Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Good Morning Journal Goddesses! It’s been a while since my last confession…er, I mean entry! I have been lurking, but not commenting too much. Sorry about that!

So, let’s see. Not a lot going on…but feels like a lot going on. Does that make sense? Rather than giving you a day-by-day recap, because I doubt anyone really cares about that anyways, let me just give you an overview!

Ummm…last Friday, Kelli and I took advantage of no Stinky Pete, so we went shopping and stuff during the day. I really am blessed to have her as a friend and my co-worker! Then Friday night, my parents came and picked the kids up. They didn’t even come inside because we were expecting a loan closer at any minute to close on our refinance. Well, long story short…that person did not show up until 8:45 PM. Yep, you read that right. I was actually asleep when she got there because we had given up on her showing up and had decided to go see a late movie. So, I was taking a nap. Well, we ended up not going to the movie. Actually, after she left, I went to bed and Hubby went grocery shopping. What an old married couple, huh?

I was able to spend some time with my parents on Saturday, which was very nice! (I actually am doing a day-by-day replay…oh well!). My dad came over early and put in a “new” garbage disposal for us. YEAH!!! And he helped Hubby fix his car! YEAH!!!! Not a lot else to talk about on Saturday…oh, SIL called and I answered and she basically just said hi and then asked to talk to Hubby. So, before I got him I just asked her if she was alright and she asked me if I knew what was going on. Well, no. We NEVER talk to MIL or SILs for that matter! So, she tells me that she had gone to the doctor on Tuesday and was dilated 2 and 60% effaced and that if she didn’t have the baby before, they are inducing her this week on Thursday or Friday. She starts crying at this point…..she was upset because we are leaving for Gatlinburg on Thursday or Friday. I was upset too…and worried about her. I don’t know why it is that big of a deal to her that we are here, but now I am starting to maybe understand more. I will get to that in a minute.

So, Sunday was fine. I was in the nursery for both hours. FAB kept telling everyone that I was HER mommy. If I held someone else or changed a diaper (which I changed 3 poopy ones!!!)…she would cling to me. GREAT. So, after church we went over to K-Dog and TT’s house for a cook-out with the couple who used to live here and is moving back soon. It was very, very hot. But we had a good time. It was nice to hang out with other couples and kids and visit! Their oldest boy (who is 6 months younger and half the size of I-Man) kept calling FAB “Pretty Girl”. So cute. I am glad they are moving back. They aren’t sure where they are going to buy a house, but they are for sure coming to Bethany. They really, really enjoyed the service on Sunday! I think they liked it better than when they were here before. And we can be such a LOVING church….they felt that on Sunday. So, anyways, that was fun and then we headed home for naps….my favorite part of the day!

So, here is why I think SIL is so upset that we are going to be out of town. My MIL is clueless, I think. On Sunday, I was talking to her after church and I asked her if she had talked to SIL yesterday…..I was telling her that I was worried about her because she was so upset when I talked to her. I think the reality of what is about to happen is settling in and she is getting scared. Not of the delivery (although I am sure that is part of it) but of being all alone with this precious little guy. I remember how scared I was with I-Man and I wasn’t alone! So, MIL says….”Yes. She called me on my cell phone yesterday and I was spending the day with Rob and his family. We had such a great time (blah…blah…blah…).” She absolutely acted like it was an inconvenience that her VERY PREGNANT AND ALONE daughter interrupted her when she was with her boyfriend. THEN….I went on to say that I hope she has that little guy before Thursday…and she said she did too. Well, then she said…”I just hope she has him before Saturday.” And I ask…”What’s Saturday?” She answers…”It is ‘The Day in the Country’ and Rob really wants me to go with him. He loves to go to those things and I want to be able to go with him.” WHAT?!?! Am I missing something?!?!? Even if she has that baby on Thursday or Friday, you are going to leave her all alone for one of her first days with the kid so you can go to a country concert with your boyfriend? Huh? I felt like I was having an out-of-body experience. Really! So, I didn’t say anything to Hubby about any of this…honestly, I was in a bad mood about something else and I just had to think about all of this stuff.

