Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Well, I guess I have officially become a sporadic journaler! Life just gets too busy and sleep is just too important to me….so oh well! Sorry to my avid fans, I can’t always journal every day. I know, you are really missing out….but oh well! Let me catch you up….

I will start with Friday! Friday after work, I picked up the kids and we went home and I was busy getting their overnight bag ready…they were spending the night at MIL’s house. I also had to get I-Man’s soccer stuff ready for the next day. Then I had to pack my own overnight bag…..because Hubby told me we were staying overnight somewhere. So, got all that done and got myself ready for my surprise anniversary date. Hubby came home and we were off. We dropped the kids off at MIL’s house and Hubby wanted me to wear a blindfold, but I wouldn’t do that. So, he was pouting the whole time. We ended up going to the Crowne Plaza in downtown Dayton. Well, that is where I thought we were going…..but he took a very different route to get there then I would’ve….so he had me confused until we got there. So, we parked and went up to the top floor to the restaurant. We had a very nice dinner with a very yummy dessert (my favorite part) and then we went downstairs. Now, I had told my friend KK that I was pretty sure we would go to a hotel….but that he wouldn’t do anything nice…like, we would just go in and check in together and go to the room together……but I was SO wrong! He took me to our room….he opened the door and it was beautiful! He had roses and a balloon and a box of chocolates and a card and a gift certificate to a spa here in town and in rose petals, he had wrote “I Love You” on the bed. It was very neat….and I was VERY, VERY surprised! He has been so good to me this year…..my new ring, flowers at work for no reason and now this! I don’t deserve the special treatment…but it was nice! Believe it or not, I was asleep by 9:30…and he said he was asleep by 10:30! What an old married couple! He watched a girly movie with me until I fell asleep……it was just so quiet…..and a king-sized bed….it was great! We had a great night! Then we got up the next morning…and headed out for our busy day!

We went through BK for breakfast (all we had time for) and then went home and ate really fast. He took off to get I-Man and take him to his soccer pictures/game. I took off to the elementary school to pick up the candy that his t-ball team has to sell. Then I met Hubby, MIL, SIL & FAB at I-Man’s soccer game. It was AWESOME! I was so proud of my little guy! So proud! The first time he played….he was “goaler”…known as “goalie” to most people. Well, the first time the ball came to him, he didn’t think he was allowed to touch it. So, he tried to kick it…but they scored. So, then his coach told him that he could tackle the ball…so that is exactly what he did the rest of the time! He did great and no more balls got past him! The referee came up to us afterwards and told us that I-Man was one of the best little goalies he had seen! Of course, we were proud! The second time he played….he was a “defender”…or played defense. It was so cute because the coach would tell him where to stand and I-Man took him very seriously and didn’t move from that spot! So, then the coach would come and tell him that he could move within a certain area….so I-Man would do that and then come right back to his assigned spot. Then, the coach would tell him a new spot and that became his post. It was so cute! I wish he would listen to us as much as he does his coach! It was a great first game…he had a blast and so did we! At the end, the parents make a “parent tunnel” and all the kids run through it while we are cheering and telling them what a great job they did. I think that was I-Man’s favorite part! I almost cried…I was just so proud of him!

His t-ball practice got cancelled because there was so much water on the field. So, we all went home….FAB and I-Man both went down for naps, Hubby mowed the yard, I straightened the house and did laundry and read a book. When Hubby got done mowing, I decided to go buy some new cushions for the patio furniture my parents had given us. Here begins the saga……I didn’t measure the old cushions, I just looked at them to see what I needed. So, I went to Meijer and picked some out…spent $68.00 on them….went home and they didn’t fit. Well, I didn’t want to take them back just then….so I headed out to Home Depot. Found some cushions there that looked bigger…..spent $121.00 there….went home….didn’t fit! Now I am mad…..at Hubby! Because he asked me why I didn’t measure……I told him to hush or go get them himself. I hate returning things! So, I just cleaned off the old cushions and pouted about it. We went to praise team…then to Dairy Queen (yum!) and then came home.

