Wednesday, August 30, 2006

We Did It!

Well, we survived Kindergarten Orientation! What a day, what a day!!! It began this morning at 5:45 with a phone call from my Aunt. She wasn’t going to be able to watch FAB because she was sick. So….I lay awake for nearly two hours worrying about that. I know that Hubby wanted to go the meeting…and I wasn’t missing it for the world…but did NOT want to take FAB. So, Hubby called his sister and she had to work….he couldn’t get a hold of New Mommy (plus I wasn’t sure if she could handle FAB and Little B by herself yet). So, he called Detergent. She said sure! So, we all got up and got ready and took FAB to Detergent’s house. I figured she would cry when we left her…but she didn’t! So, we left here there and headed to the school!

We got there early (go figure!), so we just kinda hung out by the Office. We pointed out the Principal’s Office (which is painted pink!) to I-Man and told him that if he gets called to there…he will be in big trouble at home! So, then we went back to his classroom. We had to wait a few more minutes until his teacher opened the door. We went in and she took all of our school supplies and then she told the kids to find their seats. So, I-Man found his seat and Daddy traced his hands and his task was to color in his hands. At this point, Hubby put his arm around me and I told him to not touch me because I felt tears coming on and I didn’t want to cry. Meanwhile, everyone else got there and then the teacher started talking. Oh! She had a microphone on….which I thought was pretty cool because she seems rather soft-spoken. It wasn’t loud or anything, but it was neat. So….she tells us about herself…she has 3 kids (one is a Junior at Kent State, one a Freshman at OU and the other a Junior in high school – she looks much younger than she is) and she proceeds to tell us that she knows what we are going through with letting our kids go…and my tears started flowing. I was so mad at myself for crying…I was the only Mom doing so! Then the Principal came in….I really like her. And she talked and I was still mad at myself for crying. Oh well. So, it went well. At one point, Mrs. Lloyd (his teacher) started to get choked up as she was telling us how passionate she is about teaching Kindergarten and our kids. She has been teaching at this school for 12 years – 10 of that being Kindergarten. So, I think I am really going to like her. Oh, did I mention that Hubby and I are the only “couple” there. All of the other kids only had their Mom or Dad or in one case, Grandma. I needed Hubby there…and am proud of him for being such a committed Daddy! We both signed up to come and help at parties or just in the class in general. We signed up for conferences. Oh…and I-Man was SO, SO GOOD! He didn’t talk, he just sat and colored his hands and listened.

This is where I have to stop and say that I have really been worrying lately if we made the right decision to send him early…and I have to say that he was as or more mature than every kid there. And there are two other 4 year olds in his class. So, I am feeling better. And Hubby and I both agree that if he has to take Kindergarten twice, we are fine with that. So, he was such a good boy. He didn’t really talk to any of the other kids (which is soooooo un-like him) but I think it was all just so new and over-whelming to him…and he told us later “Well, Daddy! It was my first time meeting these people!” After she was done talking, he asked me if he could go ask his teacher a question…I said yes and then followed him to hear what the question was. Well, she had mentioned that they offer breakfast to kids that are dropped off early. Well, that must’ve caught his attention because he asked her what was for breakfast. Hubby and I just laughed and told her that he wouldn’t be there for breakfast…but he LOVES food. She got a good chuckle out of that too! He also was asking lots of questions about Peanut Allergies because there is a kid in the PM class with allergies so they aren’t allowed any peanuts in her room at all – which I think is great! So, I was telling I-Man that it is just like when he goes to A-Girl’s house…he can’t have any peanut butter before he goes or anything like that. Apparently this kid has peanut and wheat allergies. Poor thing!

So, after that meeting, we went across the hall to his Kid’s Club room – where he will spend his afternoons. His teacher there is very nice…this program is not as structured as Kindergarten and it is also their first year offering it at this school, so I have a feeling there will be lots of tweaks along the way. But again, the Principal was there and she is very excited about this program. I have a feeling she will be around a lot in that class – just to see how it is working and such. It is a lot of hands-on learning and interactive stuff. But again, all my questions were answered. So, I feel so much better after today!!!

OH! I forgot the coolest thing about I-Man’s Kindergarten classroom! His teacher was one of 4 in this building to get this new technology called a “Smart Board”. Basically this big computer screen takes the place of her chalkboard and it is SO, WAY Cool!!! You can write on it with these special markers (different colors) and use the eraser to erase (just like a chalkboard)…her lesson plans can be up there. So, for example, there was a “to-do list” for the parents and she just used her finger to bring it up on the screen and only show the items she wanted to. Then when she was ready to move on, she just moved her finger down and the other stuff appeared. Then she also said that the kids could play games with it. For example, she had this one screen where there was __at on the right side of the screen and a bunch of letters on the left side. So, they could work on making “at family” words and just use their finger to drag a letter over to form a word. VERY COOL. She said that most kids (and I-Man is definitely one of them) are used to video games and computers and this is an interactive way to learn. It was very, very cool. Oh, and they do have a bunch of computers in their room too. So, that was awesome!

So, there is so much more stuff that I think was neat about today…but I won’t bore you with all of the details. It was just so neat and great to get my questions answered and to see I-Man so excited. I know that I will cry on Friday morning…but I am also just so very excited for him to start this new chapter of his life!!! We are going to video-tape it and get lots of pictures!!!!

So, after that…we dropped Hubby off at home and then went and picked up FAB. I talked to Detergent for a bit and then Many Kids got there to drop off her little boy. I just gave her a great big hug and told her we were praying for them. Little L might get to come home on Saturday – it just depends on how she is doing and how her blood levels are. Apparently she has started chemo and she did get sick a bit last night. And Many Kids doesn’t do well with vomit…so that is going to be hard on her. Their little boy is starting to show signs of “distress” as he is realizing that something is not right. He is only 3…so that must be hard. And I guess that her oldest boy is starting to question why God would allow this to happen….but wouldn’t you? I feel for them. Beef took him out to dinner last night…so hopefully that will help. That entire family just needs so much prayer and love right now. I feel for them.

The kids and I left there and then went to McD’s for lunch and then to Magic Castle for a bit and then to Payless to return shoes and get more. Then we came home and took naps! I LOVE being able to take a nap in the day! I need to start doing that at work! I think my day would go so much smoother if I could just take a nap every day! Then when they woke up, we ran to K-Mart and bought a few things (new Dora sheets and a blanket for FAB) and then came home.

Hubby actually got home from work early today so that I could go to a jewelry party with KK at one of our work-friend’s house. It was very fun! Just a bunch of beads and you make your own! I LOVE the watch I made…they take it to finish it…so I should have it next week. That was fun. I was glad that KK was there because I am not decisive at all….so she had to help me out! I just love her….we are so opposite but yet we get along so great!

SO, I just got home a bit ago. Just in time to sing and pray with the kiddos before they went to bed. I am getting ready to head that way myself! Not sure what our plans are for tomorrow. I was thinking of taking the kids to the Rec Center…but I don’t know if that is still open and if it will be hot enough tomorrow. Then I was thinking about going to the Boonshoft Museum, but that is kinda expensive. So, I don’t know what we are going to do! I am getting my hair cut at 9:30! So, yeah for that!

Well, you all have a great day tomorrow and I will talk to you later! Love ya!!!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Anyone want a kid?

So, seriously…does anyone want an adorable 2-year old little girl? I am giving her away to the lowest bidder! Seriously! GEESH! Who is this child and what did she do with my adorable FABulous?!?! I can see glimpses of my child…but this other person takes over much too often! This other person throws temper tantrums and cries for 12 minutes straight. YEP…I said 12 minutes straight of screaming, crying, kicking, going limp if I try to pick her up….madness!!! She did that 3 times last night when I was home with the kids with no Hubby….3 times! I was seriously ready to get rid of her or commit myself to a loony bin! So, when Hubby gets home and I tell him this, he responds with…”what did you do to make her so upset?” Yeah, not a good question, Buddy!! LOL Let’s see, the first time: we were leaving my Aunt’s house and she wanted to destroy the pictures that C-Man and I-Man had drawn for Aunt and me that day. I wouldn’t let her do that (bad Mommy), so she cried for about 10 minutes on the way to the van and home. We fixed that by putting Blues Clues on in the van. The second time: we got home and we she wanted to take the VHS tape of Blues Clues inside…fine. So, the VCR in their room wasn’t working for some reason, so the only other VCR in the house is in our room. I put it on in there and she starts to scream. Not kidding. Screaming for about 5 minutes this time. Showed her that her VCR wasn’t working…but she didn’t care. We fixed that by turning “Boots” on…otherwise known as Dora. The third time: we had eaten dinner and I had made her chocolate milk in a sippy cup. After dinner, she grabbed another sippy cup and had been playing with it. She brings that cup to me and I think she is telling me she wants to drink from that cup instead. So, I open her other cup and pour the chocolate milk (and then add some) from that cup into the one she wanted and all heck broke loose. Apparently, that wasn’t what the Diva wanted! I still do not know what she wanted. This was the worst one. This one wouldn’t stop for anything. I eventually (was about to kill her) but instead I picked her up and sat her on the floor of her bedroom and told her that when she was done crying I would come back and get her. She screamed for about 2 more minutes…I-Man and I both just looked at each other and he hugged me because I was in tears at this point. She FINALLY…literally 12 minutes after it all started….stopped crying and let me hold her. I held her for like 2 minutes and then she got down and started playing as if nothing had happened. I was like…HELLO? Satan’s spawn? What just happened here? But she was over it. So, needless to say….I did not have a good evening last night!!!! Hubby could tell that I was DUN when he got home because he pretty much took care of them for the rest of the night. So, if anyone has seen my precious and sweet FABulous, can you return her? This model is broken!!! The joys of parenting! Are you sure you want to do this, Sister?!?!?! Really?!?!? LOL

So, after work yesterday (before the above paragraph happened)…I went to my doc’s appointment and basically they said…”you’re pregnant for the 3rd time. Suck it up!” Not really…but that is what it boils down to. Everything I am experiencing is normal. She did ask me if I was too uncomfortable to continue working…but I said no. It is too early to be off work, I would just go stir-crazy. So, maybe the next time I go….but not yet. I haven’t got all my loose ends tied up and I couldn’t imagine leaving poor KK just yet! It is going to be bad enough when I do leave her!

