Ramblings of the Mommy of three beautiful "Angelkids" (as dubbed by their Papaw). I have been married to Scott for 12 years and we have 3 Angelkids - Isaac (11), Faith (8) and Gracie (6). I am not perfect, but I am a Princess - Daughter of the King of Kings!
Friday, April 28, 2006
Let’s see! Where did I leave off? Wednesday night we had practice with the “Praise Team” for the Women’s Retreat on Saturday. We had fun and got a lot accomplished. I just hope it all goes smoothly tomorrow. I am not feeling really confident about my voice. I am having such a hard time breathing (due to pregnancy!) and then with this sinus infection on top of that….it will be interesting, to say the least! I have to keep reminding myself that I don’t have to sing so loud….but I am a loud singer and that is what I do. But it makes it even harder to breath. So, blah, blah, blah. I just hope it goes well tomorrow! And hopefully everyone (all the women there) sings!!!! That helps!
After practice, we came home and put FAB to bed and then watched AI. I agreed totally with the top 2, middle 2 and bottom 2…and I was so happy that the Pickler got booted. Bless her heart, but she just needed to go. She wasn’t surprised…nor should she have been! So, hopefully next week Paris will go…and then after that, I don’t care because I like everyone who is left. This is when it gets so hard!
Then I went to bed with my sweet little AngelMan. I-Man is such a sweet cuddle-bug at night. He loves to get in bed with me and have me scratch his back and then hold my hand and just be so sweet. Why is it that there are moments when I could just strangle him…and then other moments when he is just so sweet?!?!? I guess it is his age and just being a kid!
Oh…and FAB…well, we are really having to start disciplining that little thing! She has such a little attitude and is really bratty sometimes! So, I don’t know what is going to work for her….she laughs at you when you scold her….when you smack her hand…when you spank her…..she just laughs! She is going to be my challenge, I see that right now! Hopefully the next one is just an absolute angel (like me…lol). Yeah, right!
On to Thursday….work was alright. Neither KK nor I wanted to be there. So, we went out to lunch and did a little shopping in the middle of the day. We weren’t gone too long…but just enough to get away for a little bit. Please keep her and her Hubby in your prayers. They are just going through a hard time right now. They are both very stubborn and have said some things to hurt each other (out of anger) and just need our prayer support. I know we have all been there….marriage is definitely something you work on.
So, after work, I went and picked up the kiddos from my mom’s house. Then we rushed home and got I-Man ready for his T-ball practice. I had to get all the candy together to give to the parents. It was very hectic. My mom came to his practice…which was great because she helped watch FAB while I was so busy with the candy stuff. Their practice was so cute. They actually played a little game….and there is one girl on the team (actually 2 but one of them hasn’t been to a single practice yet because she has dance lessons…blah, blah..) and she was up to bat. She hit the ball right to I-Man. Well, I-Man picked the ball up and instead of throwing it to first to get her out (because she wasn’t running to base…more like meandering)…he just stood there and cheered her on. He kept telling her to run to first base……when she got there, then he threw the ball to first base. So cute! So, the coach (KK’s hubby) pulled I-Man aside and told him that he was doing a good job of cheering for his team…but the point is to get people out! What a funny kid! Later, KK’s son hit the ball and was running…well, the last batter gets to run all the bases….so he was cruising right along and almost passed the little girl who was running in front of him. Well, when they both got to home, he was passing her and KK yelled at him to wait….and he looked at KK and said “Well, she isn’t even running!” It was PRICELESS! We got some good laughs last night! I-Man is such a cheerleader for his team! It is so much fun to see him involved in all this stuff!
After practice we were heading to small group….I was starving and so was Hubby. So, we decided to go to McDonald’s “really quick” and take dinner to group. Well, we had horrible service so that took about 15 minutes! We were really late to group. I really didn’t want to go because I was tired and had been running all day and really just wanted to go home! But, group was fun and the discussion was good….and so I am really glad we went!
We came home and put FAB to bed and watched Survivor…..man was that a fun episode! I loved all the twists at the end! AND Cirie was CRACKING me up when she caught that fish. For those of you don’t watch the show….she went fishing and was just being such a girl about killing the snail to put it on as bait..and then when she caught the fish…she didn’t want to touch it……I was dying! That is so what I would’ve been doing! So, it was a great night on Survivor. I can’t wait to see next week because I bet Shane LOOSES it over the upset at Tribal Counsel last night. I love that show!
Then I went to bed with I-Man. I had a rough night. I was up and down all night coughing and sneezing. I just don’t feel very good! I hope this goes away soon! The medicine has got to kick in soon!
