Monday, June 19, 2006


Well, one party down…only 2 more to go! The anniversary party for my parents went very well on Saturday! We had a good turnout, more than enough food and a lot of fun! The weather was perfect…maybe a little warm, but it was dry so I am NOT complaining! Sister and I pulled off a nice party for my parents. Probably the nicest part was that my Dad’s family actually came! See, my Dad’s side of the family doesn’t get along very well. There is usually lots of bickering and stuff going on. And…they all pretty much “mooch” off of my parents. So, we didn’t think they would come…but they did. And my one Aunt and Uncle actually stayed pretty much the whole time! So…it was a nice party for my parents. I know that meant a lot to my Dad that his family was there too. I don’t feel like I really got a chance to visit much with anyone….but that is just how I am when there is a party at my house. I have a hard time sitting still. I did sit and enjoy the Newlywed Game. That was very funny….good job Sister!!! So, it is over! Now, next weekend I have my SIL’s baby shower and then 2 weeks later we have FAB’s birthday party. I have to get her invitations done this week. I am behind….but with this party last weekend, I have been a bit pre-occupied!!!! One of Hubby’s aunt sent me an email that implied I was slacking on SIL’s baby shower….and I kindly wrote her back that I had a big party this weekend so I wasn’t able to really focus on SIL’s party until now. GEESH! And this is how she is “helping” me? Oh well!!!

So, here is my re-cap of the weekend….Thursday, I left work early to get my hair cut. I really hate it…so expect to see my hair up in a ponytail every time you see me! Nice, huh? After that, I got the kids picked up from my parent’s house…we went home and I-Man jumped in the pool for a bit…then we were off to his t-ball game. My parents – both my parents – were able to come to that. It was the first (and probably only) time my Dad got to see him play. I-Man was so funny…he had a whole cheering section because my parents, MIL, both SILs, a friend of SIL and her niece and nephew were all there cheering him on. He kept having to “give props to his peeps” throughout the game. So funny. My Dad really enjoyed it! Then we came home and gave the kids baths and all went to bed at some point.

Friday….we got up and took I-Man to his last day of Safety Village and Hubby, FAB and I went garage-saling until it was time to go to his graduation. That was so stinking cute too! He really learned a lot last week. KK and her husband and Hubby and I (oh..and MIL because she had to come too) all sat together and the boys were very cute. They were regular hams, that much is for sure! I had a hard time fighting back tears…..I am a proud Mama! We got to take pictures after the “ceremony”. The instructor was the same instructor that Hubby had when he went through this class YEARS ago! What a nice lady! After we left there, we went to the store to get stuff for the party….then we went home and I rested for a bit…we had lunch….and then we headed over to my parents house and we all (Mom, Dad, Sister, Me and the Kids) to the Rec Center Pool. We spent the entire afternoon there and had a great time!!! It is amazing to me how many women wear bikinis that shouldn’t. Do they look in the mirror?!?!? And then the ones that can pull it off…but probably shouldn’t when they are going to be chasing their kids around the whole time. Geesh! Hubby met us there late in the afternoon. We had a really good time….but got WAY too much sun. I am still in pain! My chest, shoulders and back are BRIGHT red. I-Man got a bit burned…but not bad. And FAB didn’t get burned at all. We did good slathering her with sunscreen. I wish I could do that every Friday! It was the best way to spend the day before the party!!! After that, we went home and FAB took a nap and then everyone came back to our house for a cook-out. We had an enjoyable evening. They all left (with the kids) and Hubby and I did some more cleaning and getting ready for the party then crashed.

Saturday morning….we got up and I got started right away on getting things ready. Hubby had to go to work and then Buford and Hubby went to the church and got tables and chairs…they dropped those off and then they took off to spend the day together. NICE!!! Actually, Sister and I were kinda glad to not have them underfoot while we were decorating. We got it done and it looked really nice! I took Sister back to my parent’s house and then I ran to the mall to get something to wear for the party. I needed something COOL and LOOSE and COMFORTABLE because my sun-burn was really hurting!!! I found two cute shirts. I got home and got ready for the party and from then on…it was go-go-go!!!! But as I already said, it was a great party!!!!

