Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Hello Ladies! Phew…this hot weather has got to go! I work inside…but I have to go outside sometimes and man, oh man is it ever hot! I guess I shouldn’t complain…at least I have AC, but geesh!

So, first of all, I feel like I need to apologize. When I made my comment about not wanting my kids to run around the church like wild Indians…I wasn’t insinuating that any of you do that or that it is wrong. AND just because I don’t want my kids to do that doesn’t mean they DON’T do that. I guess I should lighten up about that….especially since we have the two services now. It was worse in the one service because there are too many older people that my little ones could cause to fall or something. I guess I just need to get over it…but I did not intend to insult anyone….so if I did, I am very sorry. Not my intention at all!!!!

So, let’s see. Yesterday was a good day at work. I don’t have a lot going on this week…so, with Stinky Pete out and not having a lot going on, it is kinda a boring week!!! Like I have said before, my job is either feast or famine! So, not really a whole lot to talk about with work.

I picked up the kids at my Aunt’s house and I could tell immediately that FAB wasn’t feeling good. My Aunt didn’t say anything about it….but FAB’s head felt warm to me. But, it was nearly 95 degrees and my Aunt is always cold, so her house is always HOT. So, I wasn’t too alarmed. But then on the way home, FAB just looked out the window. SO, not like her. Usually she is crying for toys and talking her head off. So, we got home and she sat down to watch TV…I changed clothes and was holding her and then Hubby came home. We took her temp and she had a fever of 100.5. So, we gave her Tylenol and she pretty much just laid around for about an hour or so. Then the fever broke and she was back to her normal self. So, who knows what that was all about. Hubby and I both checked on her a few times last night and the fever did not come back. I spoke to him this morning and she is doing fine…so who knows? Maybe the heat was just too much for her or something.

Anyways, so after I-Man and I ate a quick dinner….he and Hubby left for the church softball game. FAB and I just played and rested and sang “E-I-E-I-O” about a million times. She loves that song! And I mean “Old McDonald has a Farm”….for everyone else. So, it was a nice relaxing evening. I am getting used to that….and I know that I need that. So, Hubby got home with no I-Man. I guess I-Man went with MIL, FIL, Step-MIL and SIL to Wendy’s to cool off. So, Hubby mowed the front yard and trimmed it and everything. Oh, I haven’t mentioned this, but we have a cedar bush right next to our drive-way and garage…and it has bag-worms on it. YUCK! So, he had sprayed for that and so he had to blow away a bunch of that yuck last night.

So, MIL dropped I-Man off and they were both giggling because apparently while they were at Wendy’s, I-Man had to poop, so FIL had to help him wipe. LOL I-Man came in and started giving me all kinds of hugs and kisses…that kid stunk to high-heaven! He gets so sweaty and dirty at the ballgames. But I will still take his sweaty hugs! So, MIL left and I put both of the kids in the bathtub. I-Man got upset because he wanted to “be a big helper” and get FAB’s clothes off for her bath…but she didn’t understand what he was trying to do…so she wanted no part of that. Oh…and by the way…..she calls her private parts “pee-pee”…since that is what I-Man calls his. NICE. The joys of having both a boy and a girl!

So, after bath time…we all played a bit and then the kids went to bed and so did I. Okay…now you all know how much my poor Hubby has had to put up with (all my moods and hormones)….He is so good to me. Well, like I said, he mowed the yard last night….then after we went to bed, he mopped the entire house (all of our hardwood floors) and did the laundry. What a good husband!!! I am blessed to have him…even though he gets on my nerves sometimes!!!!

Okay…so does anyone have a cure for Charlie-horses or leg cramps? All of my “pregnancy stuff” says calcium and bananas. Well, I have been eating like two bananas a day and getting lots of calcium and I still have the worst leg cramps…and my feet cramp up too. It is horrible!!! They are so bad that all I can do is just cry! So, if anyone knows of a cure besides calcium and bananas…let me know!!!

So, that is about it! I am here at work….KK and I have to go do a little shopping for work today. I am looking forward to that because I am so bored!!!! Of course there are things I could be or even should be working on…but just don’t want to!!!

Hope you all have a great day….praying for many and loving you all!!!


Kelley said...

So, I'm guessing they didn't win the game? You didn't mention it and you did mention them winning in your last journal! LOL!

Don't worry about a thing about what you said. I didn't think a thing about what you said about kids running around. I'm just saying, it's okay!

Sorry that FAB had a two or three hour bug. So glad that she is better now!

And I was "hee-haw" laughing about FIL having to wipe I-Man. Oh MY!!!!

Lots of Love!

Sara said...

Your FIL always was a "poophead"....I crack myself up!

Anyway, I love my hubby and all, but I'm very jealous of you! My hubby is very limited in what he can do b/c of his back (very convenient, I know) so it's pretty much I do it or it doesn't get done. Oh, and to answer your comment in my journal about him getting up, when he takes his meds at night, if he gets up (after the pain meds wear off) he feels the pain and he can't take anymore until morning. He does get up with her sometimes anyway, but that's why. We have an agreement also that if I'm at my wits end, I get him up regardless.

Sorry about the leg cramps. I didn't have them much when I was pregnant, so I can't help. I hope you can find something to do about it. Hope you have a good rest of the week without Stinky! Love ya!

Jodi said...

Hey sister...I read two entries at once so I can't remember what I wanted to comment on but I know how hormonal you are so I wanted to at leat leave a comment...thank you fro journaling about your angel kids...I love their stories! Love you!

SebbieDue said...

No offense taken...I totally understand.

Vinegar. When you get a cramp, hobble into the kitchen and add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to as little water as you can stand (drinking it straight is better, but ack) slam it back like you're downing a shot...uh, I'm sure you've seen that in the movies, lol. Works everytime w/in a minute of drinking the vinegar. (make sure to rinse out your mouth afterwards to protect your teeth) Don't ask me why it works, probably shocks the cramp right out of you! But it works, and that's the important part.

Interestingly enough, it should help w/ your heartburn too. Let me know if it does.

Much love!

Dawn said...

I had bad cramps with Abbi but none with Madison. I only had them at night when I was sleeping though. I can remember how painful they'd be though. I remember the bananas not working for me either. Hope you find something to ease the pain some. I'd try what sebbiedue said even though it sounds yuck. I'm up for trying anything if its worked for someone else. Have a good day at work and stay cool!! Love ya!

girlie_mom said...

I had them with Pretty but not Boo. They were so bad I would just cry. I would make Baby rub it. I could hardly straighten my leg out. Sorry I dont' have any good advice. Maybe trying walking a bit more. Yeah I know like that is going to happen in your last trimester. It's a thought. Or trying doing stretches or something like that in the pool.

Hope it gets better.

Love ya!!