Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Mental Health Day

Hello! I am getting caught up after taking a mental health day yesterday!!!! I just really didn't do much of anything....but I will get to that in a minute.

Monday....good day at work. Didn't see Stinky Pete at all...gotta love that! But he is going to make up for that the rest of this week, probably. Plus...I have so much stuff going on with work the next few weeks, I don't know how I am going to make it through it all!!! Hopefully Hubby will be very supportive and not complain too much about all the hours I will have to work.....we'll see!!!! SO, anyways, I left work a bit early on Monday because I had a conference call to be on at my normal time to I got the kids and got home by 4:00 so I could take the call from home. The kids actually were very good while I was on the call. That was a pleasant surprise!!!!

We didn't really do anything Monday night. SIL #1 came over and I did her taxes for her...and then we just hung out. I watched the entire finale of the Bachelor...and was so excited because he picked the girl that I wanted him to!!!! YEAH! I am a dork, I realize that!!!!

So, Tuesday morning...Well, I took the day off to help in I-Man's preschool. I hadn't done that yet except for the Christmas party. SO, I took the whole day off from work. I will pay for that today....but oh well! So, we got up and Hubby decided that it was his day off from doing anything with the kids. That made me mad....he just laid in bed while I did everything. GRRR.... He wasn't feeling well, but I was still mad. Oh well. What I did learn is that he makes a big deal about how I have the easier job of getting them in the evening but he has to get them up and dressed and breakfast every was a I told him that. Anyways...we got up and went to Krispie Kreme to get donuts because I was supposed to bring a snack for the kids. Then we went to church. I don't know how Teacher and Detergent do what they do. I could NEVER be a pre-school teacher...EVER. I was so done with the kids by the end of the 2 hours....I was DUN!!!! It was fun and I know that I-Man enjoyed having me there....but seriously, I don't know how Teacher does that every week. At one point, she was doing so good with my son who was throwing a fit....she was telling him to stand up and pull it together.....Detergent and I commented on how good she is with the kids.....and how we would've just pulled him up and helped him pull it together. It was funny.....but anyways.....that was preschool!!!

So, we went home after helping clean-up a bit and we had lunch....Hubby came home and had lunch with us. And then FAB and I laid down and took a 3 hour nap!!!!!! That was heavenly! I-Man kept coming in and waking me up for various reasons...but he finally took a nap for about an hour. It was so nice...and so needed!!!!! We got up from our naps and we went to the gym. I worked out for a bit and then we went grocery shopping and then we called Hubby and was going to meet him for dinner at Frickers. We got there and went in and had to put our name on a wait list.....I got frustrated and it was so we left. Instead, we met Hubby at the Rootbeer Stand for dinner. The kids had fun running all over the van and watching a was nice dinner! Not as good as Frickers would've been...but oh well. Funny thing...she brought our food and told us that they only take cash. Well, you know that I NEVER have cash. Hubby had to run to the ATM...good thing we had two cars there!!!!!

So, then we came home and I just wasn't feeling well....haven't really been feeling well at I just laid down. Hubby took care of the kiddos. I got up and had a bowl of cereal because I was hungry and my tummy hurt....and then I went to bed. This is really the pits! I want to feel good again!!!!! Oh well......this too shall pass!

That is about it! Now, I am at work.....I have a really, really bad attitude towards my boss today. I am ready to walk out of this job!!! If I didn't have to be responsible, I probably would. But.....I have to be responsible! Being an adult really stinks!

Have a great day!! Love you all and PRAYERS to Josy!!!!!


girlie_mom said...

Lucky you with the 3 hour nap. I agree with the preschool thing. Preschool is TOTALLY different than elementary school. I know it is only a few years different, but it is all the difference in the world.

Sorry work is sooo busy. But I know that you will do a GREAT job and get everything done on time.

Have a great day, and hopefully you won't see Stinky Pete so much!

Lots of Love!

Sara said...

I'm with on being an adult. It sucks sometimes! I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I hope you feel better and that stinky pete behaves today so that you can have an easier day.

My hubby frustrates me sometimes with Piglet too. Between his back, work, and school, he's very busy, but there are times I just want to scream that she's his kid too and I need a break!!!! When I get to that point, I just hand her over and walk away. :)

Hang in there! Love ya!

Kelley said...

Sorry about the preschool yesterday. I helped out (and took pictures) one day and I about died! You also just reminded me that I forgot to get the weekly letter, so I have no clue if something special is going on next week!
Hope you feel better. I know that Stinky Pete is part of your problem. Is there any way he will be fired in the near future????
Okay, we'll wait till March 13th to change banks! Hubby and I were talking about just burying our money in a mason jar in the backyard! LOL!
Lots of Love!