Monday, April 10, 2006

Monday.....Glorious Monday!

Hola Mis Amigas! Happy Monday! Well, not really….does anyone like Mondays? But Happy Day anyways! The weekends just go by WAY too fast! I have to digress for a moment. On my way to work this morning, K-Love played “I am Free”…..and I am now at work listening to K-Love on-line…and they are playing “I am Free”. Isn’t that a bit much? It hasn’t even been an hour yet?!?!?! Sorry….I just had to say that!

Okay! So, I left off on Thursday. I went and picked the kids up from Scrapbook Queen’s house and they had a great time! She sent me pictures throughout the day, which I absolutely loved to get at work…and they had a good time! I-Man just talked about her family all night long. Thanks again, SQ! So, that night, we didn’t do much of anything, if I remember correctly. I don’t really remember, so it must have not been exciting!

Friday…work was good. Actually, it was very good! My co-worker who had a baby 3 weeks ago called and she was up for visitors! And she needed me to bring her something from work, so we had to go see her! KK and I took off and spent some time with her and her beautiful baby. That was so much fun! I could’ve just sat and held that precious baby all day. You just forget how little they are! They grow up so fast! It was also such a gorgeous day on Friday! So, when KK and I got back to work (we almost just skipped out…but didn’t!), we were offered the Dragon’s tickets! So, we decided that we would take our families to the game! I called Hubby to tell him we had the tickets and he said “Great, since they are calling for tornadoes tonight!” I had no idea! Oh well! We got home, had pizza for dinner and decided to go because it looked like we were going to miss most of the storms…plus we had the suite, so we didn’t have to sit out in the rain. So, we had a good time. It was chilly, but the kids had fun. I-Man and L-Man (KK’s son) had fun being boys together…and FAB just had fun! We didn’t stay for the entire game, but the boys got free hats and we were on the big screen…so it was a fun evening!

Saturday….we all got up and Hubby got ready for work. He took the kids to MIL’s house. It was the second Saturday of the month, so she was taking I-Man to Lowe’s to make something. So, SIL #1 watched FAB while they did that. So, I had the whole house to myself! My first thought was to just lay around and watch TV or read…..but then I got a notion to clean! So, I cleaned the entire house, with the exception of I-Man’s room. I actually rearranged all of the furniture in our Living Room. I love doing that! And I got to really clean and dust around everything. It was great! We have hardwood floors, so it is easy to move the furniture around, it all just slides! And the TV is on wheels, so it worked out just fine! When Hubby got home, he was so surprised! I told him that I had saved I-Man’s room for him to do! So, he did that. Our house looks so nice! I love a clean house! The kids have actually done pretty good at picking up after themselves, so we will see how long that lasts! We even cleaned out our closet and drawers, putting all our winter clothes up. I didn’t pull out my summer clothes because I probably won’t be able to wear any of them! I was so bummed…I had saved a bin of my “skinnier” summer clothes because I thought I would be able to fit back into those by this summer….but not now! Oh well! So, then K-Dog, TT and their daughter (the other KK) brought over a computer desk they were giving us. I LOVE it! It is in our bedroom right now, because we need to drill another active cable line out where I want to put it, but for now, I LOVE it. It is so nice to have a real desk for our computer! So! Love my house right now! So, then we had PT practice and that was fun. Then we went and got DQ…YUM! Then we came home and Hubby and I watched a dumb movie with “the Rock” in it. It was very dumb. Hubby kept telling me it was based on a true story……but I don’t believe him. If it is, they sure added a lot of things that would’ve never happened in real life. So, anyways. That was Saturday!