So, that is about it! I think we are going to cook out tonight because it is supposed to be so pretty. Maybe even build a fire! The kids love to play in the backyard! I have 2 more weeks until we are going on vacation….so surely I can last 2 more weeks of work! Right?!?!?
Well, I hope you all have a great Friday and a good weekend! I will see some of you tomorrow at the Women’s Retreat….and maybe JJ at I-Man’s soccer game?!?! We’ll see! I love you all and am praying for you!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Two Days in a Row!
So, anyways! Not really a whole lot to update everyone on. We have practice tonight for the Women’s Retreat on Saturday. I hope that goes well. I made Hubby “volunteer” to take my place in I-Man’s class tonight. He is not happy about that….mostly because he wanted to work late since it is a beautiful day. But, I don’t like to ask people to help (miss independent) and I didn’t want to bother Girlfriend because I am sure she will be busy putting things together for this weekend…being the perfectionist that she is! So, he is going to do it. Begrudgingly, of course! So, anyways! I don’t know why I put all of that in there!
Well, please keep my SIL in your prayers. Last night, right when Hubby was getting home from work, my cell phone rang and it was Minnie. She told me that my SIL had found out yesterday that she has Placenta Previa. At first, I was very confused that Minnie was calling me about my SIL. But then I remembered that they work at the same place. So, after I figured that out, Minnie was telling me that SIL was at work in the sick room because she was in horrible pain. The doc had told her yesterday that if she had any pain or spotting, to go straight to the hospital. So, of course, she had pain last night. So, Minnie had called my MIL and then us because my MIL and my SIL were freaking out. So, we called MIL and she said she was fine and that she didn’t want us to meet her at the hospital. So, Hubby and I sat down and prayed and worried. (I am a very good worrier!) Hubby called his Dad and I called my other SIL to make sure she knew what was going on. I also got on WebMD to find out about her condition…..I had never heard of it. So, I was relieved to see that there is no mention of increased risk of fatality for the baby or the mother. So, that was reassuring! Anyways….so we tried to watch AI, but we were both very worried. MIL called a bit later to tell us that SIL was fine and the pain was actually being caused by a UTI (or something to do with her Urinary Tract). So, Minnie called later for an update and I told her. We both agreed that first of all, my SIL is a bit dramatic. Second of all, her mind was probably playing tricks on her because she was freaked out a bit by the news she heard from her doctor earlier in the day. So, I am glad she is okay…..I just hope this doesn’t mean she will have to be put on bed-rest because she cannot afford that! So, please keep her in your prayers. My MIL has been saying she worries about what a big baby SIL is…..so this is just another example! But, as most of us know, you do freak out when your pregnant! There are just so many things that could go wrong! So, prayers are appreciated!
Oh, here is my take on AI: Katherine – I loved her song…I do think she is cocky….but I thought she did good. Elliot – for some reason, he is not my favorite…I think he has a lot of forced vibrato…but he did good last night. Kelly – she just down-right sucked and should NOT be there. Taylor – LOVE him…but he did not have a good night last night. Paris – you can’t deny that she has a great voice, but she is too fake for me. She changes her look and herself too much from week to week. Something about her rubs me the wrong way. Chris – WOW. Love him. I still am afraid he might be in the bottom 3 just because, like last week, his avid rocker fans might not like the genre…and they might not have watched or bother to vote as much. So, that is my take! I would LOVE to see Kelly go home tonight. That is who should go next. Just my opinion!
Well, I guess I am going to go. Not a whole lot going on. My mom is coming up to watch the kids tomorrow and Friday. She is not feeling 100%, so hopefully the kids are good for her! She is on anti-biotics, but still feeling kinda puny. Hopefully she sticks around and my dad comes up for the weekend for I-Man’s soccer game. I told HBM that I might have to duck out of the Women’s Retreat early because he has a game at 2:10 on Saturday and I am not ready to miss one of his games yet! I just get so proud of him and can see how much he enjoys it! Especially if my parents are there….they haven’t got to see him practice or play soccer or t-ball yet. So, hopefully they can make it. OH! And if you see me….ask me about candy! I am selling candy for I-Man’s t-ball team! How do parents get roped into this, I don’t know! Oh well!