So, after my doc’s appointment, I had some time to kill before I picked up the kiddos. So, I went to Wal-Mart and got some things I have been needing. I got a birthday present for A-Girl, socks for I-Man, FAB and Little G, some onesies for Little G, some candles and some oil for the thing that HBM got me for my b-day. Then I went to Payless and bought I-Man and FAB shoes for $16 for both pairs! I thought that was good! Then I went and got the kids…and you know what happened there!

So, today is I-Man’s last day at my Aunt’s house! Hubby took him to get his hair cut this morning and then sent me a picture of him in front of my Aunt’s house for his last day at “day-care”! I guess that yesterday Hubby took some paperwork to I-Man’s school (I have been nagging him for over a week to do it…but that isn’t the point) and they got to meet his teacher! She was in the hallway and recognized him from the pictures they took of the kids at the screening. So, she introduced herself to I-Man and to Hubby. Then she took them down to his classroom so he could see it. I asked him if he liked her and he said yes and he said that he is sharing a bucket with a boy named Zachary. Don’t know what that means. Hubby didn’t see a “Sam” bucket, so we are assuming that the little boy from his soccer team….the one that we didn’t really want them to be in class together because they would probably get in trouble for talking all the time….is not in his class. I-Man said that “there weren’t as many chairs as I thought there would be.” So, I guess that means that he thought there would be more kids in his class than there are? Not sure, really. I guess we will find out about all of this stuff tomorrow! I am anxious to have my questions answered and see where I-Man will be spending his time! I hope we get to meet his Kids’ Club teacher too! SO many questions and worries for this Mommy…and I am sure I am not alone! But that was cool that he got to meet her before the meeting tomorrow!

Well, I guess that is about it for today. OH! KK and I are just beside ourselves today because the Market President (who we talked to last week) had breakfast with Stinky Pete’s boss today. All he would tell us is that “we owe him”. So, we will see what comes of this…but that is cool!!!! I am trying not to get my hopes up too much…but a lot of stuff has happened recently that leads me to believe “the poop is about to hit the fan” for Stinky Pete. So, we will see!!! Only time will tell, I reckon!

You all have a great day! Hopefully tonight goes better for me and FAB or the little girl pretending to be FAB. Tomorrow, we are taking her to my Aunt’s house while we are at the meeting and then tomorrow night…KK and I are going to a jewelry party where you make your own beaded jewelry! Doesn’t that sound cool?

Love you all!!! Praying for Little L and her family – Detergent stopped by last night and she said that Little L is in an enormous amount of pain – they finally gave her morphine yesterday after she had been crying and screaming for many, many hours. Her bone marrow shows 95% leukemia…so that isn’t good. And they hoped to start her on chemo yesterday, but her blood levels weren’t right, so they couldn’t. Apparently, Many Kids spent the night at home last night so she could get her other 4 kids up and ready for their first day of school. So, please continue to pray for that family. As well as Wanda – as HBM mentioned in her journal. She is in a coma due to heart-related problems. Another lady at our church said that it doesn’t look good for her…so please pray!

Monday, August 28, 2006


Well, here we are at Monday again! But I only have to work today and tomorrow…so I guess I can’t really complain, huh? As if it does any good to complain anyways!

I had a nice weekend…are you ready for your recap? I am sure you are holding your breath! It wasn’t that exciting…so here goes:

Friday…I went to my Mom’s house and got the kiddos. I was going to see if my mom wanted to go shopping or anything, but when I got there I was tired and so was she. So, we decided to not do anything. So, the kids and I went home and then Hubby came home. We had dinner and then I-Man and Hubby were off to the football game. Well, poor FAB, she wants to “go bye-bye” all the time! So, rather than her throwing a fit when they left, we decided to leave at the same time. I really didn’t know where we were going, but we were going “bye-bye”. So, we didn’t get very far when my cell phone rang and it was New Mommy (sil). She asked if we wanted company for the evening…so FAB and I headed back home. Well, that went over like a lead balloon. FAB cried hysterically for about 20 minutes. No exaggeration. She threw herself down in the doorway…screaming that she wanted to go bye-bye. Finally I picked her up off the floor and tried to hold her…nope! So, I put her in her room and shut the door and told her she could come out when she was done crying. That didn’t work either. So, I put her in her crib. That didn’t work. So, finally she let me hold her and she actually fell asleep! I tried to put her down in her bed…but she woke up crying as soon as I did that…so I just held her. Then SIL got there with Little B and FAB was a perfect angel the rest of the evening. I got to hold Little B for hours!!! It was so nice! I changed two diapers and actually got to feed him a bottle. She is pumping so she doesn’t have to nurse when she is out. He did great….except he acts like he is starved and forgets to breath. Anyways…he is so stinking adorable! I enjoyed that time with SIL and him so much!!! I think she must be bored (I mean, I am sure I am not the first person that she wants to spend time with!). But it was very nice. We talked and I feel like we are really getting to know each other better again. I am just so stinking proud of her…I mean, really, I am. I asked her if she had listed “the donor’s” name on the birth certificate and she didn’t. She is really hoping that the State does not pursue him for child-support because apparently if they do, he will have quick access to her address and phone number. He tried to contact her through a mutual friend right before the baby was born, but he has no idea that Little B is here or that he is a boy or anything. So, hopefully she will continue down that path. She seems very determined. So, we will see. Again, it was just very nice to spend that time with her and Little B.

Hubby called during the football game and we talked to I-Man…who said…”Mommy, Fairmont is not doing good. The score is 0 to some other number that I don’t know!” How funny! So, they were home soon….and MIL took both kids to her house to spend the night. SIL stayed and chatted with Hubby when he got home and then she left and I went to bed! I had every intention of going to bed early….but it was nearly midnight before I made it there! That is late for me! But…the company was nice!
Saturday….Hubby and I got to sleep in! I woke up at about 9:30 and I just couldn’t lie there any longer. My legs were killing me. But it was nice to sleep in! So, I got up and got ready for the day. I called Diamond to see if Hubby could go pick up the swing and car-seat base we were buying/getting from her. That is when I found out the bad news about Little L. If you haven’t heard, a little girl at our church was diagnosed with leukemia on Friday night. Her dad took her to the doctor because of a rash…and after a long day/night of tests, this is what they found out. I was in shock and just couldn’t stop crying when I got off the phone with her. I cannot imagine what that family is going through. Hubby and I just stopped and he looked at me with tears in his eyes and we just couldn’t even say anything. How sad for that family. BUT! I know that we serve a Mighty God and a God of miracles and He will see them through this. That is my constant prayer for them. All day Saturday, I just kept praying for them and crying off and on all day.

So, MIL dropped the kids off and we just didn’t do much of anything! I did laundry and cleaned the house a bit. SIL #2 called and asked to do something with I-Man…so the plan was that he would lay in his bed and watch cartoons while FAB was in her bed and she would fall asleep and then we would get him up and ready to go with his Aunt. Well, that didn’t work out so well! FAB was WIDE awake and didn’t go to sleep, but I-Man did! So, Hubby got home from work and he tried to put FAB to sleep…but remember…she only wants Mommy! So, I lay down with her and finally got her to sleep while Hubby got I-Man up and ready for his day with SIL #2. She came and picked him up and took him to see Cars (for the 3rd time!) and out to dinner. They had fun! While they were gone, FAB and I ran to OUAC…they don’t have any double strollers right now. Hopefully I get one soon! I did buy some cute things for FAB and Little G. I got FAB the cutest little jean jacket! Then FAB and I ran into Marshalls…while we were there, SIL called and was ready to bring I-Man home. So, we ran home to meet them. She was very funny…she kept thanking me for letting her take him and she gave me a big hug when she left. I feel like we are making some progress with his sisters lately….not his parents…but his sisters, at least! So, Hubby came home from PT practice, we gave the kids baths and got them to bed and that was about it!

Sunday….church was good. I hadn’t been in service for a month…so that was nice! I got to hold Little B a lot! I had to give him back to New Mommy at one point because I was really hot….then Hubby sat down and held him. He quickly handed him back to me because he had a poopy diaper. So, I offered to go change him and did that and then Hubby held him for the rest of the service. He is a proud uncle! And that little guy is so cute!!! The other young mom in our church had her baby there…he was only 9 days old (a week younger than Little B) and she had to have him by c-section…she said she was going stir-crazy so she had to get out today. I can really relate to that!!! We had FAB on a Tuesday…I got out of the hospital on Saturday and we brought her to church on Sunday. So, he was adorable too! After church, SQ and I were just getting ready to talk when Wise Advice’s son-in-law came up and started talking to me about getting a job where I work. So, I didn’t get to talk to her. So, I helped SIL get some stuff in her car and then FAB and I went to lunch at Skyline. Hubby and I-Man went to a football draft party in Wilmington. While we were at Skyline, SQ and her family and the K-Dog and his family came to eat. I chatted with them for a bit…but I was ready to go home and take a nap! It took me a long time to get FAB to go to sleep…but I finally did and we got our naps in before Hubby and I-Man got home. We moved a dresser into I-Man’s room for FAB’s clothes so that I can get Little G’s clothes put away in the nursery. What a mess!!! I did realize that I still need clothes for Little G. A co-worker here has some stuff for me….but I need to get some more stuff! She will be here soon! 6 weeks from today, actually!

I actually have a doc’s appointment in a bit. I am curious how my BP is doing and I wonder if they will do an exam since I am sure I have been having some contractions. It is much too early for me to be off work yet…so I hope everything is fine! I guess we will find out when I get there! I also want to ask them if my mom can be in the OR too. I asked her and she said she would like to….so as long as both she and Hubby can be in there, that will work out. I am also hoping they don’t tell me I can’t go to Tucky this weekend for family reunion. I guess if they do that Mom and Dad will have to take at least I-Man to reunion without us. So, lots of questions for the doctor’s office today! I am getting so anxious to meet my new little one! Especially after holding Little B so much.

