Thursday, June 15, 2006


Good Morning! I hope everyone is doing good today…what a gorgeous morning! As I was driving into work this morning, I couldn’t help but be in awe of the beauty that God has created. The sun rising and just a beautiful day. Amazing. The last few days, I-Man has been asking me how God made everything….and I am not sure how I “should” answer him. But I have been saying to him is…”God created EVERYTHING. Now, when you see a car or a bridge or something like that…God didn’t MAKE that, but he made Man and Man made that using the materials and the know-how that God gave them. So, in a round-about way, God made that too.” Well, he continues to ask…”but HOW, Mommy?” So, I just say…”I-Man, Mommy doesn’t know exactly HOW. In fact, we may never know because God is so big and so powerful that it is hard for our minds to even understand or comprehend all that He can do. We just have to KNOW that God made it and TRUST that.” I tried to explain to him that God made Adam out of dirt and then he made Eve out of Adam’s rib. I am not sure he gets that….in fact, he thought it was pretty “gross” that Adam was made out of dirt. But, I am planting seeds, right? Last week or whenever it was that I took the kids to Chick-F-Le for dinner. I was having this awesome conversation with a Hispanic man in the play area. We were talking about WHY God would want us to be child-like and the issue of race and came up. We were talking about how children are so wonderful and we should be more like them when it comes to dealing with kids of other races. They don’t see color like adults do. So, anyways…I shared my story with him about how I was telling I-Man about how God made people of all different colors because God likes diversity…and I-Man thought “diversity” was the name of the little boy in the nursery. The man got a good laugh out of that….but then he stopped and he said….”Thank you for teaching your son about that. For trying to help your son understand that God made us all equal. That is beautiful.” It was a neat conversation. I think that God puts people in our lives every day for a reason. Either we are to make a difference in their lives or they in ours. But we have to be watching for those opportunities because it would be very easy to let them pass by without knowing it.

Okay…those are my deep thoughts for today! Can you tell that I am in one of those moods today!?!?! Just doing a lot of thinking!

So, yesterday was a fine day at work. KK and I went to lunch and had a great time. I am so blessed to have a friend like her to work with. We kinda get along like Sisters….in that we bicker and we are brutally honest with each other…but I think that is why we are such good friends and have been for so long. Anyways…we certainly help to keep each other sane. I am already worried for her when I am out on maternity leave. I don’t know how she will stay sane with Stinky Pete while I am gone.

After work, I went and got the kids. We came home and then left again – pretty much right away – to go to the church to practice for leading the Heritage service in 2 weeks. Well, when we pulled into the lot, we realized that we have a church key…but it doesn’t work….and we are probably the only one in the group who has a key. So….we went back to our house to practice. It should be interesting in a few weeks, let’s just leave it at that. It was fun to sing 4-part harmony. I am not the best alto because I often just make up my own part instead of following the notes…which is fine if you are the only harmony….but not so much when you have 2 other harmonies to blend with. So, we will see!!!! Honestly, I am pretty sure that the people in first service will like it anyways because we are singing very traditional hymns and they will know them all…so I am sure it will be fine.

So, after that, we ate a quick dinner and then Hubby went back out to work…he usually works later on Wednesday nights because we have t-ball on Tuesdays and Thursdays…but he came home for the practice and then went back out until dark. Well, he went to work and the kids and I headed to Wal-Mart. Well, I was not in a good mood…and the kids didn’t cooperate, so it was not a fun trip. I was ready to strangle I-Man….poor kid. We got Father’s Day cards and an Anniversary Card for my parents….we got Hubby some cool golf-balls (because that is what I-Man wanted to get him) and I got some decorations for the outside of the house. Then we headed to K-Mart (why oh why couldn’t I just let it go?!?!?) because I want to get a cushion for my porch swing that Hubby’s Grandpa made us. It is just more comfy with a cushion. Well, Wal-Mart didn’t have any…so I decided to stop at K-Mart and get one that matches our other cushions. Well, we get in there….I find one and I decide that instead of buying the one I KNOW will fit, I will try the cheaper one. DUMB. We get in line…I-Man is still being a PILL…..and we see a lady that used to go to our church and her kids. Her hubby was the one that was “leading worship” in the absence of a WM and then got mad when they didn’t get the job (he was NOT qualified at all) so they left. Well, his wife is very, very nice. I always liked her a lot. So, we chatted a bit. Her boys have gotten so big….and she couldn’t get over how big I-Man had gotten…and FAB. That was nice to see her. So anyways…we left there and went home….the cushion didn’t fit. What is it with me and cushions?!?!? It was just not my night last night. So, I will have to take that back and get the more expensive one. I also hung the decorations up on our fence that I bought and the kids were each standing on chairs in our front window watching me and yelling at me the entire time. Hubby finally came home and we put the kids to bed. I did some more cleaning…..will it ever end? And then went to bed. I was just in a bad mood all night.

