Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Has it been a week, already?

Hello Ladies! I should be working…but I decided to take a mental break and update my journal! I am very sorry to my avid fans that I have been so “journal lazy” lately. I have been lurking (reading but not commenting) lately….just because it seems that I have either been busy or would rather lay down instead of spending time on the computer! It is one or the other! So, sorry!!! I miss my journal buddies, though! And a few of you (no names mentioned, QUEEN) are just MIA altogether! That is up with that??!?!? Oh well, I know we are all busy people!!!

So, here is my update….I am sure you are on the edge of your seats:

Umm, let’s see. Well, I had a meeting at work (it was the second of 3 meetings in a row!). That went fine. I think, if I remember correctly, FAB was still sick. So, Hubby stayed home with her in the morning and then his mom got off work a bit early and watched them in the afternoon. The last time she got sick was Wednesday morning. She didn’t eat well at all from Sunday night to actually just recently! Wednesday night, I-Man and I went to church. It was my night to help in his class. I gotta tell you…I was so tired! But it was fun.

Well, we were going to ask one of my journal goddesses to watch our kids on Thursday (because that is the day we always have a hard time figuring out what to do with our kids), but since FAB was still not 100%, Hubby stayed home with her in the AM and then I worked from home in the PM after my meeting was over. It was such a beautiful day! FAB was feeling a bit better, it seemed, so I did play with them outside a bit and we went shopping. She still wasn’t eating good. Oh, and I forgot to mention that I-Man started his coughing stuff in the night. Where he coughs so hard he ends up getting sick. I really would love to know what causes him to do this. It happens way too often. It is getting very frustrating! I guess we will find out when soccer starts if it is asthma! So, anyways, Thursday night….nothing too exciting happened…at least not that I can remember.

Well, my mom came up to watch the kids on Friday. I went to work as usual in the morning and then Hubby called me a little after 8:00 and told me that FAB woke up with a fever! Will it ever end?!?!? So, I decided that we were going to take her to the doctor because bless her heart, she had been sick all week! So, I had to leave work early and take her to the doctor. Actually, my mom met me there with the kids. Turns out that FAB had an ear infection. They think she probably had the roto virus earlier in the week….and then because her immune system was down, her cold turned into an ear infection. The cool thing is that when I went to pay my co-pay, they told me that I had a credit on my account, so I didn’t have to pay! COOL! At least that helps to pay for the $80 prescription she needs!!! Oh well! She is worth it! So, we got her started on anti-biotics. She still wasn’t eating well, at all!!! Or drinking! She was eating/drinking enough to have one or two wet diapers…but not nearly as much as she normally does. So, Friday night we went to the surprise party for Aunt Beautiful. Here is where I would like to insert a prayer request….two of my uncles have worked together at the same company for nearly 35 years (Queen’s Dad and Aunt Chatty Cathy – who watches my kids – her husband). The company is going out of business and they are going to be out of jobs! So, please pray for them. They both seem pretty positive (at least more positive than I would be) but I am sure this is going to be very hard for their families. It just is really bad timing around these parts because of all the anticipated GM lay-offs too. (Which my Skinny Cousin’s husband works there…so he will be out of a job soon, too!) Satan is just going to be so disappointed at how well my family does under attack!!!! God will be glorified through all this time of un-rest and Satan will be so disappointed!!!

Okay…so back to Friday. We left the party a little early…and left the kids there with my mom…and JJ, Buford, Hubby and I went to a bar/restaurant and had dinner and listened to my Uncle and his “should-be Girlfriend” sing. That was very fun! The company was great and the entertainment was great, too! It was nice to be able to spend time with JJ and Buford with no kids around! Funny story about the night…I decided that it was warm enough to wear “capris”. So, I decided to try on a pair of jeans that I bought at the Goodwill a while back. They were a size smaller than I have been wearing….and they were too short to wear as jeans. So, I folded them up and wore them as capris. Well, I tried them on and decided that they fit! I was so excited! So, I wore them. Well, I didn’t think that yeah, they fit me until I ate!!! I was so uncomfortable! As soon as Hubby and I got in the van to go home, I had to unbutton and unzip my pants! Why did I, a pregnant woman, try to squeeze into a smaller size?!?!? DUMB!!!!! But, they fit!!!!!!!