Well, I need to work! SO, you all have a good day! Love you all and please continue to pray for Many Kids and Little L.

Friday, August 25, 2006

It's Friday! It's Friday!

Happy Friday! I am so happy today is Friday! And next week, I only work 2 days and then I am off the rest of the week! So….I can do this! But anyways, so glad it is Friday!

So, last night was a fun evening! I left work and went home and changed clothes real quick. OH! And Hubby had not made the bed. I was peeved. So, I made the bed and in doing so, one of my nails popped off! So, I was even more peeved! ARGH! So, on my way to my mom’s house, I called Hubby and left him a voicemail telling him that he was in trouble and that meant he had to come home early enough for me to go get my nails done since it was all his fault. LOL

So, I got to my mom’s house and picked her and the kids up. We headed to the Nursing Home where my mom’s aunt is living. We visited with her for a little bit. Funny that she didn’t remember who my mom was…but she said she remembered who I was! She still remembers…and talks about….how 9 years ago, on New Year’s Eve, I drove her and my Grandma around from a party to her house. She was going to call a taxi and that was just ludicrous! So, I took her home and she still talks about that! It was 9 years ago! She is 89 years old and just as cute as she was…well, for as long as I can remember! She enjoyed seeing the kids….and it really convicted me that I need to stop in and see her more often. I drive by her nursing home EVERY DAY. We were only there for 15 minutes….but you could tell it made a huge difference to her! So, that was a nice thing to do and the kids did really well. It is the same nursing home that our church kids went caroling to last year…so I-Man was pretty comfortable there and all the older ladies kept commenting on how cute FAB is. She was carrying her little purse and being a cutie. So, yes…we need to do that more often. Mom and I both said that when we left.

So, we left there and headed over to The Greene – the new mall RIGHT BY my house. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the mall!!! It is so pretty! It is just like Easton in Columbus. When you are there, you feel like you are in a town…walking on pretty streets. It is so nice!!!!! We walked around and saw all the stores that were open…there were actually more than I thought that were already open. We went to Children’s Place and I didn’t buy anything, but could’ve spent a couple hundred dollars there! I actually want to go back and buy some stuff!!!! So many cute, cute things! We also went to Coldstone Creamery. YUM! While we were sitting on the patio eating our ice cream, I-Man asked Mimi if she wanted to go to the movies. So, we laughed and asked him if he was asking her on a date…and if he had the money. Well, he got shy but said that she had the money! So, we just were eating and talking and this nice older couple next to us (who had been admiring both of my kids the whole time) came over and told us that he could take my mom on a date because the movies were FREE! WHAT?!?!? So, we left there and walked over to the movie theater….it is SO NICE. They have funnel cakes….yep! Funnel cakes!!! And there is a restaurant there….and lots of “mall-type” food (Sbarro Pizza!). It is very nice! So, Mom decided that she and I-Man were going to watch Curious George…for FREE! So, they weren’t “new” movies, but they were “newer”. So, FAB and I went home and they stayed for a movie. I called Hubby and asked him where he was and told him he needed to come home soon so I could get my nails done. So, he did!

So, he came home and I left to get my nails done. I am not crazy about the color I picked out…but they look nice! While I was there, Hubby picked Mom and I-Man up and then took Mom home and then took the kids to the grocery store. Isn’t he a great Hubby?

So, I got to watch Big Brother in peace!!! They got home right at the end of it…but the best part was over!!!! I hated to see James go…but he was so dignified in the way he left and the way he talked to Julie afterwards. He gets that it is a game….a game about lying….so it is stupid to bash them now that you are out of the house (hmmm…like Marcellus and Howie!). So, I was proud of him. Poor Danielle…she is taking this so hard. She needs to remember that it is a GAME and it is her own fault for trusting/believing in Chill-town anyways! So, again, I love this season because there are so many twists and turns and honestly, I don’t care who wins! I think it would be a HOOT if Chicken George won….but it really doesn’t matter! It has been fun to watch!

So, yesterday afternoon, Buford called and asked to speak to I-Man’s mommy. He asked if I-Man could come out and play with him tonight. I said yes…so when Hubby got home, I asked him if it was alright with him and he reminded me that I-Man has been talking about going to the first Fairmont football game tonight. OOPs! So, Hubby said we would just ask I-Man what he wanted to do. So, I-Man said he wanted to go to the football game. He has been talking about it for a while and Swimmer and her family are going to be there (one of his girlfriends). So, I made him call Sister (after BB, of course) and tell her. I felt horrible…..just horrible. I hated that I told Buford yes and then we had to say no. Really made me sick to my stomach…so be sure to tell Buford that I am sorry, Sister! It was so sweet that he called and asked!!! He (Buford) tells us that he doesn’t like I-Man….but he ain’t fooling nobody!!! LOL

So, that is about it! Another Stinky Pete-Free day! He is out of town again today. YEAH! I don’t know what FAB and I are going to do tonight. I don’t mind going to high school football games, but the thought of sitting in the heat on bleachers and fighting with FAB doesn’t thrill me. So, we probably won’t do that. I am thinking of seeing what Mom is doing and maybe we can go shopping or something. Maybe just back to our new mall! Who knows?!?!?

And….no big plans for the weekend. I think the only thing we have going on is Hubby has a party to go to on Sunday….but other than that, nothing! So, that is nice! Maybe I will do some cleaning. My house really needs it. We’ll see how I am feeling!

Well, I guess that is about it for now! Y’all have a great Friday! Love ya!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Thursday's Ramblings...

Hello Ladies! I wish it was Friday…but I guess it almost is! I just have no desire to be at work lately. That is not a good thing! Not good at all! And I really hate it because I used to LOVE my job and look forward to it every day. I know that part of the problem is that my mind is already mentally checking out for my maternity leave…but my other problem is that Stinky Pete makes my job no fun! So, I need to get over it and just suck it up! But seriously, I do not want to be here! Oh well….that is part of being an adult, right? Doing things we don’t want to do, but we have to do! I don’t want to be an adult! LOL

So, let’s see what has been going on. Not much, really. Tuesday night….I don’t think we did much of anything. (That will be a reoccurring theme!) I picked the kids up from my aunt’s house and we went home and the kids played, I tried to take it easy….we ate dinner and then the kids went outside to play for a bit. Our pool is disgusting and needs to be drained. Hopefully Hubby will do that this weekend. It looks gross! We just haven’t been home much lately (on the weekends) to enjoy it or maintain it. So, anyways. YUCK! Hubby got home from work and I really do not remember anything exciting happening. I guess I watched Big Brother….and then went to bed.

Yesterday I woke up feeling really bad. I just didn’t feel good. I had to force myself to get up out of bed and get ready for work. I am having a sharp pain on my right side….I think she is just pushing on something weird. And I just didn’t feel good. So, I only worked half a day yesterday. Stinky Pete needed my help with some stuff in the morning and then he was on the road to go out of town, so I left when he did. I got lunch, went home and straightened up the house a bit…it was pretty messy….and then laid down and went to sleep until it was time to go pick FAB up from my Aunt’s house. I got there to pick her up and she kept asking me where I-Man was. (Remember….he and Hubby went to Kings’ Island yesterday). They said that she whined for I-Man all day. Poor girl!

So, we headed home and my mom called and said she was on her way up….so she picked up Wendy’s for dinner and came over to see my new colorful house. She really liked it! FAB didn’t eat one bite of dinner….so not sure what that is about! Mom didn’t stay very long before she headed over to her house. FAB was such a sweet girl last night! She mostly watched Dora in her and I-Man’s room….and of course she had to have her back-pack on too. Funny thing…she never says Dora….it is always Boots! So, anyways. She was a very sweet girl all night. She would come and give me hugs and kisses and we would sing “You are My Sunshine”. I love to hear her sing that. So precious! So, so precious.

Well, the boys got home from Kings Island at about 9:00…the park closed at 8:00 last night. I guess because most of the kids that work there are back in school. They had a great day! First of all, at the dentist in the morning….they said that I-Man’s teeth look great! They can tell that he does a good job of taking care of them. Hubby, on the other hand, has to have a cavity filled next week. That is why I hate going to the dentist! They always find something that needs fixed and it always cost an arm and a leg, even though we have dental insurance! Heck, yesterday cost them $64 just for them both to have their teeth cleaned! It irks me off! I don’t know why it is so expensive!!!! Oh well. So, that was the dentist. I guess I-Man did good…he cried a little bit because he didn’t like the taste of the stuff they used and it hurt a little. I asked him if he thought he would have to go back to the dentist soon and he said he would never have to go back. Silly kid!

So, then to Kings Island! They had a ball! I-Man just couldn’t get over how big it was and Hubby said they had a great, great time. He even rode the Beastie twice! They also went to the water park and had fun there. I guess that Hubby and I-Man were both going to go down this big slide at the same time…so when the lady said they could go, it looked like I-Man was going…so Hubby went down. When he got to the bottom, he couldn’t find I-Man! So, he looked back up at the top and the girls were waving to him. I-Man didn’t go after all. So, Hubby had to go all the way back up there to get him. LOL They rode a few adult rides (White Water Canyon, Amazon Falls) and had a great time. They also rode the Scooby Ride and bought their pictures. Too cute! Hubby did buy a disposable camera, so I can’t wait to see the pictures. I-Man is ready to go back! So, that was fun for the two of them. Boy was FAB glad to see them when they got home! She missed her Bubba! It is going to be hard on her when he starts school! I really didn’t even think about that! She is just going to miss him so much.

