Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Tuesday Ramblings...

Good morning Ladies! I hope you are all doing well on this fine Tuesday morning! I really don’t have much to journal about today….but I also don’t have a lot going on at work today….so hopefully you all will have things to post about today so I have something to do! Just kidding…but it is a slow week this week. What a good thing!

So, yesterday was a fine day at work. It is amazing to me how well others who are “sitting in” for Stinky Pete while he is on vacation do a much better job than he does. And it isn’t their job! What does that tell you?!?!

I had to leave work early to go to my doctor’s appointment. It was just a routine check-up. But, let me ask you this…is it a good sign or a bad sign that the doctor had a hard time finding the heartbeat? Every time she would push the Doppler against my belly, little Gracie would kick! So, you would hear a loud “whoop” in the Doppler because she was kicking it. She finally found the heartbeat for a quick moment…but she just laughed and said that there is no doubt this is a healthy…and ACTIVE…baby! I was thinking…”yeah, I know. I feel her kick me ALL THE TIME.” Seriously, I don’t know when she sleeps! It seems like she kicks at all hours of the day and night. So, not a great sign for my 3rd child. It was very funny.

After that, I had some time to kill before I picked up the kids. I have learned that my Aunt has a routine and it is best to not get there early and throw the routine off. So, I went to Wal-Mart and got a new blind. I didn’t mention this, but on Saturday…right before the party…I went to pull up one of the blinds in our bedroom and it broke. Yep, right before we are having company over. NICE. So, Sunday, I went to Wally World and got a new blind. Well, when Hubby put it up, it is clearly a different color of “off-white” then the other one. So, I had to go and buy another new blind yesterday. They are only $8.00..so it is worth it…and nice to have clean, new blinds! So, anyways, I bought that and a few other things. Then I headed to Target to print SIL’s registry. I was going to go ahead and buy her present, but I decided to just take the registry home so Hubby could decide what we get her. I also picked up a few good deals on clothes for the kids…I just love their clothes!

Oh…MIL made me mad last night. I called her and asked her opinion on what size cake I should buy for the shower. I think I have decided to go with a cute “cupcake cake” and a ¼ sheet cake….but anyways, as we were talking about that…she asked me if I had bought the paper plates and napkins. I told her yes…and then I was telling her how cute the decorations were that I bought. Well, she tells me that she had bought some at a garage sale that were duckies and that is what SIL’s “theme” is. Well, I said…I had already bought all of these decorations before SIL told me what her “theme” was. In fact, this was the first time I was hearing about her “theme”. I was so angry. It is like it isn’t good enough that I am throwing the shower because I am not doing it the way she wants it done. Well, ya know what….I am going with the cute stuff that I bought! I don’t care what her theme is. And if MIL brings those napkins, I am not putting them out because they don’t match the other stuff that I BOUGHT! I know it is petty…but it made me mad. Oh…and she also gave me a hard time because I didn’t invite FIL’s new wife. Well, I thought that would be a bit awkward since the majority (if not all) of the people at the shower will be MIL’s family. She told me that they (MIL and step-MIL) talk all the time at the bar, so she was fine with her coming…and the Girls (SILs) like her….so if I wasn’t comfortable with her coming then that was fine…but I should’ve invited her. Well, excuse me. I honestly didn’t even think twice about it. So, I told Hubby to call FIL and make sure that she knew she was invited. I guess that FIL gave MIL a hard time about it. I just can’t win for losing with his family. I am ready to throw the towel in. There are times when I wish we didn’t live to close to his family. I honestly get a sick feeling in my stomach every time I see them. That is not a good thing. I really need to pray about this…because I am stuck with them….and it is really only hurting me…not them.

So, after I picked up the kids, we headed home. I-Man played in the pool for a bit…and Hubby came home from work and his friend came with him. They were both playing in the church softball game. So, they hung out for a bit and then took off to the game. I didn’t take the kids because it was a late game and it looked like we were going to get bad storms. FAB and I-Man just laid on my bed together and watched a Scooby Movie. They were so cute and loving last night. That doesn’t happen very often, it seems!