Love and hugs to all!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
I will start with Friday! Friday after work, I picked up the kids and we went home and I was busy getting their overnight bag ready…they were spending the night at MIL’s house. I also had to get I-Man’s soccer stuff ready for the next day. Then I had to pack my own overnight bag…..because Hubby told me we were staying overnight somewhere. So, got all that done and got myself ready for my surprise anniversary date. Hubby came home and we were off. We dropped the kids off at MIL’s house and Hubby wanted me to wear a blindfold, but I wouldn’t do that. So, he was pouting the whole time. We ended up going to the Crowne Plaza in downtown Dayton. Well, that is where I thought we were going…..but he took a very different route to get there then I would’ve….so he had me confused until we got there. So, we parked and went up to the top floor to the restaurant. We had a very nice dinner with a very yummy dessert (my favorite part) and then we went downstairs. Now, I had told my friend KK that I was pretty sure we would go to a hotel….but that he wouldn’t do anything nice…like, we would just go in and check in together and go to the room together……but I was SO wrong! He took me to our room….he opened the door and it was beautiful! He had roses and a balloon and a box of chocolates and a card and a gift certificate to a spa here in town and in rose petals, he had wrote “I Love You” on the bed. It was very neat….and I was VERY, VERY surprised! He has been so good to me this year…..my new ring, flowers at work for no reason and now this! I don’t deserve the special treatment…but it was nice! Believe it or not, I was asleep by 9:30…and he said he was asleep by 10:30! What an old married couple! He watched a girly movie with me until I fell asleep……it was just so quiet…..and a king-sized bed….it was great! We had a great night! Then we got up the next morning…and headed out for our busy day!
We went through BK for breakfast (all we had time for) and then went home and ate really fast. He took off to get I-Man and take him to his soccer pictures/game. I took off to the elementary school to pick up the candy that his t-ball team has to sell. Then I met Hubby, MIL, SIL & FAB at I-Man’s soccer game. It was AWESOME! I was so proud of my little guy! So proud! The first time he played….he was “goaler”…known as “goalie” to most people. Well, the first time the ball came to him, he didn’t think he was allowed to touch it. So, he tried to kick it…but they scored. So, then his coach told him that he could tackle the ball…so that is exactly what he did the rest of the time! He did great and no more balls got past him! The referee came up to us afterwards and told us that I-Man was one of the best little goalies he had seen! Of course, we were proud! The second time he played….he was a “defender”…or played defense. It was so cute because the coach would tell him where to stand and I-Man took him very seriously and didn’t move from that spot! So, then the coach would come and tell him that he could move within a certain area….so I-Man would do that and then come right back to his assigned spot. Then, the coach would tell him a new spot and that became his post. It was so cute! I wish he would listen to us as much as he does his coach! It was a great first game…he had a blast and so did we! At the end, the parents make a “parent tunnel” and all the kids run through it while we are cheering and telling them what a great job they did. I think that was I-Man’s favorite part! I almost cried…I was just so proud of him!
His t-ball practice got cancelled because there was so much water on the field. So, we all went home….FAB and I-Man both went down for naps, Hubby mowed the yard, I straightened the house and did laundry and read a book. When Hubby got done mowing, I decided to go buy some new cushions for the patio furniture my parents had given us. Here begins the saga……I didn’t measure the old cushions, I just looked at them to see what I needed. So, I went to Meijer and picked some out…spent $68.00 on them….went home and they didn’t fit. Well, I didn’t want to take them back just then….so I headed out to Home Depot. Found some cushions there that looked bigger…..spent $121.00 there….went home….didn’t fit! Now I am mad…..at Hubby! Because he asked me why I didn’t measure……I told him to hush or go get them himself. I hate returning things! So, I just cleaned off the old cushions and pouted about it. We went to praise team…then to Dairy Queen (yum!) and then came home.
So, Sunday morning. I took the kids to Sunday School….and this is one of my few weeks with no responsibilities during SS. So, I went to Home Depot and Meijer and returned the cushions. I was a bit peeved because they had to give me cash since I used my debit card….they couldn’t just credit it back to my account (weird!). So, after church, we were supposed to go to Chipotle (which my Secret Sister gave me a $20 gift card for my anniversary!) and then to the park with a bunch of people. Well, we got our food way before everyone else made it to Chipotle…..so we decided to go home and eat it and then go to the park. Well, FAB threw a ROYAL fit….screaming non-stop….so we ended up staying home. She went right to sleep without eating. We really ought to know better than to try to make plans after church. She is SO ready for a nap by then. Then Hubby and I-Man went to softball practice (for the church team) and FAB and I took naps. When we woke up, we all took off in search of cushions that would fit our furniture. So, we went to Wal-Mart….NOTHING. Oh, Hubby did measure this time….and the love-seat is so old that it is not the standard size, of course! So, we go to Lowe’s….NOTHING. We decide to go to Watson’s….as store that specializes in outdoor furniture. The fact that there was $1,000 swingset on the porch there should’ve given us a clue that this was not the store for us…but we went inside anyways. We FINALLY found the cushions (amidst the REALLY expensive furniture) and a man was helping us. Well, Hubby asked him what the measurements were on this one cushion. The man went off in search of a tape measure. While he was gone, Hubby looked at the price of that ONE cushion and it was over $100…so we left! We went home and I was resigned to the fact that we would just have the ugly cushions. Well, Hubby started looking on ebay and we found some new furniture and cushions for $150……but the S/H was over $400! We got a good laugh out of that. Well, I was feeling pretty crummy (still fighting a cold or something)…so I sent Hubby to K-Mart to get me some Sudafed. He came back a little bit later with no Sudafed (it was all behind the pharmacists desk but there was no pharmacist to give it to him!) and CUSHIONS THAT FIT PERFECTLY!!!!!!!! And they were pretty! Can you believe it? At K-Mart! The CLOSEST store to our house…but I didn’t think they would have them! I LOVE them…..they were about $100 for all of them….but after all we had been through, that was fine by me! They are pretty…..and reversible……and they FIT! So, that ends the saga! Now Hubby is going to re-paint the furniture so it looks new and then with the new cushions….I am excited! I told him that was my Mother’s Day present a bit early!
