Friday, July 07, 2006

Happy 2nd Birthday to my FABulous!!!!

Happy Friday and Happy Birthday FABulous! My baby girl is 2 years old today! I cannot believe that she is 2! We were singing Happy Birthday to her last night and every time we say “you”, she points to her belly and says “me”. So cute. I just want to bottle her up!!! There are times when I cannot believe the attitude my little two year old has…but I guess that is what makes little girls the little Divas that they are! So, Happy Birthday to my FABulous!

Let’s see…yesterday was a fine day! I thought I would have a hard time getting up…but I got up early! I had a fine day at work. It was KK’s birthday, so I decorated her office with signs, balloons and confetti. Stinky Pete got her a nice gift and he told both of us to leave at noon for our birthdays! Well, I have too much to do this week…so I will take him up on that next week – after my big meeting on Wednesday! I wish I could leave early today, but I just have too much going on! Plus, the kids had so much fun at Scrapbook Queen’s house yesterday…they were really looking forward to spending the day with her and her girlies again today! So, next week…when things slow down at work, I will take him up on that! But, back to work, I got a lot done – getting caught up and getting ready for my meeting next week. It is going to be a “fun” meeting at Dave & Busters…but it takes more work to pull off those “fun meetings’ – for me anyways!

So, after I picked up the kids at SQ’s house, we came home and Hubby had moved the two dressers for me. I LOVE the way my bedroom is right now! It looks much bigger the way we have it. There is plenty of room for the cradle when it is time for that…so, that was good! The kids played outside for a bit…then we had dinner and then headed off to I-Man’s t-ball game. This was the last game that Hubby and I will be at. His last game is Tuesday…so he is going to play and then KK will bring him to church for Camp Extreme. Hubby and I will have to miss that game because we are both committed to CE! So, it was a good game! Hubby’s Uncle came….he has a bunch of Uncles, but I think this one is my favorite! He and his son came and so, I-Man put on quite a show for them last night! He did really good!!! He got two outs! The first one, he was playing short-stop and he got the ball and ran it to second and got the kid out. Then, he was playing first base and he stopped the ball and got to the base before the kid. I was so proud of him! A not-so-proud moment was when he got the kid out at 2nd base, he looked at the kid and said “You are OUT!” Not so proud of that…but it was very funny. He has really improved this season….he hits the ball very good, which makes up for his speed! I just love watching him play. He has such a good time! LOVE that little guy!

Oh, Hubby’s Uncle and I were talking before MIL got there (this is her brother) and he was telling me that he didn’t want Hubby to hear him, but he was hoping that FIL didn’t show up. It was nice to be able to talk to someone about the situation who understands how I feel. Uncle is still very upset with FIL for what he did to MIL…and because that is his sister, he wants to protect her and thinks that FIL is a jerk! So, anyways…it was just nice to hear someone confirm how I feel about the situation. I told him what FIL said about feeling “left out” at parties and such…and about the whole “only one papaw” comment…and Uncle just laughed. He said that he wouldn’t give FIL the time of day, so if he feels left out, he should! And he also said that my kids are lucky to have my Dad in their lives and that FIL should realize that. Anyways, it was just nice to be able to talk and be “real” about my feelings with someone who is very close to the situation and understands how I am feeling. It was very sweet of him to come to I-Man’s game!

So, after the game, we walked home and then gave the kids baths. We sang Happy Birthday to FAB some more…and then put her to bed. She can be so sweet (when she wants to be). I-Man was soon to follow! He was being a very sweet boy last night too. I have to say…he was cracking me up when I picked him up from SQ’s house….he was talking NON-STOP! I asked M-Girl if he had been like that all day…and she said “yep!” She is so cute and sweet to put up with I-Man. He is younger than her….and adores her…so I am sure it annoys her, but she is a good sport!