So, Sunday morning. I took the kids to Sunday School….and this is one of my few weeks with no responsibilities during SS. So, I went to Home Depot and Meijer and returned the cushions. I was a bit peeved because they had to give me cash since I used my debit card….they couldn’t just credit it back to my account (weird!). So, after church, we were supposed to go to Chipotle (which my Secret Sister gave me a $20 gift card for my anniversary!) and then to the park with a bunch of people. Well, we got our food way before everyone else made it to Chipotle…..so we decided to go home and eat it and then go to the park. Well, FAB threw a ROYAL fit….screaming non-stop….so we ended up staying home. She went right to sleep without eating. We really ought to know better than to try to make plans after church. She is SO ready for a nap by then. Then Hubby and I-Man went to softball practice (for the church team) and FAB and I took naps. When we woke up, we all took off in search of cushions that would fit our furniture. So, we went to Wal-Mart….NOTHING. Oh, Hubby did measure this time….and the love-seat is so old that it is not the standard size, of course! So, we go to Lowe’s….NOTHING. We decide to go to Watson’s….as store that specializes in outdoor furniture. The fact that there was $1,000 swingset on the porch there should’ve given us a clue that this was not the store for us…but we went inside anyways. We FINALLY found the cushions (amidst the REALLY expensive furniture) and a man was helping us. Well, Hubby asked him what the measurements were on this one cushion. The man went off in search of a tape measure. While he was gone, Hubby looked at the price of that ONE cushion and it was over $100…so we left! We went home and I was resigned to the fact that we would just have the ugly cushions. Well, Hubby started looking on ebay and we found some new furniture and cushions for $150……but the S/H was over $400! We got a good laugh out of that. Well, I was feeling pretty crummy (still fighting a cold or something)…so I sent Hubby to K-Mart to get me some Sudafed. He came back a little bit later with no Sudafed (it was all behind the pharmacists desk but there was no pharmacist to give it to him!) and CUSHIONS THAT FIT PERFECTLY!!!!!!!! And they were pretty! Can you believe it? At K-Mart! The CLOSEST store to our house…but I didn’t think they would have them! I LOVE them…..they were about $100 for all of them….but after all we had been through, that was fine by me! They are pretty…..and reversible……and they FIT! So, that ends the saga! Now Hubby is going to re-paint the furniture so it looks new and then with the new cushions….I am excited! I told him that was my Mother’s Day present a bit early!

So, isn’t my life exciting!?!?! Last night, I-Man had his second soccer game. It was fun. He played offense and then defense again. He enjoys cheering his team on more than he does playing, I think. That and waving at us. But he did good. He played against Swimmer’s kids tonight. They were so cute. It really is fun to just cheer all the kids on! Swimmer’s son…..so tiny….was their goalie once and he was so stinking cute!

Well, I think that is all I have time for today. I have to get to work. Not that I want to…..I am still feeling poo-poo. I think I might have a sinus infection. I might have to break down and go to the doctor. We’ll see.

Hope you are all doing good! Love you all!


Kelley said...

Just go to your OB/GYN....they'll give you stuff that you can handle being pregnant!

So awesome about what your hubby did for you! I'm impressed that he is such a romantic. I wouldn't have pictured that from him! LOL!

I am so sorry about the whole cushion ordeal. I would have been ticked if my hubby would have found the thing that fit. You're a better woman than I! But I'm glad you finally found something!

I want to take Pita Pocket to one of I-Man's games. We played soccer yesterday and he LOVED it! We will have to get him into that next year!

Have a great day and I'm glad you wrote! I'm one of your avid fans!

Lots of Love!

Jodi said...

for a second there I thought I was reading Aunt Chatty Cathy's journal!!! lol (re: the cushion story) anyways...I'm glad ya found some cushions....although with your new sewing machine ya should have just made slipcovers!

And you can tell BIL that I'm sure that he has gotten all the Journal husbands in trouble!! How romantic!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! I kept forgetting to tell ya that! But I was thinking about ya'll this weekend....we have so many purple pens around our house that I'll never have to worry about forgetting your anniversary!! lol

love you!

Josy said...

Happy Anniversary!

Go I-Man! Make sure you send us pictures!

Sorry about the seat cushion struggles. I will have to remember to measure mine when I get around to buying some!

Love in Faith,

Sara said...

Glad you finally found the seat cushions. KMart is weird like that. I always run up there for quick stuff.

It's funny that JJ made a comment about the pens from your wedding. We did the pen thing too, if you remember (stole the idea from you) and we have tons left over. We'll never run out of pens, that's for sure! :)

I'm glad your hubby and I-man could go to the game the other night! Have a good week and I hope you get over this sinus crap soon! That's no fun! Love ya!