Monday, August 14, 2006

Back to Reality!

Hello! I am back at work (BLAH) and I have a lot to do, but I just wanted to put in a quick update! WOW! What a weekend…but I need a vacation to recover from our mini-vacation!!!

So, after I was up from 3:45 to almost 6:00…I did go back to sleep until about 9:00 and then I got up and went down to check out the breakfast at the hotel. It was alright. Hubby didn’t get up in time to go down, so we got ready and headed out for the day! We went to a yummy breakfast place we had never tried before. It was very good. Then we headed out to do some more shopping. We got the kids some shoes, got Hubby some t-shirts (and one for Elvis too!), went to The Christmas Store and had so much fun in there! We ran into Hair Dye’s parents! Isn’t that a hoot! They were down there for a funeral. The last time we were down there we saw Minnie’s SIL, this time, Hair Dye’s parents. What a small world! We got a cute ornament for Brayden and Gracie and one for our family. We really had fun in that store. Then we went to Carters and bought FAB and Gracie matching outfits, a cute Halloween outfit for Gracie, an outfit for Brayden and some cute tights for FAB. We just had fun doing what we wanted to do! Then we decided to play indoor putt-putt golf. It was called “Blacklight Golf”. It was fun…but we were behind a very slow family…so we did a lot of waiting. But still fun. Then we headed to the timeshare presentation. We practiced saying no a million different ways on the way (lol). We got there and had to submit some names of people for them to call and offer the weekend get-away to. We submitted a few names….I had to make Hubby stop naming people though! Although….it was DEFINITELY worth the weekend get-away to listen to the schpeel. So, we got lucky and got a young girl as our “salesperson”. It was only her 3rd day on the job and she was very, very nice. She was a Christian girl from Germany and we just loved her. Hubby loved looking at her….as did all of the other men at that place…but she was really very sweet. I told her after it was all over that I wish I didn’t like her! Because I liked her I wanted to be able to say yes, but we just couldn’t do it. So, that lasted 2.5 hours…..ummmm, what happened to 90 minutes? Oh well. So, we missed The Comedy Barn. We left the timeshare place and went and had a yummy dinner for free and then we headed to see the show Memories. There was a nice couple with a 12 week-old baby in front of us. We chatted with them and really enjoyed the first part of the show. It was very, very funny. The highlight was the Jerry Lee Lewis impersonator. He was AMAZING. At intermission, we got up to walk around and Hubby could tell that I was DUN. I was so tired and my back was killing me. It was just a long day for a 7 month pregnant girl. So, we headed back to the hotel ….stopped and got ice cream at a place called Crankies….so, so YUMMY. It was like Coldstone but I actually liked it even better. So, we took that back to the hotel and sat on our balcony and ate that and then just relaxed. I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, I think. I slept much better that night…only awake for about an hour in the night.

We got up on Sunday, got ready, had breakfast and headed North. It was a short trip, but very nice to do what we wanted to do and just enjoy each other. I drove for about 90 minutes and then we stopped to potty and Hubby drove the rest of the way. We took his little car to save on gas….but it was so uncomfortable. We saved money….but I won’t do that again. So, we got to my parents house in time for Sunday dinner with Sister, Buford, Mom and the kids (Dad had to work). That was nice…we missed the kids so much and I think they missed us. FAB kept giving me kisses all during dinner and I-Man kept hugging me too. BUT, they had a ton of fun with my parents at Holiday World in Indiana and with Sister and Buford at Buffalo Crossing (a petting zoo). We walked in to all of them making camel noises. So, they had a wonderful time too! We piled in the car and headed North again!

