Thursday, July 13, 2006

Glad that is over!!!

Hello Everyone! I have so much work to do…but I don’t feel like doing any of it…so I am going to journal first! Then I will jump right into work. My job is funny in how it is either feast or famine. There are times when I wish there were 8 more hours in the day to get everything done, and then there are times when the 8 hours I have go by so slow, I wish there were only 4! So, it is interesting!

Let’s see….my meeting for work yesterday was FABULOUS, if I do say so myself! Not to brag, but I thought of everything…down to the last tiniest detail, so it went off without a hitch! All of our managers had a really good time and they all seemed to really appreciate all of the time and effort that KK and I put into it. Stinky Pete didn’t do too much to tick me off….and he was really appreciative of all we did too. The funny thing is, he wasn’t really sold on our whole “concept” for the meeting. He tried to change things, but we kept steering him back to our way. And he even told me yesterday that “I was his hero” because I was SO right about doing the meeting my way. Well, HELLO, that is why I should making the big bucks…because my great ideas and hard work make him look so good! But, it was great….and the best part is…it is OVER! Until the next one! I got home from the meeting and went and got the kids from my mom’s house. We came to our house and I just wanted to collapse. But, I couldn’t! I felt like a walking zombie….still do today, actually. Instead, though, I got the kids dinner…got myself something to eat and then we headed over to the church. We got there early and my kids did really good at sitting next to me at the registration table. At one point, I-Man was whining about wanting to go run around and Elvis walked by…so I asked Elvis if he thought I-Man was being a good boy by just sitting. Elvis helped to play up what a good boy he was being, but I-Man still wanted to get up and run around….they were good until MIL got there. I know she thinks I am too hard on the kids, but I am trying to make them understand that even though it is VBS and it is crazy fun at the church, we are still in church and we need to try to act right. Oh well. She did help by taking FAB back to the nursery for me. So, anyways….everything ran VERY smoothly last night. A far cry from the tornado scare the night before. But, even with the tornado scare, the kids all did great…and it was fine. God is in control and you could just feel that. Ya know? We have had 123 kids register for Camp Extreme this week. That is AWESOME! Now, all 123 kids haven’t been there at one time YET, but 123 have registered! And our mission project is going very well….pretty exciting to see all that stuff on stage! I think that this is an easy project for parents to get behind….and what a great cause! So, WOW. I think VBS is going great. There are always going to be “argh” moments and frustrations, but in the middle of all of that….it is so AWESOME to see how many kids are learning about God this week. That makes all the frustration worth it. Like HBM said in her journal, we are doing it for His glory…not anyone else’s or our own. And even in our frustration, He is being glorified. Amen for that!!!

So, anyways….as exhausted as I am….it is tough working all day and then going to CE at night and having 2 kids (well, 3 if you count Hubby) and being in or nearly in my 3rd trimester….but I just keep telling myself that when I make it through this week….things will be so much more calm next week! NO t-ball games….no soft-ball games….just time to relax, hopefully!!!! So, that is my plan anyways. I still feel like a walking zombie, but I know that all of us that are involved in VBS are tired, so there is no sense in complaining! I will say that my ankles have been hugely swollen each night….but that is pretty normal. I have to go for my diabetic test thing next week. That will be great. I HATE that orange crush syrup stuff. YUCK.

I am kinda all over the board here, I realize that. So, FAB listened to Sebbiedue last week when she gave her permission to act like a terrible 2….thanks Sebbiedue! She has been a terror this week….even Mimi Tucky said so! She got a lot of time-outs this week. If you make her mad by scolding her or asking her to do something she doesn’t want to do, she will do one of three things to you: 1) Growl at you, 2) slap you or 3) throw something at you. NICE. Who is this child and where is her mother? Oh, I forgot one. She also might bite you! Although, she usually just does that when you are playing with her and least expecting it! So, today and tomorrow she is with Mimi Hio (aka MIL)…so we will see what she has to say about her. I am sure she will just spoil her and tell me that she is a perfect angel, when I really know the truth. It will be interesting, I am sure about that!!! But, it is VERY nice to not have to pay for child-care this week.