Luckily, I woke up in a better mood! Hopefully today is a better day for me. I hate it when I am in a bad mood. But…today is like my Friday…so it will be a good day! My parents are coming up today…so they are going to watch the kids. I am getting my hair cut this afternoon…YEAH! I-Man has a t-ball game tonight. Hopefully my parents will come to that. I am not sure that I-Man will give my dad much of a choice. He wants Papaw to come to his game…this is probably the only game he will be able to come to. Oh, I forgot to finish why today is like my Friday! I am taking tomorrow off to spend the day doing fun stuff! I-Man has his graduation from Safety Village….and then we are going shopping for the last few items for the party…..and then I think we are going to the Rec Center to enjoy the pools in the hot weather! I am looking forward to just having the day off! Mom and Dad will be here….Sister and Buford will be here….and I think that Hubby is only going to work for a few hours…as long as he gets enough sales today, I guess.

I am feeling very good about the party this weekend. Hopefully we have a good turn-out! Have a great day…and I will “talk” to you all soon! Love and prayers to all!!!!!

Oh...and thanks to all for commenting. I am feeling more loved. Again....PREGNANT HORMONES...I cannot be held accountable for my words and actions!!! Love ya!


Kelley said...

I haven't seen you in forever. What is safety village? I'm so confused!????!?!

You did great talking to I-Man about diversity....even if he thinks that is the kids name! LOL!

Hope you have a wonderful time on Friday (your day off). Can't believe you've written so much this week! LOL!

Lots of Love!

Missy said...

Kelley...Safety Village is a thing they do in Kettering for kids entering Kindergarten in the fall. For one week they go to class every day for 2 hours and learn about Safety - Fire, Pedestrian, School, Bus, Strangers - all sorts of things. They actually create a "village" that the kids have little cars that they "drive" around the village and learn how to obey traffic signals, etc. It is very fun...I-Man has really enjoyed it and it seems like he is learning a lot! Cool program! They "graduate" tomorrow and then we get to take their pictures in the "village".

Love ya!!!!

Sara said...

I wondered what Safety Village was too. I just thought I'd missed something. Very neat!

Well, if it makes you feel any better I'm having a day like you did yesterday. I definitely hope you enjoy your "Friday" today. I'll be relieved for you when this anniversary party is over b/c you sound so stressed! Try to get some rest tomorrow at the pool! It should be a great day for it! Love ya!

Jodi said... I haven't even read all of your journal but I really was bursting at the seam to put my two cents in about the first part of your entry regarding diversity and dirt...Preacher P said this one time in a sermon and I'll never forget it because it's so true and really profound in a simple kind of way...but if you think about soil and the variety of colors of soil there dirt...dark brown dirt....light brown...sandy colored dirt...etc....and then think about all the different colors that skin is...well there is a color of skin for every color of dirt! So we are all equal because we all come from dirt!

anyways I'm at work and it's time to go home so I'll finish reading your journal later and probably post another comment...see you tomorrow!!!!!

love you!

Mandalynn said...

Sorry I didn't comment yesterday in your love fest comments!! LOL :) I didn't get online yesterday, or I would've...I love your diversity conversation :) "God Appointments" are awesome...we're always to lift each other up, encourage each other, validate the right things, and it's awesome when you can see how God leads us, even through conversations with strangers at the playplace, how He speaks to us & through us, all for the good for those that love him :)

Deep thoughts, too, but I thought that was awesome..Flylady calls it a "God Breeze" :)

We'll see you Saturday, but Mom & Dad won't be able to make it until late (they'll have the cake there in plenty of time, though, so don't worry!! LOL) They had already paid to go to Dad's HS Reunion this weekend when they got the invitation (they pd. for it before their cruize, even), but it sounds like they're not going to stay as long, and try to make it to the party...

Okay, sorry to journal in your comments!! LOL :) Talk & see ya later :)