Thursday, April 06, 2006

Twice in one week!

Hi Ladies! I am feeling Spring Fever coming on! I might have to be “sick” one day next week! KK will be on vacation next week and I will have to stomach Stinky Pete all by myself! I definitely feel a cough coming on for next week!

So! Let’s see! Tuesday… after work, I picked up the kids from my Aunt’s house. Please pray for my two Uncles and Aunts….they thought they would have more time before the lay-off was effective…but it looks like it will be happening any day. They go to a meeting today to find out what their options will be (insurance, un-employment, training, etc.). So, please pray for them. They are all being positive…but I can’t imagine how scary that must be. They have worked there 33 and 34 years….a LONG time! So, pray for that, please.

Anyways…so I picked the kids up and we went home and played outside. I-Man and I played soccer. I kicked the ball really hard once and it hit him right in the shin. He didn’t have his shin guards on. Poor kid! His parents are trying to do him in! He had so much fun. FAB just wanted to pick the soccer ball up and would get mad when we didn’t let her. So, I got I-Man’s little mower out and she mowed the yard. I was dumb and tried to build a fire… was WAY too windy for that. I just ended up getting ashes all over us! Oh well! We had fun outside! Then we came in and had a quick dinner….then Hubby came home from work and we just enjoyed a quiet evening at home! I don’t think anything else exciting happened. OH! I forgot to tell this story. I-Man got in trouble for back-talking to his Daddy. So, I put him in his room…he was crying….but I just walked away. Well, then his cries turn into screams. He is screaming for me…that he needs me….so I go in his room, ready to tan his hide for screaming….but he was sitting on the edge of his bed with his new tractor toy that Uncle Buford bought for him….and he was crying and saying that he missed his Uncle Buford. That just melted my heart. So, he came and sat on my lap for a bit….cried some more…and then got down to play with his tractor. How cute!

Wednesday….had a fun day at work. Stinky Pete is out on vacation the rest of the week…so it was a fun day! It was a co-worker’s birthday, so we took him to lunch and then had cake later in the day. I cleaned my office….really threw some stuff away and made it look much nicer. I love doing that! I am still working on it a bit today. But anyways, so after work, I went and got the kids. We came home and Hubby, my wonderful Hubby, had been cooking! We went to Daisy and BB’s house last night to meet my new cousin….well, Hubby told them we would bring them dinner! So, he volunteered to bring wings from Frickers. Then I mentioned that we could cook them something…like chicken and noodles. So, he liked that idea. So, HE ended up doing it all! Isn’t he great! We had chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes (because of time, they were the Bob Evans kind), green beans from my parent’s garden, rolls and brownies! It was a great dinner! So, anyways, we all got home and took off to their house. Like JJ said, it was a walk down memory lane! They live in the house that Queen and Daisy grew up in. We have a lot of great memories in that house. The funniest thing was, when I-Man and I were walking around the house (Daisy was feeding the baby), we went into the master bedroom and I REALLY think that was the first time I had ever really been in that room. We weren’t allowed to go in there as kids. And the bathroom is really nice in there! I don’t think I had ever seen that before either. Isn’t that funny?! Well, the nursery is very cute. She has each wall painted a different pastel color. I loved that. They are not all moved in yet…well, the baby surprised them! Grandma T was there…so it was nice to see her….and then Aunt Beautiful and Uncle Poncho came over while were there too. My kids were very whiny…so I was ready to go as soon as we got there. I felt bad because they just weren’t cooperating the way I wanted them to. Oh well! I got to hold the baby and she is so gorgeous! She looks a lot like her Daddy….it was neat to see him hold her….and of course Daisy looks like an old pro! It was a nice visit…even though my kids were brats! FAB wasn’t really sure of the baby at first…but then she kept saying “Baby!” and getting excited. It was cute. I-Man said she was “alright…but I want a boy!”. So, that was fun! We went home and FAB went straight to bed…and so did I! I did manage to stay awake to see Mandisa get voted off of Idol. I really cannot believe she is gone before Bucky…and Kelly…..and Paris…but oh well! I hope she does come out with a Gospel cd. I would absolutely buy it! Bless her heart!!!!