Yeah…so I haven’t really said much about this…but our mortgage payment (that is due on the 15th) is going to be about $250 more than it normally is. Isn’t that lovely! When we bought the house 2 years ago, we did an ARM…and the rate just adjusted and our payment went up. So, that is some extra stress in my life. We are working on refinancing it…but not soon enough! Like Sara said, I am so sick of worrying about money….but our worries will never go away. And we are just adding a kid to the mix…so LOVELY. I know that God is in control, but I have a hard time not stressing/panicking/worrying/freaking out…all of those things. Every time I think about it, I just get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. And I know that I need to get that (my stress) under control for Gracie’s sake…but that is easier said than done. I was freaking out this morning and actually started crying to KK about it….but I know that my mind is just playing tricks with me. But, I have realized that the past few days I haven’t felt Gracie move as much as I had been feeling her move. So, I couldn’t sleep this morning and I just laid there and kept pushing on my belly….trying to make her move. She didn’t. Now, I am feeling her move occasionally, but it isn’t the constant rolling I was getting accustomed to. I am thinking about calling my doctor, but part of me knows that I am just under a lot of stress right now and now my mind is playing tricks with me. Plus, I go to the doctor a week from Monday….so as long as I am feeling her occasionally, I need to not let my mind play tricks on me. Don’t know if any of that makes sense….but the bottom line is….I need to slow down. I realize that (as I did with both of my other pregnancies) but I am not built to slow down. I am built to go-go-go. Okay…I am rambling now!

So, I guess that is about it for right now! I think I have rambled long enough! I have been bad about lurking the last two days…since I have only had a minute here or a minute there to pop in and read journals. I haven’t been good about commenting. So, I am sorry. I will try to do better!

Love you all and praying that we all make it through this stressful week. But…..again, for those of us working at VBS….we are doing it for HIS glory and even when we are frustrated (because believe me…I have been frustrated a lot this week too)…HE is being glorified and these precious children are building memories…and hopefully a foundation…that will last forever. Love you all and I am so proud to call you each my friend!!!!!


Sara said...

I'm so glad the meeting went I knew it would! Sorry about the stressful week. Rest those cankles, girl! :)

If I were you, I'd call my doctor, but then again, I'm paranoid too. At least Gracie is still moving. Maybe you're just wearing her out.

I'm sorry about the mtg. pmt. I'm right there with you! Why can't we all be independently wealthy???? Love ya and hang in there!

Kelley said...

I'm sorry about all this stress. If you feel weird about Gracie, call your doctor. I am telling would rather nothing be wrong and then you can stop worrying. Just give them a call. I'm giving you permission!

Sorry about the payments going up. What is it about when it rains it pours that is soooo true?

It was good to talk to you last night. Miss ya on the CoD!

Lots of Love!

girlie_mom said...

CALL THE DOCTOR!!! That happened with Boo and the doctor told me to drink some thing really sugary like Coke or something like that...well we didn't have any of that and I knew if I drank that I would just hurl. So I drank OJ. They told me to monitor for an hour and if I felt her at least 3-4 times in that hour you were ok. Well Boo didn't move even then, they told me to go to the hospital so they could put a fetal monitor on her. Wouldn't you know that as soon as they put that thing on her, she just kicked away.

Ok, Dr. Bruno is done.

See ya in a little bit!!

Lots of love!!

Jodi said...

so here's my theory...having never been pregnant and really no knowledge of all that stuff so it's a totally unprofessional theory....but Gracie is growing and there isn't as much room to do flip flops like she has been, so maybe she's just feeling a little more constrained...

but I'm with the other your doctor just for peace of mind....

then again...maybe it's her way of telling you to chill out some mom!

love you...hope next week is as peaceful as you anticipate!

FAB growls now? How funny! lol sorry!!

love, Jodi