Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I hate thinking of titles...

Hello Ladies. It is such a beautiful day outside…who wants to be inside? It is a great day to play hooky and go do something fun! But, here I sit at work! Oh well! Them are the breaks!

So, I went to the doctor on Monday and my blood pressure is up. I am not surprised by this in the least because with the other two pregnancies, this is about the time my BP becomes a problem. So, they aren’t overly concerned yet. I did ask her about when my c-section was going to be and it looks like it will be on October 9! That is my Grandma’s birthday – so very cool! And it also means that I don’t need to save vacation time because 12 weeks will take me right up to the end of the year! So, I am going to wait to plan on using those days until I go to the doctor next time and they have confirmed it with the hospital and everything…but that is what it looks like right now! My Grandma will be so excited! I was telling Aunt Chatty Cathy about it and she mentioned how my G-Ma had just been telling her sister that the baby might be born on her birthday. So, that would be nice!

When Hubby got home from work on Monday, we went out for a quick dinner and then went to Lowe’s. He is going to paint our house this weekend while we are gone! So, if any of your Hubby’s are bored this weekend and want to help him…LOL. We are tired of having an all white house! At our old house, we had plaster walls, so we painted the bathroom and it looked horrible because you can’t really get straight edges on plaster walls. So…..anyways! We are going to make our house VERY colorful! The living room (the first part of the house that has the TV and couch and stuff in it) is going to be a tan color. So, that isn’t too exciting…but more so than white! But then BAM! The kitchen is going to be a bright yellow-goldish color. We took one of the tiles that is our back-splash and mixed into our bar with us and matched up the yellow in that. Then, the long wall at the left of the kitchen (where we have our table and our “sitting area”) is going to be a dark blue! Again, a color from the tile. So….we are going to have us a Mexican fiesta in our house! Someone from work asked me if I was going to hang piñatas. LOL So, I told Hubby that we could always just go buy white paint to cover it up if we don’t like it…but let’s go for it! The lady at Lowe’s was excited for us. She liked our choices. So, we will see!!!

So, when we got home from Lowe’s…I think I pretty much went straight to bed. I am just so tired and sore by the end of the day that I can barely move. It is so frustrating!!!!

Yesterday was an okay day at work. I work with some real idiots. That gets frustrating too. I won’t bore you with all the details, but let me just sum it by saying that I gave someone VERY CLEAR directions on something and they still managed to ENTIRELY screw it up. I hate that because even though it shouldn’t be a reflection of me, I still take it personally and get upset about it. Oh well! On another note, Stinky Pete is still such a moron and he actually committed to dressing up in a chicken costume and standing on Main Street in Dayton at 5:00 and doing the chicken dance and also singing “I’m a Little Tea Pot”. So, KK and I ordered him a chicken suit and it came in yesterday. We HOWLED when we opened it. The Market President found out about it and is FURIOUS that my boss would be so stupid as to humiliate the entire company by doing something like that. So, it will be interesting how this pans out. He is supposed to do this on September 13….we will see!!!!

I picked up the kids and headed to see New Mommy and Little B. She was all alone with him and we didn’t stay long because I think she was enjoying her time alone with him, plus the last thing she needs is my two kids aggravating her. I-Man held Little B first…he does such a good job with him. Then I got to hold him for a long time. He is so precious. She took him to the doctor yesterday and he is jaundiced….so she has to take him back to be tortured (oh, I meant tested) again today. If his numbers haven’t improved, they are going to put him under the lights. I assured her this was very normal…and actually I-Man had to do all of that…only they came to our house. But I know how she feels, I don’t care if it is normal, I don’t want my kid to have to go through this! So, hopefully his numbers are better today. Hubby and I decided that we would take her grocery shopping instead of bringing her dinner. I think we actually might do that and buy her a microwave because she doesn’t’ have one. So, anyways….I just wanted to give her a Kroger gift card but Hubby doesn’t want to do that. Whatever. It was nice to have some time with just her and Little B and talk. Her feet were swollen as big as mine were….and I thought that was odd, but then I do remember having that with FAB after she was born. She just needs to rest more. Anyways, she is doing well and Little B is so pretty. I just stared at him the whole time I was holding him. I can’t wait to see what Gracie is going to look like!!!

