Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Back to Reality!!!

Hello Ladies! I am all caught up with everyone…so I thought I would bring you all up to date on me! I am not good at journaling when I am not at work…I will have to get better at that when I am on maternity leave! Which, by the way, I wish I was already!!! Having the last week or so off was really nice. I wasn’t so tired and sore in the evenings that I couldn’t enjoy spending time with my family! Working all day makes me so tired that I am not worth much in the evening. So, that was nice!!!

Well, I officially have a Kindergartner! I-Man’s first day of school was great – according to him. We got the whole thing (when we dropped him off and then at the end of the day) on video and it is adorable! When FAB and I walked to pick him up on the first day, he came running out the door as soon as he saw me and gave me a big hug and told me that he was still “green” – meaning he didn’t have any behavioral issues. He gave FAB a big hug and then we started our walk home. I asked him a ton of questions…he gave me some great answers. He was ready to go back the next day…but then I told him that he had 3 days off….and he was fine with that. So, we got home and I gave him a snack and sat down with him and the camcorder to ask him questions and capture the whole thing on tape. I asked him if he missed us and he said “Well, no Mommy. Once I started playing with my friends, I forgot all about you!” So, maybe that wasn’t the answer I was looking for….but I guess that is a good thing! He told me who his favorite friends were…and then he also told me that he and his friend called a girl a boy because she had boy things. No idea what that means…but he told me that…and my Dad…and my Sister…and others. So, we have talked about that and how it isn’t nice to tease people. Still really don’t know what he is talking about…but who knows!?!? SO! After we did that for a bit, we went over to see my parents. Later that night, I-Man and Hubby went to a football game and FAB and I just took it easy. I was tired and so was she…so it was an early evening for us. Oh, I know what I had to do…I had to pack all of our stuff for the weekend.

So, Saturday morning the kiddos got up early and were ready for Mimi and Papaw to come and get them…but my parents were moving slow. So, it was a long hour until they got there! The kids were driving us up the wall!!! But anyways, Dad picked them up and took them to Kentucky. Hubby and I packed the van and took off for our own peaceful trip down. It was nice to just relax on the ride down and not have to deal with the kiddos every 5 minutes! We got to the hotel first and after some confusion, got our room which was right next to Sister’s and then my Parent’s were next to them and then Queen and her group was next to them…and so on and so on! It was cool how it worked out that we were all right there together!

So, family reunion was fun! We didn’t have our normal “family singing time” which was odd….but it is harder now that we have so many little kids running around and we hadn’t seen each other for so long, it was nice just to talk and get caught up on everybody! We also had fun playing games at the hotel…and just being together! I was able to take a nap or take it easy for a bit each day, so it wasn’t that bad for me. Hubby and Sister and everyone did a good job of taking care of me and making sure I didn’t over-do it. Lord knows I didn’t want to have Little G down there!!!

So, Monday morning we got up and went to breakfast with Sister and Buford before heading home. The trip home wasn’t bad….the kids were actually very good. We stopped at the Outlet mall in Dry Ridge, Kentucky on the way…just to get out and walk around for a bit. Traveling is very hard when you are nearly 8 months pregnant! We got some good deals there (2 pairs of jeans for I-Man that were less than $5 a piece!) and then headed up the highway. So, it was a good trip home! We got home and did all of our laundry and just took it easy the rest of the night.

OH….I am really, really bad! Sunday morning in our hotel room, I realized that it was my week to be in the nursery both weeks and I had not found a replacement. So, I am sure I was talked bad about. I felt horrible! But…it was already during Sunday School and too late to call anyone! I really need to take a hiatus from there with Little G on the way…but I hate to let them down. So, anyways….Sorry if any of my Journal Buddies had to cover for me. I totally forgot! I got that postcard earlier in the week…but with everything going on last week….and being pregnant….forgot all about it!!!

So, then yesterday…I got up and got ready and then woke I-Man up and got him ready for school. When I went in to wake him up, he said “you have got to be kidding me, Mommy! It is still dark outside!” He is such a funny kid! So, Hubby stayed home with FAB while I took I-Man to school. I didn’t cry at all this time! He originally told me that he just wanted me to walk him to the end of the sidewalk and he would go in by himself, but once we got there…he changed his mind. So, I stayed with him until the bell rang and then he went with the rest of the kids to his class. So, FAB and I just hung around the house all day. We picked up I-Man from school and he still loves it! He was green again yesterday…so that is a good thing! We let him buy his lunch yesterday and he liked that. We told him that he could buy his lunch 2 days a week. So, he thought that was cool. We got home and Hubby came home to let me go get my nails done. When I got back from that, Hubby was in bed. He had been to the dentist in the morning to get a cavity filled and was in a ton of pain from it. So, he slept for a bit and then got up feeling better. I made dinner and then he took both of the kids to the grocery store with him so I could rest for a bit. That was very, very nice!!!

So, I had to get up and go back to work today. BOO HISS! I packed I-Man’s lunch before I left and then on the way to work, I just started crying. They had this poem on K-Love about sending your kids off to school for the first time, then they played that song that talks about praying for your kids…I just cried! I feel like a horrible mom because with my schedule the way it is now, I can’t take or pick I-Man up from school. It is the pits! Thank goodness I will be on Maternity Leave soon….but I am really having a hard time with this. I wish we could afford for me to go part-time. At least get me off at 2:00 so I could pick him up!!! I am just feeling like a bad mommy today!!! For some reason, it was easier when I was home yesterday than it has been for me to be at work!

So, that is about it! KK and I sat and got caught up on a bunch of stuff this morning. It looks like she isn’t going to stay in this role much longer…she can’t stand working for SP. So, she probably won’t be here (at my office) when I get back from maternity leave. That is a bummer…but I really can’t blame her! So, unless SP gets transferred soon, I will come back to no KK in my office!!! We will see…I guess that time will tell!

Well, I better get to work. I have a lot of catching up to do! And I need to be getting all my loose ends tied up for my maternity leave! It won’t be too much longer! Congrats to HBM on becoming an Aunt!!! Praying for many….and loving you all!!!


Sara said...

Glad you had a fun weekend! I didn't know there was an outlet mall in Dry Ridge. Is it worth driving down there?

I'm glad I-man is doing very well at school! I always loved buying my lunch too. Hope things continue to go well and as I told you this morning, you're not a bad Mom. At least you'll get to see him go to and from school when you're on maternity leave! Love ya!

Kelley said...

I am so proud of I-Man! Green both days! That is a BIG deal at his age....I'm glad he's doing so well!

I'm sorry you're feeling like a bad mommy, but you're not. You are helping out in the family. You're making it so your hubby doesn't have to work two or three jobs and never see his children. You are NOT a bad mommy. You are a contributer just like all the other mommies out there. No matter if you work or stay at home, mommies contribute. I know it's hard. Going back to work was the 2nd hardest thing I did....the first hardest was telling Hubby that it was HIS time to go back.

Sorry that KK won't be there when you get back. That should speak VOLUMES to Stinky Pete's boss. I hate that for all of you. Maybe he'll be out soon!!!!

Lots of Love!