I started on the invitations for FAB’s party last night. I need to get those out. We are having her party on the same day of my 30th Birthday. I am hoping that Hubby doesn’t do anything for mine and just focus on FAB’s! She already says she is “2”…so this is just a formality! LOL

Well, I guess that is about it. Oh, I have decided that I am going to get my hair cut short. Not as short as it was last time, but shorter than it is now. I absolutely HATE it right now. So, I am going to go buy a hair magazine on my lunch and figure out what I want to do with it. It is to the point where I will have to wear it up every day because I hate the way it is cut…so I might as well get it cut a bit shorter so I can wear it down. We’ll see. I just know that I hate it right now. Aren’t you glad you all got that update?

I don’t know what was wrong with my journal yesterday…but it looks like it is fixed today. So, hopefully it doesn’t happen again!

Everyone have a great Tuesday and I will “chat” with you later! Love you all!!!!


SebbieDue said...

Yup, Ying was like that every time I went into the OB, never could catch her for longer than a hot second! Don't know what it means. :)

I just cannot believe how much you can do while you're preggers! I get breathless just reading all you do, parties, ball games, more parties, sheesh!! I don't do that much extra stuff when I'm not pregnant!

I'm sorry things are difficult w/ the ILs. It is amazing to me how people (and not just your ILs) can be so oblivious! You are pregnant, you're working FT, you are pregnant, you're trying to be a good wife, mom, daughter, sister, & dil, you're pregnant, you're trying to keep up w/ house and family things, and you're pregnant!!! Yet the world still revolves around them. Sheesh! (that's two "Sheeshes" in one comment...what does that mean?)

Anyway, I know things will be lovely at the shower, no matter what decorations are up and no matter who shows up or doesn't show up! From what I read, I can tell you're a wonderful hostess and a fabulous party planner! It will be absolutely lovely. Just focus on those things you need to, and disregard the mumblings of people w/ too much time on their hands.

Much love!!

Sara said...

Ignore MIL. That's what I do with mine anymore. She's not that bad, but things are different since Piglet came along. I'm sure it will be a great shower regardless!

Sounds like I was right about the whole getting your hair cut while you're pregnant thing. I hope you end up happy with it regardless and as everyone else said, it will grow back!

I feel like the world's worse housekeeper when I read your journal. I swear you clean everyday and as Sebbiedue said, YOU'RE PREGNANT and you do 50 million things! So, take a breather and make the rest of us feel better about ourselves! :) Love ya!

Jodi said...

I was thinking about you last night and worrying that you are trying to do too much while you're pregnant....but I know deep done you truly enjoy all the party planning stuff....I'm sorry SIL and MIL are being so ungrateful...and I'm sorry that you are having such a rough time with your whole IL thing...

you just have to keep it all perspective...is what they are doing so bad (and most of it is truly annoying!) or is it because of who is doing it?

I have the hardest time in the world forcing myself to look at that and then work on liking the person better...so it's easier said than done....but just keep things in perspective and keep your distance as much as possible!

That being said, I'll ignore them as much as possible because someone who irritates my sister so much is not someone that I want to be friendly to.....

ya know how to really get back at em? MOVE TO KENTUCKY!!! lol lol lol lol

love you very much sister...praying for you...and make sure you are relaxing some too!! I'm worrying bout you!

Kelley said...

I'm so sorry that MIL is being such a pain about this. I mean, you ARE being nice and throwing a shower...at this point, I would have just said "okay, you do it all fancy pants".

Hope you get that haircut thing all straightened out!

Lots of Love!

girlie_mom said...

Dude you need to rest!!!! you are crazy busy...but I know that is you. Where were you when I was planning our wedding??? Oh yeah I know adjusting to life with Geez. LOL Totally just kidding!!!

What theme are you doing for FAB's party???

See you Sunday!

Lots of love