Tuesday, July 18, 2006

It's Me Again!

Hi Everyone! Geesh…where did the last few days go? Actually, things have slowed down considerably – both at work and home. And I have just been enjoying that! So…let’s see! Where did I leave off?

So, last Thursday and Friday, MIL watched the kids during the day for us. That was nice. She rarely does that…so the kids had a good time. On Friday, she took them to the Air Force Museum. I didn’t realize that it was free to get in there. I need to take I-Man there one day. They didn’t get to stay very long….but she said he really liked seeing all the planes. It would probably be more fun to take him without FAB – so we could check out the I-Max theater and stuff like that. So, anyways….they had fun with that. Work was fine….we finished out the week with VBS. We had 131 kids register for the week. That is really great. I am continually amazed/impressed with Detergent and Sebbiedue and their commitment to making this a success every year. I am sure we all have ideas on how to make it better….but they actually DO it every year. That is pretty amazing. So, thanks Sebbiedue and Detergent for being so committed to the children of Bethany and also the children in our community. I couldn’t do what they do…I can tell you that much!

Saturday….we had a lazy morning for a change. Actually, Hubby had to get up early and to play in a bocce ball tournament for work. So, the kids and I had a lazy morning. FAB had so much fun playing with her new toys. She didn’t really get much of a chance to do that last week since we weren’t home very much. So, they played and I just took it easy! I think I did some cleaning and laundry, but not much. We headed out to Boo’s birthday party – which was very nice! The kids had fun playing and I had fun sitting and talking to HBM and Many Kids and Diamond and Sebbiedue….since we hadn’t seen each other all week. LOL That is the other thing that I think is neat about VBS…it also brings you closer to your church family – or those who participate. You get a chance to spend more time with them…not quality “let’s talk” time….but working together time. Anyways, the party was fun…good food….kids got good and tired! We headed home and FAB went right to sleep. Hubby and I-Man played in the pool and I took a nap. It was too hot outside to do much of anything! That was about it on Saturday. When FAB got up, we just hung out around the house. Hubby went to PT practice and we just played and relaxed. I-Man was mad at MIL because he wanted to “do something” with her and spend the night…he is not a home-body…but she didn’t answer her phone. He got pretty upset with her….and he told her about it on her cell phone voicemail. Too funny. She felt bad, and she did something with him on Sunday.

So, Sunday….well, I enjoyed the service immensely! It was definitely a little chaotic – with so many kids in there –but it was fun. WAY better than last year since we only had the “second service” people in there. They are much more understanding of how wild kids can be. KK and her family visited on Sunday! They have been wanting to come and see Elvis in action….KK’s son wants to take guitar lessons. Actually, he wants to learn to play the drums, but KK says no. Seeing Little Drummer Boy up there didn’t help that fight much. I was bragging on LDB so much. KK told me to hush. So, probably not the best service for them to visit to get a real taste of what our church is like…but their youngest son – Wild Boy – actually sat with I-Man and his class and got up on stage. He is a Wild Boy, but also pretty shy/timid when it comes to stuff like that. But I-Man took him under his wing and he did great. They were very surprised about that! We headed outside after the service….Elvis came over and met them….and then we decided to go out to lunch. It was just too hot!!! I was worried about SIL being out in that heat…she is due in a month….and I-Man wasn’t slowing down because of the heat….so I was worried about him. FAB was starting to break out in a heat-rash….and I was uncomfortable. Plus, we wanted to visit with them. So, we left. I felt bad leaving CXT games….but we hadn’t volunteered to work at anything, so no one was counting on us. So, we left and went to Ryan’s and had fun visiting with them. Then we came home and FAB went right down for a nap and Hubby, I-Man and I all played in the pool. It was so nice and refreshing!!! Then we came in and just relaxed the rest of the day. I took a nap and we all just played and relaxed. MIL came and picked up I-Man after dinner to take him to see the Marching Bands at the high school. Hubby left for Men’s group….FAB went to bed and I had the house to myself for a bit. It was such an enjoyable weekend….and so relaxing compared to how they have been so busy lately. The weekend actually seemed LONG…..so it was nice.