So, isn’t my life exciting!?!?! Last night, I-Man had his second soccer game. It was fun. He played offense and then defense again. He enjoys cheering his team on more than he does playing, I think. That and waving at us. But he did good. He played against Swimmer’s kids tonight. They were so cute. It really is fun to just cheer all the kids on! Swimmer’s son…..so tiny….was their goalie once and he was so stinking cute!
Well, I think that is all I have time for today. I have to get to work. Not that I want to…..I am still feeling poo-poo. I think I might have a sinus infection. I might have to break down and go to the doctor. We’ll see.
Hope you are all doing good! Love you all!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
So, It's Been A While, AGAIN...
Umm..so much has happened...I don't even know where to begin! Let me just give you highlights of the important things:
I-Man....last week he had his first t-ball practice. I was very mad when we got there because FIL was there. I guess I was just mad that Hubby didn't tell me he was going to be there and that he acts like he cares so much when I don't think he really does...and I didn't want him bossing Hubby around since Hubby is the assistant coach. His dad thinks he knows everything about everything and he thinks he was a professional soft-ball player..so, blah..blah..blah. But enough about that...(I only said two words to him the entire time...thank you...because he pushed FAB's stroller for us). I-Man did so good...and so did Hubby as a coach. It was fun. KK (remember...her Hubby is the coach) and I were good t-ball mom's and organized the team. It was fun. FAB was great....I-Man did great.....I am so proud of him. Saturday, his t-ball practice was cancelled because of the rain. Monday night, he had soccer practice and they ended up playing a scrimmage game because there were only a few fields dry enough to play on. He did GREAT! Again, so proud of him. If you have never seen pee-wee soccer, I highly encourage you to try it sometime. It is very entertaining. My favorite part was I-Man on the sidelines cheering his team on. So precious. Umm....he has t-ball tomorrow and Saturday and his first soccer game is Saturday! So...that is keeping us busy! I love that little guy!
FAB...well, she has had another ear infection. She is doing much better now, finally! I worry about her so much when she gets sick because she doesn't eat and she can't afford to lose too much weight! Like I said, she is doing much better now. She is still congested, but sleeping and eating better. I put those curlers in her hair that she slept in....her hair was so cute and curly on Easter morning. Of course it all fell out before my family got to see it...but it was so stinking cute. And, she didn't seem to mind the rollers, so I am going to do that more often! She is still a DIVA and not sure how we are going to break her of that! Love her.....she is just so stinking adorable!
Hubby....we celebrate our 6th anniversary on Saturday! He has some surprise planned for me on Friday night. I really have no idea what it is! This is what our anniversary day looks like, though: 10:00 am - I have a Candy Captain Meeting (for t-ball), 10:30 - Soccer pictures, 10:40 - Soccer game, 12:45 - t-ball practice and 6:30 - PT practice. So, Happy Anniversary to us! Oh well! So, I will let you know what we do on Friday that is such a big surprise! Last time he surprised me, we went to La Comedia...so, we will see! We have been arguing more lately.....just dumb stuff.....and again, see the first paragraph in my journal, that should explain that! Why is it that we always take our frustrations out on the people we love the most?!??!!?
So, that is the short of it! Work is fine.....KK is back, which is great...but I had a very frustrating day today. Again, took that out on Hubby. Oh well....he still loves me! Church is good.....family is good....although my feelings are hurt that we were the only ones who didn't know about going to my G-ma's on Easter. This is the 2nd or 3rd time that has happened.....I am beginning to take it personally....but again, see the first paragraph.
