that!
So, then back to work. Again, a long and boring day. There just isn’t much going on at work right now. KK and I decided it is either feast or famine and we are in a famine right now. This is nice on one hand, because we get all caught up…but on the other hand, it is boring and makes the days go by so slow!!!! ARGH!
So, after work, I went to Scrapbook Queen’s house to pick up the kids. They had a good time! I-Man was playing a play-station game when I picked them up…that was probably the high-light of his day! That and the fact that SQ took a picture of him with his tongue out. He thought that was funny. So, we came home and the kids played with their tents…and fought over their tents…and drove me CRAZY!
So, Hubby came home from work and he had his new toy. He was so excited. He got a laptop for work. It is a Dell and is very nice. He has 3 days of training on it…..and he really needs it, bless his heart. I fear that he really needs more of a “how to use a laptop training” instead of “how to run our program training”. But, I am sure he will figure it out. Of course the first thing he showed me was how he could pull up the Cincinnati Reds’ website. Woooppee!! But he was excited about his new toy.
I didn’t feel like cooking dinner (big surprise there!), so we went to Skyline for dinner. We ran into one of SIL’s old boyfriends there and talked to him for a while. I always liked him. Oh well! Then Hubby had to go to a customer’s house and the kids and I went to Meijer. We had fun shopping there. I remember why I hate that place, though. They never have enough lines open….and the customer service is the pits. Oh well!
We came home and I gave the kids baths. Man….I have a bad back so usually Hubby gives them baths. Well, add the bad back to being pregnant and it was hard work! They had fun playing in the water and then I got FAB out and I-Man was so proud of himself because he got himself out and all dried off and his robe on all by himself! He was so proud! Hubby was surprised when he came home that I had given them baths. So, we got the kids to bed early (8:30) and then Hubby and I watched AI.
Here is my take on AI: Elliott did a good job. He is just not my favorite for some reason. But he is rarely (if ever) out of tune….so he did a good job last night. Paris did alright. I am still just not a big fan of hers. But, whatever. Katherine did horrible on the first song and good on the second one. Not really sure that I liked the whole crawling around on the floor thing or the song, but it was good. Chris did great, as usual. The second song was too high and he over-sang it. But I still think he will win. Taylor, well, I just love him. I thought he did great on both songs. He is just a performer and I think that is why Simon doesn’t like him. Whatever he sings he puts on a performance. Plus he is the same age as I am…so I love him! But I don’t think he will win. It will be interesting to see who goes home tonight. At this point, I don’t really care because they all deserve to be there and they will probably all have albums eventually anyways!
So, after we watched AI, I went to bed and read a little bit before I fell asleep. And that was it! Not a very exciting day in our household! Well, I hope everyone has a great day! It looks like it is going to be a beautiful day….so I really don’t want to be at work today! I wish I was anywhere but here!!!! Love you all!