So, that was about it for last night….or so I thought. For some reason, FAB did not sleep well last night. She climbed up into my bed at one point and just laid on top of me and went back to sleep. So, I put her back in her bed and she was asleep. I closed her door and went to the potty. Well, no sooner than I get in the bathroom, she starts screaming. So, I-Man comes out to get me….I hurry up and go back to her. I lay down with her (in her bed) for a few minutes…she is asleep…so I get up and go back to bed. About an hour later…she is back in my bed. I take her back to her bed. Two hours later, back in my bed. I make Hubby get up and take her to her bed…she screams for me the whole time, so I end up getting up anyways. ARGH! I hope she isn’t getting sick or anything. I did notice that her night-light was out…so maybe that is all it was. I called my Mom (who is watching them today) and she is acting fine. Mom said she didn’t know about last night and would never have suspected something was wrong. So, we will see if it happens again tonight. That is just so not like her. This is the first time she has done this since she has been in a big-girl bed. And before that, she rarely woke up. ODD. Maybe she is just preparing me for the baby in a few weeks….but I wont’ have to get up and go to work the next morning then!!!

So, I actually started this post this morning and then I got side-tracked with work – imagine that! They expect me to work here! LOL Actually, KK and I had a GREAT conversation with the Market President about Stinky Pete. He was wonderful and committed to doing whatever he could to help us. So, we will see. He has seen some of SP’s quirks and has talked to him before…so he mentioned going to SP’s boss and trying to get something done. He was FLOORED by some of the examples we shared with him. So, that was a great conversation!!! KK and I went to a Vera Bradley store on our lunch break…she was going to buy the Java Blue back-pack or the bowler….but they didn’t have either in Java Blue. They said they have 100 of the back-packs ordered but haven’t received them yet. Isn’t that crazy! That pattern is so popular!!!! So, we walked out of there with nothing! Aren’t you proud of me?!?!?!

Well, that is about it for today. My mom and the kids and I are going to go see my Great-Aunt in the nursing home after work. She is not doing well – although she is in her 90’s…so she is actually doing pretty good…but it looks like the end might be getting closer. So, we are going to go and visit her for a bit….as long as the kids will allow us to stay. Then, maybe we will go check out the new mall if it isn’t too crowded! We’ll see!!! I really need to get my nails done…priorities! LOL

Y’all have a great day and I will talk to you later! Love ya!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Happy Tuesday!

Hello Ladies. Just got back to work from a really long lunch…one of my co-workers turned 40 today, so we surprised him and all got together for lunch. It was nice because although we all work together as the “senior management team”, we don’t get to see each other a lot. That…and his wife and kids came too to surprise him and it was nice to visit with them! He was very surprised and had fun with the gag gifts that people got him. So, that was nice. Plus, it was a free lunch! Even better! But wouldn’t ya know that Hubby called while we were there to see if I wanted to have lunch with him! This is the first time he has ever called me to just do lunch! Oh well! Maybe another day!

So, I don’t really have a lot to say, but I also don’t want to do the things that I need to do at work…so I thought I would post an entry! So, this will probably be short!

Yesterday was a fine day at work. Not a whole lot to write about. I was feeling very “out of it” in the morning…actually pretty much all day. But it was really bad in the morning. I was very scatter-brained. Our HR lady even asked me if I was alright. She could tell that I wasn’t feeling right. Oh well! Only 7 more weeks of this, right?

So, after work I went and picked up the kiddos. My cousin’s youngest boy broke his foot. Bless his heart! Apparently he jumped off the top bunk and broke a bone in his foot. So, he was crawling around when I got there. Poor feller. He has an ace-bandage type cast on it right now, but I think he is going to have to get a regular cast soon. I felt so bad for him! It is going to be really rough for him next weekend at Family Reunion!

The kids and I went to see New Mommy and Little B. He is so stinking cute! I swear he has changed so much in the week since I saw him last (well, not quite a week). His face is even more round and his coloring is so much better. I held him for a while and then he needed a poopy diaper changed, so I let New Mommy do that! Then I-Man held him and then we left. The kids were getting restless – we only last about 20 – 30 minutes each time we are there. And Little B needed to eat. It was nice to chat with New Mommy. She seems to be doing so well…but has to go back to work in 2 and a half weeks! Yep…2 and a half weeks! I feel so bad for her! I can’t imagine only being off 4 weeks with my new little one! She still hasn’t finalized her baby-care plans…she needs to get on the ball with that! But that time is going to fly by for her!

So, we left there and headed to Wal-Mart. I needed to get a 40th Birthday card and present for the above-named co-worker! I also got the kids each a little cheap toy (I am such a sucker) and I got an organizer thing for all of I-Man’s school stuff. I want to have a place to put all of the “stuff” he will accumulate from his first year of school. The kids were pretty good at Wal-Mart. But I was getting tired fast!

So, then we went to McD’s for dinner. We just went through the drive-thru and took it home. I was so tired and just ready to be home, ya know? So, we ate and then I just took it easy and watched my Soap while the kids played and stuff. Hubby called and stopped by Radio Shack on his way home and bought me a new car charger for my phone and he also bought ink for our printer. We have been low or out for a while…so we needed that! I always forget to get it! Plus, it is expensive!!!

So, that was our evening in a nutshell! When Hubby got home, we pretty much just took it easy and didn’t do much. He tried to be a nice Hubby and let me take a nap/go to bed early…but FAB would have NO part of it. I locked my bedroom door even and she just stood there and screamed at the top of her lungs and shook my door. Hubby held her and she screamed for me bloody murder. So, just about the time I dozed off….she again went ballistic! So, so much for that idea! What a little stinker!

And, that really is about it! Nothing going on tonight either…and then tomorrow, I-Man has his first dentist appointment and then to Kings Island with Daddy! They should have a really good time. I am a bit jealous! I would love to go…but I can’t really ride anything. I would just love to see I-Man’s face! He has no idea what it is like! We tried to explain to him that it is bigger even than Holiday World (where my parents took him) but he doesn’t get it. So, they should have a blast!

Umm…well, told you this would be short! I need to go help someone here, so I will talk to you all later! Have a great night! Love ya!

Monday, August 21, 2006

The Joys of Being a Mommy!!!!

Phew! What a long weekend! So much to share! As if you all want to know all the details, but you are going to get them!!!

Thursday, I left work early to take the kids to the doctor. We actually saw the nurse practitioner instead of a doctor…and it was really great! She was wonderful! It was FAB’s 2-year check-up (only she was really 25.5 months old….bad parents!) and I-Man’s kindergarten shots! So, FAB did great! She is in the 50% for her weight (27.8 pounds) and in the 75% for her height (35.5 inches) and her head was pretty much off the charts (no surprises there!). She was all up-to-date on her shots, so it was easy on her. The nurse just talked to Hubby and I about her and we all laughed about how different she is in than I-Man. If you read Sister’s journal, we told her that FAB maybe knows 50 words…she hasn’t been talking a lot. But boy, oh boy, did she prove me wrong in Tucky! She took off talking like never before this weekend! We talked about potty training and how she shows no desire, so she said to wait until after the baby is 3 months old or so before we start trying, unless she shows signs sooner. She said that if you say it took you 9 months to potty train your kid, then you started 8 months too early. Every kid is different and you can’t force them to do it until they are ready. So, that made me feel better. I wish we weren’t going to have two in diapers, but it is what it is. She was really great with FAB and took lots of time just talking to us about her. Then, poor I-Man had to get 4 shots! He did pretty good until the last shot…and the nurse said it is the worst. Bless his heart, he started crying and I had to push Hubby out of the way so I could hug my baby! I started crying too….and I think even Hubby had tears in his eyes! It is hard for a parent to see their kid like that!!! I wish I could’ve taken them for him! How silly…they are just shots, but you could tell that that last one really hurt him. So, we gave him some Tylenol and then the kids and I were on our way to Tucky! We had a wonderful drive down because the kiddos slept most of the way! Having a TV in the van is the best thing ever!!! We got to Tucky just as Sister was getting off work! So, I-Man went out to play with Papaw and the girls (Mom, Sister, FAN and I) headed off to some shopping. We went to a consignment store (much like OUAC) and I got some cute clothes for Little G. My mom found a GREAT deal before we got there at the Goodwill. She got a car seat for $7.59! And it looks BRAND NEW! And it is the exact one we had before….and Diamond told me last night that she has an extra base that I can have and we are going to buy her swing! So, the only thing I need still is a double stroller. And that isn’t a necessity right up front…but a nice to have. So, COOL!!!! So, anyways, we did a little shopping and then we went back home and had pizza for dinner. Then we watched Big Brother. We sent Dad and the kids to Wal-Mart to watch it in peace. He came home a bit too early, though….but it was still fun to watch it together!

Uhh….Friday morning we got up and went to a consignment sale at a church by their house. Again, got some cute clothes for Little G and I-Man. There wasn’t as much there as I thought there would be. We dropped Mom and FAB off at home and then Dad, Sister, I-Man and I went to more garage sales. That was fun! I got some good books…but that is it. A lot of illegal garage sales. Then we headed back to the house to have lunch, take naps and get ready to go to the fair. The AI concert was at the State Fair. We got there and saw the tour buses and saw Elliot riding a scooter! That was cool! Sister was like a teenager….so funny!!! She was squealing and so excited! That was the best part…to see how excited she was! Anyways, we went to get some good ole fair food…it was so stinking hot outside….so Mom and Dad took the kids to ride more rides (Papaw and I-Man had been there for a few hours already) and Sister and I went to look at indoor exhibits…in the AIR CONDITIONING! K….there were some ODD things for display at the Kentucky State Fair…such as corn…hay….and salt-cured hams. YUCK. So, we were taking our time looking at the pictures, dead bugs, plants, etc when Mom and the Dad and the kids joined us in the AC. We just sat and enjoyed the cool until it was time to go to the concert.

