Monday, September 25, 2006

3 Months Until Christmas!!!

Hello Ladies! I don’t think I have a lot to say….but I feel like typing (does anyone else ever feel that way?)…probably since I am off work and getting bored…it is something to do! So, I thought I would post!

Let’s see….not much has happened since last week. That’s the way it goes since I am supposed to be “resting”. Anyone who knows me, knows how hard that is for me….really, really hard. But I am trying!!!

So, Friday….didn’t rest much! LOL! New Mommy is having some major car trouble. So, I had to go pick her up at her house and then take her and Little B to the babysitter and then take her to work. Not a big deal… but Hubby had to do it again today and I am doing it again tomorrow! At least Wednesday, she only has to work a few hours, so I am just gonna watch Little B here at our house…so not so much driving! Anyways…so I did that on Friday morning. Then I went to Target (with FAB) and exchanged a shirt that I-Man got for his birthday. I am surprised they did it for me…I had no receipt and they are the worst about returns/exchanges. But they did! I picked up a few other odds and ends and then I called my Mom to see if she wanted to go to breakfast….and then we picked her up and went to Crackerbarrel for brunch. That was very nice!! Oh! Except for the fact that FABulous threw a ROYAL fit when it was time to leave. She can be such a little DIVA!!! So, we left there and went to Wal-mart…I got the mobile for Little G…and a few other things…and then I was pretty much done for the day! We dropped Mom off at her house and FAB and I went home to rest until it was time to pick I-Man up from school. We got him and then we all (Hubby included) pretty much came back here and took naps! It was such a dreary day…the perfect day for naps! Then, when we got up, the kids and I headed over to Mom’s to wait for Sister to arrive! We ended up going to Cici’s pizza and we weren’t at the house when she got there…but we had fun when we got all together!!! She bought I-Man this cute game for his birthday…we played that…and then we played the game that Minnie got I-Man…he loves that game and so did Mom and Sister! The kids were really in rare form….so I was kinda glad to leave them with Mom and Sister and go home…I went straight to bed!!!

Now…sleeping has become quite an ordeal for me. Something about the way that Little G is laying makes my legs HURT all the time. So, I am not getting much sleep. I usually sleep for a few hours in bed…then go to the recliner for a few hours…then back to bed. And it takes me forever to get to sleep each time….so not a lot of sleep for me. I can’t even explain how bad my legs hurt. Enough whining, I know….

So, Saturday morning…I got up and got ready for the day and headed over to Mom’s. Sister and I took the kids to the new Old Tyme Pottery that just opened here. It was crowded with rude people….but I still love that store!!! I had to go to the Customer Service desk TWICE on our short trip. Once because FAB had been holding my Vera Bradley change purse thingy and she dropped it. Luckily someone found it and turned it in. And then twice because they charged me for Sister’s rug (they charged her too). But anyways….LOVE that place. I need to go back and buy this thing I almost bought but didn’t How’s that for vague?!?!

So, Sister and I decided to just go ahead and meet Mom at the family reunion we were going to. So, we headed to Fairborn (about 20 minutes away) and stopped at Krogers to get some stuff to take….we were ready to leave and be ON TIME to the reunion, when Sister came and told me that we had to go back to Kettering because her car was blocking Mom from getting out of the garage!!! LOL It wasn’t a big deal because we really weren’t late to the reunion anyways… was rather comical.

So, the funny thing….Roomiestar was at my family reunion! Turns out that her finance and I are related! His dad and my mom are first cousins! His grandma and my grandpa were brother and sister. What a small world?!?! She was just as surprised to see me there!!! Her ring is beautiful!!!

I left the reunion and dashed home to get FAB to take a nap…and then we had to wake her up and head off to the Praisefest! It was a really great evening of worship. I got guilted in to singing two songs with Uncle Poncho and Queen. It was actually very nice….I about died of heat….but it was nice to sing with them. We practiced 5 minutes before we went on stage….talk about impromptu! But it was a great evening of worship. I enjoyed hearing Queen’s group sing and then of course hearing our group sing (the PT)….it was nice. And we had a nice little turn-out from our church there. So, it was a very nice evening!!! We left there and came home and gave the kids baths and put them to bed…and then I took a shower and crashed….well, again….sleep is a relative term these days!!!

