Saturday, September 16, 2006

Rest....What is that?

Phew! For someone who is supposed to be resting….it has been a somewhat hectic few days! Not a lot going on…but then…a lot going on. If that makes sense!!! So, I officially am off work – with no laptop or ties to work at all! I went into work on Thursday and gave KK the low-down on the things she needs to do while I am gone, gave another lady the low-down on the things she needs to do…and then the last person couldn’t come into my office and her office is in the middle of nowhere, so I didn’t feel like driving there…so we just did it over the phone. And then I got the heck out of dodge! I left my laptop behind and turned my voicemail over to someone else…so besides my frequent communication with KK, I am totally removing myself from work! It was a nice feeling, actually!

So, then Friday…Hubby took I-Man to school and FAB to my aunt’s house and then he took off for work and golf….so I had the whole day to myself! I went back to sleep first of all….I don’t sleep much at night. I guess my legs hurting so badly is just one way of getting me ready for being up with Gracie at night! Then I got up and headed to Meijer to get stuff for I-Man’s treat bags for his party….cupcake papers….and hair dye for me! I got that stuff and then came back home. I got busy making cupcakes and dying my hair! Let me just tell you….my hair is VERY red. More red than I really wanted it to be…but what can ya do? I was just really trying to go darker because my roots were growing in so dark…but instead it turned out pretty red!!! Oh well! Hubby and I-Man didn’t even notice…so it must not be too bad. I-Man usually notices that!

So, needless to say, I didn’t do a good job of taking it easy on Friday. I picked I-Man up from school…we went to the Greene (the new mall) and went to Coldstone Creamery for his after-school snack and then to the Children’s Place for a few things. Then we headed to my aunt’s to get FAB…then we went to pick up Little B. His babysitter needed him picked up early so they could go out of town, so New Mommy called me and asked me if I would do it. Of course I said yes! I will go into a MIL rant in a minute…but for now, just suffice it to say that I want to help her whenever we can….and I loved the time with him!!! So, we picked him up. I was kind of a bad mommy…..Little B really needed to eat when we picked him up, but I was ready to go. So, I got him in the van and then we took off. He started wailing! SO, I let I-Man get out of his seat belt and hold his pacifier in his mouth to keep him happy. It wasn’t that long of a drive….and I-Man and FAB and I were singing to him the whole way. So sweet!

So, we got home and I fed Little B. I-Man held him for a bit and then I laid him down on our bed in a boppy pillow. Well, here is how God started preparing me for having 3 kids. FAB wanted pudding…so she was sitting at the bar eating pudding. I-Man was playing computer games and Little B was on our bed…as mentioned before. SO, FAB falls off the barstool and her mouth is bleeding and chocolate pudding is everywhere, Little B starts crying and I-Man starts yelling because he needs my help with his computer games….and then Hubby calls. I was very short with Hubby….and took care of all three. But WOWZER! Is this going to be an adventure!!!!!

So, Hubby came home and we packed up all three kids and headed to a birthday party. I just sat at a picnic table the whole time taking care of Little B while Hubby chased the kids. My back was absolutely killing me…indicating that I had over-done it for the day. But…did that make me stop? NO! I still went home (after New Mommy picked up Little B and Hubby took I-Man to a football game) and did the icing on all the cupcakes, put the party favor bags together and got everything ready for I-Man’s party today! Needless to say, I was POOPED last night! But I still didn’t sleep good. I slept about 2 hours in bed…then about 3 hours in the recliner (which isn’t good sleep) and then a bit more back in bed. My legs just hurt all the time.

So, today…the birthday party was great…a bit chaotic…but great. I hope everyone had fun. It was kind of a “do your own thing” party…because there is so much to do there. So, hopefully everyone had a good time. KK showed up with her son and then realized that we had no one to watch FAB (like I had told her we would have) and she just took FAB and our van and left! She is such a great friend!!! I guess that FAB fell asleep in the van and she just sat in Wal-Mart’s parking lot and read. What a great, great friend!!! The party coordinator did all the work….so I had fun just sitting back and watching it all. It was nice to spend some time with HBM – we just haven’t seen each other much lately! OH….when we got home from the party…we were talking to I-Man and we told him that HBM and Elvis and Pita Pocket were moving and he started crying….he said ‘But I want Pita Pocket to go to my church!!!” So cute. I explained to him how they are going to be so much closer to Pita’s grandparents and that seemed to help a little bit. But it was very cute.

SO…he got a ton of presents (and yes, Josy…he got his book in the mail today! He was so excited). I am anal about those…imagine that? And they are all already out of the boxes….not put away yet, but that won’t be long! He got some really cool presents! He loves the robot that HBM got him (it is so loud!!!) and he wanted to play the game that Minnie bought him…but we need to do that when Daddy is home to watch FAB. We have played with just about everything tonight. He and FAB played really good together for a while with a race-track thing that he got. He kept calling it “teamwork”. Really, he was just yelling at her to get his car and she would do it…but whatever!

I just can’t believe that my baby…my little boy…is going to be 5 on Monday! Time has just flown by! I love that little guy so much. I am so excited to see the kind of person he will grow up to be. I just hope that Hubby and I have done…and will do…the right things to help him to decide to be a servant of the King. That is the most important thing to me.

I am going to start crying…so let’s go to my MIL rant. Yeah, so she had told us a while back that she didn’t want to come to the Magic Castle for his birthday party. I can understand that…it was a bit chaotic. So, when I found out that my mom wasn’t coming up to watch FAB, I asked Hubby to ask MIL if she would. Well, he forgot…and I ended up seeing her before he did. Well, I also remembered that New Mommy had to work today…so she would need someone to watch Little B. So, I just asked MIL if she was watching Little B today…and she said “No, this is my weekend with Rob.” I am thinking….what???? And then she proceeds to tell me that New Mommy needs someone to pick him up early on Friday (which I did) and that she couldn’t do that either because she was already going to be leaving to go to Rob’s. Hello?!?!? He lives like 10 minutes from here….and aren’t your grandchildren more important? Apparently not. So, I just dropped it and didn’t say anything. When Hubby came home, he asked if she was going to watch FAB and I told him no….and why…and he was peeved. What can you do? I was actually more peeved about Little B then I was about FAB. I just do not get it. I also do not get that New Mommy doesn’t seem upset by this…or maybe she just isn’t saying it to me. I don’t know….but MIL seems to have her priorities a bit out of whack, if you ask me. I feel bad for Hubby. The situation with his parents is so odd….I would NEVER have guessed things would turn out like this back when we were dating.

Well…I am rambling. SO, everyone wish JJ a Happy Birthday! She is 36 on Sunday. Aren’t you glad I shared your age?!??! I hate that we aren’t going to see her….but I got her a great present to send home with Mom! So, Happy Birthday Sister!!!!

Love and Hugs to all!!!!


Kelley said...

Now you will always remember us with that LOUD robot! LOL! Pita Pocket loves his and thought that I-Man would too!

That is so sweet about I-Man wanting Pita Pocket to go to his church! I want to take pictures of him with his friends this week and next! I've got a few projects in mind!

You need to rest....would you like for me to explain what that is? Come to my house and you'll only be awake 10 hours a day! LOL!

Lots of Love!
Oh, GREAT party today!!!!

Sara said...

I-man's party sounds like fun. I'll have to remember that when Piglet gets bigger. I would tell you that you need to stop doing stuff, but you wouldn't listen, so whatever.

Not much to say about your MIL. Some things never change, it seems. One day she'll regret her decisions...