Well.....I have to go. I am tired....I don't feel well.....and I am in a funk. So, that is my update! Sorry to be poo-poo tonight. I have been lurking...so it looks like everyone is doing well. I am going to keep an eye on E-Bay to make sure I don't see Piglet on there! But, believe you me......I have thought about putting FAB on there too! Just wait, Speedy, it gets worse before it gets better!!!!!!
Love you all!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Fabulous Tuesday!!!
So! Yesterday was a fine day at work. I only had to see Stinky Pete for a little bit. I actually got through my whole folder of “Discuss with SP” items. Now, that doesn’t mean that anything got resolved…but at least we have started the process. Everything is so difficult with him. Oh well. So, work was fine!
I went and picked up the kiddos from my Aunt’s house. The first thing I-Man said to me when I saw him was…”Mommy, I am so excited about soccer practice tonight!” And boy, was he?!?! So, we went home and he played on the computer while FAB and I played with the Magna-Doodle. She LOVES that thing. I need to get her her own because she is always playing with I-Man’s. So, then I cooked dinner and Hubby came home. We ate a quick dinner (spaghetti…which FAB loved and I-Man wore…he is so messy! At one point I told him that he looked like his Daddy with a red goatee, only his was spaghetti sauce instead of hair!) After dinner, I went to the bathroom and when I came out, I-Man was so excited and running around the house because he had his soccer outfit on. That means, his shorts (that were way too big), his black knee-socks and his shin guards. He doesn’t have his shirt yet, so his team color is orange so he wore his Camp Extreme shirt. We put his cleats on and we were off!
We got to the soccer field and what is the word I want to use……UTTER CHAOS! But oh how much fun he had! So, the “coach” tells us that he guesses he is the coach. Okay. That wasn’t very encouraging. But I didn’t really care…because this is really just about I-Man having fun, making friends and getting exercise! So, I look up for my son…and he has taken off, kicking his ball in the wrong field! He wasn’t even paying attention to where he was going…he was just going! Actually, Swimmer and her family were there and on a different team. I think he was intending on going over and playing with them. So funny. So, we finally get him back over in the right field and Hubby, FAB and I sit down to the side to watch him. He was doing a very good job and making friends. Such a cutie! Then MIL and SIL #1 showed up. MIL had told me that she wasn’t going to go overboard and go to every practice, because that was for the parents….I just told her that I wasn’t going to tell her not to come, that is up to her. But they showed up anyways. Oh well. The only problem was….he got easily distracted. He had to keep looking over to make sure we were all watching him. And then MIL or SIL or Hubby had to wave at him. I told them to stop because he was getting distracted…but it was funny! He wasn’t the tallest kid on his team, surprisingly! He had so much fun. He fell a few times, just tripped. So, this other guy kinda takes over….so I thought maybe he was the coach. We (Hubby and I) went up to meet him afterwards, because I think it is very important to know who his coaches are….and he tells us that he doesn’t really know anything about soccer….his daughter is on the team and she played last year…..but he was just told tonight that our team has no head-coach, so it is up to the parents. Well, I told him he did a great job and that we appreciated him stepping up. He was very nice and he made an effort to get to know the kids names and give them high-fives and just have fun with them. That is the most important thing. He said he was going to go and buy a book about soccer so he would do better. He apologized…but again, I thought he did great. Funny thing….he was telling the kids to dribble the ball down the court….I was waiting for I-Man to do just that! But he got it! He did so good! I am so proud of him. I was such a proud momma last night! I just love that little guy so much. God has blessed me beyond belief with my two beautiful angels and one on the way. I often ponder how un-worthy I am to have such beautiful children. God is so awesome!
So, anyways. The first night of soccer was a hit! It was worth the $30 some bucks we paid for it…just the first night! Oh, they made them do jumping jacks and stretches….have you ever seen a group of 4, 5 & 6year olds do jumping jacks? We about died laughing. So fun!!!! I can’t wait until his first “game”. They don’t keep score in this league…..which I love. At this age, it is all about building the kids up and making sure they have fun!
So, we all went home and Hubby gave the kids a bath while I cleaned the kitchen. We had to leave in such a hurry that we didn’t get the kitchen cleaned up from dinner. That killed me. I couldn’t stop thinking of my dirty kitchen the whole time we were at soccer. That is my OCD. I have to clean the kitchen immediately when we are done eating…..although most of it is already done because I wash as I go. So, anyways….then FAB and I sat and played with the MagnaDoodle some more before we put her to bed. She LOVES to brush her teeth. She walks around and says “teeth” over and over and over again until you let her brush them. So funny!