So, on Monday, I email MIL and we talk back and forth throughout the day at work. She AGAIN says that she hopes he is born before Saturday. Really, the rest of the conversations were good…she ended up spending the day on Sunday with SIL. But it really bothered me. So, I finally told Hubby about it on Monday night and he was appalled. I didn’t even have to say anything about how I felt about it because he instantly said all the things I had already thought. So, she went to the doctor yesterday and is dilated to 3 and is 70% effaced and they scheduled to induce her on Friday at 5:00 am. So, it looks like we won’t get to meet our new Nephew until Sunday. I HATE that we are going to be out of town….but don’t know what to do about it. If we re-schedule our trip, we have to pay money. And I don’t know when we would be able to go anyways! So, bummer, bummer, bummer. I am really upset about that. So, pray that she has little Brayden today or tomorrow. That would be the best case scenario. I might go pick her up tonight and take her to the mall or somewhere to walk. Although, he has dropped so much that he looks like he is about to fall out at any minute. She is miserable…absolutely miserable. So, please pray for this situation. I will never know how she is feeling and how scary this is going to be for her. I am just planning on covering her and Brayden in prayers and love. That is what Jesus would do.

So, in other news….Hubby had fun at Kings Island yesterday with the youth from church. I didn’t know what the kids and I were going to do last night…they are getting bored with just being home with me in the evenings…but I just don’t feel like going anywhere! They are used to always being on the go! So, MIL came and got them for a few hours and took them over to SIL’s house. I got to go get my nails done and then just enjoy the house to myself for a little bit. That was nice!

So, I guess that brings you up to date on my life. I am feeling fine…well, as fine as one feels being 30 weeks pregnant. I only have 8 or 9 more weeks to go, depending on when they do my c-section. I am hoping to get more clarity around that soon. I go to the doctor on Monday. I have been having some major stomach issues since last week…the yucky kind. So, I am not sure what that is all about. I should probably call my doctor, but I don’t like to be the kind of patient that calls about every little thing and I will be there on Monday anyways.

OH….I-Man has Kindergarten orientation 3 weeks from today! I am so nervous/excited/anxious for him. I have literally been waking up every night with panic attacks for about a week or more now. Just can’t shut my brain down and worrying about the baby…about money….about I-Man going to school….just literally about everything. I wake up and feel like something is on my chest and my heart is pounding really loud and fast and it is horrible. I have to either get up or just try to lay there and calm myself down. I haven’t had them like this in a while, but then again…I haven’t ever sent my baby off to school and had a 3rd kid before either. So, there you go!

Well, I really need to get to work. Please pray for my SIL and the baby. And also pray for Speedy and her Dad. My heart just goes out to them…..pray for wisdom for the doctors and peace for the family. Pray for HBM and the baby….and Minnie starting school soon…and Josy and finding a roomie and being happy with no drama in her life…and Sister for her Hubby’s job and co-workers…and Pepto and decisions….and Mandalynn for peace after all the craziness going on in her life lately….and SQ as they start homeschooling..and Sebbiedue and her family…and just everyone. I am sorry if I left anyone out. I really do lift each of you up to God in prayer every day. Prayer of thanksgiving for your friendship and peace for your lives. We all need prayer!!! Love you all!


Sara said...

I feel so bad for SIL! I'll have to give her a call today. I really wanted to be there with her when she has him, but with my dad's surgery, that may not be possible. If you hear anything in the meantime, let me know!

I'm sorry you've had an upset tummy. Maybe it's a virus or something. I would definitely mention it to the doctor on Monday!

Kelley said...

I'm glad SIL told you about what's going on. It seems like you are the only one that she can rely on....and I'm sure that is a different story for you and her!

Funny about your MIL...what is going on with her?

Sorry about your panic attacks....I get them too. I'm sure it's the worry-er in us. I had one last night and felt like my heart on on top of my chest. Take it easy....don't have this baby too early!

Have a wonderful time in Gatlinburg. We'll miss you!

Lots of Love!

SebbieDue said...

Bless your heart! So many things on your mind and heart. I am praying for a calm and peaceful spirit for you.

I remember sending Thing1 off to Kindergarten. It was such a bittersweet time, and it was hard, but I promise you'll both live through it!!!

I'm sure you're right about sil feeling overwhelmed, and your mil not really being there for her emotionally. I'm continuing to pray for her.

Anxiety is the worst. I know Cat was a mess before he got on meds for it. Hang in there, girl!

Much love!

Josy said...

Praying for SIL and baby Brayden. Praying for you and baby Gracie too!

Have a great time on your trip!

(Thanks for the prayers! Hugs to you!)

Mandalynn said...

((((((HUGS))))))), Cousin :) Everything will be alright :) Of course, I can say that because I'm not in your shoes, but sometimes, it helps when our family & friends are praying the peace for us, ya know? So, praying peace for you!! :) Intercessory prayer, I believe is the "tech" term for it :) hehehehe

Okay, better go...Glad you're feeling fine!! :) Have you read Jodi's latest comment on my journal about the hotel? LOL

Thanks for the prayers!! Talk to ya later :)