Friday, August 25, 2006

It's Friday! It's Friday!

Happy Friday! I am so happy today is Friday! And next week, I only work 2 days and then I am off the rest of the week! So….I can do this! But anyways, so glad it is Friday!

So, last night was a fun evening! I left work and went home and changed clothes real quick. OH! And Hubby had not made the bed. I was peeved. So, I made the bed and in doing so, one of my nails popped off! So, I was even more peeved! ARGH! So, on my way to my mom’s house, I called Hubby and left him a voicemail telling him that he was in trouble and that meant he had to come home early enough for me to go get my nails done since it was all his fault. LOL

So, I got to my mom’s house and picked her and the kids up. We headed to the Nursing Home where my mom’s aunt is living. We visited with her for a little bit. Funny that she didn’t remember who my mom was…but she said she remembered who I was! She still remembers…and talks about….how 9 years ago, on New Year’s Eve, I drove her and my Grandma around from a party to her house. She was going to call a taxi and that was just ludicrous! So, I took her home and she still talks about that! It was 9 years ago! She is 89 years old and just as cute as she was…well, for as long as I can remember! She enjoyed seeing the kids….and it really convicted me that I need to stop in and see her more often. I drive by her nursing home EVERY DAY. We were only there for 15 minutes….but you could tell it made a huge difference to her! So, that was a nice thing to do and the kids did really well. It is the same nursing home that our church kids went caroling to last year…so I-Man was pretty comfortable there and all the older ladies kept commenting on how cute FAB is. She was carrying her little purse and being a cutie. So, yes…we need to do that more often. Mom and I both said that when we left.

So, we left there and headed over to The Greene – the new mall RIGHT BY my house. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the mall!!! It is so pretty! It is just like Easton in Columbus. When you are there, you feel like you are in a town…walking on pretty streets. It is so nice!!!!! We walked around and saw all the stores that were open…there were actually more than I thought that were already open. We went to Children’s Place and I didn’t buy anything, but could’ve spent a couple hundred dollars there! I actually want to go back and buy some stuff!!!! So many cute, cute things! We also went to Coldstone Creamery. YUM! While we were sitting on the patio eating our ice cream, I-Man asked Mimi if she wanted to go to the movies. So, we laughed and asked him if he was asking her on a date…and if he had the money. Well, he got shy but said that she had the money! So, we just were eating and talking and this nice older couple next to us (who had been admiring both of my kids the whole time) came over and told us that he could take my mom on a date because the movies were FREE! WHAT?!?!? So, we left there and walked over to the movie theater….it is SO NICE. They have funnel cakes….yep! Funnel cakes!!! And there is a restaurant there….and lots of “mall-type” food (Sbarro Pizza!). It is very nice! So, Mom decided that she and I-Man were going to watch Curious George…for FREE! So, they weren’t “new” movies, but they were “newer”. So, FAB and I went home and they stayed for a movie. I called Hubby and asked him where he was and told him he needed to come home soon so I could get my nails done. So, he did!

So, he came home and I left to get my nails done. I am not crazy about the color I picked out…but they look nice! While I was there, Hubby picked Mom and I-Man up and then took Mom home and then took the kids to the grocery store. Isn’t he a great Hubby?

So, I got to watch Big Brother in peace!!! They got home right at the end of it…but the best part was over!!!! I hated to see James go…but he was so dignified in the way he left and the way he talked to Julie afterwards. He gets that it is a game….a game about lying….so it is stupid to bash them now that you are out of the house (hmmm…like Marcellus and Howie!). So, I was proud of him. Poor Danielle…she is taking this so hard. She needs to remember that it is a GAME and it is her own fault for trusting/believing in Chill-town anyways! So, again, I love this season because there are so many twists and turns and honestly, I don’t care who wins! I think it would be a HOOT if Chicken George won….but it really doesn’t matter! It has been fun to watch!

So, yesterday afternoon, Buford called and asked to speak to I-Man’s mommy. He asked if I-Man could come out and play with him tonight. I said yes…so when Hubby got home, I asked him if it was alright with him and he reminded me that I-Man has been talking about going to the first Fairmont football game tonight. OOPs! So, Hubby said we would just ask I-Man what he wanted to do. So, I-Man said he wanted to go to the football game. He has been talking about it for a while and Swimmer and her family are going to be there (one of his girlfriends). So, I made him call Sister (after BB, of course) and tell her. I felt horrible…..just horrible. I hated that I told Buford yes and then we had to say no. Really made me sick to my stomach…so be sure to tell Buford that I am sorry, Sister! It was so sweet that he called and asked!!! He (Buford) tells us that he doesn’t like I-Man….but he ain’t fooling nobody!!! LOL

So, that is about it! Another Stinky Pete-Free day! He is out of town again today. YEAH! I don’t know what FAB and I are going to do tonight. I don’t mind going to high school football games, but the thought of sitting in the heat on bleachers and fighting with FAB doesn’t thrill me. So, we probably won’t do that. I am thinking of seeing what Mom is doing and maybe we can go shopping or something. Maybe just back to our new mall! Who knows?!?!?

And….no big plans for the weekend. I think the only thing we have going on is Hubby has a party to go to on Sunday….but other than that, nothing! So, that is nice! Maybe I will do some cleaning. My house really needs it. We’ll see how I am feeling!

Well, I guess that is about it for now! Y’all have a great Friday! Love ya!


Jodi said...

Hey sis...husband was sad but he understood and plus I-man made the football plans before the tractor pull plans so it's good that he is honoring his first set of plans! It's a good lesson that ya don't ditch your friends! So seriously, don't feel bad! I thought it was funny when I answered the phone last night and it was I-man! That made me feel OLD! lol...yes I just had a phone conversation - a coherent phone conversation- with my nephew!! He is growing up too fast!!!! lol

When I told hubby, he said if the girl (cuz he calls I-man "the boy" and he calls FAB "the girl") he said if the girl was kindergarten ready he'd take her instead!! lol...I think he seriously has plans on trying to make FAB a tomboy in the future!! lol

but anyways...please don't be upset about it...we totally understand and I do recall him talking about the football game a few weeks ago...

I'm with you though...Buford ain't fooling nobody...he loves his neices and nephews!

umm...I've been meaning to ask ya about the fumes at the nail that safe for G-girl? I'm sure you would have thought about that and also if it weren't safe I'm sure they would kick you out...but I was just wondering....

love you!! see you soon!

oh by the way...your color suggestion was EXCELLENT!!! I love my baby blue makes SUCH A DIFFERENCE in that room's not a cave anymore!

oh and one more thing regarding BB...they are all collectively goofballs for ever trusting Chilltown! And the whole showing Howie and Marcellas thing last night was UNCOMFORTABLE...I don't like hatefulness and they were both being are right, James handled himself very well...and I was also glad to see him talking to Janie again...I'm like you, I hope Danielle remembers it is just a game...bless her heart! Oh well...I love that show man...I could type about it all day...but I'll shoosh!!

love you!

Kelley said...

Holy Cow! You did all that just yesterday? I feel like I was a lazy bum after reading your journal!

That is awesome about the movies. Swimmer told me that last night. That would have been awesome to go to! I would like to go see the new mall, but the crowds will have to die down first. I'm not a shopper and adding a huge crowd won't help me like it anymore!

Have a fun day without Stinky Pete! And just two days next week?!?!?!? You'll have a blast!

Lots of Love!