Then KK’s husband (my friend, not the daughter of TT, duh!) came over to make sure that I-Man’s t-ball shirt fit him. He is the head coach of I-Man’s team and my Hubby is the assistant coach. That is Thursday night (before small group)…so that will be fun! Thankfully the largest size shirt fit him and he will be number 44 and his name will be on her jersey! He was excited about that too. We sat and visited with him for a while….he is a really nice guy. I am glad that he will be I-Man’s coach!
Umm…so then I laid in bed and read my book while I-Man watched Scooby-Dooby and Hubby cleaned out our junk drawers. Amazing to me how messy those things get! You would think since we have so much drawer space that it wouldn’t be an issue….but the more space you have, the more space you junk up!
So, that was my Monday! Today has been fine at work. I am just not feeling 100% today. We are going to Hubby’s co-workers house for dinner tonight. They live in the town I grew up in and funny thing…very close to my cousin and best friend from HS that live there. Hubby works with this guy at TW and they went to college together. Isn’t that wild? Well, they have become very good friends and I have been telling Hubby that we need to do something with him and his family (he is married and has a daughter close to FAB’s age)…so they invited us over for a cook-out. I hope it is fun. These kinds of things make me uncomfortable. I know that is out of character for me. But I have never met his wife…and what will we talk about…stuff like that. I am sure it will be fun. And what a beautiful day for a cook-out!
So, that is about it! I will talk to you all later! Love you all and praying for you!
Monday, April 10, 2006
Monday.....Glorious Monday!
Okay! So, I left off on Thursday. I went and picked the kids up from Scrapbook Queen’s house and they had a great time! She sent me pictures throughout the day, which I absolutely loved to get at work…and they had a good time! I-Man just talked about her family all night long. Thanks again, SQ! So, that night, we didn’t do much of anything, if I remember correctly. I don’t really remember, so it must have not been exciting!
Friday…work was good. Actually, it was very good! My co-worker who had a baby 3 weeks ago called and she was up for visitors! And she needed me to bring her something from work, so we had to go see her! KK and I took off and spent some time with her and her beautiful baby. That was so much fun! I could’ve just sat and held that precious baby all day. You just forget how little they are! They grow up so fast! It was also such a gorgeous day on Friday! So, when KK and I got back to work (we almost just skipped out…but didn’t!), we were offered the Dragon’s tickets! So, we decided that we would take our families to the game! I called Hubby to tell him we had the tickets and he said “Great, since they are calling for tornadoes tonight!” I had no idea! Oh well! We got home, had pizza for dinner and decided to go because it looked like we were going to miss most of the storms…plus we had the suite, so we didn’t have to sit out in the rain. So, we had a good time. It was chilly, but the kids had fun. I-Man and L-Man (KK’s son) had fun being boys together…and FAB just had fun! We didn’t stay for the entire game, but the boys got free hats and we were on the big screen…so it was a fun evening!
Saturday….we all got up and Hubby got ready for work. He took the kids to MIL’s house. It was the second Saturday of the month, so she was taking I-Man to Lowe’s to make something. So, SIL #1 watched FAB while they did that. So, I had the whole house to myself! My first thought was to just lay around and watch TV or read…..but then I got a notion to clean! So, I cleaned the entire house, with the exception of I-Man’s room. I actually rearranged all of the furniture in our Living Room. I love doing that! And I got to really clean and dust around everything. It was great! We have hardwood floors, so it is easy to move the furniture around, it all just slides! And the TV is on wheels, so it worked out just fine! When Hubby got home, he was so surprised! I told him that I had saved I-Man’s room for him to do! So, he did that. Our house looks so nice! I love a clean house! The kids have actually done pretty good at picking up after themselves, so we will see how long that lasts! We even cleaned out our closet and drawers, putting all our winter clothes up. I didn’t pull out my summer clothes because I probably won’t be able to wear any of them! I was so bummed…I had saved a bin of my “skinnier” summer clothes because I thought I would be able to fit back into those by this summer….but not now! Oh well! So, then K-Dog, TT and their daughter (the other KK) brought over a computer desk they were giving us. I LOVE it! It is in our bedroom right now, because we need to drill another active cable line out where I want to put it, but for now, I LOVE it. It is so nice to have a real desk for our computer! So! Love my house right now! So, then we had PT practice and that was fun. Then we went and got DQ…YUM! Then we came home and Hubby and I watched a dumb movie with “the Rock” in it. It was very dumb. Hubby kept telling me it was based on a true story……but I don’t believe him. If it is, they sure added a lot of things that would’ve never happened in real life. So, anyways. That was Saturday!