Okay…so Saturday morning, Hubby and I got to sleep in….no kids, remember! They were at my mom’s house! So, that was heavenly! Then we got up and got ready and went over to my mom’s house. We picked up the kids and headed to Pita Pocket’s party. I was a bad mom! I-Man started playing with one of the elephant decorations that had fallen down. Well, I knew that HBM would be upset because they were for decoration! (We are brain-twins sometimes!) So, I made him put it up. Well, then he threw a fit…so I took him in the bathroom and had a stern talk with him….then we sat there until he calmed down. Well, when we came out of the bathroom….nearly all the kids had these elephants and were playing with them…but of course there were no extras. Boy, was I the bad mom. I-Man threw another fit…rightfully so! He had it first…but I made him put it up! Oh well….so, I asked Elvis if he could take one down for I-Man…he did…and all was well! The party was fun…FAB still wasn’t quite herself…but it was fun! HBM…all her hard work paid off! It was a great party! I was like others though…..I was so scared of saying the wrong thing to her parents that I just didn’t say anything. I still feel bad about that. I should’ve said SOMETHING to them! I wanted to tell them how much we love their daughter…but I didn’t. Sorry HBM! So, we left the party and went home. FAB went right to sleep …Hubby and I watched “Deal or No Deal” that we had taped…and then Hubby and I-Man went to I-Man’s soccer meeting. FAB woke up and she and I went shopping….for Maternity jeans! No more nights like Friday night!!! I forgot how expensive maternity clothes can be! I am going to have to do some shopping on-line for some good deals! It is hard to find plus-size maternity clothes! If I would’ve just lost a few more pounds…I could’ve fit into regular sized ones! Oh well!!!! I am wearing a smaller size than I did the last two times I was pregnant!!! But I don’t have any clothes from the last two times….so it is starting from scratch for me! Umm…then we came home and had a quick dinner and went to PT practice. It was so much fun. I just love hanging out with HBM and praising God. We picked on Elvis some…and he picked back….and it was just fun. God has truly blessed us with them…and with a friend like HBM!!! Even though she doesn’t think she is a girlfriend, she is! We came home and gave the kids baths and then bed!

The hour change kept me from going to the Heritage service on Sunday. I just had a hard time getting up! So, I was with the kids in the back for both hours this week. I am amazed at how well-behaved FAB is for Wee Ones Worship. She is a different kid there than she is at home, that is for sure! After church, we went to lunch with MIL and SIL#1 to Max & Erma’s and then we went to Dicks to get all of the things that I-Man needs for soccer and t-ball. $150!!! That kid needs a sponsor! It was fun, though. He is so excited….and so is his Daddy!!! After that, we all came home and took naps! That was great! Then we got up and went outside so that I-Man could practice t-ball. He had his first sports injury. He and Hubby were playing catch and Hubby threw the ball at I-Man. It went in his glove and then bounced out and hit I-Man in the nose. He started crying for me and his nose started bleeding immediately. Great! So, we came inside…it was starting to rain anyways…and we were fixing a quick dinner when MIL stopped by (un-announced…even though we have told her to call first) with her boyfriend. I was perturbed because the house was a mess! Oh well! So, then they left and I went off to Women’s group. I enjoyed it so much this week. It was nice to be able to spend time with the girls and talk. It was great…..but our husbands kept calling us with updated weather reports….there was a storm coming. Oh my! Funny. I got a lot done on my purse!!! I am getting excited about that!