OH! I forgot to mention that Sister bought an AI t-shirt and I bought one for I-Man. I was so excited about taking him to his first concert! So, if you read Sister’s journal, the concert was GREAT! I only got to see the first half…and I heard Chris and Elliott and actually saw them from the hall (the nice security people felt sorry for me and let me stand where I could see them PERFECTLY for a bit) because I-Man was so tired. He did great for the first half…actually did better than most of the adults we sat with. He screamed and had fun cheering and dancing and was just so adorable. It was a great memory that I had with him (see Sister…..that was priceless to me!!!). During the intermission, I could tell he was getting tired. He kept talking about nonsense to me…so I knew he was about DUN. He also kept asking where the bald guy was….I thought he meant Chris…but come to find out, he meant Randy Jackson! So funny! So, when Chris came out (right after intermission), he just started crying (I-Man, not Chris). It was very loud and all the women were screaming (duh!), so I took him out. Again, that is the risk we took when we decided to take him. And again, I thoroughly enjoyed the first half of the concert and being able to make that memory with I-Man. So, I was disappointed that I missed the best parts of the concert, but not as much as Sister was. It was a very special night even if I didn’t get to see Taylor! Lots of funny moments (moms fighting with moms in front of their kids, old ladies kissing pics of Taylor, my mom acting like a teenie bopper when she saw a pic of Johnny Depp…on and on and on!). AND….MANDISSA ROCKS! I can’t wait until she comes out with her own album. Amazing. And she made a point to proclaim her faith in God…which I totally admire her for! So, it was a great, great evening!!!!!! Oh, and when I-Man and I walked out to the van, he was asleep and snoring within 1 minute of his head hitting the pillow. Poor kid was tuckered out!!!!

Saturday morning, we got up and Sister and I took off to the Vera Bradley store. I think we literally spent an hour in there….just looking and trying to decide what we were going to get! I went in with visions of buying one thing….but totally walked out with something else! I actually bought the same style of bag that HBM has….but in one of her new fall patterns. LOVE IT! As Sister said, at dinner that night, I pulled what I thought was a loose string and the handle unraveled! So, I will be getting a new one soon! Mom took it back today! But anyways, we had fun in “our happy place” just looking and trying all the new stuff! I know, we have a problem…but it could be more expensive and we all have our vices!!!! We went back home and Dad couldn’t believe we had spent all that time at the Vera store. He just laughed! We all got ready and went to a matinee of “Barnyard”. The kids did pretty good…but FAB was over-due for her nap, so she got restless. AGAIN, I got up and took her out for a while…we came back in and she was a brat…so I took her out and spanked her (because she was just being a brat at that point) and then she fell asleep on my shoulder. So, I got to see the last minute of the movie. Oh, the joys of being a mother!!!!! Why couldn’t she have fallen asleep earlier? If I knew that a spanking would do the trick, I would’ve done that earlier!!!! LOL So, we left there and went home and took naps (well, Dad and the kids didn’t…but the rest of us did). Then we took about an hour or more to decide what we wanted to do for dinner and ended up going to Crackerbarrel. It was very yummy…..but I ate too much and paid for it later! We went home after dinner and played games….and that is when I was in so much pain that I was in tears. I am not sure if it was just bad gas pain (aren’t you glad I shared?) or what. I also know that I was having contractions. It was pretty bad. I laid in bed trying to go to sleep and kept thinking that I was 2 hours from Hubby and my doctor. Not a good thing! I was really about ready to ask my mom to take me to the hospital when it finally got better and I was able to sleep. I kept thinking that if my water broke, then I would know they weren’t false contractions! So, it was a long night. I woke up feeling better on Sunday!

So, Sunday….we didn’t get up and start getting ready in time to go to church. I-Man insisted on going…(what a good kid!), so he and Dad went and the rest of us were heathens. We didn’t do much while they were gone…just sat around and talked and took it easy. Then I started getting all of our stuff ready to go home. We had a yummy lasagna dinner and then I-Man and Papaw played croquet with some neighbors and then we headed down the highway (or up, actually). The kids didn’t sleep on the way home, but for the most part, they were good. We got home and….

I LOVE my new colors in my house! Hubby did a great job (even though I made the mistake of telling him that “it definitely wasn’t a professional job”…why can’t I just shut up!…that was not nice of me!). Anyways…..LOVE the new colors! The living room looks beautiful! I still think I want Sister to do some pretty writing of sayings on the wall. But it looks BEAUTIFUL! And then the yellow is bright…but fun! And I love my new blue wall! So, I need to get some new things….but really, not that much! It looks very cute! LOVE IT! Hubby worked so hard on it….it was not nice of me to be so critical….I need to shut up sometimes and stop being so ungrateful! Anyways, he worked so hard and it looks great! We spent some time getting things back up on the walls. I LOVE it!!!! I fed the kids dinner and then we did some more cleaning up and then I headed to Women’s Group for a bit. I was so tired and not feeling well….the contractions were coming back…or whatever they are. So, I didn’t stay long, but it was nice to sit and talk to those who were there. We got to see pictures of Wise Advice’s daughters wedding. Pepto did a FABULOUS job on the pictures! Very nice!!!! I left there and went home and watched Big Brother…LOVE the twists on that show! Then went to bed. I didn’t actually go to sleep until nearly 3:00 am. Just not feeling good.

So, today….not a good day! I am so tired…so out of it….my back is killing me and I just don’t feel good! So, hopefully this will pass and I can sleep good tonight and be back to “normal” tomorrow. I have 7 more weeks…..7 more weeks….keep telling me that so I can hang in there!!!! I have a feeling that family reunion is not going to be too much fun for me next weekend. I hope I can make it!!!!

Well, this is very long, so I am surprised if any of you stuck with me! Not much going on this week…Hubby is taking I-Man to his first dentist appointment on Wednesday and then to Kings Island. They will have a blast, I am sure. Next week is the big week! We have orientation on Wednesday and then his first day of school on Friday! I am going to cry like a baby!!!

Praying for so many….love you all!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

LOVE my Blue Wall!

So, here I sit at work….just counting the minutes until I can GET OUT OF HERE for a long weekend. Actually, I have plenty of things to work on….but I just don’t feel like it! I almost just took today as a vacation day, but I am only working half a day anyways….and KK and I are hoping to get a chance to talk to the Market President today about our buffoon of a boss. So, we will see.

Yesterday was a fine day at work….not a lot going on. Just getting caught up on stuff and getting some stuff ready for my leave. I really need to start making sure all my ducks are in a row because you just never know at this point when my doc might put me on leave. I doubt it would be anytime real soon, but you just never know! So, there are lots of lists to be made and things for me to show KK and others how to do. They will do just fine without me. I just worry about poor KK having to deal with Stinky Pete all by herself. Bless her heart! I just know that when I come back she is going to be going on to a different job because Stinky Pete will have pushed her over the edge…..either he will be gone or she will. We will see!

So, enough about work! Who really cares about that anyways?!? On my way home from work, I called my MIL for the daily Baby B report. We talked for a long time…that was nice. Tomorrow SIL gets a home phone…so that will be nice that I can just call her directly. She has a TracFone now, but I know her minutes have dwindled quickly since Little B got here…so I have avoided calling her. Anyways, they didn’t really find out much from the doctor yesterday, so they are assuming that is good news. They didn’t put him under lights…so he must be doing better. Anyways, she (MIL) was at home and sounded very tired. She had been with SIL during the day, but was letting her be with her other company last night. And SIL wanted to try to be by herself over night last night. So, I am anxious to talk to them today to see how her first night alone went. MIL said that she didn’t do anything, since SIL is breast-feeding…but I told her it was just the comfort of knowing your mom was near if you needed her. We had a nice talk. Apparently there is some sort of stink brewing with FIL and his wife. I don’t understand exactly what is going on…but it sounds like Step-Mom might be feeling intimidated by MIL. I bet she is just trying to find her place in all of this. This is the first major family thing that has happened since they got married and it was probably awkward at the hospital that MIL and FIL were so involved together. But it should’ve been that way. Anyways, I told MIL not to worry about it because unless she did something to offend them, she can’t help the way Step-Mom is feeling. She just has to get comfortable with the situation and figure out how she fits into everything. In the meantime, MIL is going to try to not be around when FIL and Step-Mom are around – so they have their own time with New Mommy and Little B. Oh, the joys of a divorced family!!!!

Anyways, so MIL and I decided that Hubby and I are going to buy New Mommy a microwave and some groceries. I think Hubby will do that later today. She also really needs a breast pump, so I am going to keep an eye out for one of those. She won’t need it until she goes back to work, but that will be here before we know it. She doesn’t get that much time off. Anyways, please continue to keep her in your prayers. For all of us who have kids, remember the adrenaline rush that makes it seem so easy and wonderful the first few days? Well, that will soon wear off and she is going to get very tired - more than most since she is doing it alone. So, just pray for her and Little B. God has really given me a sense of “praying without ceasing” for New Mommy and Little B. They are constantly in my mind and I feel like I am in constant prayer for them. I think that is truly my role in this for right now. It is a neat…and strange…feeling. I am not that close to SIL, but we are getting closer…if not in talking to each other, certainly because I feel more attached to her through my intercessory prayers….if that makes sense. I am trying to make sense of it all in my own head, so if you don’t understand, join the club! LOL

So, anyways! I picked up the kiddos from my Aunt’s house. She told me that FAB is a pill. Uh…hello? I realize that. She is so feisty and so independent…..a real handful! Terrible 2’s hit her HARD! It is frustrating. I-Man keeps saying he is excited about school because he “will get a break from the babies.” So, obviously he has heard me say that! But honestly, she does aggravate the snot out of him! Yesterday morning, Hubby was watching them and they didn’t know he was there. He said that I-Man was just sitting there minding his own business and FAB just climbed up on him and started picking on him. Hubby told her to stop and she just laughed. See, she has this “ornery” laugh….actually it sounds very much like New Mommy’s laugh. So, she is rotten. Next week, Hubby is going to take I-Man to the dentist for the first time (we are bad parents) and then they are going to Kings Island – just the two of them. So, we are trying to do some fun thing with him before school starts. I just can’t believe that my baby is starting school! I tear up just thinking about it!

So, we were on our way home and I-Man asked to call Mimi Hio and see if she wanted to do something with them. I told him that she was very tired so she may not be able to, but I let him call her. So, I ended up dropping the kids off at her house for a few hours. It was very nice because I had the whole house to myself! I was supposed to go out to dinner with some people from work, but I just couldn’t leave my nice, quiet house! That doesn’t happen very often! So, Hubby got home from work around 8:00 and MIL brought the kids home around 8:30….it was a nice relaxing evening! I did laundry and packed our bags for the weekend.

