Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Anyone want a kid?

So, seriously…does anyone want an adorable 2-year old little girl? I am giving her away to the lowest bidder! Seriously! GEESH! Who is this child and what did she do with my adorable FABulous?!?! I can see glimpses of my child…but this other person takes over much too often! This other person throws temper tantrums and cries for 12 minutes straight. YEP…I said 12 minutes straight of screaming, crying, kicking, going limp if I try to pick her up….madness!!! She did that 3 times last night when I was home with the kids with no Hubby….3 times! I was seriously ready to get rid of her or commit myself to a loony bin! So, when Hubby gets home and I tell him this, he responds with…”what did you do to make her so upset?” Yeah, not a good question, Buddy!! LOL Let’s see, the first time: we were leaving my Aunt’s house and she wanted to destroy the pictures that C-Man and I-Man had drawn for Aunt and me that day. I wouldn’t let her do that (bad Mommy), so she cried for about 10 minutes on the way to the van and home. We fixed that by putting Blues Clues on in the van. The second time: we got home and we she wanted to take the VHS tape of Blues Clues inside…fine. So, the VCR in their room wasn’t working for some reason, so the only other VCR in the house is in our room. I put it on in there and she starts to scream. Not kidding. Screaming for about 5 minutes this time. Showed her that her VCR wasn’t working…but she didn’t care. We fixed that by turning “Boots” on…otherwise known as Dora. The third time: we had eaten dinner and I had made her chocolate milk in a sippy cup. After dinner, she grabbed another sippy cup and had been playing with it. She brings that cup to me and I think she is telling me she wants to drink from that cup instead. So, I open her other cup and pour the chocolate milk (and then add some) from that cup into the one she wanted and all heck broke loose. Apparently, that wasn’t what the Diva wanted! I still do not know what she wanted. This was the worst one. This one wouldn’t stop for anything. I eventually (was about to kill her) but instead I picked her up and sat her on the floor of her bedroom and told her that when she was done crying I would come back and get her. She screamed for about 2 more minutes…I-Man and I both just looked at each other and he hugged me because I was in tears at this point. She FINALLY…literally 12 minutes after it all started….stopped crying and let me hold her. I held her for like 2 minutes and then she got down and started playing as if nothing had happened. I was like…HELLO? Satan’s spawn? What just happened here? But she was over it. So, needless to say….I did not have a good evening last night!!!! Hubby could tell that I was DUN when he got home because he pretty much took care of them for the rest of the night. So, if anyone has seen my precious and sweet FABulous, can you return her? This model is broken!!! The joys of parenting! Are you sure you want to do this, Sister?!?!?! Really?!?!? LOL

So, after work yesterday (before the above paragraph happened)…I went to my doc’s appointment and basically they said…”you’re pregnant for the 3rd time. Suck it up!” Not really…but that is what it boils down to. Everything I am experiencing is normal. She did ask me if I was too uncomfortable to continue working…but I said no. It is too early to be off work, I would just go stir-crazy. So, maybe the next time I go….but not yet. I haven’t got all my loose ends tied up and I couldn’t imagine leaving poor KK just yet! It is going to be bad enough when I do leave her!

So, after my doc’s appointment, I had some time to kill before I picked up the kiddos. So, I went to Wal-Mart and got some things I have been needing. I got a birthday present for A-Girl, socks for I-Man, FAB and Little G, some onesies for Little G, some candles and some oil for the thing that HBM got me for my b-day. Then I went to Payless and bought I-Man and FAB shoes for $16 for both pairs! I thought that was good! Then I went and got the kids…and you know what happened there!

So, today is I-Man’s last day at my Aunt’s house! Hubby took him to get his hair cut this morning and then sent me a picture of him in front of my Aunt’s house for his last day at “day-care”! I guess that yesterday Hubby took some paperwork to I-Man’s school (I have been nagging him for over a week to do it…but that isn’t the point) and they got to meet his teacher! She was in the hallway and recognized him from the pictures they took of the kids at the screening. So, she introduced herself to I-Man and to Hubby. Then she took them down to his classroom so he could see it. I asked him if he liked her and he said yes and he said that he is sharing a bucket with a boy named Zachary. Don’t know what that means. Hubby didn’t see a “Sam” bucket, so we are assuming that the little boy from his soccer team….the one that we didn’t really want them to be in class together because they would probably get in trouble for talking all the time….is not in his class. I-Man said that “there weren’t as many chairs as I thought there would be.” So, I guess that means that he thought there would be more kids in his class than there are? Not sure, really. I guess we will find out about all of this stuff tomorrow! I am anxious to have my questions answered and see where I-Man will be spending his time! I hope we get to meet his Kids’ Club teacher too! SO many questions and worries for this Mommy…and I am sure I am not alone! But that was cool that he got to meet her before the meeting tomorrow!