The kids and I headed home and just took it easy the rest of the night. I know they are getting bored with that…and me. They love to be on-the-go, but I just can’t do it right now. Like I said, I can barely move by the time I get home from work. I hate that…because it isn’t fair to them…but I don’t know what to do about it. And I am sure Hubby is getting frustrated because the house isn’t as clean as it usually is…but I just can’t even put into words how I feel. Oh well. This too shall pass!!! We did get all the pictures and stuff off the walls last night and he started the taping after I went to bed. He ran out of tape and is about half-way done. So, fun, fun!

Oh, I did watch BB and I am with Sister….there is really not one person I am rooting for. I just like the drama of it all. I bet Marcellus is going to whine all week about being up on the block. He kinda gets on my nerves. So, it will be interesting to see what happens!

I am only working half-a-day tomorrow and then the kids have a doc appointment at 1:15…then we are heading to KY! I am looking forward to a get-away! I know I just had one last week….but this time will be with family! So, I am looking forward to that! Plus, once Gracie is here, I won’t be able to go this much.

Okay….I guess that is about it! I hope you all have a great Wednesday. Get out and enjoy this GORGEOUS weather if you can! I am planning on going to Mendelson’s on my lunch break to see if they have any baby stuff. That should be interesting.

Have a great day! Love and prayers to all!


Sara said...

I agree that we shouldn't have to work on such a beautiful day! I'd love to be home with the windows open!

Exciting colors for your house! I would LOVE to do some bold colors, but it would just make our little house seem even smaller. Maybe if we get moved one of these days!

I was going to try and at least take New Mommy lunch one of these days. I'm sure the groceries will be much appreciated as well as the microwave. How can one survive without a microwave????

Kelley said...

A chicken suit? Really? How on earth is that going to help your company? "Oh, I want to bank with the chicken suit guy"!!! LOL! Maybe the head honcho will put an end to it!!! We'll see!

That is sweet of you and Hubby to go grocery shopping with her or for her...and a microwave....I think I would have starved my family by now!

Hope you have a great day and take it easy....don't you hate that advice?

Lots of Love!

Jodi said...

some of the things that you say about your boss just totally remind me of an episode of The Office...I could totally see Steve Corel doing the chicken suit thing...that is just so bizarre...what on earth is in that man's head but rocks?

anyway...things that make ya go hmm...

I hope you are bringing pictures of your new nephew!! Hopefully this will change your sil for the better too...I thought she was living with your mil? I'm glad and proud that you all are sticking by her and just showering her with love...I do agree with gift her what you think she's sad but true that some family members just need that kind of help - we learned that the hard way with my MIL and also our sister...

love you!! See you soon...ya know Queeny's comment on my journal made me remember that we are going to see MANDISSA!! oh man oh man I'm soooo excited!!!

see you when I get off work tomorrow!!

Josy said...

Stinky Pete in a chicken suit? I feel for you.

Are you going to be able to post pictures of this beautiful baby? I'm in the baby craze, between you, HBM and my sister... oh and the sweetest cutest little boy at daycare... yeah, I hope TNH and I will get to try to have a baby. I think I'd like another one. And I'm totally journalling in your jouornal, but hey, I live 1000 miles away so I think I'm entitled. LOL

Have a great time with your family!

Mandalynn said...

Have a great time this weekend!! :) Again, I am TOTALLY jealous you guys get to see Mandisa & Elliot & Taylor...They are what make this top 10 AWESOME!! LOL I know, some would argue that Chris would make it awesome just on his own, but I wasn't a huge Chris fan...I know, I know...weirdo...

Anyways, glad that you had a good time in the Smokies, too!! :) I love it down there!! We're going the week after reunion again...

Cool that you have a date for your C-section!! :) Gracie has a Birthdate!! :) And, neat that she'll share it with G-ma :)

Talk to ya later :)