We got home and ran to our house really quick to pick up something. KK had made a Mother’s bracelet for SIL and dropped it off at our house, so we grabbed that and the other gifts we had for him and headed to SIL’s apartment. We walked in and were amazed at how gorgeous and perfect he is. He is really beautiful! I know I am a bit biased, but he is a beautiful baby! SIL doesn’t think he looks anything like his dad…so she was happy. I don’t see a lot of her in him either….but he is just so perfect. He definitely has her nose…and is really just perfect. You could tell that MIL was happy to have her 3 kids there and her 3 grandkids (well, 4 if you count Gracie!!). I held him first and just stared at him. He is precious. I-Man held him for about 30 seconds and then started watching TV. FAB kissed him and didn’t like it when Hubby or I were holding him. She would climb up on our laps too. So, that will be fun! After a while, I-Man held him again – and for a long time! He did SO good! He held him and if he started to fuss, he would pat his bottom and whisper to him to “shoosh, baby…it’s alright.” So precious. We took lots of pictures. Hubby held him and that was so precious. He was whispering to him about all the things he would teach him to do. We took pictures of MIL with all of her grandkids…she was beaming. SIL is doing GREAT. The breastfeeding is going well….she is sore, but feeling pretty good. She just did great. I am really proud of her. She has a tough road ahead of her….but she is a strong person and she has a lot of people who love her and plan on being there for her. She has made a lot of mistakes (but haven’t we all) but I am just so proud of her right now. She could’ve decided to abort this baby or not keep him…but she is going to fight it out! Anyways, it was a nice visit with them and we are going to take her dinner over one night this week. Froggie is bringing her dinner tonight (I think) and MIL took the week off and is planning on staying with her for a few nights. I checked in with them today and he did pretty good on his first night at home.

So, after we left there, we went home and got all un-packed and got the laundry going. The kids were EXHAUSTED. So, they ate a snack and then I put them in bed to watch cartoons. They were both asleep within an hour. Hubby went to Men’s Group and I watched BB and some other stuff I had on the DVR. It was nice to be home!

And that is about it! Of course, I am back to work today. But only for 4 days this week! I am headed back to Kentucky this weekend with the kids for the American Idol concert on Friday. I can’t wait! We are going to have a blast, I am sure!!! I think that I-Man is going to the concert with us. That will be a treat for him. I am sure he will do fine….he might be overwhelmed at first…but he will love it. I am really looking forward to this weekend. The kids and I are going to stay through Sunday at my parents. Not sure what else we will do, but I am sure we will have a nice get-away. Hubby has plans to go to a Red’s Game with some guys from church on Friday night and he is going to paint too! We have been wanting to paint our living room and kitchen area…so I think he is going to do that this weekend! I am excited about that! Hopefully we are able to decide on colors that we both like. We will see!

Umm….I guess that is really about it. I could go on and on venting about my in-laws, but I won’t. I am just going to leave it at this: my mother-in-law definitely has different priorities right now. And my father-in-law has already told SIL all the things he is going to do with my new nephew. I guess he doesn’t realize that he already has two grandkids. Hubby is hurt about that, but I am just DUN with the whole situation. My kids are BLESSED to have such a WONDERFUL Papaw in my Dad…I can’t control what FIL does and I am not going to get upset about it anymore. It is his loss. He is missing out on spending time with 2 really great kids.

Well, I better get back to work! I took a break in the middle of writing this to go to lunch with KK and then Detergent stopped in to see me. She has jury duty this week (well, hopefully she will get out of it, but has to sit through a thing all day today) and came to see me on their lunch break. That was a nice little break in my day! Now I have to get to work! I have to leave in a little bit to go to the doctor and then I think I am going to drop in and see my new nephew.

Have a good one! Love to all!!!


Kelley said...

What a wonderful weekend!!! I am jealous! I know you needed it...I mean 3 kids in a month!!!! LOL! I can laugh...because I only will have 2! LOL!

Aren't breakfast bars the pits in the hotels? We even went into one that said "Limited Breakfast Bar". What does that mean?!?!!

I'm sure that your MIL is so glad that she had all of her grandkids with her. I bet that was a proud moment. I'm just sorry that your in-laws have priorities in different places right now. You DO have wonderful parents, so I'm sure that they make up more than double for your in-laws!!!

Hope you have a wonderful day....and what exactly is the noise a camel makes?

Lots of Love!

girlie_mom said...

Glad you all had a fab time. What a great weekend to get-away.

So sorry about your in-laws. That has to be hard for Geez to see and deal with. You are right, THEY will miss out. Crazy people!!!

Hope you week goes by fast and you have a GREAT time at the concert.

Lots of love!!

Sara said...

I'm glad you had a good weekend and you said NO to the timeshare people! :)

Not much new I can say about your in-laws. They are who they are, I guess....unfortunately. I agree with you that I don't think Little B looks like his mommy either. I assumed he looked like his "donor" but if she says he doesn't, then I'm glad for her! I'm hoping to see her on my lunch break this week.

I'm so jealous you get to go the AI concert! I bet that will be a blast! Say HI to Chris for me! :) Love ya!

Josy said...

Congratulations on being an Auntie again!