Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Two Days in a Row!

Hello Ladies! I hope everyone is great on this beautiful, but cold Hump Day! I am feeling a bit under the weather….but I called my doctor today and they have called in a prescription for an anti-biotic for me…so hopefully I will feel better soon. I actually came into work late today because I had such a bad sinus headache when I got up this morning and just feel yucky. I was feeling alright for a while, but now I am starting to feel yucky again. Oh well, this too shall pass! I got sinus infections (more than one of them) with both of my last pregnancies, so I am not surprised that I have one this time too! Oh well!

So, anyways! Not really a whole lot to update everyone on. We have practice tonight for the Women’s Retreat on Saturday. I hope that goes well. I made Hubby “volunteer” to take my place in I-Man’s class tonight. He is not happy about that….mostly because he wanted to work late since it is a beautiful day. But, I don’t like to ask people to help (miss independent) and I didn’t want to bother Girlfriend because I am sure she will be busy putting things together for this weekend…being the perfectionist that she is! So, he is going to do it. Begrudgingly, of course! So, anyways! I don’t know why I put all of that in there!

Well, please keep my SIL in your prayers. Last night, right when Hubby was getting home from work, my cell phone rang and it was Minnie. She told me that my SIL had found out yesterday that she has Placenta Previa. At first, I was very confused that Minnie was calling me about my SIL. But then I remembered that they work at the same place. So, after I figured that out, Minnie was telling me that SIL was at work in the sick room because she was in horrible pain. The doc had told her yesterday that if she had any pain or spotting, to go straight to the hospital. So, of course, she had pain last night. So, Minnie had called my MIL and then us because my MIL and my SIL were freaking out. So, we called MIL and she said she was fine and that she didn’t want us to meet her at the hospital. So, Hubby and I sat down and prayed and worried. (I am a very good worrier!) Hubby called his Dad and I called my other SIL to make sure she knew what was going on. I also got on WebMD to find out about her condition…..I had never heard of it. So, I was relieved to see that there is no mention of increased risk of fatality for the baby or the mother. So, that was reassuring! Anyways….so we tried to watch AI, but we were both very worried. MIL called a bit later to tell us that SIL was fine and the pain was actually being caused by a UTI (or something to do with her Urinary Tract). So, Minnie called later for an update and I told her. We both agreed that first of all, my SIL is a bit dramatic. Second of all, her mind was probably playing tricks on her because she was freaked out a bit by the news she heard from her doctor earlier in the day. So, I am glad she is okay…..I just hope this doesn’t mean she will have to be put on bed-rest because she cannot afford that! So, please keep her in your prayers. My MIL has been saying she worries about what a big baby SIL is… this is just another example! But, as most of us know, you do freak out when your pregnant! There are just so many things that could go wrong! So, prayers are appreciated!

Oh, here is my take on AI: Katherine – I loved her song…I do think she is cocky….but I thought she did good. Elliot – for some reason, he is not my favorite…I think he has a lot of forced vibrato…but he did good last night. Kelly – she just down-right sucked and should NOT be there. Taylor – LOVE him…but he did not have a good night last night. Paris – you can’t deny that she has a great voice, but she is too fake for me. She changes her look and herself too much from week to week. Something about her rubs me the wrong way. Chris – WOW. Love him. I still am afraid he might be in the bottom 3 just because, like last week, his avid rocker fans might not like the genre…and they might not have watched or bother to vote as much. So, that is my take! I would LOVE to see Kelly go home tonight. That is who should go next. Just my opinion!

Well, I guess I am going to go. Not a whole lot going on. My mom is coming up to watch the kids tomorrow and Friday. She is not feeling 100%, so hopefully the kids are good for her! She is on anti-biotics, but still feeling kinda puny. Hopefully she sticks around and my dad comes up for the weekend for I-Man’s soccer game. I told HBM that I might have to duck out of the Women’s Retreat early because he has a game at 2:10 on Saturday and I am not ready to miss one of his games yet! I just get so proud of him and can see how much he enjoys it! Especially if my parents are there….they haven’t got to see him practice or play soccer or t-ball yet. So, hopefully they can make it. OH! And if you see me….ask me about candy! I am selling candy for I-Man’s t-ball team! How do parents get roped into this, I don’t know! Oh well!

Love and hugs to all!


Sara said...

I'm so impressed that you journaled 2 days in a row! Kudos to you! How awful about SIL! I'll have to call her and see how she's doing. That's awful! That reminds me that I keep forgetting to put in my journal prayers for my SIL. She has a blood clot on the placenta. Okay, sorry, not my journal.

I hope the sinus infection clears up soon! Hit me up for candy. We're always willing to help out if we can! Love ya!

Kelley said...

I'm so sorry about your sinus infection. You did well tonight!

I'm sorry about your SIL. I freaked out about everything, but I know how you feel about what's going on anyway. We will be praying for her!!!!!

I gotta go watch yesterday's and tonights! I hope Kellie goes because she sucked last week too!

Lots of Love!

Jodi said...

Hey sis....I am also thinking about driving up on Saturday for I-man's game...But keep me updated on the weather forecast because it's supposed to be rainy all weekend here...

I totally agree with your AI take...I'm rooting for Chris and Taylor to be the final two and then I'm fine with either of those winning...Taylor as that special something even though his vocals are clearly not up to Chris's level...Paris reminds me of Jean Benet Ramsey (Buford calls her Paris Benet Ramsey! lol) she's like a strange little wind up doll or something to me lol...

anyways...not my journal...hope you feel better and hope your retreat is wonderful!