Sunday…I vowed not to cry too much…and I didn’t! I just focused on really enjoying this last Sunday with HBM, Elvis and Pita Pocket…and I did…even though HBM made me cry at one point….I held it together the rest of the time! I am just so excited for them….I don’t want to damper it or make it any harder for them! We really enjoyed lunch after church with them and Pepto….even with FAB’s fit at the end….and Pepto, you are welcome for the birth control! Anytime you need another dose…I will lend you FABulous!!! Hubby and I-Man dropped us girls off at home while they went to the birthday party for Sight Sing’s son. FAB and I both took naps….then we got up and Hubby had straightened up the garage…and I put the new bouncy seat together and had Hubby bring the swing in….I wanted to have those two things ready for having Little B here on Wednesday. Then we went to choir practice, but no one was there to watch the kids…so I just came home. My kids do not sit well during stuff like that…so I didn’t feel like fighting that battle! They went to bed pretty early and that left me the evening to myself to knit, read and watch TV. Resting is pretty boring!!!

So, today…more of the same! I actually did rest some today! Hubby took FAB to my Aunt’s house….he and I-Man went to the Red’s game after I-Man got out of Kindergarten…and I just rested! I did some stuff (vacuumed, dusted, laundry) but for the most part…I didn’t do much! I went to the doctor…my blood pressure is about the same….not much else to report.

So….that is about all that is going on here! Tomorrow I am going to meet KK for lunch…that will be nice! I miss her so much! But other than that, not much to do tomorrow either!

Only 2 more weeks until Little G is here!!! I am getting very excited to meet her! I can’t wait to see what she looks like…who she looks like…if she has any hair…if she has red hair…all that fun stuff! OH! Hubby’s aunt dropped of my shirts today! I bought long-sleeve shirts for all three of the kids and she embroidered them for me….I-Man’s says “I’m the BIG Brother!”. FAB’s says…”I’m the BIG Sister!” And Little G’s says…”I’m the LITTLE Sister!”. They turned out so cute and I can’t wait to get a picture of my three angels in them. That sounds so weird…I can’t believe that in 2 weeks I am going to be the mother of THREE!!! OH MY!

Well, I am sure you are bored to tears! I hope you all have a great Tuesday and I will talk to you soon!!! Please remember my Grandma in your prayers….her sister passed away today. She was nearly 90…and she lived a very full life…but I am sure it is hard on my Grandma to lose her sister!!! I also do not think that my great-aunt was a Christian…so that is sad. She was a wonderful person…I am glad that Mom and I went to visit her a few weeks ago. She was always a bundle of energy…so lying in a nursing home wasn’t living anyways….but her family will miss her terribly.

Love you all!!!!


Sara said...

For having not much to say, you sure say a lot! :) I do that all the time too. I had to tease you...

Sounds like you really haven't been doing much resting. I can't blame you. Bedrest about killed me. I would at least get up and do the dishes or clean up when I knew someone was coming over. I could never trust Hubby to do that right!

It's definitely hard to fathom being a mother of 3! You're a great mom, though, so it's only natural for you to have a brood! :) Have fun at lunch with KK today. Love ya!

Dawn said...

Oh I"m NEVER bored to tears reading your journal !!!! Don't ever think that. I just stink at posting on everyones journals. I do read them though!!! I want to know more about this old tyme pottery shot me an email whenever you get a chance please!! I am so excited for you and the family to have another cutie pie kid in it!!! And I"m so glad that you'll have all that time at home for a while before starting back to work. OK back to school for us we're super busy here today!!!! Love ya !

Kelley said...

Well, you don't rest well and I don't take "don't drive" instructions well! Thanks for calling me today. It made my trip!!!!

I can't wait to see pictures of the future Cheese family. Maybe red hair and LOTS of it!

Lots of Love!