Thursday, August 03, 2006

It is Almost Friday!

Hola Senoritas! Yeah…it is Thursday! I am just so not in the mood to work lately! I feel like I have to force myself to get up every morning. I would much rather be at home with my family. I think it is because of a few things…I don’t have any big projects right now, so that makes me bored at work….and I know that my leave is coming up…so that makes me want to start it now! The good news is that I only have a 4 day week for the next two weeks! Next Friday, Saturday and Sunday I will be in Gatlinburg with Hubby. I am really looking forward to that trip. We need the get-away, just the two of us, and hopefully we will get to relax a lot! And then the following weekend is the American Idol concert….YAHOO! I am really looking forward to that! Then I come back to work for a full week (boo hiss) and then I am barely working the following week because it is I-Man’s orientation and first day of school…then is Labor Day…so another short week…and then soon after that will be my leave! So, that is all good news!!! Did you follow all of that? LOL

So, let’s see. I didn’t post yesterday because there was really nothing to post about! And Speedy and I were emailing each other back and forth all day – which was great! I don’t get to talk to anyone much anymore….not being on Praise Team and just feeling out of the loop with everyone…so that was very nice! Hopefully we are going to meet for lunch sometime! So, that is why I didn’t post yesterday! Nothing too exciting going on!

Tuesday….work was fine. I went and picked the kids up at my Aunt’s house. Skinny Cousin was there because it was her son’s first day of kindergarten. We talked about that for a bit…she said all the moms were crying in the morning when they had to leave them. That will be me in a few weeks! We were laughing because she had put milk money in his lunch bag…but then panicked because “he doesn’t know how to buy himself anything”…and I have thought the same thing about I-Man! I guess this is how they learn!!!! So, that was nice to chat with her. She had fixed FAB’s hair…and my little stinker sat perfectly still for her!!! She did a double French-braid and it was so pretty! She said that FAB just sat perfectly still the whole time. Huh! She won’t hardly let me comb her hair, let alone double braid it!!!! So, we left there and went home and that is about it for Tuesday! I made dinner and we ate and then we just played in the house the rest of the night. It was too hot to do anything else….even though I-Man wanted to go swimming…I just didn’t want to go outside! So, we just hung around the house. Hubby has been working late….so he didn’t get home until later. I watched BB….and really that is about it!

Wednesday….work was fine. I was busy all day shipping t-shirts out to branches – that was a ball of fun. KK and her son helped me. Her son is 11 and has been home all summer (out of school) by himself, so he usually goes to the Rec Center, but it was just too hot…so he came into work with her. He was a trip! That made our job fun yesterday! After work, I went and picked up the kids. Oh, funny thing. I passed Skinny Cousin’s house (everyday I pass it to pick up the kids) and I thought I saw my Aunt (the one who watches my kids) on the corner…just standing there. So, I get to her house and sure enough, her car wasn’t in the drive-way. Well, my Uncle (who was laid off) was with the kids and I asked if that was my Aunt I saw…and it was. Listen to this…she went to the bus-stop to get C-Boy (the kindergartener) and was told to be there at 3:45. So, the bus comes by and my Aunt is like on the bus talking to the driver and she won’t let C-Boy get off! She said she couldn’t let him off on that side of the street so she would drop him off on her way back through. WHAT? So, more than 45 minutes later….she dropped him off. So, my Aunt stood IN THE HEAT for over 45 minutes. How fun will that be when my Uncle goes back to work and she has all these other kids with her? Hopefully it was just “the second day of school” and they get the wrinkles ironed out of that system. I felt so bad for her and C-Boy who just wanted off the stinking bus! At least I-Man doesn’t have to deal with that….he will walk to school every day. He can’t understand why he can’t walk by himself….Silly Boy!

So, anyways….a PRAISE is that my Uncle (two of them were laid off…one is Mandalynn’s Dad and one is the Hubby of my Aunt who watches my kids….we call him Uncle Funny Hat)…so, Uncle Funny Hat got a job. He had an interview last week with a company in the same town he lives in…the asked him when he can start! So, he has to go for a physical on Friday and then they will meet with him to discuss pay and benefits and all that jazz, but they want him to start on Monday! So, he was pretty excited when we were talking about it yesterday. Please continue to pray for Uncle Poncho (Mandalynn’s Dad)…he is looking for a job and somehow they miscalculated an amount for his Unemployment and it got cut a bit each week. Just pray for peace for he and Aunt Beautiful and that the right doors would open soon. I can’t imagine the stress they are under.

