Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Remember me?

Hello Ladies! I have been MIA lately…sorry about that! I have been busy…and not feeling the greatest….and just haven’t really felt like journaling! I have been trying to keep up with everyone, though!

Let’s see….work has been very busy. BUT I am off for the next three days..and then the weekend…so I have a nice break from work…HALLELUJAH! I won’t bore you with all the details….but let me just suffice it to say that Stinky Pete is really on my last nerve. KK and I both are having a hard time right now. So, prayers are much appreciated.

Umm….I don’t even know where I left off! I think it was Wednesday of last week. I called off sick on Thursday…I needed a mental health day. Then on Friday, a lady that I work with had a baby. That was very exciting! It is the same lady that I “threw” that shower for a few weeks back. The baby was a few weeks early…..but the labor went beautifully! KK and I took flowers to the hospital and got to hold Miss Ella when she was only a few hours old. You just forget how little they are! That was neat. It was really cool to see her with her new baby. The coolest thing is…her sister had been trying to get pregnant for quite a while…..but to no avail. So, they had decided to adopt and were on a waiting list. Well, when my friend called her sister at 4:00 in the morning to tell her she was in labor….her sister told her that they were on their way to the hospital because their baby boy had been born at 3:00 in the morning! So, the cousins share a birthday! Isn’t God amazing?!?! He works in wonderful and miraculous ways!!!! That was the highlight of my St. Patty’s Day!

Actually, Hubby and the kids and I went to Steak-N-Shake for dinner….and we saw some people that I went to church with in Port William…where I grew up. That was cool! Then we just hung around the house.

Saturday…..not a lot going on. When Hubby got home from work, he could tell that I was ready for a break from the kids….so I took off, BY MYSELF, and drove to Springboro to the cool yarn store that Detergent works at. She helped me pick out some cool wool yarn and a pattern to make a felted purse. I am so excited about that project!!!! So, then I went to Target and got a few things and then came home. It was nice to be able to shop by myself! Then we had PT practice….which was fun, as always! It went long…but it was fun! HBM was cracking me up…and so was Sight-sing. It was fun. We came home and the kids pretty much went straight to bed…..and so did I!

Sunday…..Sunday school hour was crazy….just a lot going on. Then worship was wonderful. I thought it all went pretty well. We had some visitors…which is really cool. It really seems that we have visitors every week. Hopefully that trend continues! After church, we came home and had a quick meal….then I started my felted purse. Did I mention that I am excited about that? Then we went to Teacher’s son’s birthday party. There were a ton of kids there….it was a nice party. She made capes for everyone because it was a super hero party. The cutest thing happened….there was a boy dressed up like Darth Vader…with the mask and everything. Well, FAB was walking in their Florida Room as Darth Vader was walking in the other entrance to the Florida Room. She turned around very quickly and RAN. She actually RAN past me…..and ran right to Elvis’s legs…grabbed them and threw her hands up for him to save her! She was just looking for the closest pair of legs to save her!!!! It was so adorable. Elvis loved it…you could tell! I just love that little girl so stinking much!!!!

Umm…then Sunday night was Women’s Group. Detergent and I had to focus on my purse quite a bit….she helped me get started on the part that I didn’t know how to do….and let me tell you….it is the easiest thing! It will take a long time because you have to knit it big in order for it to felt down to the right size. But I am very excited about it…..or have I mentioned that already?!?!? So, WG was fun…I didn’t get to talk to very many people…and I really started feeling very sick towards the end. I left early…but I got home and went straight to bed. I felt very, very sick. I couldn’t even brush my teeth because the thought of that made me sick. Not good.

Woke up on Monday feeling a bit better….but still not good. This has really been a trend lately. This too shall pass! I am 10 weeks pregnant today…so the end of this part is getting closer and closer!

So, didn’t go to the gym on Monday….but I needed that extra hour or so of sleep. Because work was HORRIBLE on Monday. Again, won’t bore you with the details….but it was bad…very, very bad. Went and got the kids….I-Man ended up spending the night with his Aunt….SIL #1. Which was a good thing. I just had no patience last night…which is bad. But work just took a lot out of me. I have to stop letting it get to me….but I am just the kind of person that puts 110% into my job….and that gets the better of me sometimes. I decided on Monday that I was taking Wednesday off too instead of just Thursday & Friday. I just NEED it.

So, this morning…got up and didn’t go to the gym again today. I didn’t sleep well last night and just didn’t feel like it. I am taking the week off from the gym since I will be in Tucky the rest of the week. I will start up again next week…and hopefully feel better!!!! So, anyways…..worked like a dog today to get everything done that I needed to do before taking off for the week. Hubby’s sisters watched the kids today at our house…..FAB is feeling a bit under the weather….of course she is! One of my kids ALWAYS gets sick before we go somewhere…..it is a given! So, hopefully she is better tomorrow.

Umm…..that is about it I guess. I hope you all are doing good. Oh, one thing I forgot to mention…..the weird pregnancy dreams of started. I have been having the weirdest dreams….and actually woke up mad at Hubby for something that I dreamt about! They are pretty bizarre!!! I forgot about this!

Well….I hope you have a great rest of your week! I will hopefully be able to journal and check journals at my parent’s house! I will miss you all this week….but looking forward to some time away with my family!!!!

Love you all and prayers for everyone!!!!


Kelley said...

I'm so sorry that work is so bad. I wish that Stinky Pete would end up hating his job and leave. But, I also have to wonder if God wants you to work in this guy's life! Keep thinking that and maybe it will go a little better!!

I'm so glad that you are off the rest of the week. I will sure miss you, but I know that you need this vacation.

Don't think about work this week. You need to take the vacation and don't answer ANY calls OR e-mails from Stinky Pete!

God is working in you girlie! I can feel it!!

Lots of Love!

SebbieDue said...

I just feel for you at work w/ SP! I used to have my own SP when I first started working at the base. He was truly an a-number-one-JERK! So, I am praying for you, girl, that whatever God is doing w/ this relationship, that it happens fast, so you can be DONE w/ him!

I was fatigued and tired at the beginning of all my pregnancies, but Cindy Lou Who made me sick the entire nine months!! I'll pray you're over it quickly! So have the sex dreams started yet? (smile)

Enjoy your vacation, girl! You've been working hard and you deserve it!

Much love!

Sara said...

Yeah, I used to dream that Hubby cheated on me and I would be so hurt and mad the next morning! I just couldn't look at him the same! ha ha. :) I'm sorry you're having to deal with all the sickness and stress at work. I pray that it will all pass quickly. Enjoy your time away! Love ya!

Kelley said...

Break a leg singing this weekend! We'll miss ya Saturday and Sunday! Lots of Love!

Josy said...

Weird pregnancy dreams?? Huh? I always have weird dreams so maybe I didn't notice.

Hope you have been enjoying your time off, relaxing and enjoying your family!