Monday (for those of you who are still with me!)
Well, I took the day off work because we had tickets for Hubby and I to go to the Red’s Opening Day with FIL and Step-MIL. I wasn’t jazzed about going with them. In fact, I didn’t want to ride with them…but Hubby made the plans for us to do just that. GREAT! So, then it turns out that I-Man is supposed to have his first soccer practice on Monday night. Well, I did not want to miss that! So, I was very worried about it (actually lost sleep over it) to the point that Hubby finally gave in and called his Dad. Of course, his Dad was not willing to commit to leaving the Reds game early (again, his grandson is not important, so why would he?)…so they chose to drive themselves. So, yeah!!! We sat with them…but I made Hubby sit next to Step MIL, so I didn’t even really talk to FIL. Except to make fun of his hair. He is letting it grow and it is rather disgusting. So, Hubby was making fun of it…and then he said that he had actually gotten it cut. So, I said: “I hope you didn’t pay for that hair-cut.” He just smiled. It is a given that we don’t like each other…so why pretend?!?!? Oh well! I am stuck with him, unfortunately!!! My MIL is SO much better off without him. He is a jerk…he is selfish….he is weird…I could go on and on!!! But, I am digressing!

So, Monday morning…I had to go get blood-work done..so I went and did that and then we took the kids to my aunt’s house and we were off. We had to stand in line for about 45 minutes to go through security to get into the game because President Bush was throwing out the first pitch. Our seats were way up high…but that was a good thing. It was so cold and windy….well, our seats were out of the wind, so that was good. But it was still freezing. It was pretty cool to see the President and the entourage that travels with him. There were SWAT team people and secret service all over the place. We could see where he was sitting…it was way cool! The game sucked…because the Reds were bad…but it was fun! We left early to get back for I-Man’s soccer practice….and because we were cold. His soccer coach called us when we were on our way and practice was cancelled. I-Man was very disappointed. But it was so cold and the fields were so muddy…they don’t make the little kids play in that. I was kinda glad because I didn’t want to sit out in that weather…but I-Man was upset. We picked them up from MIL’s house and we took I-Man to get his haircut. He played with his soccer ball in the house when we got home, bless his heart! FAB was finally acting like herself again yesterday and was eating and drinking normally again! That made me very happy!!!! I have my little DIVA back!

So, that is about it! I went to the gym this morning. I have been averaging about 3 days a week…which is not great..but better than nothing! It is just hard to get up and make myself go! I was having some cramps last night and just not feeling good…but I felt better this morning…and couldn’t sleep anyways…so I went!

Umm…I hope you are all doing well! Again, sorry I have been lurking lately…I will try to do better!!! Take care, YaYa’s and I will talk to you soon! Love ya!


Sara said...

So glad you are "back". I miss you when you don't journal. I'm glad FAB is better. Your comment to FIL cracked me up! Go, Missy! :)

Good for you for going to the gym! Don't push yourself, though. You don't want to end up on bedrest. That's no fun, remember? Have a good day! Love ya!

Jodi said...

Hey sis...our double date was fun!! WE don't get to do that too often...it was a treat...I'm really glad you all went!

((((sis))))) totally relating to the FIL woes...I think mine is wierder than yours though lol...but your is pretty weird too! plus I have a weird MIL and a weird step-FIL! lol...why can't they be perfect like our family? ::eye roll:: lol

anyway...how cool you got to see the President!

you better tell me when I-man's first game is...even if I can't come I want to know just in case!

Love you! See you Easter weekend if not before!

Kelley said...

That is so cute that I-Man is going to play soccer. You HAVE to give us a schedule. Pita Pocket would LOVE to see I-Man play!!!

You are pregnant, you don't need to "fit" into anything. You need to be comfortable!!! You crack me up!!!

Sorry about the whole elephant thing. I went to Hubby and I was like "what are you doing!?!?!?!?". LOL! You know me "gotta be perfect"!!!

Lots of Love!

Josy said...

Oh my gosh, you crack me up about the whole maternity clothes thing. When I found out I was pregnant I was almost halfway through my pregnancy, but man, it was like I had permission to eat anything and everything in sight! So I wound up buying 3 sets of maternity clothes - the first set the same size as my normal clothes, the second set was 2 sizes larger, and the third "If I outgrow these I'm joining the whale show at Sea World" set! I feel for ya!

I am so proud of you for still going to the gym, but girl, take it easy! Maybe too personal of a question but... did hubby still get the V done?

Glad the FAB is feeling better! Oh, can I be I-man's soccor sponsor? Go I-man! You will have to send a pic of I-man in his soccor uniform. Joe still talks about his super hero buddy - and now his eating buddy (Pita).