Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Missing Person: FOUND

Hi! My name is Mac-N-Cheese. I have been MIA lately. One of our mutual friends, HBM, actually started a Missing Person search for me. Isn’t she funny?!?! I was found. Actually, I wasn’t lost. It has been a while….I have been busy…I have had a sick kid….I am tired all the time….and there is so much to update you on…I don’t even know where to begin! So, that is why I haven’t been here! I have been lurking and leaving comments occasionally. So, SORRY!!! Life has caught up with me! So….here is my update!

The kids and I left for Kentucky on Wednesday. We got to my parents new house….and it is gorgeous! It is very different than anything they have ever had before, but it is really very pretty. Buford and Dad were moving more stuff over from the other house….so I-Man helped them. They came in with the last load and I-Man said “These boys are wearing me out!”. That night…we didn’t really do much of anything…which was very nice! JJ and Buford had dinner with us and we (Mom, JJ and me) practiced our singing. We were singing at a revival at JJ’s church on Saturday night.

Thursday….had a lazy morning. Then we went to Wal-Mart….then my mom and I went to Kohl’s with FAB and bought her Easter outfit. We had a late lunch and then we headed home for naps. Nice way to spend my vacation! We decided to go see “Shaggy Dog” (I think that it is what is called). So, Mom, JJ, I-Man and I went to the movie. Dad kept FAB at home. That was fun. I-Man liked that movie and thought it was very funny. We had a good time. And of course the popcorn was great!!!! I-Man spent the night with JJ and Buford that night. Buford had plans of I-Man helping him with yard work on Friday morning….but I-Man just wanted to play with their “angel-babies”…their dogs. He had fun!

Friday….when JJ came over….we practiced singing….and then went for a brief shopping excursion….we didn’t make it to the store that I really wanted to go to….but it was still fun. Then we came back home and practiced some more. Oh….we had a really good dinner in there. Dad made chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans and biscuits. It was very yummy!!!!

Saturday….we had a lazy day! JJ came over and we practiced again. Then it was time to get ready for church and go! I was worried about how FAB would do at church…but she actually slept through the entire service! And I-Man….he was wonderful! I was so proud of him.

The last time we sang at JJ’s church, I-Man got very upset because he wanted to sing with us. So, this time, we let him sing with us for one song. It is an old song called “Traveling Shoes” and both I-Man and FAB sang it with us when we were practicing. So, we got to church and the preacher set up a microphone just for I-Man. So, when it came time to sing our song….he did SO GREAT! He sang the right words…and was very animated……I almost couldn’t sing (and I needed to because I was singing lead) because I was so proud of him! He was a hit! HBM…watch out! He said he was going to ask you and Elvis if he could sing at our church sometime!!!! It was so precious. I wish we had videotaped it. Everyone at the church just went on and on about how talented he is and what a great future he has ahead of him. Needless to say, I am a proud Mama!

Sunday….we got up and went to church. Again, FAB slept through the ENTIRE service. That was a good thing! After church we went out to dinner and then back to my parents house. The kids played outside with JJ, Buford and Mom and Dad while I packed up all of our stuff and got ready to go home. We headed home….the kids were both crying as we were leaving. They both fell asleep shortly into the trip. That was a blessing. They slept pretty much the entire way home. We got home…unpacked our stuff…..and the fun started!

FAB had 4 really bad poopy diapers. After reading Girly Mom’s journal, I was probably right with my Mom’s diagnosis. I think she also has the roto virus. The diapers had that same smell that I-Man’s had when he had that virus a few years ago. He had to be admitted to the hospital because he got so dehydrated. So, FAB had poopy diapers on Sunday night….but Hubby and I both had to work on Monday…so on the way to my aunt’s house….FAB got sick all over herself and the car. (Hubby was taking her…I missed it!) He dropped the kids off and headed to his meeting…..and was going to go right back and get them, but my aunt (BLESS HER HEART) said she was fine to keep them. FAB didn’t get sick anymore and kept some things down. So…..last night….she seemed like she had a fever…..and she was whiny. She fell asleep on me at like 7:30. She woke up at 11:30 and had puked all over herself and her bed. We got her and her room cleaned up and then she went back to sleep. She got sick again this morning…but has kept a few things down today. We will see! This is not the week for a sick kid! I have 3 meetings this week! Today, tomorrow and Thursday! We’ll see how it goes tonight. Hopefully we can take her to my aunt’s tomorrow….and not sure what we are going to do on Thursday. AHHHH!!!

