Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Happy Tuesday Everyone! I didn’t sleep well last night, so it was even tougher to get up this morning. I just couldn’t go to sleep and then I kept waking up all night with heartburn. I have had that a lot lately. It just seems like no matter what I eat, I get heartburn. I do tend to get it more from Dairy products than other things. Isn’t that odd? And not good considering I need the calcium to keep my legs and feet from cramping badly and because I just love ice cream. Oh well. I had bad heartburn with FAB too, so it must be a girl thing for me. I know it is an old wise (or wive’s?) tale that heartburn means a lot of hair….but have you seen FAB? Maybe there is some truth to it. We’ll see when Gracie is born. I hope she is born with a lot of RED hair! I want at least one red-head!!!! Like…a true red-head! FAB’s hair has a reddish tint to it…..like it may end up being auburn. But I want a red-head. We’ll see.

So, what happened yesterday? Well, work was fine. KK and I sat and talked for quite a bit yesterday morning. We laughed, we cried….just a lot to talk about. It is amazing how God puts people in our paths everyday. There is a reason He does that and when we stop and realize that and really think about it, it is pretty amazing. So, anyways….God has really blessed me with her as a friend in my life – going on 9 years now! I really don’t know what I would do without her! Anyways, so that was a nice break from our day. We had to set up for a meeting…so it just took us a little bit longer than normal. No one was looking for us, so it was alright. The rest of the day was just a day at work. Nothing to write home about.

After work, I went and picked up the kiddos. I took I-Man straight to MIL’s house. He is so funny….he insisted that I didn’t get out of the car. He wanted me to just drop him off. That is a new thing with him, because he has MIL do the same thing at our house too when she drops him off. So, off he went with her to go fishing and to dinner and then to the church softball game. FAB only cried for a second. She was fine when we got home. I called my parents so she could talk to them. Have I mentioned that she calls phones “Papaws”. She always asks for her “Papaw”, meaning her phone. That is so cute. So, she talked to Papaw and Mimi. I talked to my mom for a bit. Oh, my doctor’s office called me yesterday and said my blood-work all looked fine – no sugar problems or anemia problems. So, that is good news! The only “problem” I have is swelling of my hands and feet. But that isn’t that bad…and is to be expected in this heat! I just need to start putting my feet up for a bit at work. So, anyways….we talked to my parents for a bit and then FAB and I headed out to go shopping! I had received several gift certificates for my birthday, so I used some of them last night! I got some new maternity shirts…which makes me very happy. I really hate spending the money on clothes I won’t wear for very long, but at the same time, I hate not having clothes to wear right now! I have so many long-sleeved shirts….and I thought I would be fine wearing those in the air-conditioning, but I am hot all the time. So, I got some good deals. Then we went to Babies-R-Us…one of the ladies I work with…her baby is 4 months old and is starting to roll-over in her sleep. Well, this is her first baby and she is REALLY panicking about the whole SIDS thing. So, I bought her a sleep positioner to see if that would help. I am thinking her little one might be too big for that to work, but we’ll see. She isn’t sleeping because she is so worried….so it is worth a try! I also got FAB and Gracie matching outfits to wear when Gracie comes home from the hospital! It is actually the first outfit I have bought for Gracie!!! I would say it is the first thing I bought, but I did buy that bumper for the crib. Anyways, adorable. I just hope that FAB is still wearing 24 months in October. I am sure she will be. The pants look really big….so it should be fine. Cute. I was thinking that I can’t wait for Christmas stuff to come out and I want to get them matching outfits and then try to get I-Man and Brayden (my new nephew due in August) outfits that look alike and have pictures taken for MIL for Christmas. She would LOVE that. I don’t think I will be as crazy as Minnie is about my girls matching….but it is a fun idea. I am sure they won’t think so….at least not for long. So, I better do it while I can! I won’t make I-Man match. First of all, that would be impossible since he is wearing big boy clothes…..but also, I don’t think he would think that is very cool.