Umm…so! After I got the kids last night, I decided that I didn’t just want to go home and veg like we did the night before. So, the kids and I went to McDonalds for dinner. The young girl working behind the counter just thought FAB was so beautiful. She asked to hold her and FAB went right to her. She let FAB push the buttons for our order….so cute. So, we left there and went to the Magic Castle. I got $5 worth of tokens and the kids had fun playing for about half an hour or so. They got dumb little prizes and then we were on our way. We are going to have I-Man’s birthday party there, instead of a crazy big party like usual….so that should be fun for him and a few of his friends.

OH, I forgot to mention that when we got home, I-Man had a letter in the mail from my parents! We opened it and it was a card for “Going to School” and they gave us a Wal-Mart gift card to buy school supplies with. So, after the Magic Castle, we went to Wal-Mart and did just that. I-Man was so excited! He got a new Cars lunch box and all of his supplies. Plus I bought him 3 shirts…so that was very nice of my parents! That was a BIG help. I had been wanting to buy his supplies…so we both had fun doing that and FAB was just an angel while we were there. So…then we headed home. I really wanted to go to Bath & Body Works to exchange some stuff my SIL got me…but at this point, I was DUN. My back hurt and I was hot and just very, very tired. I guess it was too long of a day on my feet. So, we went home and soon after we got there, Hubby came home. He and I just laid on the bed talking and playing with the kids for a while…I had to lay down because my back hurt so bad! We just had to laugh because I-Man and FAB were being so loud and fighting and playing and fighting again….he just looked at me and said “There will never be a peaceful moment in this house again for over 18 years, you realize that…right?!?!?” We just laughed. What can you do???! So, like I said…we really need this little get-away next weekend!

So, that is about it! The kids and I went to bed. I didn’t sleep well last night, but strangely, I woke up in a good mood. I was awake most of the night. I just couldn’t sleep and then when I would close my eyes, I would see these bright flashes of light. Not sure what that was about….but it was a long night. I thought about coming into work late or calling in sick…but when my alarm went off, I felt perky…I didn’t want to feel perky…but I did. So, here I am. KK and I are going to go do something fun today because neither of us wants to be here and neither of us has much to do. So, we are going to take advantage of Stinky Pete not being here today and tomorrow! I am not sure what we are going to do….but just get the heck out of here!!!!

So, I think that is about it! I hope you all have a great day….stay cool. Sounds like relief is on it’s way….should be cooler tomorrow! Love and prayers to you all!!!!


Kelley said...

Girl, when you really write! I like the purple text by the way!

That is odd about the bus driver not dropping off kids on the opposite side anymore...unless that is a new rule. Things like that change yearly. I hate that he is on the bus an extra 45 minutes. I would just go to the side that they can drop him off on and let it go. I guess safety is the key issue here.

How fun to go school shopping! I can't believe I-Man is going to school this year. Take pictures! That will be so much fun!

AND....I can't believe that you didn't want to go home. I'm still craving the bed as soon as I wake up. I haven't gotten that energy at all yet. Glad you had fun though.

Lots of Love!

Sara said...

You must have been having sympathy feelings for me last night. I was up with Piglet 3 times and they weren't short time periods either!

It was good to talk to you yesterday too. I hate the phone (as I know you do too) but I can sure email! :)

Glad the parents helped you out with I-man's school supplies. Aren't parents great???? Hope you and KK are having fun today. Love ya!

Josy said...

How much fun was shopping for school supplies?! I am looking forward to doing that with J-Man this week too. He's already ready for school to start. And then it will be hockey season...

Hope your leg cramps are getting better. I always did lots of leg stretches to relieve mine.

Love in Faith,

girlie_mom said...

I think you and KK should go and get pedicures. That is sooo nice!!!

No big party this year, am I talking to Missy Bennett???? Do you even know how to NOT throw a big party??!?!?!?! Cute idea though.

Glad you woke up happy eventhough you didnt' get much sleep.

Hope you get to relax some more tonight!!

Love ya!