So, when MIL dropped the kids off, she brought me Dairy Queen – how nice! She stayed and chatted with us for a bit. Her boyfriend met them (her and the kids) at DQ. She said that Rob thinks FAB is adorable…of course! But then, he doesn’t live with her! YIKES! Then MIL says how sad it is because Rob has a grandson that just turned 2 on the weekend and he wasn’t invited to the party because he and his son are “on bad terms right now.” That is sad…..but there are two sides to every story! Anyways, the kids had fun with her. She left and we gave them baths and put them to bed. I went to bed shortly thereafter.
Hubby stayed up and started painting! He painted the one blue wall….and I LOVE IT! He has some touch-up to do…I think he is going to do another coat…but I LOVE the color and I LOVE it! I think it will look neat! I need to find some new decorations for the house now that we will have a different feel to the room. I love it!!!! I can’t wait to come home on Sunday and see the finished project. Poor Hubby….he has so much work ahead of him! But he will have some fun in there too! I just feel bad that he is doing it all by himself. Although, I know it gives him a great sense of pride to be able to do stuff like this. He isn’t very handy….but he does a great job in making everything look really nice. And he takes great pride in our home. So, anyways…I am excited to see the finished project!

Umm…not really much else to talk about. I am headed out of here in a little bit to take the kids to the doctor – they both have to get shots! Then we are headed down to Tucky for the weekend! I am sure we will have fun – no matter what all we do. But I am SO extremely excited about the AI concert. We will probably be some of the oldest people there…but it will be so neat to see them all perform!!!! YEAH! Have I mentioned what a great Sister I have?!?!? What a great gift idea that was!!!!

OH, I had some WEIRD dreams last night. Now, I heard no clucking (hehe HBM), but I dreamt that my sister (not JJ, but my other sister) was trying to kill me. She had a gun and was trying to kill me. I ran into a Burger King (because the drive-thru line was too long) to get away from her. It was very bizarre. Then, when I was hiding from her, there was this really big bug that actually looked like a bird, but it was bug…and it hung itself. Umm…yeah, it was a very weird dream. There were other things too…but those were the biggest two things that I remember. Huh. Odd.

So, you all have a great day! Have a nice weekend because I probably won’t journal this weekend. I will miss you all (those that I normally see at church)…but maybe see you at Women’s Group on Sunday night? I am not sure that I am going, but I might. So, maybe I will see you then!

Love you all!!!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I hate thinking of titles...

Hello Ladies. It is such a beautiful day outside…who wants to be inside? It is a great day to play hooky and go do something fun! But, here I sit at work! Oh well! Them are the breaks!

So, I went to the doctor on Monday and my blood pressure is up. I am not surprised by this in the least because with the other two pregnancies, this is about the time my BP becomes a problem. So, they aren’t overly concerned yet. I did ask her about when my c-section was going to be and it looks like it will be on October 9! That is my Grandma’s birthday – so very cool! And it also means that I don’t need to save vacation time because 12 weeks will take me right up to the end of the year! So, I am going to wait to plan on using those days until I go to the doctor next time and they have confirmed it with the hospital and everything…but that is what it looks like right now! My Grandma will be so excited! I was telling Aunt Chatty Cathy about it and she mentioned how my G-Ma had just been telling her sister that the baby might be born on her birthday. So, that would be nice!

When Hubby got home from work on Monday, we went out for a quick dinner and then went to Lowe’s. He is going to paint our house this weekend while we are gone! So, if any of your Hubby’s are bored this weekend and want to help him…LOL. We are tired of having an all white house! At our old house, we had plaster walls, so we painted the bathroom and it looked horrible because you can’t really get straight edges on plaster walls. So…..anyways! We are going to make our house VERY colorful! The living room (the first part of the house that has the TV and couch and stuff in it) is going to be a tan color. So, that isn’t too exciting…but more so than white! But then BAM! The kitchen is going to be a bright yellow-goldish color. We took one of the tiles that is our back-splash and mixed into our bar with us and matched up the yellow in that. Then, the long wall at the left of the kitchen (where we have our table and our “sitting area”) is going to be a dark blue! Again, a color from the tile. So….we are going to have us a Mexican fiesta in our house! Someone from work asked me if I was going to hang piñatas. LOL So, I told Hubby that we could always just go buy white paint to cover it up if we don’t like it…but let’s go for it! The lady at Lowe’s was excited for us. She liked our choices. So, we will see!!!

So, when we got home from Lowe’s…I think I pretty much went straight to bed. I am just so tired and sore by the end of the day that I can barely move. It is so frustrating!!!!

Yesterday was an okay day at work. I work with some real idiots. That gets frustrating too. I won’t bore you with all the details, but let me just sum it by saying that I gave someone VERY CLEAR directions on something and they still managed to ENTIRELY screw it up. I hate that because even though it shouldn’t be a reflection of me, I still take it personally and get upset about it. Oh well! On another note, Stinky Pete is still such a moron and he actually committed to dressing up in a chicken costume and standing on Main Street in Dayton at 5:00 and doing the chicken dance and also singing “I’m a Little Tea Pot”. So, KK and I ordered him a chicken suit and it came in yesterday. We HOWLED when we opened it. The Market President found out about it and is FURIOUS that my boss would be so stupid as to humiliate the entire company by doing something like that. So, it will be interesting how this pans out. He is supposed to do this on September 13….we will see!!!!

I picked up the kids and headed to see New Mommy and Little B. She was all alone with him and we didn’t stay long because I think she was enjoying her time alone with him, plus the last thing she needs is my two kids aggravating her. I-Man held Little B first…he does such a good job with him. Then I got to hold him for a long time. He is so precious. She took him to the doctor yesterday and he is jaundiced….so she has to take him back to be tortured (oh, I meant tested) again today. If his numbers haven’t improved, they are going to put him under the lights. I assured her this was very normal…and actually I-Man had to do all of that…only they came to our house. But I know how she feels, I don’t care if it is normal, I don’t want my kid to have to go through this! So, hopefully his numbers are better today. Hubby and I decided that we would take her grocery shopping instead of bringing her dinner. I think we actually might do that and buy her a microwave because she doesn’t’ have one. So, anyways….I just wanted to give her a Kroger gift card but Hubby doesn’t want to do that. Whatever. It was nice to have some time with just her and Little B and talk. Her feet were swollen as big as mine were….and I thought that was odd, but then I do remember having that with FAB after she was born. She just needs to rest more. Anyways, she is doing well and Little B is so pretty. I just stared at him the whole time I was holding him. I can’t wait to see what Gracie is going to look like!!!

The kids and I headed home and just took it easy the rest of the night. I know they are getting bored with that…and me. They love to be on-the-go, but I just can’t do it right now. Like I said, I can barely move by the time I get home from work. I hate that…because it isn’t fair to them…but I don’t know what to do about it. And I am sure Hubby is getting frustrated because the house isn’t as clean as it usually is…but I just can’t even put into words how I feel. Oh well. This too shall pass!!! We did get all the pictures and stuff off the walls last night and he started the taping after I went to bed. He ran out of tape and is about half-way done. So, fun, fun!

Oh, I did watch BB and I am with Sister….there is really not one person I am rooting for. I just like the drama of it all. I bet Marcellus is going to whine all week about being up on the block. He kinda gets on my nerves. So, it will be interesting to see what happens!

I am only working half-a-day tomorrow and then the kids have a doc appointment at 1:15…then we are heading to KY! I am looking forward to a get-away! I know I just had one last week….but this time will be with family! So, I am looking forward to that! Plus, once Gracie is here, I won’t be able to go this much.

Okay….I guess that is about it! I hope you all have a great Wednesday. Get out and enjoy this GORGEOUS weather if you can! I am planning on going to Mendelson’s on my lunch break to see if they have any baby stuff. That should be interesting.

Have a great day! Love and prayers to all!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Back to Reality!

Hello! I am back at work (BLAH) and I have a lot to do, but I just wanted to put in a quick update! WOW! What a weekend…but I need a vacation to recover from our mini-vacation!!!

So, after I was up from 3:45 to almost 6:00…I did go back to sleep until about 9:00 and then I got up and went down to check out the breakfast at the hotel. It was alright. Hubby didn’t get up in time to go down, so we got ready and headed out for the day! We went to a yummy breakfast place we had never tried before. It was very good. Then we headed out to do some more shopping. We got the kids some shoes, got Hubby some t-shirts (and one for Elvis too!), went to The Christmas Store and had so much fun in there! We ran into Hair Dye’s parents! Isn’t that a hoot! They were down there for a funeral. The last time we were down there we saw Minnie’s SIL, this time, Hair Dye’s parents. What a small world! We got a cute ornament for Brayden and Gracie and one for our family. We really had fun in that store. Then we went to Carters and bought FAB and Gracie matching outfits, a cute Halloween outfit for Gracie, an outfit for Brayden and some cute tights for FAB. We just had fun doing what we wanted to do! Then we decided to play indoor putt-putt golf. It was called “Blacklight Golf”. It was fun…but we were behind a very slow family…so we did a lot of waiting. But still fun. Then we headed to the timeshare presentation. We practiced saying no a million different ways on the way (lol). We got there and had to submit some names of people for them to call and offer the weekend get-away to. We submitted a few names….I had to make Hubby stop naming people though! Although….it was DEFINITELY worth the weekend get-away to listen to the schpeel. So, we got lucky and got a young girl as our “salesperson”. It was only her 3rd day on the job and she was very, very nice. She was a Christian girl from Germany and we just loved her. Hubby loved looking at her….as did all of the other men at that place…but she was really very sweet. I told her after it was all over that I wish I didn’t like her! Because I liked her I wanted to be able to say yes, but we just couldn’t do it. So, that lasted 2.5 hours…..ummmm, what happened to 90 minutes? Oh well. So, we missed The Comedy Barn. We left the timeshare place and went and had a yummy dinner for free and then we headed to see the show Memories. There was a nice couple with a 12 week-old baby in front of us. We chatted with them and really enjoyed the first part of the show. It was very, very funny. The highlight was the Jerry Lee Lewis impersonator. He was AMAZING. At intermission, we got up to walk around and Hubby could tell that I was DUN. I was so tired and my back was killing me. It was just a long day for a 7 month pregnant girl. So, we headed back to the hotel ….stopped and got ice cream at a place called Crankies….so, so YUMMY. It was like Coldstone but I actually liked it even better. So, we took that back to the hotel and sat on our balcony and ate that and then just relaxed. I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, I think. I slept much better that night…only awake for about an hour in the night.

