Thursday, August 17, 2006

LOVE my Blue Wall!

So, here I sit at work….just counting the minutes until I can GET OUT OF HERE for a long weekend. Actually, I have plenty of things to work on….but I just don’t feel like it! I almost just took today as a vacation day, but I am only working half a day anyways….and KK and I are hoping to get a chance to talk to the Market President today about our buffoon of a boss. So, we will see.

Yesterday was a fine day at work….not a lot going on. Just getting caught up on stuff and getting some stuff ready for my leave. I really need to start making sure all my ducks are in a row because you just never know at this point when my doc might put me on leave. I doubt it would be anytime real soon, but you just never know! So, there are lots of lists to be made and things for me to show KK and others how to do. They will do just fine without me. I just worry about poor KK having to deal with Stinky Pete all by herself. Bless her heart! I just know that when I come back she is going to be going on to a different job because Stinky Pete will have pushed her over the edge…..either he will be gone or she will. We will see!

So, enough about work! Who really cares about that anyways?!? On my way home from work, I called my MIL for the daily Baby B report. We talked for a long time…that was nice. Tomorrow SIL gets a home phone…so that will be nice that I can just call her directly. She has a TracFone now, but I know her minutes have dwindled quickly since Little B got here…so I have avoided calling her. Anyways, they didn’t really find out much from the doctor yesterday, so they are assuming that is good news. They didn’t put him under lights…so he must be doing better. Anyways, she (MIL) was at home and sounded very tired. She had been with SIL during the day, but was letting her be with her other company last night. And SIL wanted to try to be by herself over night last night. So, I am anxious to talk to them today to see how her first night alone went. MIL said that she didn’t do anything, since SIL is breast-feeding…but I told her it was just the comfort of knowing your mom was near if you needed her. We had a nice talk. Apparently there is some sort of stink brewing with FIL and his wife. I don’t understand exactly what is going on…but it sounds like Step-Mom might be feeling intimidated by MIL. I bet she is just trying to find her place in all of this. This is the first major family thing that has happened since they got married and it was probably awkward at the hospital that MIL and FIL were so involved together. But it should’ve been that way. Anyways, I told MIL not to worry about it because unless she did something to offend them, she can’t help the way Step-Mom is feeling. She just has to get comfortable with the situation and figure out how she fits into everything. In the meantime, MIL is going to try to not be around when FIL and Step-Mom are around – so they have their own time with New Mommy and Little B. Oh, the joys of a divorced family!!!!

Anyways, so MIL and I decided that Hubby and I are going to buy New Mommy a microwave and some groceries. I think Hubby will do that later today. She also really needs a breast pump, so I am going to keep an eye out for one of those. She won’t need it until she goes back to work, but that will be here before we know it. She doesn’t get that much time off. Anyways, please continue to keep her in your prayers. For all of us who have kids, remember the adrenaline rush that makes it seem so easy and wonderful the first few days? Well, that will soon wear off and she is going to get very tired - more than most since she is doing it alone. So, just pray for her and Little B. God has really given me a sense of “praying without ceasing” for New Mommy and Little B. They are constantly in my mind and I feel like I am in constant prayer for them. I think that is truly my role in this for right now. It is a neat…and strange…feeling. I am not that close to SIL, but we are getting closer…if not in talking to each other, certainly because I feel more attached to her through my intercessory prayers….if that makes sense. I am trying to make sense of it all in my own head, so if you don’t understand, join the club! LOL

So, anyways! I picked up the kiddos from my Aunt’s house. She told me that FAB is a pill. Uh…hello? I realize that. She is so feisty and so independent…..a real handful! Terrible 2’s hit her HARD! It is frustrating. I-Man keeps saying he is excited about school because he “will get a break from the babies.” So, obviously he has heard me say that! But honestly, she does aggravate the snot out of him! Yesterday morning, Hubby was watching them and they didn’t know he was there. He said that I-Man was just sitting there minding his own business and FAB just climbed up on him and started picking on him. Hubby told her to stop and she just laughed. See, she has this “ornery” laugh….actually it sounds very much like New Mommy’s laugh. So, she is rotten. Next week, Hubby is going to take I-Man to the dentist for the first time (we are bad parents) and then they are going to Kings Island – just the two of them. So, we are trying to do some fun thing with him before school starts. I just can’t believe that my baby is starting school! I tear up just thinking about it!