Sunday…we got up and go ready for church. It is my one Sunday a month to have no responsibilities during SS hour, so I decided to hang out in the nursery with Speedy and Scrapbook Queen. That was fun. That little Piglet is so stinking cute! Then worship was great. I missed having HBM up there….but I know that she needed the break. It was so awesome to see Detergent baptize her daughter. Right when we were getting ready to sing the invitation song, actually I think Preacher was giving the “invitation”, I looked down at Detergent and we just exchanged that really excited look…before she went to get her daughter. Very cool! And singing “I am Free” with all the kids in there is so much fun! I got choked up a few times…..the words are powerful…especially right after a baptism! So, I thought it was a great service! The message was great….and what a way to finish! After church, we went to dinner with MIL and SIL. I have to tell you….MIL’s boyfriend came. Well, he first called her twice and then came. I think it is very rude to sit at a table with people and talk on your cell phone. I understand if it is an emergency, but to just chat about stuff…I think it is rude. Just me, but I do. So, she did this with him twice. And it was really stupid stuff. Like….she was telling him exactly what she was eating and blah, blah, blah. So, then he just showed up there, which is fine. He is a nice guy. I don’t know what his intentions are with her…but I still think she is going to get hurt because she has asked him before if he is the marrying type and he got mad. PLUS, she tries to make him want to talk to and do stuff with my kids. He has a grandson that he never sees, so why would he want to be a grandpa to my kids? She needs to stop pushing that on him….but anyways. I digress! So, we had lunch and then we went home. I laid down and rested and read for a bit…and then we walked over to the park for Swimmer’s daughter’s birthday party. Is that all we do anymore? It sure feels like it! Anyways, so that was fine. FAB really liked going down the slides and she giggled in the swings. This is the first time she was really able to do all of that stuff! Then we walked home and we all took naps! How heavenly! I love my Sunday nap…..especially when my house is so clean and I don’t feel guilty for being lazy! We got up and Hubby went to men’s group…..I-Man and FAB had a late dinner….then they played together really well. I ordered some maternity clothes on-line…and then I was playing a free poker game….and I-Man hit his head REALLY hard on the edge of my hope chest. It was instantly bruised. So, I made him lay down and we put ice on his head. It doesn’t look as bad as I thought it would this morning. It really scared me and I was crying because I felt bad. I had just moved my hope chest to the end of my bed. They aren’t used to it being there. I had been telling him to be careful…..but I still felt bad. I almost called Hubby and asked him to come home, that is how upset I was….but then I realized that I was over-reacting. SO, I just had him put ice on his head and kept him awake later than normal to make sure he was okay. SO! That was pretty much my Sunday!

So, today…I am back at work. I didn’t think I would have to see Stinky Pete at all today…..but he is going to be here until noon, so I will have to see him at some point. BLAH! Actually, I need him to sign some stuff, so I need to see him, I just don’t WANT to see him! Oh well! You al have a great day! I-Man has his first soccer practice tonight! I am so excited for him! Swimmer’s kids have practice tonight too, wouldn’t it be a hoot if they were on the same team? We’ll see! Have a good one! Love you all!


Josy said...

Cyber kisses for I-man's bump! Sounds like your weekend was pretty relaxing. Stop moving furniture! Woman, you are having a baby, take it easy on yourself.

Love in Faith,

Kelley said...

I can't wait to see your new maternity clothes. I LOVE that part of being pregnant! There is some awesome stuff out there now!

I'm so sorry about I-Man's head. I should have called you last night because Pita Pocket hit my head REALLY hard with his head. We were both crying!

Hope you can stand Stinky Pete for....1 hour and 47 minutes more! LOL! Then aren't you week free of him?

Lots of Love!

Sara said...

It was fun to be in the nursery with you and SQ too! Much better than my normal week. See? I'm not the only telling you not to move furniture, even if it is on hardwood floors!!!! Poor I-man. Sounds like he was better off than you were about him hitting his head! :) Reading about your clean house made me sad b/c I didn't have time to clean mine much. I hate having a dirty house, but with Piglet, it's one thing or the other. Okay, I'll stop blabbing. Have a good day! Love ya!

SebbieDue said...

I'm number 3! Stop moving furniture! Sheesh!

Sounds like everyone had a "bonky" day yesterday! Yang hit his head on the support pole in the basement and cried for a good long time! We call those "bonky-bonks".

Have a great week! Oh, send SP an email stating the papers that need signed are on his desk. Let him know you'll just pick 'em up later in the day, since you're so busy! Then get 'em after he leaves! (I had a goofy boss once too. Did everything w/ email to cover my butt, but it made it so I didn't have to see him as much!)

Much love!