Oh, I watched Big Brother last night! Have I told you all how much I love my DVR? I had forgotten all about it being on…but when we got home, I saw it was recording something and then remembered! So, I don’t know what I would do without that thing! So, I watched that. I was pretty happy with the people who made it back into the house. A few I could do without….like Danielle! I LOVE that Danielle and Allison are already on the chopping block. I would be happy if either one of them went home. If you don’t watch Big Brother, this would be a good season to watch. It is the All-Star season, so it is sure to be full of drama! I love my reality shows!

After I watched that, I went to bed! Hubby worked on cleaning the garage out last night. We need to get rid of a bunch of junk! It is so easy to just keep throwing things in the garage…but we need to just get rid of some JUNK! He wants to have a garage sale, but I don’t think we have enough junk for that…, if anyone is going to have one soon..or wants to have one with us, let us know! Anyways, we have a lot of work to do to the yard and stuff for FAB’s party on Sunday. I still need to figure out what “snack foods” I am going to serve. It is at 2:30 (I think….can someone with an invitation confirm that) and (Oh, HBM…I didn’t get an invitation to you because you were going to be out of town…but please come if you can!) so I think most people will have already eaten lunch, so we are just going to have snacks and cupcakes and ice cream. I can’t afford a big lunch! Lol Hopefully everyone is fine with that. Anyways, so, tomorrow will be a busy day getting ready for the party!

I feel like I am rambling! I need to get to work! Have a great Friday and I will see you all soon! Love you all!


Kelley said...

I am hoping that we can come. I LOVE going to your parties...they are HUGE!!!!! I'll let Hubby know....but I need to know the time....not the round about time! LOL!!!!!

I'm glad that you got to talk to Uncle. It's nice to be able to vent to someone that isn't hubby all the time. Sounds like FIL didn't show good on all parts!

We love our DVR....we have taped SO MUCH in the last three weeks and I can't wait to sit down and watch tv....stuff that I like...not the cooking show or the history channel!!! LOL!

Can't wait to see ya Sunday! I feel like it's been forever!

Lots of Love!

Jodi said...

I tried to post a comment yesterday but the blog site had been acting funny....grrr

so what I was going to say yesterday was that I can't believe that you used such a harsh word like brat to describe my angel neice!! lol


I'm glad that you talked to Uncle...I'm sure that was a relief and a confirmation that you aren't feeling unreasonable...even though we all know that you are very justified in your feelings, the perspective of someone else who is close to the situation is very yay!

and I-man talking non-stop? noooo not my nephew ::rolling my eyes:: lol

I love that kid too!

see you soon!

Josy said...

I wish I had a DVR. There are daytime shows (like The View or hobby and craft shows) that I would love to record! Oh well.

Happy Birthday, FAB! And Happy Birthday, Missy! I'll send gifts to HBM (because I don't have your address *ahem*).

Have a great weekend!

Sara said...

Happy Birthday FAB! I can't believe she's 2! Time flies!

I watched Big Brother too! I love that show. Hubby calls me a reality TV least I know I'm not alone! :)

We're going to try and come on Sunday, but it depends on Piglet. That's right around her naptime. Not like FAB would miss her anyway. :) Love ya!

SebbieDue said...

Well, since no one else has officially confirmed the time, I will, because I got an invitation! big grin! It is 2:30.

Happy Birthday FAB-ulous! Wow, being 2 is so much fun! You can do anything you want and people all say it's because you are two! So go, little Diva, because you can!!!

I-man's game must have been a blast! I miss coaching kids as much as playing, but none of my kids got that gene. There's still a couple more to see about yet, but the first three were non-ball-players.

I'm glad you had a good conversation w/ your Uncle-in-law...(is there such a thing?) that helped you to know you're not the only one in the family that believes your FIL to be a butt-head.

Looking forward to Sunday. Don't do too much, the kids will have fun no matter what you plan. See you soon. Much love!

girlie_mom said...

I agree with SebbieDue...don't do too much, make Geez do it. :)

Let us know if you need help bringing tables over. We could only do it after PT practice though, or tonight. We aren't doing anything tonight. We need to pull weeds. :(

See ya tomorrow!!