Sunday…we got up and go ready for church. It is my one Sunday a month to have no responsibilities during SS hour, so I decided to hang out in the nursery with Speedy and Scrapbook Queen. That was fun. That little Piglet is so stinking cute! Then worship was great. I missed having HBM up there….but I know that she needed the break. It was so awesome to see Detergent baptize her daughter. Right when we were getting ready to sing the invitation song, actually I think Preacher was giving the “invitation”, I looked down at Detergent and we just exchanged that really excited look…before she went to get her daughter. Very cool! And singing “I am Free” with all the kids in there is so much fun! I got choked up a few times…..the words are powerful…especially right after a baptism! So, I thought it was a great service! The message was great….and what a way to finish! After church, we went to dinner with MIL and SIL. I have to tell you….MIL’s boyfriend came. Well, he first called her twice and then came. I think it is very rude to sit at a table with people and talk on your cell phone. I understand if it is an emergency, but to just chat about stuff…I think it is rude. Just me, but I do. So, she did this with him twice. And it was really stupid stuff. Like….she was telling him exactly what she was eating and blah, blah, blah. So, then he just showed up there, which is fine. He is a nice guy. I don’t know what his intentions are with her…but I still think she is going to get hurt because she has asked him before if he is the marrying type and he got mad. PLUS, she tries to make him want to talk to and do stuff with my kids. He has a grandson that he never sees, so why would he want to be a grandpa to my kids? She needs to stop pushing that on him….but anyways. I digress! So, we had lunch and then we went home. I laid down and rested and read for a bit…and then we walked over to the park for Swimmer’s daughter’s birthday party. Is that all we do anymore? It sure feels like it! Anyways, so that was fine. FAB really liked going down the slides and she giggled in the swings. This is the first time she was really able to do all of that stuff! Then we walked home and we all took naps! How heavenly! I love my Sunday nap…..especially when my house is so clean and I don’t feel guilty for being lazy! We got up and Hubby went to men’s group…..I-Man and FAB had a late dinner….then they played together really well. I ordered some maternity clothes on-line…and then I was playing a free poker game….and I-Man hit his head REALLY hard on the edge of my hope chest. It was instantly bruised. So, I made him lay down and we put ice on his head. It doesn’t look as bad as I thought it would this morning. It really scared me and I was crying because I felt bad. I had just moved my hope chest to the end of my bed. They aren’t used to it being there. I had been telling him to be careful…..but I still felt bad. I almost called Hubby and asked him to come home, that is how upset I was….but then I realized that I was over-reacting. SO, I just had him put ice on his head and kept him awake later than normal to make sure he was okay. SO! That was pretty much my Sunday!
So, today…I am back at work. I didn’t think I would have to see Stinky Pete at all today…..but he is going to be here until noon, so I will have to see him at some point. BLAH! Actually, I need him to sign some stuff, so I need to see him, I just don’t WANT to see him! Oh well! You al have a great day! I-Man has his first soccer practice tonight! I am so excited for him! Swimmer’s kids have practice tonight too, wouldn’t it be a hoot if they were on the same team? We’ll see! Have a good one! Love you all!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Twice in one week!
So! Let’s see! Tuesday… after work, I picked up the kids from my Aunt’s house. Please pray for my two Uncles and Aunts….they thought they would have more time before the lay-off was effective…but it looks like it will be happening any day. They go to a meeting today to find out what their options will be (insurance, un-employment, training, etc.). So, please pray for them. They are all being positive…but I can’t imagine how scary that must be. They have worked there 33 and 34 years….a LONG time! So, pray for that, please.
Anyways…so I picked the kids up and we went home and played outside. I-Man and I played soccer. I kicked the ball really hard once and it hit him right in the shin. He didn’t have his shin guards on. Poor kid! His parents are trying to do him in! He had so much fun. FAB just wanted to pick the soccer ball up and would get mad when we didn’t let her. So, I got I-Man’s little mower out and she mowed the yard. I was dumb and tried to build a fire…..it was WAY too windy for that. I just ended up getting ashes all over us! Oh well! We had fun outside! Then we came in and had a quick dinner….then Hubby came home from work and we just enjoyed a quiet evening at home! I don’t think anything else exciting happened. OH! I forgot to tell this story. I-Man got in trouble for back-talking to his Daddy. So, I put him in his room…he was crying….but I just walked away. Well, then his cries turn into screams. He is screaming for me…that he needs me….so I go in his room, ready to tan his hide for screaming….but he was sitting on the edge of his bed with his new tractor toy that Uncle Buford bought for him….and he was crying and saying that he missed his Uncle Buford. That just melted my heart. So, he came and sat on my lap for a bit….cried some more…and then got down to play with his tractor. How cute!
