Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I am back!!!!

Well, I survived my CRAZY week and weekend! I still feel a bit like I have been hit by a mac-truck…but I survived it all!!! Yeah ME!!!!

The Home & Garden show went very well. Everything went smoothly and the results were good…so that was a success! I didn’t get to see Andrew Dan-Jumbo (the HOT British carpenter from “While You Were Out”)…but oh well! I went bowling with my family instead and that was very worth it!!!

The “New Chase Day” went well yesterday. I was on TV a lot in the morning! We taped it on our DVR and Hubby watched it with the kids and FAB kept saying “Mommy!” whenever she saw me on TV. Which was a lot…..It was a lot of fun. So, again…no hitches! Everything went smoothly and we got a lot of compliments on how great it all turned out. I was just so ready for it to all be over!!! Let me share a funny story about Elvis coming down to run our sound for us yesterday…..he got there and I told him to just pull up out front of the building to un-load the equipment. We had literally just got everything inside and I hear someone telling me that a cop was writing Elvis a ticket! So, I RUN across the lobby and out the door and beg with the cop to not give “my preacher who is doing me a favor today” a ticket. He agreed to let it go as long as I moved Elvis’ car….so I did. BOY OH BOY! Someone gets mugged and there’s no Dayton cop to be found….but park in a loading zone for a moment and get a ticket! Geesh!!! So, that was exciting! Other than that…no problems yesterday. It was a great day!!!! So, on to my next project at work. Never a dull moment, that is for sure!

Umm….so, I had my doctor’s appointment yesterday! I had forgotten how nice everyone at my doctor’s office is. I just love those ladies! And Dr. H walked in the room saying…”So, it’s all my fault, huh?” We had a good laugh together over this gift…and how God has a good sense of humor. She kept going on (and so did the nurses) about how much Queen and Skinny Cousin and I look alike…but not George. Funny……especially Queen and I ….she thought we should be sisters instead of Queen and George (we’ve never heard that before!). So, anyways! Back to my appointment…..the nurse kept calling me an old pro, since I know what is going to happen and all that. She was very funny. I had to have my normal womanly check-up…and then they decided to do an ultra-sound! I think she just wanted to put my mind at ease given our family history…..so that was very cool!!! I was hoping to hear the heartbeat but thought it might be too early…..so the ultrasound was even better! I got to see the heartbeat and she printed a little picture for me. I am 9 weeks pregnant today….so due on October 16th. PLUS she said that she would tie my tubes this time! WAHOO! She said that I am older and wiser (lol) and she would just do it at the same time of my c-section. She also suggested that Hubby not have his surgery done (if at all now) until after the baby….because if something was to happen to this pregnancy, we might regret it. So…..it was a great appointment. I definitely feel more pregnant now…ya know? It is more real now. I am more excited now. Oh, and I talked to her about exercising. She was impressed with how much weight I had lost…but told me not to over-do it with the exercise now. She approved what the gym put me on and just said to keep it up as long as I can….but not to push myself too much. So, that made me feel better too!

I got to my aunt’s house to pick up the kids and I showed I-Man the picture from the ultrasound and he says that he definitely thinks it is a boy because he sees hair. How funny. Now, he wants a boy. It changes nearly every day. FAB looked at the picture and my aunt was telling her it was a baby…and FAB went off to look for her baby doll. She has no idea how much her little world is about to be rocked, bless her heart!!!!

We just had fun being a family last night. Not a lot going on…relaxing and taking it easy. Playing with the kids…..just hanging out. Hubby has lots of basketball plans this week…..so I will be with the kids a lot….but I am looking forward to that after last week and last weekend. We go to Kentucky next week…I can’t wait! Just to get a little time away! I need a few days off work, that is for sure!

Well, I know there is a lot that I haven’t said…because I missed so many days of journaling! I am trying to get caught up! Thank you all for your prayers over the last few days. I have certainly felt them! And they were very needed. Love you all!!!!


Jodi said...

Missed you too sis! Glad you made it through your hectic week!

I'm excited about getting a new neice or nephew...I'm secretly hoping it's a boy cuz for some reason I feel like I-man needs a brother lol...but then again...FAB needs a sister too! So are you sure the doc didn't see 2 babies? lol

I know I'd heard it before but I didn't realize that ALL of you (Skinny, Queen and George) went to the same doctor....I'm jealous!(I know I know...::mocking voice:: if I'd move back to Ohio I could go to her too) lol

anyways...love you...looking forward to your visit next week...

also...too funny about I-man seeing hair...hilarious! But given the way FAB came out almost looking like Cousin It with all the hair...ya never know...lol

anyways...see you soon!

Kelley said...

I think they both need a brother/sister....are you sure your doc didn't miss another one! LOL! Just kidding!

Glad your appointment went well! That is the most exciting part....when it seems the most real! I'm so excited for ya!!

Hubby told me about that whole ticket thing. Wasn't it an unloading zone??? Oh well! Glad you got all the stuff done. So what's the next project? What in the WORLD is Stinky Pete going to do without you for 12 weeks?

Lots of Love!

Sara said...

My SIL's due date is Oct. 16 too! How funny! I'm so glad you went to the doctor and got an ultrasound to put your mind at ease! I'm glad this weekend and yesterday went well for you. I saw a blurb on the news this morning about the Chase thing and looked for you, but didn't see you. Apparently, I must have seen the only clip without you in it! :) Enjoy the kiddies this week! Love ya!

Jodi said...

your comment box has been spammed??? weirdness

Missy said...

Nice! I guess I will have to not allow anymore annonymous comments! Pooh on that person!!!