Wednesday, April 19, 2006

So, It's Been A While, AGAIN...

Honestly, I just haven't really felt like posting. We have been so busy...and I am kinda in a funk. Just one of those times when I am feeling sorry for myself for all sorts of reasons....and so we don't need to go into all of that.....but just in a funk. For those that know me very well, I am a very moody person. Most of the time I am "up"...but there are times, rare as they may be...when I get very down. So, blah, blah, blah. I know I am not the only one. So, I will snap out of it! much has happened...I don't even know where to begin! Let me just give you highlights of the important things:

I-Man....last week he had his first t-ball practice. I was very mad when we got there because FIL was there. I guess I was just mad that Hubby didn't tell me he was going to be there and that he acts like he cares so much when I don't think he really does...and I didn't want him bossing Hubby around since Hubby is the assistant coach. His dad thinks he knows everything about everything and he thinks he was a professional soft-ball, blah..blah..blah. But enough about that...(I only said two words to him the entire time...thank you...because he pushed FAB's stroller for us). I-Man did so good...and so did Hubby as a coach. It was fun. KK (remember...her Hubby is the coach) and I were good t-ball mom's and organized the team. It was fun. FAB was great....I-Man did great.....I am so proud of him. Saturday, his t-ball practice was cancelled because of the rain. Monday night, he had soccer practice and they ended up playing a scrimmage game because there were only a few fields dry enough to play on. He did GREAT! Again, so proud of him. If you have never seen pee-wee soccer, I highly encourage you to try it sometime. It is very entertaining. My favorite part was I-Man on the sidelines cheering his team on. So precious. Umm....he has t-ball tomorrow and Saturday and his first soccer game is Saturday! So...that is keeping us busy! I love that little guy!

FAB...well, she has had another ear infection. She is doing much better now, finally! I worry about her so much when she gets sick because she doesn't eat and she can't afford to lose too much weight! Like I said, she is doing much better now. She is still congested, but sleeping and eating better. I put those curlers in her hair that she slept in....her hair was so cute and curly on Easter morning. Of course it all fell out before my family got to see it...but it was so stinking cute. And, she didn't seem to mind the rollers, so I am going to do that more often! She is still a DIVA and not sure how we are going to break her of that! Love her.....she is just so stinking adorable!

Hubby....we celebrate our 6th anniversary on Saturday! He has some surprise planned for me on Friday night. I really have no idea what it is! This is what our anniversary day looks like, though: 10:00 am - I have a Candy Captain Meeting (for t-ball), 10:30 - Soccer pictures, 10:40 - Soccer game, 12:45 - t-ball practice and 6:30 - PT practice. So, Happy Anniversary to us! Oh well! So, I will let you know what we do on Friday that is such a big surprise! Last time he surprised me, we went to La, we will see! We have been arguing more lately.....just dumb stuff.....and again, see the first paragraph in my journal, that should explain that! Why is it that we always take our frustrations out on the people we love the most?!??!!?

So, that is the short of it! Work is fine.....KK is back, which is great...but I had a very frustrating day today. Again, took that out on Hubby. Oh well....he still loves me! Church is is good....although my feelings are hurt that we were the only ones who didn't know about going to my G-ma's on Easter. This is the 2nd or 3rd time that has happened.....I am beginning to take it personally....but again, see the first paragraph.

Well.....I have to go. I am tired....I don't feel well.....and I am in a funk. So, that is my update! Sorry to be poo-poo tonight. I have been it looks like everyone is doing well. I am going to keep an eye on E-Bay to make sure I don't see Piglet on there! But, believe you me......I have thought about putting FAB on there too! Just wait, Speedy, it gets worse before it gets better!!!!!!

Love you all!


Kelley said...

Oh, I pray that I didn't make it worse for you tonight at practice. I was very irritated excuses. I'm sorry if I caused you extra pain!!

I hope you get out of your funk soon. I will be praying for you! I know it doesn't sound like much (and it might not be) but I love you very much and I hate to see you in a funk!!!

Hope you have a wonderful Thursday!
Can't wait to hear what your hubby does for you on Friday!

Lots of Love!

girlie_mom said...

Do not feel bad about being in a funk. I have been there (recently actually) and I almost think we HAVE to have times like that to put things in perspective. You can't always be up and I am totally like that too, we are real ya know. I know that your funk won't last long, so praying that while it does last it isn't too rough for ya. Just remember YOU ARE BEAUTIFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE. You are building a little body inside that you will bring up to Glorify God. You are the BEST!!!

I cannot wait till Friday. I am picturing a Bunny costume and a white limo. (Did I get that memory right??) LOL

Have a great week chickee chick!!

Lots of love

Sara said...

Sorry about the funk. Obviously I've been there too lately. I can't believe it's been 6 years! 5 years for me and hubby next month! Time flies! I know exactly what you mean about taking out frustrations on the ones you love. Hubby always asks me why I treat everyone else better than him. He's got a point there!

Sorry about the busy weekend. I hope you have an exciting surprise waiting for you on Friday night! Can't wait to hear about it! Then I can harp on hubby that yours got you something great for your anniversary, so he better step it up! :) Love ya! Hang in there!!!

SebbieDue said...

God of comfort, be with M during this valley time. Sometimes it feels like these times won't end, when our minds know they will, eventually, though it doesn't always help to know that. So Father, I ask that you deliver her from this depression as only you can do! If it's not your will to do that quickly, Lord, I pray that the lessons will be meaningful so she can look back on this time and see how you worked through it. Father, I ask that you heal her hurt from being left out of family plans. Family means so much to her, dear Father, and I can only imagine how that made her feel! Father, protect her; build a hedge around her and do not let the enemy strike her while she is down. Thank you that she's having so much fun w/ I-Man & FABulous and thanks so much for KK who makes her job w/ SP tolerable. Thanks also for giving me this last several months to get to know her better. She has been a blessing to my life, Lord, and I'm grateful to you for her! In Jesus' name I pray and ask these things, amen!

Love ya, sistah! :)

Jodi said...

I wanna be Funky and free I want to be Free and Funky (flash back to skit days sorry!!) lol

Sister I love you and I know we are sisters well because duh...we I think the FUNK is genetic...cuz I totally get that funky brain cloud thing is the pits! And that's usually when I think everything is a sign that no one really loves me...anyways...not about me....this is your journal...just want to say I feel your pain! Praying for you sis!

When's I-man's next soccer game after this Saturday? Cuz I wanna come!

((((((((((((((hugs from KY)))))))))))))

Kelley said...

Can't wait to hear how your night went! Don't forget to write about it!

Lots of Love!

girlie_mom said...

Yeah so where is the update?!?!?!?!?!? We need details, all of them, now , now, now ,now!!!!! **stomping foot and pouting*** Dude spill the beans!

Hope it was just as great as your Wedding was!!

Love ya!