Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Happy Tuesday!

Hello Ladies. Just got back to work from a really long lunch…one of my co-workers turned 40 today, so we surprised him and all got together for lunch. It was nice because although we all work together as the “senior management team”, we don’t get to see each other a lot. That…and his wife and kids came too to surprise him and it was nice to visit with them! He was very surprised and had fun with the gag gifts that people got him. So, that was nice. Plus, it was a free lunch! Even better! But wouldn’t ya know that Hubby called while we were there to see if I wanted to have lunch with him! This is the first time he has ever called me to just do lunch! Oh well! Maybe another day!

So, I don’t really have a lot to say, but I also don’t want to do the things that I need to do at work…so I thought I would post an entry! So, this will probably be short!

Yesterday was a fine day at work. Not a whole lot to write about. I was feeling very “out of it” in the morning…actually pretty much all day. But it was really bad in the morning. I was very scatter-brained. Our HR lady even asked me if I was alright. She could tell that I wasn’t feeling right. Oh well! Only 7 more weeks of this, right?

So, after work I went and picked up the kiddos. My cousin’s youngest boy broke his foot. Bless his heart! Apparently he jumped off the top bunk and broke a bone in his foot. So, he was crawling around when I got there. Poor feller. He has an ace-bandage type cast on it right now, but I think he is going to have to get a regular cast soon. I felt so bad for him! It is going to be really rough for him next weekend at Family Reunion!

The kids and I went to see New Mommy and Little B. He is so stinking cute! I swear he has changed so much in the week since I saw him last (well, not quite a week). His face is even more round and his coloring is so much better. I held him for a while and then he needed a poopy diaper changed, so I let New Mommy do that! Then I-Man held him and then we left. The kids were getting restless – we only last about 20 – 30 minutes each time we are there. And Little B needed to eat. It was nice to chat with New Mommy. She seems to be doing so well…but has to go back to work in 2 and a half weeks! Yep…2 and a half weeks! I feel so bad for her! I can’t imagine only being off 4 weeks with my new little one! She still hasn’t finalized her baby-care plans…she needs to get on the ball with that! But that time is going to fly by for her!

So, we left there and headed to Wal-Mart. I needed to get a 40th Birthday card and present for the above-named co-worker! I also got the kids each a little cheap toy (I am such a sucker) and I got an organizer thing for all of I-Man’s school stuff. I want to have a place to put all of the “stuff” he will accumulate from his first year of school. The kids were pretty good at Wal-Mart. But I was getting tired fast!

So, then we went to McD’s for dinner. We just went through the drive-thru and took it home. I was so tired and just ready to be home, ya know? So, we ate and then I just took it easy and watched my Soap while the kids played and stuff. Hubby called and stopped by Radio Shack on his way home and bought me a new car charger for my phone and he also bought ink for our printer. We have been low or out for a while…so we needed that! I always forget to get it! Plus, it is expensive!!!

So, that was our evening in a nutshell! When Hubby got home, we pretty much just took it easy and didn’t do much. He tried to be a nice Hubby and let me take a nap/go to bed early…but FAB would have NO part of it. I locked my bedroom door even and she just stood there and screamed at the top of her lungs and shook my door. Hubby held her and she screamed for me bloody murder. So, just about the time I dozed off….she again went ballistic! So, so much for that idea! What a little stinker!

And, that really is about it! Nothing going on tonight either…and then tomorrow, I-Man has his first dentist appointment and then to Kings Island with Daddy! They should have a really good time. I am a bit jealous! I would love to go…but I can’t really ride anything. I would just love to see I-Man’s face! He has no idea what it is like! We tried to explain to him that it is bigger even than Holiday World (where my parents took him) but he doesn’t get it. So, they should have a blast!

Umm…well, told you this would be short! I need to go help someone here, so I will talk to you all later! Have a great night! Love ya!


Dawn said...

OH I can't wait to hear about his trip to KI!! He will totally love all the Nickelodeon (sp) stuff. Madison was that age when we first took her and she loved loved loved it. We can't wait to go back with Abbi. We have even talked about going this year before it closes but we'll see kinda pricey. We had season passes the year Madison was I-Mans age and we may do that again in a year it was expensive but soooooo worth it and it pays for itself in like 2 1/2 trips. OK writing a book here!! Don't ya love it when ya get new ink for the printer. I agree we put that of for months sometimes its just so expensive. I'm glad I have a Canon now this way I can buy them at $10 each and buy one at a time if i have to. Take care girl!!

Kelley said...

You make sure you tell your hubby to take a camera....maybe a disposable one in case it gets lost! You need to get pictures of I-Man's first time here! I wish we could take Pita Pocket, but we can't afford that and what am I going to do? Pay and just walk around!??!?!

Glad you are taking it easy...you need to rest. I know it's hard, but you can do it!!!

Lots of Love!

girlie_mom said...

I would love to take Pretty. We may still, especially now that we're not pregnant yet. I have a free ticket from work and Wendy's has that buy one get one free thing, so maybe. I can't wait to hear about it from I-man!! It'll be soo fun hearing and watching him tell about it.

Sorry FAB is a butt, but isn't great that they want us!! Sometimes!!

Oh well, hope you get some good sleep tonight. ARe you drinking lots still???

Love ya!

Sara said...

Glad you had a good day! Well, except for FAB last night. At least you know she loves you, right? Poor thing!

That's so great that your Hubby is taking I-man to KI today. What a great bonding time for them! I think it's also great that you're really trying to give him some extra attention before Gracie comes along!

Have a good day today and try to get rest and not be so ditzy! :) Love ya!

Jodi said...

I hate to hear that about little G-man breaking his foot! He will have a tough time at reunion this year poor lil guy! plus, with camping can you imagine trying to keep a cast clean?

So I'm totally jealous about the KI trip...I hope BIL takes pictures! What a fun father son thing to do!! Are there other things there besides roller coasters though???? lol

Josy said...

What are you going to do about FAB when this baby comes?! I promise, no parenting advice. I haven't figured out my demon child yet.

Have a great week, lotsa love! (Heh my word verification is legtv)