Thursday, September 21, 2006

It's been a few days....

Hello Ladies! I am sorry that I have been such a stranger. I knew that when I was at home full time that I would not be a very good journaler! It was easier at work because I stared at a computer all day! At home, I am not good at sitting down in front of the computer. Not that I am really busy or anything…just don’t sit at the computer too much!

So, what have I been up to? Let’s see….not a whole lot really! Well, Sunday was hard for me. I had not gotten emotional at all about HBM and Elvis leaving….but when I walked into the sanctuary on Sunday and they were already singing…I just started crying and I pretty much cried off and on the entire service! Then when K-Dog read the announcement, I really started crying. I wouldn’t even go up to HBM at the end of the service because I didn’t want to cry on her shoulder. I am very happy for them…but it is bittersweet…ya know?!?!

So, we went out to lunch with MIL and both SIL’s and Little B on Sunday. That was nice. We don’t all get together very often, so it was nice to do that. We went to Tumbleweed and we had HORRIBLE service. I don’t usually complain, but I was even upset. So, the manager actually switched our waitress….I think our first one might’ve gotten fired. That is how bad it really was. So, lunch was nice. Then I-Man and I went to K-Mart and got a shower present for the girl at our church. I had kinda forgotten about it. So, we got a present and then went home. I wrapped it really quickly and then ran out the door to the shower. It was fun….and I am really glad I went. It was one of those things that I really didn’t want to go, but felt like I should….so I am very glad I did. It was fun.

Women’s group was fun that night. I got to talk to Many Kids a lot and that was nice. I just really cannot imagine what they are going through every day with Sweet Lucy….but it is amazing to me how strong Many Kids is. I don’t know if I would be like that if I were dealing with all the stuff she is dealing with. Detergent has been a very good friend to her through all of this….I really know…I mean, it is obvious, that God put Many Kids and her family at our church and in Detergent’s life at just the right time. And Beef is doing some great things with her oldest son, who is really taking this hard. So, it is neat to see God’s hand in all of this turmoil in their lives.

Monday…I went to the doctor and my blood pressure was about the same….and I found out that I am dilated 1. Now, I knew that I had been having contractions…and I had them a lot on Monday evening and again all day on Tuesday. I haven’t had many since then. But….I think I got to about 2 or 3 by myself with I-Man and that was about it. So, not really that big of a deal. Gracie is not head-down yet….but it doesn’t really matter since I am having a c-section anyways!

Umm…one day, it was Wednesday, my mom and I went to Babies-R-Us and Target and I bought some stuff with my gift certificate. I bought some crib shits, some cradle sheets, a bumper bad for my cradle, a new bouncey seat, a sleep positioner and umm…Oh! I got one of those bling pacifiers at Target. So stinking cute!!! Just got some stuff that I still needed to get for Gracie! Last night, Hubby moved the crib mattress up and I got the crib all ready. I still need to go to Wal-mart and buy a mobile. They have a butterfly one that I want…..and it is MUCH cheaper at Wal-Mart than it is at Babies-R-Us. So….once I get that (probably tomorrow), the crib will be all ready.

One night this week, I-Man woke up at 5:15 because he had pee’d the bed. Well, after I got up and changed his sheets, I couldn’t go back to sleep. So, I got up and went out to the garage and did some cleaning/organizing/pitching. Probably not the best idea….oh, it was Tuesday. I think that might be why I had contractions all day. So, I also went to Meijer that day and got some stuff to organize the toys in their rooms. I just get so sick of the clutter!!! So, I did that on Tuesday. There is still so much that needs to be organized/pitched/cleaned…but I can’t do much at once….so, it might have to wait. But I do feel better about I-Man’s room and the garage. Today, Hubby took some stuff to Once Upon a Child and made some money….then he took the rest to the Goodwill. There is still a lot to be purged in the garage….but baby steps, right?

Umm…I-Man has had a great week at school! We (Hubby and I) have kinda been bums this week! After I-Man goes to school, we go back to bed (while FAB is playing or jumping on us or watching Dora….) for a while. I guess I should just enjoy it for right now. But that is hard for me to do. I feel guilty if I am not up and ready by 9:00 or so. But…that has not been happening!!! Well, and Hubby has been sick this week. He had a pretty bad cold. He is better now. I haven’t gotten it yet….so hopefully I don’t! I was telling my mom that it would be the pits if I got a cold right when I was going into the hospital. It would really stink to have to cough or sneeze a lot with my incision. So, please pray that that doesn’t’ happen!!!

Umm…I-Man really likes all of the presents he got for his birthday. He plays with them a lot! He really likes his GameBoy that we got him. My parents got him 3 games for it and he plays them a lot! So, I think that was a good gift idea!

Like I said…not a whole lot to say since I am just home all day! I try not to do too much…because on the days that I do, I start to feel really bad at night. But….Sister is coming in town tomorrow night…and Saturday is going to be a busy day…so we will see how I am feeling. I feel like I am rambling right now. Maybe that means I need to go.

Love you all and hope Josy gets to feeling better soon. I am also not the best at commenting since I am at home because sometimes it takes the comments forever to load so I can input mine. Again…rambling! Love you all!


Kelley said...

I'm just not impressed with Tumbleweed's either. Hubby likes their ribs and steak, but the service and sweet tea really stinks.

You really did a LOT this week so far...keep it easy. You don't need to be going into labor...especially before Saturday night! LOL! I saw those bling pacifiers at the shower and I thought those were precious....I will have to get that for Booty!!!!

I'm glad you came to the shower. It was so fun to share stories...even with the guest of honor! I had a great time.

Have fun this weekend....and don't worry about not getting up before'll NEED the sleep after Little G!

Lots of Love!

Sara said...

Ditto to what HBM said! Get as much rest and sleep as you can this week. Remember those every 2 hour feedings????

Hopefully you steer clear of the cold and sniffles! Enjoy your last few days of "freedom". :) Love ya!

Josy said... on earth you fit so much into one day...I read your and HBM's blogs and then I have to take a nap.

I know everything will be fine for you and Gracie and hubby and kids. Just rest and take it easy while you can.