Sunday…we got up and got ready for church. It was different not being on stage for worship…but it was nice! The PT did a good job! I am a little disappointed…this is the SECOND time that a song that I requested we sing was sung and I wasn’t on stage for it!!! I told Hubby that I think Elvis does it on purpose! Oh well…..I still loved the song and was glad it was chosen!!!!! After church, Hubby and I-Man took off to the Red’s Game. Hubby had won two tickets from work…since he was the top salesman for the week…so he and I-Man took off. FAB and I went to Kohls and Wal-Mart and then home. She took a nearly 4 hour nap!!!!! I ate lunch and then took a nap too! Hubby called and woke me up to tell me they were on their way home and that we were going over to FIL’s house for a bit. YUCK. I didn’t want to do that….but I did! Anyways, we only were there for 30 – 45 minutes…so that was alright! Hubby told me that he had a hard time finding a card for FIL because most of them talked about Dad being caring, sharing, loving…etc. I felt bad for him when he said that…..but how true!!! So, that wasn’t as bad as I had anticipated. We came home and Hubby got FAB ready for bed and then left for Men’s Group. The kids ate dinner and then watched movies together. They were getting along really well last night. I vacuumed the house and did laundry and other stuff to get our house back in order! Then I was pooped…so I went to bed!

How is that for a recap of my weekend??!!? It was a great weekend….I wish every weekend was a 4-day weekend for me. OH WELL! It was fun.

This will be a good week at work…why, you ask? Because Stinky Pete is on VACATION! YEAH! I think I am more excited for his vacation than for my own! And today will be a short day because I have a doctor’s appointment today. Oh, and Thursday, a group of us are going to dinner and then to see Jerry Seinfeld at the Schuster Center. My boss gave us the tickets and is buying our dinner! So, that will be fun!

I hope you all have a great Monday. Continue to pray for HBM and family. Satan is really attacking them hard. Just pray for God’s protection for HBM and the baby and for continued PEACE for them as they find out what the apartment complex is going to do for them and their insurance company. God is in control….even if it doesn’t feel like it! So, please pray for them!!! And for the many other prayer requests that we are fortunate to be able to share in this type of forum. This is like having a whole “prayer team” right at your finger-tips!!!!

Love you all and praying for you!!!!


Sara said...

I'm so glad the party went well on Saturday! You looked very cute yesterday! Were you wearing one of your new tops? Sorry about the sunburn and haircut. Are you sure it looks bad b/c I got my hair cut when I was pregnant and hated it, but I was told (after the fact, of course) to not get your hair cut when you're pregnant b/c of hormones, etc. Anyway, maybe I don't know what I'm talking about. That's always possible....

Yeah for Stinky Pete being gone! Enjoy the week and thanks for doing nursery for me on Sunday!

Love ya!

Kelley said...

That is EXACTLY why my hairdresser in TN would NOT cut my hair when I was pregnant! LOL!

I'm so glad that the party went so well. You seemed relaxed yesterday at church. Sorry I didn't ask about it.

YEAH for Stinky Pete being on vacation. YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!

What song does Hubby sing that you want to sing so bad? You're gonna have to blame the entire staff since they plan it! LOL! Hey, we'll sing the Happy Song next time you sing instead! LOL!

Lots of Love!

Mandalynn said...

It was a fun party!! :) You guys always throw good parties, though :) And, I read that you weren't supposed to get a "dramatically" different haircut when you're prego, but it never stopped me!! LOL I liked it!! :) Anyways...

Oh, and I really enjoyed the Newlywed game, too!! :) That was VERY funny!! LOL

Talk to ya later!! :)

girlie_mom said...

Dude what is up with your blog???Everytime I come to it I actually have to select a post from the side. And your comments are all weird.

You should know (by now, this is your 3rd pregnancy) that you should NEVER get your hair cut when you're pregnant!!!! But it is hair and it will grow and you are on prenatal vitamins so it will grow even faster. PLUS!!!

Hope your week is as good as you hope!!