Well, I guess that is about it for today. OH! KK and I are just beside ourselves today because the Market President (who we talked to last week) had breakfast with Stinky Pete’s boss today. All he would tell us is that “we owe him”. So, we will see what comes of this…but that is cool!!!! I am trying not to get my hopes up too much…but a lot of stuff has happened recently that leads me to believe “the poop is about to hit the fan” for Stinky Pete. So, we will see!!! Only time will tell, I reckon!

You all have a great day! Hopefully tonight goes better for me and FAB or the little girl pretending to be FAB. Tomorrow, we are taking her to my Aunt’s house while we are at the meeting and then tomorrow night…KK and I are going to a jewelry party where you make your own beaded jewelry! Doesn’t that sound cool?

Love you all!!! Praying for Little L and her family – Detergent stopped by last night and she said that Little L is in an enormous amount of pain – they finally gave her morphine yesterday after she had been crying and screaming for many, many hours. Her bone marrow shows 95% leukemia…so that isn’t good. And they hoped to start her on chemo yesterday, but her blood levels weren’t right, so they couldn’t. Apparently, Many Kids spent the night at home last night so she could get her other 4 kids up and ready for their first day of school. So, please continue to pray for that family. As well as Wanda – as HBM mentioned in her journal. She is in a coma due to heart-related problems. Another lady at our church said that it doesn’t look good for her…so please pray!


Kelley said...

That's it. If I have a girl, I'm giving her to you. I am NOT putting up with that. Pita Pocket went through very few of those (yes, we are lucky) but I know how girls are....so after Friday, ya might be getting TWO babies! LOL!

I can't wait to hear about I-Man's first day of school. I know you have so many emotions going on, but I-Man is going to do so well at school. He is such a people person!

So, did ya get Stinky Pete fired? Moved? Retired? Transferred? I can't wait to find out what is going on!!!

Lots of Love!

Jodi said...

I can't believe you are saying such hateful things about my angel neice!!! lol

seriously she is truly a diva and already exhibiting signs of being a hormonal little woman...don't we all act like that a little from time to time...I know my husband would say AMEN from the rafters lol...but sorry that you had to deal with her...that doesn't like fun at all...I guess that's the part they leave out when ya see the adorable baby pictures...lol...

so it's not really I-man's last day at daycare...because like snow days and next summer he'll probably go back there won't he? but I know what ya mean...things are definately fixing to change big time for the little guy...man oh man sis...my prayers are with you because I'm just the aunt and I'm getting emotional about it so I can't even imagine how you are feeling!! I'm so nervous and excited for him!! Just think of what his little mind is going through in all these new experiences...HOW EXCITING!!

well ramble ramble...did the doc clear ya for going to reunion? Are you feeling up to reunion? Inquiring minds want to know man!

love you...you and BIL and I-man and especially that little stinker my precious neice are all in my prayers!!

Dawn said...

HEy its letting me comment today. The other day when I tried it was down. I am giggling over here cause we just had one of those fits a few weeks ago. Fortunately it was our very first one (the whole on the floor kicking and screaming) and so far its been our only one. I know that age 3 and 4 were the worst for Madison so far I"m thinking that will be the same here. I'm sorry you were crying I was a bad mom I just ignored abbi and walked around the house and kept doign stuff. She of course followed me and found the floor whereever I was and layed and had the fit there LOL! That was so sweet of I-man to hug you. Madison and I just roll our eyes at each other but usually madison is the cause of most of abbis fits.

Hope the poop doesn't hit you when it hits the fan LOL I'm gross sorry!! See ya girlie!

girlie_mom said...

I know that Friday will be hard for ya...I'll be praying for you. I know exactly what you mean about crazy kids. I actually think that something happens to them when they are in Wee Ones...seriously. Since we have had a few days of preschool, we haven't had too many fits...knock on wood.

Hope something positive comes from the meeting.

Love ya!

Mandalynn said...

I'm glad you're joining the club with the Terrible DIVA 2's!! LOL We've got one here, too. She's started this whining/crying thing that just drives me INSANE!! They're at the age where they're not quite big kids, not quite babies, and that's the only way they can deal with it...May seem TOTALLY unrelated with what/how they react, but it's all connected...Not trying to "advice" you, just sharing some things I learned at school!! LOL Gotta put it to use somewhere!! LOL It's a lot easier to hear/say that than it is to deal with the reality of it happening, huh?!?! LOL :)

Yeah, are you allowed to come to Reunion this weekend?!?!

Talk to ya later :)