Tuesday, September 12, 2006

At Home Again...

Well, I am writing this from home….AGAIN! I am officially on Maternity Leave now. My doctor put my off work yesterday. I still have some things to do this week…but that should be it until January. I just feel bad for KK…but I am relieved, in a way! My blood pressure was high yesterday and when I told them that I had been home in bed all day…that made them worry a bit that it was still that high. Plus, I have still been having dizzy spells….so she doesn’t want me to drive very much. So, I am off work! I have my laptop this week…so I will try to get some loose ends tied up…Thursday I have to go in to meet with the lady who will be doing part of my job while I am out…but after that, I am going to try to disconnect from work.

It should be interesting…trying to take it easy while also having two kids…and a Hubby….we’ll see how that all works! I think as long as I can have some help with FAB…I will be fine. But Hubby has to work sometime…so we have to figure all of this out!

The cool part is….the next 4 weeks will be short term disability leave – at 100% pay. Then, the day that Gracie is born begins Parental Leave – which is 12 weeks of 100% pay. So…I never go without being paid. That is awesome!!! One of the perks for working for a big company, I guess.

So, not a whole lot to journal about really. That is probably going to be the case for a while. After my doctor’s appointment yesterday, I went to my Mom’s house for a bit and then came home and started telling everyone at work what was going on. KK was ready to puke…I just feel bad for her.

Then, Mom dropped the kids off and we just hung out here. I-Man has “homework”…we have to read 2 books to him each night and then write down the title and author and send back to the teacher. It is just to get him ready for the homework he will have in 1st grade. So, we did that…then he played his V-Smile…then it was about time for a snack and bedtime. So, not a very exciting evening at our house. This is going to be a common theme for a while, I am afraid. My poor kids are going to be bored out of their minds. They love to go all the time.

I-Man’s 5th birthday is Monday…so we are having his party on Saturday. Hubby and I need to figure out what we are getting him. I want to get him a GameBoy Advance…but I don’t know what Hubby is thinking. I need to get the stuff to make him cupcakes for his party…and then a cake and ice cream for a little party with family at our house afterwards. Although…I am not sure if we are doing that or not. I don’t think anyone from my family can make it…and I am not sure about his family either. So, we will see. We may nix that idea. Who knows?

JJ’s birthday is on Sunday! I don’t think I am going to see her…so she may have to wait for her present! We are heading into a big birthday season, it seems. Lots of parties and stuff coming up.

Uhh….don’t have much else to say. I need to go and get something to eat…I am starving! I am looking forward to the season finale of Big Brother tonight…although I don’t’ care who wins…but I want some closure to that. And then Survivor starts on Thursday. Hubby and I always like watching that together. Hopefully he will be home in time to watch it with me.

Well, I guess that is about it for now. Not much else to say. Praying that HBM and Elvis make it home safely today in this yucky rain. It is a great day to stay inside and do nothing! I am having a hard time making myself do that…but the weather does help!
Have a great day….love and prayers to all!


Sara said...

I was hoping you would journal! I was getting bored at work and no one had updated their blog! :)

Glad again that you got your wish and could be off work! Now you just need to take it easy!

I'm looking forward to BB tonight too and Survivor on Thursday! Did you see how their doing Surivor this time? Separating them by race? How weird!?

Josy said...

Oh yay! Your pop-up worked!

Okay, you need to tell me what you need for baby - if there's a gift card I could send you for a store or something! It's getting closer and closer! I'm sending I-man a book for his birthday. It's going to be late - sorry! I forgotted!

Poor KK! But lucky you! 16 weeks without Stinky Pete! Well, girl put your feet up while ya can!

Dawn said...

GOOD! I was hoping you'd tell us that you didn't have to go back to work. IT sounds best to me also that you stay home. Girl you had me giggling so loud with your last entry. Especially that you were convinced you were having a boy. And the red light I think I've pulled that same sceniro when I wasn't pregnant LOL! We also had to do the same thing with the books and recording the author when Madison was in Kindergarten. But she also had a packet that was sent home on monday that had homework for the week. THey really wanted ya to do it one thing a night and not all at once so that they got used to having homework. And I remember some of it was kinda time consuming IN KINDERGARTEN! Have a great evening girl!!

Kelley said...

Hey! Did your hubby tell you that Pita Pocket RSVP'd at the worship team practice? If not, that's okay, but I didn't know if you had planned on him coming or not. Just let me know.

That's awesome about the teacher is assigning books to read....that will so prepare him for first grade!

I'm glad that you are on maternity leave. I'd come and visit, but since I can't drive and you are on restrictions, well, seems to me that we need people to drive us places! LOL!

Lots of Love!