Monday, July 31, 2006

Stinky Pete is on vacation this week!!!!

Is it Monday again already?!?! Why do the weekends fly by and the weeks crawl by? There should be a new law that weekends are 5 days long and weekdays are only 2. Wouldn’t that be great? But I am sure I would find something else to complain about then.

So….I don’t really know where I left off. Last Thursday and Friday were mostly a blur as I was busy at work getting ready for the Air Show. On Friday, KK and I spent most of the day out there getting our booth ready. We get ourselves into some of the craziest predicaments. You would think that working for a bank would be boring…well, not for KK and I! We are always off on some crazy adventure it seems. On Friday, we were literally in the middle of a bunch of planes. I felt very small in my little van. At one point, we were sitting in the van getting ready to leave and this plane just drives right in front of us. It was very wild. I totally over-did it at work on Friday, because by the time I got home Friday night (oh, we went to Young’s Dairy for dinner with Aunt Beautiful, Uncle Poncho, BB, Daisy and Cutie Pie and BB’s parents… and then FAB and I-Man played with the animals) I was so tired and sore I could barely move. In fact, I laid down on the couch to watch a show I had taped and then I went to bed and played with the kids there for a bit. I was just so tired and sore. So, I know I over-did it.

Oh….I used the rest of the gift certificate that Hubby got me for our anniversary at Oneys. I got my nails done….got acrylic ones on. It was nice….but something I wouldn’t spend my own money on anymore…at least not there. It was very expensive. But they look alright. I am having to get used to having nails..even though they are short. I am a nail-biter, so my natural nails are never long. Anyways…it was a nice treat.

Then Saturday morning was the Ladies Day. It was very nice. Sebbiedue did a great job! And I was so glad that Speedy came!!! I have missed hanging out with her. In fact, I don’t feel like I get to hang out with anyone anymore. So, that was nice. I had to rush home afterwards so that Hubby could go to work for a while. FAB went down for a nap and then MIL came and picked up I-Man. They cleaned the church and then went over to SIL’s apartment and hung decorations up in Brayden’s room. They moved her due date up to this week…..well, this is the second ultrasound that has said her due date is August 3. So, we will see what happens. She looks miserable….heck, I’m miserable and I’m not due until October! However…Teacher and I were talking yesterday and she was confirming what I was feeling….she said with her third that you just feel everything so much sooner and you get so much bigger and you are just so much more DONE. It was nice to have someone confirm how I have been feeling.

So….not really a whole lot to say. Yesterday, I was so frustrated after church. I refuse to let my kids run around like wild Indians at church and so does Hubby….however, Hubby does NOTHING to stop them. He is too busy visiting with people…which I would love to do too…but someone has to watch the kids. So, I was rude (HBM…Tell Elvis I am sorry) and walked up to Hubby (who was talking to Elvis) and asked him if we could go. I-Man was screaming…FAB was crying and I was DUN. I just hate that. It is like that every Sunday. So, we get home and Hubby is mad at me because I was so rude…and I was…but hello?!?!? So, he was fixing lunch….FAB is pounding on the piano…..I am telling her to stop and then go down the hall to change clothes…..when I hear I-Man screaming bloody murder. I run back down the hall and found I-Man and FAB on the floor…and the piano bench knocked over. Hubby was still fixing lunch. NICE. Well, I-Man is quite the over-reactor…but not this time. So, I am yelling at Hubby…I-Man is screaming….FAB is crying….what a great time!!!! Did I mention where I-Man gets his over-reacting from?!?! Anyways, I-Man had been trying to pick FAB up off the piano bench. She didn’t want to be picked up….so she pitched a fit….in doing so, the piano bench fell over on I-Man’s big toe. It immediately swelled up and was black and blue and he was hysterical. I was trying to calm him down…..he was in so much pain and Hubby put ice on it. FAB was so sweet…..I was wiping his face with tissues so she started doing the same. It was so sweet. We babied him for a while…and then we put him and FAB down for naps. I did the same. When we got up, we all went swimming and just had a nice relaxing day at home.

So, really not much to talk about . I have a bad attitude today…so I just don’t really feel like posting much more! Have a great day…Happy Anniversary to Scrapbook Queen and Beef!


Mandalynn said...

I've resigned myself to the fact that ALL kids run around wild like Indians after church...Our sanctuary is a big multi-purpose room, so there's a little room for them all to kinda run around in circles, and I just let Princess follow them around!! LOL Then, she takes a nice LONG nap Sunday afternoon!! LOL

Hope you're feeling better!! :) I know some things will only be cured by labor!! LOL ;)

Have a good week :)

Kelley said...

I'm sorry about all that. I know you hate to let 'em run...but when a certain worship minister's wife lets her kid run around, what do ya do??? LOL!!

Hope you get some rest this week. What am I WILL cuz Stinky Pete is on vacation!!! YEAH!!!

Have a wonderful week!
Lots of Love!

Josy said...

I love the title of your post! Too funny! What a way to let people know you're gonna have a good week.

Don't worry too much about poor hubby, I'm sure he realizes how tired you are and still having to deal with 2 kids and the fear of what's gonna happen when little Gracie gets here... just give him a big ol' hug and remember all the reasons you love him!

Sara said...

Sometimes men just need a kick in the pants! Well, at least you're hubby comes to church so that you can yell at him for not watching the kids...does that make you feel better? :)

Try to enjoy Stinky Pete being gone this if you have to try, right? Hope you take it easy this week and it was nice to hang out with you all too! We have to do that more often! Love ya!

Dawn said...

I can't even image how you must feel with the 3rd child cause I know for me with number 2 it was way harder. I mean I was 5 years older and even though I was still young (30 same as you) I still felt like that 5 years made a difference. We were shopping tonight and looking at all kinds of cute stuff and saying "oh this would be so cute for Gracie"

Yep I'm another bad mom for letting my kids run around. I figure its that and get to visit and talk or go home immediately and not ever get to talk to anyone cause like you said hubby is visiting also and basically your running after the kids. There are lots of days though where I do just go home cause it does get bad with them running around. I mean two times now Abbi has been in a room by herself and once even locked herself in LOL!! LOVE YA!