Oh, Scrapbook Queen is watching my kids today! Isn’t that great?!?!! I-Man was so excited to spend the day with M-Girl. I am sure she isn’t quite as excited…but I am sure they will have fun. Thanks again, SQ! So, that is about it! I am here at work….need to get off here and actually do some work! But I had to update! I don’t want to have to have a 3 page update again!

I went to the gym this morning. I am going like every other day. But I have been having a lot of "light-headed" moments..or dizzy spells. So anyways, at the gym, I rode the bike for 30 minutes and then I got on the treadmill and walked a mile. Well, when I got off, I felt very light-headed. I didn't think much of it at first because sometimes when I get off the treadmill I feel I am still moving on it or something. So, I walked back to the locker room and it kept getting worse. So, I sat down and one of the ladies I talk to every morning came over to check on me. She went to the front desk and got me a juice box and some crackers. I ate and drank and then got up and it seemed to have passed. Isnt' that weird? I don't eat before I go to the gym, typically, so I might have just needed to eat. Not sure. But these "light-headed" spells have been happening a lot lately. I go to the doctor on Monday, I will have to ask her about it. Hopefully it isn't anything to worry about. Probably just part of the pregnancy!

Please pray for so many of our Journal Goddesses who are struggling with various things right now. More than the friendships that have formed here, our circle of prayer and support is so important. So, continue to lift each other up in prayer and know that God will work through you! Love you all!


Kelley said...

(singing) Stinky Pete is on vacation yeah yeah yeah! (end of singing)!!!!

That is funny how you never got to go in the master bedroom of the house. My parents didn't like me going in their bathroom or bedroom so I feel wierd when Pita Pocket gets to take a bath in their big bathtub. I'm thinking "I can count on my hand how many times tha I got to use the big bathtub"! LOL!

Be careful with those dizzy spell stuff. I got really bad dizzy spells and ended up passing out. I was on bedrest for 1 1/2 weeks. You need to make SURE that you eat before you work out!

I can't believe that Mandisa was voted off. I am not a fav of Paris, Bucky or Kellie or a few others. I really thought that Mandisa and Chris would be the top two.

Lots of Love!

Sara said...

I'm so bummed about Mandisa too! What a crock! Glad you got to see little Daffodil! I thought she looked like Matt too from her picture.

You take it easy with those dizzy spells! That's not good! Enjoy tomorrow being Stinky Pete free! Love ya!

SebbieDue said...

Glad you had fun in the back yard! BTW, shin guards are for when he gets kicked! So much worse than getting hit w/ the ball, so don't feel bad. You're preparing him for what's to come! :)

Glad SQ was available for you today! She's the coolest!

Bless your hubby's heart, cooking, and volunteering too!

Have a great Friday!!! Much love!

Josy said...

I wish we still had senior skip days as grown ups, like we did in high school. I went to a small school, so when there was a senior skip day, all of the grades took a skip day. In a school that small the teachers would find out about it (and besides it was pretty obvious what was going on). One year the skip day changed at the last minute and the teachers didn't know, so we were short 4 teachers that day! Oh...there I go again, rambling where I don't belong. You go ahead and call in sick. I'd call in dead if I had a boss like Stinky Pete.

Granola bar. My sister (I called her) said she had the same problem when she was preggo with Lill and discovered if she ate a granola bar it didn't upset her stomache and she didn't get dizzy. Some kinda mumbo jumbo about blood sugar level being low, I stopped paying attention at some point. Or she said if your stomache can handle it, a glass of OJ is best, but any juice will do.

Love in Faith,
Josy (sorry about journalling in your journal again!)

Pepto said...

You better be careful! You're carrying precious cargo, and you're pretty darn important yourself. So take care of yourself!!

I'm with Josy, if I had to work with Stinky Pete, I'd probably call in dead too.

I'm praying for ya!! Love ya!