Saturday, September 30, 2006

8 Days To Go!!!

Hello Ladies! I hope everyone is enjoying this lovely weekend! I can’t believe that tomorrow is October 1st!!! On one hand, this year has crept by…mostly the past few weeks as I have been anticipating the arrival of Little G. But on the other hand, man time sure flies as I get older! I can’t believe that we are nearing the end of another year…and that the holidays will be upon us soon….and WOW!

Let’s see….this has been a relatively un-eventful week. Ummm…I-Man had a good week in school. He stayed “in the green” (behavior chart) all week in his AM Kindergarten class, but had one day “in the yellow” in his afternoon program. He was talking to his friends and not following the teacher’s instructions…big surprise! That night, Hubby and I were talking to him and we were telling him that we understand how hard it is to not talk to your friends when you want to, but we have to learn to control our tongues. Bless his heart, he comes by it honestly! Oh, there was a book fair and ice cream social at his school one night….we went and you would’ve thought he was in a parade. He was just waving at people and kids were saying HI to him left and right. One mom was like…”OH, that is I-Man.” Very funny. At one point, Hubby and I were talking to a girl that Hubby went to school with…we turn around and I-Man was on the other side of the cafeteria talking to a girl and her family. We went over to meet them and they are our kiddy-corner backyard neighbors. It was nice to talk to them…they have 3 girls and the mom seems very nice. She wants to get I-Man and FAB together with her girls to play. There aren’t many young kids in our neighborhood….most of them are a bit older than I-Man. So, that was a fun thing to go to. It was neat to see I-Man in his element!!! He is such a little ham!

FAB has been her normal “diva-self” this week. She can be so sweet and loving one minute and then such a little diva the next! She is just very stubborn…I don’t know where she gets that from!!! We took her to my aunt’s house on Monday & Tuesday and she had fun with that. We were going to take her there on Friday too, but that was the day of my Great-Aunt’s funeral. So, that didn’t work out. But she has fun at her house…so I think we are going to take her there a few days this week too.

Hubby’s flexible schedule has come in really handy this week!!! Monday, he took I-Man to the last Red’s game. They had fun. Tuesday, after working for a few hours in the morning, he was able to help HBM and Elvis pack up their stuff. He actually worked all day until late evening on Wednesday. Thursday, he didn’t work at all because we took the van into the shop, had to get I-Man picked up from school and then to the doctor and then the thing at I-Man’s school and then I had the viewing to go to. Friday, he worked a bit in the morning and then came home so I could go to the funeral. So, he had to work today…but he still had a good (money-making) week and didn’t have to work too much! This job has really been a blessing for us…and this week was great proof of that!!!

Yeah, so we took I-Man to the doctor because his horrible cough has been going on for quite a while again. This is the first time we have been to his new pediatrician about this cough…but had been to the other doctor NUMEROUS times about it. I LOVE his new pediatrician. She just sat and talked to me about it for a very long time and really listened to me. Well, we left there with a prescription for an anti-biotic, because he did have some sinus-nasal goop going on…and an inhaler. That night, we gave him his first dose of the inhaler and he didn’t cough once. Not ONCE! Now…on one hand, we were like…Praise the Lord…a night without a violent coughing spell and getting him up to get sick and all that fun stuff….but on the other hand, we were like…oh crap, that means it probably is asthma! But, the good news is…it isn’t severe….and he could always out-grow it! So, we go back to the doctor for a follow-up next Friday to see if they will just continue us on the inhaler or if they want to do breathing treatments or what. But, last night he was at my parent’s house and he didn’t cough at all…and so far tonight, no coughing. So, that is a great, great thing!!! Hubby would sit up and do chest percussions on him to open up his lungs and I would just cry because there was nothing I could do to help my baby. I actually shared that with the doctor and she seemed to totally understand what I was saying.

Let’s see…what else has happened this week? The viewing and funeral for my Great-Aunt was very nice. She was 87 and lived such a long and happy life. It is always nice to see family….not under those circumstances…but it was kinda neat. After the funeral, the family wanted everyone to meet at Marian’s Piazza. It was odd…at first, but then we heard that it was what she had told her son that she wanted everyone to do. It was her favorite pizza place….it is pretty unique in the area….and she wanted everyone to celebrate her life and enjoy the time together. So, it was nice to do that.

Umm…sleeping is still an issue for me because I am just horribly uncomfortable. I only have 9 more nights to endure until Little G is here! I guess I can make it! Trying to figure out what we are going to do with I-Man and FAB while I am in the hospital is no fun. We can’t count on MIL to help…who knows what her plans are. I hate to rely totally on my mom…but don’t know what else to do! My dad is going to be here on Monday…the day she is born…but I don’t know what the rest of the week is going to look like for us. I just don’t know! I am stressing over that…I know it will all work out, but not knowing exactly the plan is killing me.

Oh, my friend from high school – Molly – she had her baby on Thursday night. She named him Haden and he is a little guy! He weighed 7.3 pounds and was only 19 inches long. They are both doing really good….so that is exciting!

Well, I guess that is about it. I can’t think of anything else that happened that was terribly exciting. Only one more week to “rest” until the reality of having 3 kids settles in! I hope we can handle it!

I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday and a good week! I will “talk” to you soon! Love ya!


Kelley said...

Okay, totally exhausted from reading what you have done!

I can just imagine I-Man feeling so bad about him getting a yellow card. I bet the talk worked though. I'm sure he'll make sure he doesn't get a yellow card anymore.

That really is a neat way to celebrate your great aunt's funeral. I'm glad that you went.

Things will work out fine with I-Man and FAB. I know that you hate to rely on your mom, but many other people will be there to help you. There are lots of journal pals and church people that will help you!!!!!! (hint hint)

Hope you have a wonderful week....and I miss ya!

Lots of Love!

Sara said...

I can sympathize with I-man about talking. I always had a problem with that in school....could be worse, though!

Only 1 more week! It's hard to believe Little G will be here very soon! I'd offer to keep the kids, but I don't have anywhere to put them and then there's Piglet. She's a handful in and of herself! I'm guessing Daddy Mac is going to stay with you in the hospital?

Have a good day today! Love ya!

Mandalynn said...

You know you can always count on me!! :) All's I need is Steve to put our other car seat in the van, and we're good to go...I think the Diva's would have fun playing together for a couple of days...don't sweat it!! :) Seriously, just call me/email me, whatever :) I'm here for ya, Cuz :) LOL

Getting anxious to see what little G looks like!! :)