Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Happy 30th Birthday Elvis!

Have I mentioned that I am SO glad that Elvis is turning 30 before me?!?!? Well, I am! Only by a few months...but he is still older than me!!!! So, Happy Birthday!!!! I hope they had a great day!

Well, yesterday was an okay day at work. I didn't have to see Stinky that is good! I was just still very, very tired from the past weekend. I just couldn't get the energy to do much of anything here at work. Oh well.....I did get a few things done!

After work, I went and picked up the kids. Oh...I forgot a cute I-Man story from Monday. When we got home on Monday...he was getting out of the van and he hit his head. Then when we were coming in the door, he hit his head again on the door...he just looked up at me after I asked him if he was okay and said..."Mommy, I am just having a bad day." So cute!!! He is such a sweetie sometimes!

So, anyways...I go to pick up the kids yesterday and I knock on the door and instantly I hear I-Man start screaming and crying that he didn't want his mommy to be there yet. NICE! They were just getting ready to get down my Uncle's big race-track and he didn't want to leave. At least I know he was having fun. So, we get home and he had brought home some flowers from Pre-School. He proceeds to tell me that they aren't for me...they are for Mimi Tucky. My feelings were hurt! And I told him that we weren't going to see Mimi Tucky until next week anyways. So, I went into the bathroom. When I came out, he was running down the hall with the flowers. I proceed to yell at him because he is splashing water all over the hall. The stinker was trying to surprise me and put them in my room for me...he decided to give them to me after all. Am I like the worst mom or what?!?!? Good thing kids love you unconditionally!!!!

So, we didn't do much of anything last night. I was just so tired....a trend with this pregnancy! I took a short nap when Hubby came home and felt a bit better...then he went and helped BB move some things into their new house.....I was watching AI....and then put FAB to bed and found I-Man in my room.....SPITTING on mine and Hubby's pillows! SPITTING! So, I calmly told him that he was going to bed with no TV or snack. It was only 8:30 and he is usually up until 11:00ish. So, I put him in bed. Well, Hubby came home shortly thereafter and didn't want him to go to bed so early because he would get up too early. So, after an argument...we compromised and let him watch TV in his room but no snack and he wasn't allowed to watch a movie with me. So, that was my exciting evening!!!

Today...didn't go to the gym. I just needed the sleep. It felt good to sleep in until 6:00. I am still tired...but starting to feel more normal. Now, I am just tired from being pregnant...not from running around, etc. I cannot even explain in words how exhausted I feel. It wasn't this bad with either of my other pregnancies. Wierd. has been another good day at work. I have actually got a lot done...again, because I haven't had to see Stinky Pete. He won't be in tomorrow either...and is only working a half-day on Friday....YIPEE! That makes me very happy!

Well, please pray for my sister. She was supposed to have a test thing done today....I will let her update you on all of that....but just pray for her. Also pray for Josy....sounds like she has some tough decisions to make.

I love you all and will talk to you soon! Tootles Ya-Yas!


Kelley said...

Yeah, good thing they love you unconditionally because I just totally yelled at mine! AARGHH!

That is sweet about the flowers! I-Man sure does love you! Don't know what the spitting was about, but he loves you nonetheless!

Glad you don't have to see Stinky Pete for a while! LOL!

Lots of Love!

Sara said...

Spitting, huh? Weird. I really don't look forward to these kinds of things! I'm sorry about the exhaustion! I hope in the next month or two you'll get your energy back and feel better! Enjoy a Stinky Pete Free day! Love ya!

Josy said...

I have been doing some catching up, so some of this is from previous entries....I am so happy about your ultrasound, I have been praying so much for your baby. I know you'll be feeling better soon!

Kids, they are so crazy sometimes! Somedays you just want to bottle up all that sweet innocence and other days you wonder what alien invaded your kid. At least I think that of Joe some days.

Thanks so much for your prayers, you are sooo sweet!