We got up on Sunday, got ready, had breakfast and headed North. It was a short trip, but very nice to do what we wanted to do and just enjoy each other. I drove for about 90 minutes and then we stopped to potty and Hubby drove the rest of the way. We took his little car to save on gas….but it was so uncomfortable. We saved money….but I won’t do that again. So, we got to my parents house in time for Sunday dinner with Sister, Buford, Mom and the kids (Dad had to work). That was nice…we missed the kids so much and I think they missed us. FAB kept giving me kisses all during dinner and I-Man kept hugging me too. BUT, they had a ton of fun with my parents at Holiday World in Indiana and with Sister and Buford at Buffalo Crossing (a petting zoo). We walked in to all of them making camel noises. So, they had a wonderful time too! We piled in the car and headed North again!

We got home and ran to our house really quick to pick up something. KK had made a Mother’s bracelet for SIL and dropped it off at our house, so we grabbed that and the other gifts we had for him and headed to SIL’s apartment. We walked in and were amazed at how gorgeous and perfect he is. He is really beautiful! I know I am a bit biased, but he is a beautiful baby! SIL doesn’t think he looks anything like his dad…so she was happy. I don’t see a lot of her in him either….but he is just so perfect. He definitely has her nose…and is really just perfect. You could tell that MIL was happy to have her 3 kids there and her 3 grandkids (well, 4 if you count Gracie!!). I held him first and just stared at him. He is precious. I-Man held him for about 30 seconds and then started watching TV. FAB kissed him and didn’t like it when Hubby or I were holding him. She would climb up on our laps too. So, that will be fun! After a while, I-Man held him again – and for a long time! He did SO good! He held him and if he started to fuss, he would pat his bottom and whisper to him to “shoosh, baby…it’s alright.” So precious. We took lots of pictures. Hubby held him and that was so precious. He was whispering to him about all the things he would teach him to do. We took pictures of MIL with all of her grandkids…she was beaming. SIL is doing GREAT. The breastfeeding is going well….she is sore, but feeling pretty good. She just did great. I am really proud of her. She has a tough road ahead of her….but she is a strong person and she has a lot of people who love her and plan on being there for her. She has made a lot of mistakes (but haven’t we all) but I am just so proud of her right now. She could’ve decided to abort this baby or not keep him…but she is going to fight it out! Anyways, it was a nice visit with them and we are going to take her dinner over one night this week. Froggie is bringing her dinner tonight (I think) and MIL took the week off and is planning on staying with her for a few nights. I checked in with them today and he did pretty good on his first night at home.

So, after we left there, we went home and got all un-packed and got the laundry going. The kids were EXHAUSTED. So, they ate a snack and then I put them in bed to watch cartoons. They were both asleep within an hour. Hubby went to Men’s Group and I watched BB and some other stuff I had on the DVR. It was nice to be home!

And that is about it! Of course, I am back to work today. But only for 4 days this week! I am headed back to Kentucky this weekend with the kids for the American Idol concert on Friday. I can’t wait! We are going to have a blast, I am sure!!! I think that I-Man is going to the concert with us. That will be a treat for him. I am sure he will do fine….he might be overwhelmed at first…but he will love it. I am really looking forward to this weekend. The kids and I are going to stay through Sunday at my parents. Not sure what else we will do, but I am sure we will have a nice get-away. Hubby has plans to go to a Red’s Game with some guys from church on Friday night and he is going to paint too! We have been wanting to paint our living room and kitchen area…so I think he is going to do that this weekend! I am excited about that! Hopefully we are able to decide on colors that we both like. We will see!

Umm….I guess that is really about it. I could go on and on venting about my in-laws, but I won’t. I am just going to leave it at this: my mother-in-law definitely has different priorities right now. And my father-in-law has already told SIL all the things he is going to do with my new nephew. I guess he doesn’t realize that he already has two grandkids. Hubby is hurt about that, but I am just DUN with the whole situation. My kids are BLESSED to have such a WONDERFUL Papaw in my Dad…I can’t control what FIL does and I am not going to get upset about it anymore. It is his loss. He is missing out on spending time with 2 really great kids.

Well, I better get back to work! I took a break in the middle of writing this to go to lunch with KK and then Detergent stopped in to see me. She has jury duty this week (well, hopefully she will get out of it, but has to sit through a thing all day today) and came to see me on their lunch break. That was a nice little break in my day! Now I have to get to work! I have to leave in a little bit to go to the doctor and then I think I am going to drop in and see my new nephew.

Have a good one! Love to all!!!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

I am an Aunt again!!!

Yeah! Brayden Houston came into the world at 9:42 PM on Friday, August 11. He weighed in at 7 pounds 14 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. He has light brown hair and his momma "is just in awe" of him. It was a long day for her....they started to induce at 5:00 am, but both Mommy and Baby are doing fine! I can't wait to meet him.

So, I am sitting here in our hotel room in Pigeon Forge and I CANNOT SLEEP. This same thing happened to me last night too. Both times I woke up at 3:45 to go potty and then can't go back to sleep. DRIVING ME CRAZY. So, I got caught up on emails and journals (thanks to Hubby's computer) and thought I would post real quick before I try to go back to sleep.

So, we decided to leave on Thursday afternoon/evening as planned. I am glad we did because if we would've waited for Brayden to be born, we would've not been able to come. So, we spent the evening with my parents on Thursday....Sister has the stomach flu, so we didn't want her to come over (no offense)...but BIL did stop in for a bit. "Dim" as FAB calls him. Neither Hubby nor I slept well at my parents house. After I woke up at 3:45, I think I spent the rest of the night/morning in prayer. SIL and Baby were just heavy burdens on my heart. Not just for the delivery...but for real life now. And my prayers for them honestly continued all day. I don't know that I have ever had a day like that before....where the entire day I felt like I was in constant communion with God for them.....even in the midst of what we were doing. Very odd....but very neat feeling.

We got up and got ready and headed to Pigeon Forge. Hubby drove the whole way...we had to stop quite a bit for potty breaks, even though I hardly drank anything. Our hotel is VERY nice. It is Christian owned and has biblical pictures and such in the rooms. They also have a church service here on Sunday morning. How cool is that? So, we have a balcony and a refrigerator and is very nice. We got checked in and...well, I should say that on the way here and all day we talked to SIL or MIL every two hours to check in. I felt like a pest...but I wanted to know what was going on! So, we got moved in to our room...we took a quick nap and then headed to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. YUMMY. Then we went shopping at the outlet mall. I got 3 really nice bras for $21. That made me very happy. We also got Hubby some jeans, I-Man some shirts and FAB some shoes at Old Navy. OH...and Hubby and I-Man got matching jackets there too. Then we headed to see the show MIRACLE. It was an awesome musical about Jesus' life. Actually, it started at creation and really showed the "battle between good and evil". The performers were amazing....the effects were was a great show. And I loved how their "lucifer character" was nearly always present. It was just really neat. Probably my favorite part of the show, though....because it was so well done....was at the very end, right before Jesus ascended....ALL of the music and special effects stopped so that "Jesus" could give "the great commission". I LOVED how they did that because we need that reminder and they made it so important by stopping the theatrics for a minute to get that point across. AWESOME show. Well, right before it started, I was walking around and called the hospital. FIL answered the phone and said she was pushing and having a contraction. So, I got to hear everyone counting and stuff. I got all choked up. So, we knew it would be soon. Well, this kid next to me during the show annoyed the heck out of one point she literally had her head on my arm. I was ready to kill at intermission we moved to different seats so we could stretch out (my back was killing me) and be able to jump up and leave if our phones rang. So...sure enough, right before the betrayal kiss...Hubby's phone rings and he ran out. He came back in beaming with the news that he was an uncle! SIL called him herself and you could tell Hubby was pretty emotional. It was a long day for all of us. I just felt a bunch of tension release when he came back in with the news. Can't wait to meet that little guy! God is so good.

So, after the show, we came back to the hotel and did email and stuff and then went to bed...and that is where we are now! I need to try to go back to sleep....the "deluxe continental breakfast" doesn't start until I can't eat yet! Not sure what all we are going to do today. We have to hear the time-share presentation at 3:00 and then we have tickets to the Comedy Barn at 5:00....don't know if we will make it or not. Hubby's co-worker is the sister of the she got us free tickets. And we also have tickets for a show at who knows if we will be able to do them both. And then tomorrow, we head back home.

I miss my kiddos. This is the first time we have left them for 2 nights....actually the first time we have left FAB at all....besides just spending the night at my parents house when we are right there too. But Hubby and I need this time before Gracie gets here. I am very excited for her to get here....only 7 more weeks to go!!!!

Well, I am going to try to get some sleep. Love to all and Happy Birthday to HBM! Enjoy this last year in your 20's!!! Love ya!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Good Morning Journal Goddesses! It’s been a while since my last confession…er, I mean entry! I have been lurking, but not commenting too much. Sorry about that!

So, let’s see. Not a lot going on…but feels like a lot going on. Does that make sense? Rather than giving you a day-by-day recap, because I doubt anyone really cares about that anyways, let me just give you an overview!

Ummm…last Friday, Kelli and I took advantage of no Stinky Pete, so we went shopping and stuff during the day. I really am blessed to have her as a friend and my co-worker! Then Friday night, my parents came and picked the kids up. They didn’t even come inside because we were expecting a loan closer at any minute to close on our refinance. Well, long story short…that person did not show up until 8:45 PM. Yep, you read that right. I was actually asleep when she got there because we had given up on her showing up and had decided to go see a late movie. So, I was taking a nap. Well, we ended up not going to the movie. Actually, after she left, I went to bed and Hubby went grocery shopping. What an old married couple, huh?