So, we were on our way home and I-Man asked to call Mimi Hio and see if she wanted to do something with them. I told him that she was very tired so she may not be able to, but I let him call her. So, I ended up dropping the kids off at her house for a few hours. It was very nice because I had the whole house to myself! I was supposed to go out to dinner with some people from work, but I just couldn’t leave my nice, quiet house! That doesn’t happen very often! So, Hubby got home from work around 8:00 and MIL brought the kids home around 8:30….it was a nice relaxing evening! I did laundry and packed our bags for the weekend.

So, when MIL dropped the kids off, she brought me Dairy Queen – how nice! She stayed and chatted with us for a bit. Her boyfriend met them (her and the kids) at DQ. She said that Rob thinks FAB is adorable…of course! But then, he doesn’t live with her! YIKES! Then MIL says how sad it is because Rob has a grandson that just turned 2 on the weekend and he wasn’t invited to the party because he and his son are “on bad terms right now.” That is sad…..but there are two sides to every story! Anyways, the kids had fun with her. She left and we gave them baths and put them to bed. I went to bed shortly thereafter.
Hubby stayed up and started painting! He painted the one blue wall….and I LOVE IT! He has some touch-up to do…I think he is going to do another coat…but I LOVE the color and I LOVE it! I think it will look neat! I need to find some new decorations for the house now that we will have a different feel to the room. I love it!!!! I can’t wait to come home on Sunday and see the finished project. Poor Hubby….he has so much work ahead of him! But he will have some fun in there too! I just feel bad that he is doing it all by himself. Although, I know it gives him a great sense of pride to be able to do stuff like this. He isn’t very handy….but he does a great job in making everything look really nice. And he takes great pride in our home. So, anyways…I am excited to see the finished project!

Umm…not really much else to talk about. I am headed out of here in a little bit to take the kids to the doctor – they both have to get shots! Then we are headed down to Tucky for the weekend! I am sure we will have fun – no matter what all we do. But I am SO extremely excited about the AI concert. We will probably be some of the oldest people there…but it will be so neat to see them all perform!!!! YEAH! Have I mentioned what a great Sister I have?!?!? What a great gift idea that was!!!!

OH, I had some WEIRD dreams last night. Now, I heard no clucking (hehe HBM), but I dreamt that my sister (not JJ, but my other sister) was trying to kill me. She had a gun and was trying to kill me. I ran into a Burger King (because the drive-thru line was too long) to get away from her. It was very bizarre. Then, when I was hiding from her, there was this really big bug that actually looked like a bird, but it was bug…and it hung itself. Umm…yeah, it was a very weird dream. There were other things too…but those were the biggest two things that I remember. Huh. Odd.

So, you all have a great day! Have a nice weekend because I probably won’t journal this weekend. I will miss you all (those that I normally see at church)…but maybe see you at Women’s Group on Sunday night? I am not sure that I am going, but I might. So, maybe I will see you then!

Love you all!!!!


Sara said...

Um, yeah, you're dream was very weird.

I can't wait to see your new wall. You'll have to have us all over to do the "unveiling" of the new colors! :)

I'm so jealous you get to go to the concert! I'm sure you'll have a great time and I expect a full report!!!!

Sorry that FAB is being a pill. Maybe she and Piglet should get together!

Well, have a good time this weekend! Love ya!

Kelley said...

So are ya going to invite us over to see the new house!?!? You can have a fiesta party!!! I love the smell of a freshly painted just smells clean!

Sorry FAB is a pill! That cracks me up that she said that! 3 is what hit Pita Pocket....2 was easy!

Hope you have a wonderful time at the AI concert! What a fun trip ahead of you. Then maternity leave. WOW!!!! You're so lucky! LOL!!!!

Lots of Love!

girlie_mom said...

Hey yeah want to start a support group??? Boo has actually started turning her back to me when I tell her to stop doing something...little booger!!

I agree with the fiesta party!!! Everyone can bring something and Vocab has to make those yummy lemon pepper whatever they are. I am sure they aren't "fiesta-ish" but I have been craving them. Yummmmmyy!!!!

Hope you have a GREAt time in 'Tucky!! I know you are excited. Gracie's first concert, how fun!!

Love ya!! Maybe see ya Sunday night!!

Mandalynn said...

I can't wait to see your new colors, too!! :) It sounds VERY cool :)

Welcome to the FEMALE Terrible 2's!! LOL I know you've been throught them with I-Man, but ya know how girls just have to be different? LOL The two 2yr old Divas should be fun at Reunion this year. Are you still planning on going? Or did you not want me to bring that up? LOL

Okay, yeah, WEIRD dream, but that's a preggo dream for ya ;)

Talk to ya later :)