Thursday, August 24, 2006

Thursday's Ramblings...

Hello Ladies! I wish it was Friday…but I guess it almost is! I just have no desire to be at work lately. That is not a good thing! Not good at all! And I really hate it because I used to LOVE my job and look forward to it every day. I know that part of the problem is that my mind is already mentally checking out for my maternity leave…but my other problem is that Stinky Pete makes my job no fun! So, I need to get over it and just suck it up! But seriously, I do not want to be here! Oh well….that is part of being an adult, right? Doing things we don’t want to do, but we have to do! I don’t want to be an adult! LOL

So, let’s see what has been going on. Not much, really. Tuesday night….I don’t think we did much of anything. (That will be a reoccurring theme!) I picked the kids up from my aunt’s house and we went home and the kids played, I tried to take it easy….we ate dinner and then the kids went outside to play for a bit. Our pool is disgusting and needs to be drained. Hopefully Hubby will do that this weekend. It looks gross! We just haven’t been home much lately (on the weekends) to enjoy it or maintain it. So, anyways. YUCK! Hubby got home from work and I really do not remember anything exciting happening. I guess I watched Big Brother….and then went to bed.

Yesterday I woke up feeling really bad. I just didn’t feel good. I had to force myself to get up out of bed and get ready for work. I am having a sharp pain on my right side….I think she is just pushing on something weird. And I just didn’t feel good. So, I only worked half a day yesterday. Stinky Pete needed my help with some stuff in the morning and then he was on the road to go out of town, so I left when he did. I got lunch, went home and straightened up the house a bit…it was pretty messy….and then laid down and went to sleep until it was time to go pick FAB up from my Aunt’s house. I got there to pick her up and she kept asking me where I-Man was. (Remember….he and Hubby went to Kings’ Island yesterday). They said that she whined for I-Man all day. Poor girl!

So, we headed home and my mom called and said she was on her way up….so she picked up Wendy’s for dinner and came over to see my new colorful house. She really liked it! FAB didn’t eat one bite of dinner….so not sure what that is about! Mom didn’t stay very long before she headed over to her house. FAB was such a sweet girl last night! She mostly watched Dora in her and I-Man’s room….and of course she had to have her back-pack on too. Funny thing…she never says Dora….it is always Boots! So, anyways. She was a very sweet girl all night. She would come and give me hugs and kisses and we would sing “You are My Sunshine”. I love to hear her sing that. So precious! So, so precious.

Well, the boys got home from Kings Island at about 9:00…the park closed at 8:00 last night. I guess because most of the kids that work there are back in school. They had a great day! First of all, at the dentist in the morning….they said that I-Man’s teeth look great! They can tell that he does a good job of taking care of them. Hubby, on the other hand, has to have a cavity filled next week. That is why I hate going to the dentist! They always find something that needs fixed and it always cost an arm and a leg, even though we have dental insurance! Heck, yesterday cost them $64 just for them both to have their teeth cleaned! It irks me off! I don’t know why it is so expensive!!!! Oh well. So, that was the dentist. I guess I-Man did good…he cried a little bit because he didn’t like the taste of the stuff they used and it hurt a little. I asked him if he thought he would have to go back to the dentist soon and he said he would never have to go back. Silly kid!

So, then to Kings Island! They had a ball! I-Man just couldn’t get over how big it was and Hubby said they had a great, great time. He even rode the Beastie twice! They also went to the water park and had fun there. I guess that Hubby and I-Man were both going to go down this big slide at the same time…so when the lady said they could go, it looked like I-Man was going…so Hubby went down. When he got to the bottom, he couldn’t find I-Man! So, he looked back up at the top and the girls were waving to him. I-Man didn’t go after all. So, Hubby had to go all the way back up there to get him. LOL They rode a few adult rides (White Water Canyon, Amazon Falls) and had a great time. They also rode the Scooby Ride and bought their pictures. Too cute! Hubby did buy a disposable camera, so I can’t wait to see the pictures. I-Man is ready to go back! So, that was fun for the two of them. Boy was FAB glad to see them when they got home! She missed her Bubba! It is going to be hard on her when he starts school! I really didn’t even think about that! She is just going to miss him so much.

