Friday, September 01, 2006

Is this Entry wet on your end? It is on mine!!!!

Well, we did it! We took our BABY to his first day of school!!! Let me tell you….it was not fun for me! Here is my update:

Yesterday, I just spent most of the day at home with the kiddos. I-Man kept telling me how excited he was about school every little bit. We decided to go to dinner (Hubby had to work really late), so he picked Ryans. Right before we left, Yaya (Sister) called and talked to Bubby about school. Then we ate dinner…we went to Meijers to pick out some juice and some chips for his lunch. Then we came home. My parents called and talked to me first, about orientation, then to I-Man about school. During the conversation, he said: “Okay, Papaw? Can we talk about something else now?” So funny! Then a little bit later, MIL called and she actually ended up coming over for a few minutes so that I-Man could show her what he was wearing to school for his first day and stuff. After she left, I got both I-Man and FAB ready for bed and settled in watching a movie. I went in a bit later and turned the movie off and we sang our songs and said our prayers. While we were singing, I thought of the first night he was home from the hospital. (I am crying just typing this!) The song I sang to him the most was “He’s Got the Whole World In His Hands”. Well, after we sang “Sunshine”, I-Man asked me if we could sing “the World song”. So, we did…and then I got all choked up and told him that I remember holding him on that first night and singing that to him. So precious.

So, the kids went to sleep and I went out to watch Big Brother…but my mind wasn’t really on it. I was thinking about my little Boy and how fast these (almost) 5 years have gone by and how proud I am of the little guy he has turned out to be so far. So, needless to say, the emotions were running high!!! So, Hubby got home from work and we talked about it a bit and got our game-plan ready for the morning and then went to bed. I had a hard time falling asleep and then woke up around 2:15 to go potty and couldn’t go back to sleep. I got up and dinked around on the computer and just couldn’t sleep. Finally, after 4:00, I got back to sleep.

My alarm went off at 6:15 and I got up and got myself all ready, packed I-Man’s lunch, warmed the oven for the cinnamon rolls he wanted for breakfast and then got Hubby up. We went in with the camcorder and started recording the day. He was eager to get up and get ready! So, he got dressed….he ate breakfast…he brushed his teeth…Hubby fixed his hair…and then we started taking pictures of him and some of FAB too. Then we all headed out the door and walked to school!!!

It was a chilly morning…and it was spitting a little bit…but we walked to school. At first, I-Man was walking way ahead of us. Then he held Hubby’s hand and they walked together while FAB and I walked together. As we got closer to the school, he didn’t want to hold Hubby’s hand anymore! So, we went inside and were directed upstairs to wait for the first bell. We say the granddaughter of Harmonica Guy – she started Kindergarten too, but not in I-Man’s class. So, I-Man sat in the hallway and we waited. I could tell he was anxious. He was just looking around a lot and biting his lips. (oh…of course we were video-taping a lot of this and taking pictures the whole time!) So, the first bell rang and the parade of kids and parents started to walk down the hall. I-Man started to run at one point and I told him to walk and Hubby said “that isn’t your job right now”. Then I started crying. Which, he was right because Mrs. Lloyd was right there and she smiled….and then told I-Man not to run in the halls. So, I was a mess from that point on. We got right out of his classroom and it was mass confusion. It looked like this was the point we were to say our goodbyes, so we stopped and I-Man gave me a hug and a kiss and then Daddy a hug and a kiss and then FAB. So, we waited and watched them all go into their class. Then we headed down that way and actually went into his class and took more pictures and helped him get his name-tag on and some paperwork out of his bag and stuff like that. He was ready for us to leave because they had a paper to start coloring. So, as I am still crying…we left. Yep, we left my BABY at Kindergarten!!!!

So, Hubby, FAB and I start our walk home and Hubby and I both start crying as we are talking about the fact that it seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital! The time has just gone by so fast!!! Then we were laughing because we were talking about how we are sending one off to school and then having another! What were we were thinking? Oh…that’s right….we weren’t thinking!

So, as we get close to our house, a few of our neighbors were outside talking and their daughters started Kindergarten today….they weren’t crying…and I was STILL crying! So, I totally blamed it on pregnancy hormones!! We talked for a bit and then came inside. I am not a basket-case anymore…but if I talk to anyone, I will probably start crying again. And I think FAB will be asking me “where’s I-Man?” all day. So, that will probably make me cry!

So, only 5.5 more hours until I get to go pick him up! I think I am going to go get some of the pictures from this morning developed today…but take more and more video-tape this afternoon when I pick him up. It is going to be a long 5.5 hours of worrying, praying, being anxious and just wondering how my little guy is doing! I am sure he will have so much fun….I wish I could be a fly on the wall!!!

Thanks for letting me share all of this with you guys. It feels good to just type this all out! I should save and print this entry so I remember all the details of this exciting morning. I just thank GOD for the precious little gift of I-Man and I hope that we have done a good job so far of teaching him what it means to be a child of the King. I know that this is only the beginning of a whole new chapter of our lives. I am excited to see how it all unfolds!

Love you all…and please pray for the weeping Mommy all day!!!!


Sara said...

I'm about to tear up just reading about it. I know I'll be the same way when Piglet goes to Kindergarten! I'm proud of you for not staying all day with him! ha ha. I'm glad you're sharing this with us too. Just be glad he didn't cry for you to stay. That would have made things so much worse for you! Try not to worry too much! I'm sure he's having a great time!

SebbieDue said...

(((Missy))) I'm praying...
Much love!

Kelley said...

That was one of the sweetest entries that I have ever read! I am so excited for your family. I-Man is such a wonderful little guy and I can't wait till he tells us about his day!

Hope the day was full of excitment for him and can't wait to hear what he told you school was like!

Lots of Love!

girlie_mom said...

Alright I was a crying fool and I can't blame it on pregnancy hormones. I, too, remember you all bringing I-Man home and us wishing we had one too...then to see him and Pretty grow up together and just love each other and all that. I totally know how you feel. Maybe I haven't sent a kid off to school yet, but I know how much my babes mean to me and I know yours mean just as much. You are going to be the cutest school mom. I just know it. The fact that you all already signed up for parties and things is just awesome. Praying lots for you.

Love ya!!