I was able to spend some time with my parents on Saturday, which was very nice! (I actually am doing a day-by-day replay…oh well!). My dad came over early and put in a “new” garbage disposal for us. YEAH!!! And he helped Hubby fix his car! YEAH!!!! Not a lot else to talk about on Saturday…oh, SIL called and I answered and she basically just said hi and then asked to talk to Hubby. So, before I got him I just asked her if she was alright and she asked me if I knew what was going on. Well, no. We NEVER talk to MIL or SILs for that matter! So, she tells me that she had gone to the doctor on Tuesday and was dilated 2 and 60% effaced and that if she didn’t have the baby before, they are inducing her this week on Thursday or Friday. She starts crying at this point…..she was upset because we are leaving for Gatlinburg on Thursday or Friday. I was upset too…and worried about her. I don’t know why it is that big of a deal to her that we are here, but now I am starting to maybe understand more. I will get to that in a minute.

So, Sunday was fine. I was in the nursery for both hours. FAB kept telling everyone that I was HER mommy. If I held someone else or changed a diaper (which I changed 3 poopy ones!!!)…she would cling to me. GREAT. So, after church we went over to K-Dog and TT’s house for a cook-out with the couple who used to live here and is moving back soon. It was very, very hot. But we had a good time. It was nice to hang out with other couples and kids and visit! Their oldest boy (who is 6 months younger and half the size of I-Man) kept calling FAB “Pretty Girl”. So cute. I am glad they are moving back. They aren’t sure where they are going to buy a house, but they are for sure coming to Bethany. They really, really enjoyed the service on Sunday! I think they liked it better than when they were here before. And we can be such a LOVING church….they felt that on Sunday. So, anyways, that was fun and then we headed home for naps….my favorite part of the day!

So, here is why I think SIL is so upset that we are going to be out of town. My MIL is clueless, I think. On Sunday, I was talking to her after church and I asked her if she had talked to SIL yesterday…..I was telling her that I was worried about her because she was so upset when I talked to her. I think the reality of what is about to happen is settling in and she is getting scared. Not of the delivery (although I am sure that is part of it) but of being all alone with this precious little guy. I remember how scared I was with I-Man and I wasn’t alone! So, MIL says….”Yes. She called me on my cell phone yesterday and I was spending the day with Rob and his family. We had such a great time (blah…blah…blah…).” She absolutely acted like it was an inconvenience that her VERY PREGNANT AND ALONE daughter interrupted her when she was with her boyfriend. THEN….I went on to say that I hope she has that little guy before Thursday…and she said she did too. Well, then she said…”I just hope she has him before Saturday.” And I ask…”What’s Saturday?” She answers…”It is ‘The Day in the Country’ and Rob really wants me to go with him. He loves to go to those things and I want to be able to go with him.” WHAT?!?! Am I missing something?!?!? Even if she has that baby on Thursday or Friday, you are going to leave her all alone for one of her first days with the kid so you can go to a country concert with your boyfriend? Huh? I felt like I was having an out-of-body experience. Really! So, I didn’t say anything to Hubby about any of this…honestly, I was in a bad mood about something else and I just had to think about all of this stuff.

So, on Monday, I email MIL and we talk back and forth throughout the day at work. She AGAIN says that she hopes he is born before Saturday. Really, the rest of the conversations were good…she ended up spending the day on Sunday with SIL. But it really bothered me. So, I finally told Hubby about it on Monday night and he was appalled. I didn’t even have to say anything about how I felt about it because he instantly said all the things I had already thought. So, she went to the doctor yesterday and is dilated to 3 and is 70% effaced and they scheduled to induce her on Friday at 5:00 am. So, it looks like we won’t get to meet our new Nephew until Sunday. I HATE that we are going to be out of town….but don’t know what to do about it. If we re-schedule our trip, we have to pay money. And I don’t know when we would be able to go anyways! So, bummer, bummer, bummer. I am really upset about that. So, pray that she has little Brayden today or tomorrow. That would be the best case scenario. I might go pick her up tonight and take her to the mall or somewhere to walk. Although, he has dropped so much that he looks like he is about to fall out at any minute. She is miserable…absolutely miserable. So, please pray for this situation. I will never know how she is feeling and how scary this is going to be for her. I am just planning on covering her and Brayden in prayers and love. That is what Jesus would do.

So, in other news….Hubby had fun at Kings Island yesterday with the youth from church. I didn’t know what the kids and I were going to do last night…they are getting bored with just being home with me in the evenings…but I just don’t feel like going anywhere! They are used to always being on the go! So, MIL came and got them for a few hours and took them over to SIL’s house. I got to go get my nails done and then just enjoy the house to myself for a little bit. That was nice!

So, I guess that brings you up to date on my life. I am feeling fine…well, as fine as one feels being 30 weeks pregnant. I only have 8 or 9 more weeks to go, depending on when they do my c-section. I am hoping to get more clarity around that soon. I go to the doctor on Monday. I have been having some major stomach issues since last week…the yucky kind. So, I am not sure what that is all about. I should probably call my doctor, but I don’t like to be the kind of patient that calls about every little thing and I will be there on Monday anyways.

OH….I-Man has Kindergarten orientation 3 weeks from today! I am so nervous/excited/anxious for him. I have literally been waking up every night with panic attacks for about a week or more now. Just can’t shut my brain down and worrying about the baby…about money….about I-Man going to school….just literally about everything. I wake up and feel like something is on my chest and my heart is pounding really loud and fast and it is horrible. I have to either get up or just try to lay there and calm myself down. I haven’t had them like this in a while, but then again…I haven’t ever sent my baby off to school and had a 3rd kid before either. So, there you go!

Well, I really need to get to work. Please pray for my SIL and the baby. And also pray for Speedy and her Dad. My heart just goes out to them…..pray for wisdom for the doctors and peace for the family. Pray for HBM and the baby….and Minnie starting school soon…and Josy and finding a roomie and being happy with no drama in her life…and Sister for her Hubby’s job and co-workers…and Pepto and decisions….and Mandalynn for peace after all the craziness going on in her life lately….and SQ as they start homeschooling..and Sebbiedue and her family…and just everyone. I am sorry if I left anyone out. I really do lift each of you up to God in prayer every day. Prayer of thanksgiving for your friendship and peace for your lives. We all need prayer!!! Love you all!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Interesting Day...

Hello! Well, it definitely feels better outside this morning than it has lately…and breathing seems to be easier! Hopefully this break from the extreme heat and humidity lasts a little while! But, I am sure I will find something else to complain about! That seems to be what I have done a lot of lately…and I am not usually like that!

Well, yesterday turned out to be a very interesting day! So, after I input my journal entry for the day, I was just sitting here at my desk. Well, actually I should go back and say that I just wasn’t feeling right yesterday – from the not sleeping and seeing bright flashes of light….I just wasn’t feeling like myself. I didn’t feel tired, but it is hard to put my finger on it. So anyways, I was just sitting here at my desk and it kept getting worse. I was having a hard time breathing….my eyes felt like they were swimming…..more like I felt drunk or something. I just was having a hard time focusing on anything and was seeing bright spots…I was really dizzy…and then I could feel my heart racing. So, I sent KK an IM and told her how I was feeling and that I was going to walk across the street to CVS to take my blood pressure. She told me to just go lay down on my left side for a bit. So, I did that instead. She came and kept me company. My heart rate slowed down…but I still wasn’t feeling right. So, I called my doc’s office and they told me to go home and lay down and drink lots of water. So, that is what I did. They told me to call back in a few hours.

So, I went home and did just that….when I called them later, I was still not feeling great, so they asked me to come in. I went in and everything checked out fine. My blood pressure was actually low….my heart rate was fine…the baby was fine…..but I was dehydrated and my blood sugar was low. So, she sent me home to drink lots of water, eat and lay down for the rest of the day. So…I did that…well, I laid down as much as I can with two kids….but I started feeling better after a few hours. Apparently I was also having panic attacks. I guess I panicked because I wasn’t feeling right. SO! The good news is…I am doing fine now and planning on drinking LOTS of water from now on. That was scary. My doctor said that this heat plays havoc on pregnant women. She said she had seen a lot of her OB patients with all kinds of different issues…and she thinks the heat is playing a big part in that.

SO…that was pretty much my day yesterday! Not much else going on! I just took it easy at home most of the day…Hubby had to go to work for a few hours in the evening because he was training someone…the kids were pretty good while he was gone. FAB is such a pistol…she just picks on I-Man all the time. So, they pretty much bicker non-stop. That is lots of fun. She wants everything he has….when Hubby got home last night we were laughing because she is SOOOOO not going to do good with Gracie. I forsee lots of problems in our future!!!

Oh, I did send Hubby a text message and asked him to bring home DQ…so he did. What a great guy!!! I-Man was so excited that he brought us ice cream home. I watched Big Brother….it is going to get very interesting now that things have been shook up in the house. Sister…if you are reading the live feeds and find out who wins HOH, let me know! I don’t want to wait until Sunday to find out! How dumb that I like that show so much, but it is very entertaining!!!!

So…not sure what we are going to do today. My parents are coming in town tonight. Oh, this is also for Sister….FAB thinks that my parents and YaYa (Sister) and Dim (what she calls Buford) all go together. So, last night I was talking to her about Mimi and Papaw coming to see her and she said “YaYa? Dim?” So cute. I told her no, they weren’t coming…but she kept saying it. So, she is saying Buford’s name now!!! And she also said “I love you” once. She won’t say it again…but she said it once. Usually when you tell her “I love you”…she says Bye. She has been slow to start talking, but now that she is getting it….she talks NON-STOP. Anyways, I-Man is so excited about my parents coming tonight…this morning I had just gotten up this morning and he got up to go to the potty. Well, he went back to bed and I got in the shower. I was washing my hair and he came in and asked me to ask Mimi and Papaw to pick him up from my Aunt’s house. So funny… is going to be a long day for my Aunt because he is so excited!

Not much else to say! I hope you all have a great day and a great weekend! Love you all and prayers!!!!