Umm…..I-Man had his kindergarten screening today. We don’t find the results out until May 4 when they have a parent-teacher meeting. But…I found out that they rarely tell anyone that can’t start……it is really up to the parents. So, we have a tough decision to make. They are starting a new program at his school next year…..and if we can get into that….it would be perfect. It is K-Plus. And basically they have 24 slots for students (so, not that many). The kids attend kindergarten either in the morning or the afternoon and then they attend an “educational day-care” the other half of the day. I think that would be perfect for him if he starts early….because it would give him more than just 3 hours a day. So, we will see!!!! We have some time to decide! I can’t believe my baby is growing up so fast!!!!

Umm….well, that is about it for now. I think that brings you up-to-date on the important things. I am sure you have all seen either in Mandy’s journal or JJ’s, that we have a new addition to our family. That is really exciting! I was very bummed to be in Kentucky when Katie Lynn was born…..and was hoping to go and see them this week….but can’t stand the thought of taking any of these germs from FAB to the baby. So, I will have to wait to meet her! But she sure is a cutie! God is good!

Praying for so many…and love you all! I miss you! God is good all the time and all the time God is good!


Kelley said...

Isn't my team wonderful?!?!?! I'm so glad that they found you!!!! LOL!

I'm sorry about the whole FAB getting sick thing. It's been a pain here too!!! I don't know why in the world the kids have been so sick lately. It's a bummer! We are having to fix Pita Pocket's diapers because he's lost so much weight, they just fall off!

That is wonderful that I-Man sang with you! I wish you would have taped it! I'm shaking at him taking my job!!!! Please tell him not to, I'd be lost without my music!!!!

I'm so glad that you are back! Have a "fun" time with your meetings! I hate that you aren't singing Sunday either....but at least you will be at practice!!!

Lots of Love!

Sara said...

I hope FAB's better today. Poor thing! I'm glad you had a good time with your family! Hopefully your meetings go well and FAB heals quickly! Love ya!

SebbieDue said...

There you are!!! I missed you! Sorry to hear FABulous is sick...not so fabulous, huh?

Go, I-Man!!! That is so cool that he joined you. I remember way back when, it was a mother's day service and Thing1 sang and did the sign language with me for Shout to the Lord. I was crying as we sang because I was so proud. I had visions of touring the nation, me and Thing1, but it was the last time she ever sang w/ me. She mysteriously contracted stage fright after that. I was so bummed. So, anyway, I know how you felt. :)

Have a great week, esp. w/ your meetings! Much love!

Jodi said...

hehe...Kelley...we kidnapped her! But she got away lol

Sister....to say that I-man did a great job is an understatement...he stole the show!!! I've had sooo many people (even people that weren't there) comment on his facial expressions! I wish we would have video-taped it too! Because I can only imagine what he looked like cuz I couldn't see him from where I was standing...but I was a proud aunt too! I know we're partial, but I think he has a gift!

I am glad that you are back to the journal world...but I sure miss you! I feel like we sang your whole visit...which isn't a bad thing...lol...I'm bummed we couldn't find that store too! lol

well..I better go...love you...hope you get to feeling better and hope FAB feels better soon and doesn't share her germs! lol

see you all Friday night!

Josy said...

Hi, my name is Josy...and I've missed you! My goodness woman, I thought maybe Stinky Pete finally got it and I was going to have to send you bail money! Glad to hear that I don't have to!

Poor FAB, hope she is feeling better. How are you feeling? Not so good, well, take the day off work and take a nap.

I-Man, oh just wait till I tell Joe, he's going to be so jealous. I would have loved to have seen it.

Love in Faith,