Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I know I have said it before....but I hate trying to think of titles. So, no title for this entry!

I am tired....I am tired of being tired....I am tired of feeling nauseous...I am just tired!!!! Wahh....wahh....wahh..... I know! Oh well! This too shall pass! That is my favorite phrase right now!

SO! Sunday night....Women's group was fun. I was just so tired...I didn't stay too late. I feel like I miss out on so much by having to get home at a decent hour. But..oh well! Truth be told, I am not a night owl anyways....so I would probably have a hard time staying late even if I didn't have to get up early. But I still feel like I miss out on everything! That is the kid in me coming out....who doesn't want to be left out! "let me in, guys!". Oh well, that was a little tangent......

Monday morning....didn't go to the gym. I-Man woke me up in the middle of the night and he was coughing and getting sick....well, really just coughing up phlegm. So, I didn't sleep well. And, Hubby set my alarm for me....but he set it for 4:20 PM...not AM....so oh well! I slept in until 5:30...woohooo!!! Work was fine.....just a lot going on this week....so I won't bore you with all the details! But, the day was fine.

My parents picked the kids up from my aunt's house. I-Man was so excited that Papaw was coming. We haven't seen my dad in over a month....so you can imagine how excited I-Man is! FAB was excited too....so, I worked a bit late and then went over to my parents house to visit with them and the kids for a while. They were going out shopping and to dinner...so I went my own way! I had some shopping to do for work....got most of it done! I still have a few more things to pick up....but I guess I will do that today. Then Hubby and I met for a late dinner at Frickers! YUM! I hadn't been there in a long time....and it was good! My tummy is hurting today....but it was good last night! We came home and he went to see the kids for a bit and I started another thing for work. I had to cut out like a couple hundred stickers that I made for my people to wear at the Home show this weekend. Well....I got started and then I was so tired, I went to bed. My wonderful Husband finished them all for me! He cut out a ton of things for me last night. What a wonderful Husband I have!!!!!!

So, this morning....got up and did go to the gym. I really did not want to go...did not feel good.....but I went! Once I got there I was fine....but it is really a struggle to get up and go every day now. I think I might start going every other day instead of every day. I am just so tired with this pregnancy....and nauseous every morning.....who knows? We'll see. KK wasn't there this morning because she has a migraine....hopefully that gets better! I hate that she has those. I have been fortunate to have only one of those in my life and it was when I was pregnant with I-Man.

SO! That is about it, I guess! Another busy day at work....and the whole week will be, really! But it will be over soon! I am looking forward to that! I am ready for a vacation....don't have a whole week planned soon....but I do have a few days later this month coming up.....going to KY for a long weekend!!!!

Well, please keep so many in your prayers......for health, for peace, for love and for strength. We all have our own needs....but God will provide! He is in control! Love to all my Ya-Yas!!!!


Sara said...

Sorry you're having a hard time with the pregnancy. I wouldn't blame you for going every other day. You need your rest! Glad you got to see your parents! I bet the kids enjoyed spending time with them! You're hubby is a great guy! "Who-da thunk it?" I'm just giving him a hard time, having known the "pre-married" Daddy Mac. :) Love ya!

girlie_mom said...

Amen to Sara!!! I can't believe the things Geez does. Not only knowing him "pre-married" , but "pre-Missy". LOL So sorry you are having a hard time. That is how I felt with both girls. The nauseous thing was the worst. But it is good for the weight loss :) Trying to put a positive in there somehow. Can't wait til life is back to "normal" at work.

Lots of love!

Kelley said...

I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. I think that it is a good idea to go every other day to the gym. That will be easier on you and the baby...you don't want to over do it!

Lots of Love!

Jodi said...

Sister....before I forget again...I wanted to comment about Stinky Pete's performance at that meeting a few weeks ago...with the whole dance contest thingy...are you kidding me? That was insane...lol...I was so incredulous while I was reading that...have you watched The Office? Cuz Stinky Pete sounds a whole lot like the boss on that show...what a nerd...lol

anyways...I kept meaning to comment about that and forgetting...lol...

sorry you are feeling yuck...hopefully that part passes soon...well. love you!