So, that was about it for last night….or so I thought. For some reason, FAB did not sleep well last night. She climbed up into my bed at one point and just laid on top of me and went back to sleep. So, I put her back in her bed and she was asleep. I closed her door and went to the potty. Well, no sooner than I get in the bathroom, she starts screaming. So, I-Man comes out to get me….I hurry up and go back to her. I lay down with her (in her bed) for a few minutes…she is asleep…so I get up and go back to bed. About an hour later…she is back in my bed. I take her back to her bed. Two hours later, back in my bed. I make Hubby get up and take her to her bed…she screams for me the whole time, so I end up getting up anyways. ARGH! I hope she isn’t getting sick or anything. I did notice that her night-light was out…so maybe that is all it was. I called my Mom (who is watching them today) and she is acting fine. Mom said she didn’t know about last night and would never have suspected something was wrong. So, we will see if it happens again tonight. That is just so not like her. This is the first time she has done this since she has been in a big-girl bed. And before that, she rarely woke up. ODD. Maybe she is just preparing me for the baby in a few weeks….but I wont’ have to get up and go to work the next morning then!!!

So, I actually started this post this morning and then I got side-tracked with work – imagine that! They expect me to work here! LOL Actually, KK and I had a GREAT conversation with the Market President about Stinky Pete. He was wonderful and committed to doing whatever he could to help us. So, we will see. He has seen some of SP’s quirks and has talked to him before…so he mentioned going to SP’s boss and trying to get something done. He was FLOORED by some of the examples we shared with him. So, that was a great conversation!!! KK and I went to a Vera Bradley store on our lunch break…she was going to buy the Java Blue back-pack or the bowler….but they didn’t have either in Java Blue. They said they have 100 of the back-packs ordered but haven’t received them yet. Isn’t that crazy! That pattern is so popular!!!! So, we walked out of there with nothing! Aren’t you proud of me?!?!?!

Well, that is about it for today. My mom and the kids and I are going to go see my Great-Aunt in the nursing home after work. She is not doing well – although she is in her 90’s…so she is actually doing pretty good…but it looks like the end might be getting closer. So, we are going to go and visit her for a bit….as long as the kids will allow us to stay. Then, maybe we will go check out the new mall if it isn’t too crowded! We’ll see!!! I really need to get my nails done…priorities! LOL

Y’all have a great day and I will talk to you later! Love ya!


Sara said...

Maybe FAB's clinginess is an instinct thing about the new baby....just a guess. Hope she sleeps better for you!

I'm glad someone is finally abreast of the SP situation. He's such a dork! I'm amazed he got where he did by the stuff he does! Crazy!

Way to go not buying another Vera! Must have taken some major restraint! :)

Jodi said...

I didn't think about how much FAB would miss I-man either! If you think about it though...they are mostly always together so it makes sense...maybe that's why she was having trouble sleeping?? I dunno...but anyway...yes lots of adjustments coming around for that little one too!!

love you! take care of are in the home stretch!!

girlie_mom said...

I have been thinking the same thing about Boo and Pretty. They will both be going to preschool, but they won't be in the same class. I'm not even sure that they will see each other much either. I know Pretty will do great, it is just Boo I am worried about. I'll just have to let them know about the blanket thing. That is the next best thing to Mommy. (sometimes she would rather it, than me)

So sorry you aren't feeling great. I just can't imagine what it could be. Maybe you should go to the doctor and she if you have a disease or something....J/K. I wish that we would feel at the prime of our life when we are pregnant, but for some reason God didn't design us that way. I always felt bad the 1st 3 months and the last 3 weeks. I probably felt best in my 2nd trimester/beginning of my 3rd. Hope you can last 7 more weeks. Praying for ya!

So when do WE get to see your colorful house????? Vocab has committed to making Chicken Thangs.

Love ya lots!!

p.s. your word thingy makes me think I'm at the eye doctor. I can't get it to work b/c I can't even tell what the letters are.

Kelley said...

I'm sorry about FAB's night. She loves her mommy doesn't she!??! LOL! Feels good...except at 2am!

I can't wait to see the King's Island pictures! Those will be some awesome memories for your hubby and I-Man. You'll have to post those!!

I hope that meeting went well....not the Vera Bradley meeting, the work meeting! I'd still like to see Stinky Pete in a chicken costume!

Lots of Love!