So, FAB and I got home from shopping and buying gas (can you believe how expensive that is?!?!?) and just relaxed the rest of the evening. She has such sweet moments…and then she has such ROTTEN moments. Oh well! She went to bed early and I stayed up in the recliner because I didn’t know what the plans were for I-Man coming home. So, finally I got mad and and called MIL and the church team won the first game, so they were staying for the second. Hubby had told me she would bring him home after the first game. Well….I was NOT in the mood to talk because I had been ready to go to bed for over an hour but was waiting up for them….but she was really chatty. Finally I just said: “Okay. I just need to know if you are brining I-Man home so I need to stay up or if Hubby is bringing I-Man home so I can go to bed.” I didn’t mean to be rude…but hello! I have to get up at 5:00 and it was already 10:45 at this point! She laughed and told me to go to bed. I am not sure why I was so mad…but I was. So, I go to bed and then I couldn’t go to sleep. I had finally gotten to sleep when I wake up to Hubby and I-Man in front of me telling me that they won both games. Great….but I am sleeping! Then I couldn’t go back to sleep. So, it was a rotten night of sleep….and I am tired. But, what else is new?!?!?!

So, now I am at work and ready for a new day! Can you believe that the kids go back to school in about a month?!?!? I-Man’s orientation is August 30!!! And his first day is September 1! We have been working on writing his letters every night (well, not last night because he wasn’t home) and I made flash-cards to work with him on that. I cannot believe that he will be in kindergarten in a little over a month. I am excited for him, but also very nervous! This is a whole new chapter of his life….one that you really don’t think about when you talk about wanting kids…you think of the baby and that kind of stuff. So, it is going to be interesting…that much is for sure!

Well, that is about it for today. Hubby and I talked about going to Family Camp tonight…..not sure if we are still doing that or not. I didn’t really see him or talk to him yesterday, so who knows?!?!? OH! We got the appraisal back on our house and it was VERY good! That was good news! And then we also found out from our Mortgage company that they messed up the paperwork and our rate isn’t going to go up until 2009. Isn’t that odd??!!? Now, I am not complaining….but we have already committed to refinancing with another company….so that is just a little weird. Oh well!

God is good! Love you all and have a great day!!!!


Kelley said...

Do you know that I STILL haven't meet KK yet? When I read that she was at church, I was like WHAT?!?!? And then I didn't go to that opening! I just find that funny! I'm glad that God has put you and KK together.

YEAH...they won the game.....and then you should have gone back to sleep! LOL! I was pretty amazed when you said that they won both games. And it's okay for you to be mad at your MIL.....someone should have called you. AND...YOU NEED SLEEP!!!!

I can't wait to see how cute Gracie and FAB look in their matching outfits. We'll have another boy just so I won't let my family do that! LOL!

Hope you have fun tonight. And YEAH about the appraisal AND the mortgage!

Lots of Love!

girlie_mom said...

Nothing wrong with matching outfits!!! You all always comment on how cute they look. I'm not as anal now as I used to be. We'll see how a 3rd child throws a wrench into the matching outfit thing. Hopefully that will happen soon!!

I agree with Kelley, someone should have called you. YOu are pregnant and get up at the butt crack of dawn so you needed to know and should've been told. I would've yelled at her too. How odd that they won a game now, isn't this like the first time in 4 years?? :) LOL

Glad things are working out for you all. Funny how things like that fall into place, well not Funny, but amazing. God provides, how evident that is in your life!!

Hope you get to relax a bit tonight and praying for a good night's sleep.

Love ya!!

Jodi said...

man oh mighty! I haven't read journals in a little less than a week and I missed a lot!!

So proud of little FAB in the big girl bed!

I actually printed out your entries and read them at lunch and there are so many things I want to comment on that I can't remember a one right now...

oh wait...the being mad at you rhubby because he doesn't seem to worry about the finances like you are...I think that is a totally normal argument...and actually, I tend to handle it more like BIL so it's usually Buford that gets aggrevated with me...have you noticed that our family in general has this bury your head and hope it goes away attitude? that drives husband crazy when I do that!

but anyways...I do feel your pain sis! That is a very aggrevating, stressful topic and just keep in mind that people express their stress in different ways...

but you are so right to recognize all you rmany blessings...when you were typing about how I-man found you sleeping and put away your glasses and your book and scratched your back...I thought first, man you're old, second, I'm SO JEALOUS, and thirdly, what a SWEET BOY I-man is...I'm just so amazed and astounded at that boy....it's so hard to imagine him starting K this fall...I just can't believe how quickly he has grown up...I'm sending you a box of tissues for his first day...what a momentous occasion that is going to be...oh man...

ok...I'm not going to comment on every day that I missed reading your journal...because it took me over half an hour to catch up!! lol

love you so much! I'm so proud of you and so happy that God continues to rain down his blessings on your family...I can't wait for Gracie to meet you all and see what kind of mayhem she can add to the mix!!!