Thursday, March 09, 2006


Is it bad that I don’t even remember where I left off?!? Phew! What a week…and it isn’t over yet! This week is hard on me every year…but this year is worse than ever! Oh well!

So, Tuesday…work was fine. I got home on Tuesday and the kids had a great day with Mimi and Papaw. They just love them so much. I made dinner and barely ate any of it…Hubby came home from work while we were eating and he just looked at me and told me to go lay down. I was just utterly exhausted! Can’t even put into words how I felt. So…I went to our room and lay down. I didn’t go to sleep…cuz the kids kept coming in and so did Hubby…but I just laid there with my eyes closed. I had a headache and just didn’t feel great. So, needless to say, I went to bed pretty early!

Got up Wednesday morning and went to the gym….even though I didn’t want to! KK and I had fun! I was going to take my time going to work in the morning because I had to go order some cakes and such…so we were in no hurry. We laughed so hard. So, I went home and took it easy for a few minutes..until the kids woke up. Then I got up and got ready for work.

I went off and ordered the cakes I needed to order for work….and then went into my office for a bit. I loaded up all my stuff for the H&G Show and went over….my booth hadn’t been delivered yet! ARGH! So, I got all of my stuff in and then walked around for a bit. It is amazing to me how much stuff and work these businesses go through for a weekend! But, if they are like us, they get a lot of business out of it…so it must be worth it. So….I went and got a bite to eat for lunch and went back to my office. I left a bit early and my booth had been delivered but not set up yet…ARGH! So, that is what KK and I will be doing today…as soon as she gets done with a few things. We have to go over there and get our booth all ready! I am a stress-fiend right now because it isn’t done yet. Really stressing me out….but KK and I will knock it out!

So, anyways….yesterday, I think I over-did it by lifting too much heavy stuff. I was feeling kinda crampy and sore last night…so I tried to just keep my feet up and relax as much as possible. I am not going to do that again today! So, last night….got the kids from my parents house. FAB is quite the Papaw’s girl…which he LOVES. She only wants him when he is around. So, the kids and I came home after a teary goodbye to Mimi and Papaw. They won’t be back up for a while now…..they are moving into their new house soon. In fact, we will be in Tucky before they are back in Hio. :)

So, the kids and I came home and relaxed until it was time for dinner and then FAB and I took I-Man to church. Hubby got home soon after that…..and then we just took it easy. We gave the kids baths before bed…Oh, FAB pee’d on the floor!!! We had stripped her for her bath and I always just let her take her towel and walk from her room to the bathroom….well, she got in the bathroom and was standing and waiting for her Daddy to put her in the tub….and he turned around and she had pee running down her leg. We laughed….but uh-oh. Hope this isn’t a new thing! She tells us when she pees and poops now. Hopefully that is a good thing…but I am not going to rush her! AND…she still bites! It has gotten to the point that even when she is leaning in to give you a kiss…..I-Man freaks out because he is scared she is going to bite him! We have to break that habit!

So, this morning….I really debated about just going back to sleep…but I got up and went to the gym. I am glad I went…but it is getting harder and harder. I have to stick with this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I think KK is about ready to get going! We are having Small Group at our house tonight…so hopefully the house is clean when I get home! Keeping it clean is really the problem…with the rugrats! I will talk to you all later! Love you much!!!!


Kelley said...

I still think every other day is the best for you right now! Don't over do it!
See, I would have been hoppin' mad about the whole booth thing!!! I can't believe you kept your cool! You're a better person than I!!
I'll see ya tonight!!!
Lots of Love!

Sara said...

Okay, this is your 3rd kid! You should know better than to do heavy lifting!!!! Speaking of which, have you been to the doctor yet? I agree with Kelley. You should only go every other day. You need rest, especially with the stress you have with work right now. Aren't you glad you have so many "mothers"? Love ya!!!

Sara said...

Okay, this is your 3rd kid! You should know better than to do heavy lifting!!!! Speaking of which, have you been to the doctor yet? I agree with Kelley. You should only go every other day. You need rest, especially with the stress you have with work right now. Aren't you glad you have so many "mothers"? Love ya!!!

girlie_mom said...

Have you told your doctor that you are working out??? Weren't you on bed rest with I-man??? My doctor wouldn't even let me run the vacuum cleaner. Hey yet another reason it is good to be pregnant. I have been starting a list. I cannot wait til this weekend is over for you!!! Then you MUST take some time off to just relax!!! Hope small group is fun tonight. I wish we had a "normal" family life then we could do stuff like that.

Lots of Love!

Josy said...

Get your sleep! Maybe it will help with the nausea?! Talked to my sister and she said she could tell which nights she slept good and which she didn't just by how sick she was the next morning.

Please be careful working out! I am so proud of you!