Umm…then back to work yesterday. That was fine. I ended up leaving early to go to my doctor’s appointment. I am 27 weeks now….and she found little Gracie’s heartbeat right away. My visits are so short….I guess I just know that everything I am experiencing is normal…so no need to re-hash it with them. They keep calling me an “old-pro” now that this is my third. There was a lady in there with her baby…she was there for her 6-week check-up. The baby was crying…and I thought…am I really ready for that again?!?!? I guess, ready or not….she will be here soon! So, left there and Hubby volunteered to pick up the kids. That was nice. So, I met them at home and we all played in the pool for a bit. FAB is so cute in there. Then she and I got out and she played in her playhouse for a long time. Then Hubby and I-Man got out….Hubby went to work for a while and I fixed supper for the kids. We just hung out last night too. I could get used to this!!!

Tonight, we have a t-ball party. One of the parent’s from I-Man’s t-ball team has a pool and is having the team over for our final party. I-Man will get a trophy and his candy prizes. It should be fun. HBM and I have to get together to practice for the Women’s Retreat next weekend.

Oh…here is how forgetful I am….Hubby and I have been talking about when we are going to Gatlinburg for a weekend. We are going down to listen to one of those dumb time-share things. Well, the hotel is free….we get free dinner one night and we get to see 2 free shows! So, a nice CHEAP get-away for us. Anyways…so we had decided that we would go the last weekend in July. Well, on my way to work one day last week, I realized that I couldn’t go then because that is the Air Show. I am responsible for our booth there. I don’t have to “work it” but I have to set it up on next Friday and be “on-call” all weekend for it. PLUS it is the Women’s Retreat. I almost bailed on HBM without realizing it! So, then…we decided we would go the next weekend…the first weekend in August. Well, that is the ONLY weekend my parents told us that they couldn’t watch the kids for us. DUH. So…we now have it booked for the second weekend in August. If we change it now…we have to pay. SO, hopefully I am not forgetting about anything that is going on that weekend. We want to go before the baby and before I shouldn’t be traveling anymore. Geesh! I can’t wait to get my memory back!

Well…that is all I can think of right now. It seems that there were other things I wanted to talk about…but I have forgotten and this is already long enough! Have a great Tuesday and I will talk to you all soon! Love ya, Girlies!


Sara said...

I haven't had time to post since Thursday either, so I'm glad I'm not alone! :)

I'm glad you finally had a relaxing weekend! So awesome that KK and Hubby came to church! I hope maybe they'll continue to come.

Have fun at the T-ball party tonight! Love ya!

Kelley said...

Hey! You better be glad that you didn't bail on me.....pregnant women do not always make happy women! LOL!

I'm glad the week is slowing down for you. Isn't it nice? I am so ready for things to get back to normal...now if I only had he energy....

We need to get together for practice. What looks good for you? Just let me know. I don't think it should take too long....and maybe only one practice.

Lots of Love!

Josy said...

Ummmm.....Missy? When's the AI concert? (Just checking)

Sounds like a good weekend!

Hee, my word verification is:

I'm going to assume that means u r funky!

Missy said...

Josy....Thanks for checking! The AI concert is the 18th...but you did have me panicking there for a second. I did forget about that too. WHERE, OH WHERE HAS MY MEMORY GONE?!?!?!?!?

girlie_mom said...

It is in the belly!!! You need a planner, do you have one?? I almost feel silly even asking. But yeah I started leaving myself notes all over and writing on strange stuff just so I would remember. Gotta love being prego!!!

So next weekend is Ladies' Day??? I am pretty sure I can go to that one. Lots of people are willing to work on Saturdays for me. I am sooo glad that you are relaxing so much...I even had to double check a few times that I was reading the right blog. :)

When are you all signing I-man up for soccer for the fall?? We want to go with you to sign up Pretty. I can't wait to be a soccer mom or any other kind of cute sporty momma!!! I would just love for Pretty to do something like that. Baby really wants her to do soccer as that is what he did when he was little. Can't wait, and I want them to be on the same team even!!! Cute!

Off to work!

Lots of love!