Friday, April 28, 2006


Hola Ladies! What a beautiful morning! I hate that I am at work today. I would much rather be anywhere else but here. I have had so many of those days lately…that is not a good thing! When I have to psyche myself to get out of bed in the morning and make myself get ready instead of finding a reason that I can’t go to work today….that is a problem! Oh well…this too shall pass! But seriously, this pregnancy is really not doing good things for my being a morning person! YIKES!

Let’s see! Where did I leave off? Wednesday night we had practice with the “Praise Team” for the Women’s Retreat on Saturday. We had fun and got a lot accomplished. I just hope it all goes smoothly tomorrow. I am not feeling really confident about my voice. I am having such a hard time breathing (due to pregnancy!) and then with this sinus infection on top of that….it will be interesting, to say the least! I have to keep reminding myself that I don’t have to sing so loud….but I am a loud singer and that is what I do. But it makes it even harder to breath. So, blah, blah, blah. I just hope it goes well tomorrow! And hopefully everyone (all the women there) sings!!!! That helps!

After practice, we came home and put FAB to bed and then watched AI. I agreed totally with the top 2, middle 2 and bottom 2…and I was so happy that the Pickler got booted. Bless her heart, but she just needed to go. She wasn’t surprised…nor should she have been! So, hopefully next week Paris will go…and then after that, I don’t care because I like everyone who is left. This is when it gets so hard!

Then I went to bed with my sweet little AngelMan. I-Man is such a sweet cuddle-bug at night. He loves to get in bed with me and have me scratch his back and then hold my hand and just be so sweet. Why is it that there are moments when I could just strangle him…and then other moments when he is just so sweet?!?!? I guess it is his age and just being a kid!

Oh…and FAB…well, we are really having to start disciplining that little thing! She has such a little attitude and is really bratty sometimes! So, I don’t know what is going to work for her….she laughs at you when you scold her….when you smack her hand…when you spank her…..she just laughs! She is going to be my challenge, I see that right now! Hopefully the next one is just an absolute angel (like me…lol). Yeah, right!

On to Thursday….work was alright. Neither KK nor I wanted to be there. So, we went out to lunch and did a little shopping in the middle of the day. We weren’t gone too long…but just enough to get away for a little bit. Please keep her and her Hubby in your prayers. They are just going through a hard time right now. They are both very stubborn and have said some things to hurt each other (out of anger) and just need our prayer support. I know we have all been there….marriage is definitely something you work on.

So, after work, I went and picked up the kiddos from my mom’s house. Then we rushed home and got I-Man ready for his T-ball practice. I had to get all the candy together to give to the parents. It was very hectic. My mom came to his practice…which was great because she helped watch FAB while I was so busy with the candy stuff. Their practice was so cute. They actually played a little game….and there is one girl on the team (actually 2 but one of them hasn’t been to a single practice yet because she has dance lessons…blah, blah..) and she was up to bat. She hit the ball right to I-Man. Well, I-Man picked the ball up and instead of throwing it to first to get her out (because she wasn’t running to base…more like meandering)…he just stood there and cheered her on. He kept telling her to run to first base……when she got there, then he threw the ball to first base. So cute! So, the coach (KK’s hubby) pulled I-Man aside and told him that he was doing a good job of cheering for his team…but the point is to get people out! What a funny kid! Later, KK’s son hit the ball and was running…well, the last batter gets to run all the bases….so he was cruising right along and almost passed the little girl who was running in front of him. Well, when they both got to home, he was passing her and KK yelled at him to wait….and he looked at KK and said “Well, she isn’t even running!” It was PRICELESS! We got some good laughs last night! I-Man is such a cheerleader for his team! It is so much fun to see him involved in all this stuff!

After practice we were heading to small group….I was starving and so was Hubby. So, we decided to go to McDonald’s “really quick” and take dinner to group. Well, we had horrible service so that took about 15 minutes! We were really late to group. I really didn’t want to go because I was tired and had been running all day and really just wanted to go home! But, group was fun and the discussion was good….and so I am really glad we went!

We came home and put FAB to bed and watched Survivor… was that a fun episode! I loved all the twists at the end! AND Cirie was CRACKING me up when she caught that fish. For those of you don’t watch the show….she went fishing and was just being such a girl about killing the snail to put it on as bait..and then when she caught the fish…she didn’t want to touch it……I was dying! That is so what I would’ve been doing! So, it was a great night on Survivor. I can’t wait to see next week because I bet Shane LOOSES it over the upset at Tribal Counsel last night. I love that show!

Then I went to bed with I-Man. I had a rough night. I was up and down all night coughing and sneezing. I just don’t feel very good! I hope this goes away soon! The medicine has got to kick in soon!

So, that is about it! I think we are going to cook out tonight because it is supposed to be so pretty. Maybe even build a fire! The kids love to play in the backyard! I have 2 more weeks until we are going on vacation….so surely I can last 2 more weeks of work! Right?!?!?

Well, I hope you all have a great Friday and a good weekend! I will see some of you tomorrow at the Women’s Retreat….and maybe JJ at I-Man’s soccer game?!?! We’ll see! I love you all and am praying for you!


Sara said...

I was also cracking up at Cirie fishing! That's soooo me!!!! I think she's hilarious anyway. She's one of those that could win b/c no one notices her.

I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. Only a few more months to go!!! Okay, you have about 5 months, but you get the picture.

What a team player I-man is! He's such a sweetie, but I understand how you can also strangle him sometimes. I feel that way about Piglet and she's only 5 months old!

Have a good Friday! I hope Stinky Pete doesn't bother you! Love ya!

SebbieDue said...

I was rotfl at I-Man cheering the little girl to 1st base and then throwing the ball. What a great kid! So fun!

I'm having major issues w/ my Yang too. I thought Ying was tough!

I'm sorry you're feeling so crappy. Praying for quick relief for you! (So thoughtful of you to bring dinner for your Bible study even though you are feeling so badly! How cool is that?!)

Have a great Friday! See you tomorrow!

Kelley said...

CORRECTION: She did NOT bring dinner for us...she brought it for her family! LOL!

I'm glad that you came to small group. I didn't want to go either. When we don't meet every week, it's just hard to get motivated to go.

I hope you get over this sinus infection quickly. I had two or three with Pita Pocket and they are the pits. I can't see you as not a morning person either....what is this baby doing to you!!??! LOL!

FAB was an absolutely angel for me last night....don't you hate that?

Lots of Love!

Missy said...

Yeah....Sorry Debbie. I am not THAT nice! We ate dinner in front of everyone only to find out later that Kelley's family hadn't eaten either. OOPS!!!!!!

And yes.....FAB is an angel for others! It is the parents that she doesn't like!

Love ya guys!

Jodi said...

I-man kills me....that is stinking sweet that he cheered that girl on! How funny!

and sister....welcome to the life of the non-morning person! I do hope you feel better though....but for a non-morning person that is what morning's are like all our life! ugh huh! if only I could make husband experience that...

but really, I'm sorry to hear that you aren't feeling great...but it'll be over before you know it!

FAB sounds like she was born to be the middle child! can you scold someone that adorable! stick to your guns and I'm sure you'll find her buttons just lke you found I-man's buttons with the vidoes...

hopefully I'll see you tomorrow...I'm keeping an eye on the weather...but even if it is rainy it'd be nice to visit...I'll call when I'm heading up...husband has to work so it will just be me if I do decide to drive up...I'll let ya know!

girlie_mom said...

Hey missed you tonight, hope everything is ok. Let us know soon.

Lots of love!!