Wednesday….had a fun day at work. Stinky Pete is out on vacation the rest of the week…so it was a fun day! It was a co-worker’s birthday, so we took him to lunch and then had cake later in the day. I cleaned my office….really threw some stuff away and made it look much nicer. I love doing that! I am still working on it a bit today. But anyways, so after work, I went and got the kids. We came home and Hubby, my wonderful Hubby, had been cooking! We went to Daisy and BB’s house last night to meet my new cousin….well, Hubby told them we would bring them dinner! So, he volunteered to bring wings from Frickers. Then I mentioned that we could cook them something…like chicken and noodles. So, he liked that idea. So, HE ended up doing it all! Isn’t he great! We had chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes (because of time, they were the Bob Evans kind), green beans from my parent’s garden, rolls and brownies! It was a great dinner! So, anyways, we all got home and took off to their house. Like JJ said, it was a walk down memory lane! They live in the house that Queen and Daisy grew up in. We have a lot of great memories in that house. The funniest thing was, when I-Man and I were walking around the house (Daisy was feeding the baby), we went into the master bedroom and I REALLY think that was the first time I had ever really been in that room. We weren’t allowed to go in there as kids. And the bathroom is really nice in there! I don’t think I had ever seen that before either. Isn’t that funny?! Well, the nursery is very cute. She has each wall painted a different pastel color. I loved that. They are not all moved in yet…well, the baby surprised them! Grandma T was there…so it was nice to see her….and then Aunt Beautiful and Uncle Poncho came over while were there too. My kids were very whiny…so I was ready to go as soon as we got there. I felt bad because they just weren’t cooperating the way I wanted them to. Oh well! I got to hold the baby and she is so gorgeous! She looks a lot like her Daddy….it was neat to see him hold her….and of course Daisy looks like an old pro! It was a nice visit…even though my kids were brats! FAB wasn’t really sure of the baby at first…but then she kept saying “Baby!” and getting excited. It was cute. I-Man said she was “alright…but I want a boy!”. So, that was fun! We went home and FAB went straight to bed…and so did I! I did manage to stay awake to see Mandisa get voted off of Idol. I really cannot believe she is gone before Bucky…and Kelly…..and Paris…but oh well! I hope she does come out with a Gospel cd. I would absolutely buy it! Bless her heart!!!!
Oh, Scrapbook Queen is watching my kids today! Isn’t that great?!?!! I-Man was so excited to spend the day with M-Girl. I am sure she isn’t quite as excited…but I am sure they will have fun. Thanks again, SQ! So, that is about it! I am here at work….need to get off here and actually do some work! But I had to update! I don’t want to have to have a 3 page update again!
I went to the gym this morning. I am going like every other day. But I have been having a lot of "light-headed" moments..or dizzy spells. So anyways, at the gym, I rode the bike for 30 minutes and then I got on the treadmill and walked a mile. Well, when I got off, I felt very light-headed. I didn't think much of it at first because sometimes when I get off the treadmill I feel funny.....like I am still moving on it or something. So, I walked back to the locker room and it kept getting worse. So, I sat down and one of the ladies I talk to every morning came over to check on me. She went to the front desk and got me a juice box and some crackers. I ate and drank and then got up and it seemed to have passed. Isnt' that weird? I don't eat before I go to the gym, typically, so I might have just needed to eat. Not sure. But these "light-headed" spells have been happening a lot lately. I go to the doctor on Monday, I will have to ask her about it. Hopefully it isn't anything to worry about. Probably just part of the pregnancy!
Please pray for so many of our Journal Goddesses who are struggling with various things right now. More than the friendships that have formed here, our circle of prayer and support is so important. So, continue to lift each other up in prayer and know that God will work through you! Love you all!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Has it been a week, already?
So, here is my update….I am sure you are on the edge of your seats:
Umm, let’s see. Well, I had a meeting at work (it was the second of 3 meetings in a row!). That went fine. I think, if I remember correctly, FAB was still sick. So, Hubby stayed home with her in the morning and then his mom got off work a bit early and watched them in the afternoon. The last time she got sick was Wednesday morning. She didn’t eat well at all from Sunday night to actually just recently! Wednesday night, I-Man and I went to church. It was my night to help in his class. I gotta tell you…I was so tired! But it was fun.
Well, we were going to ask one of my journal goddesses to watch our kids on Thursday (because that is the day we always have a hard time figuring out what to do with our kids), but since FAB was still not 100%, Hubby stayed home with her in the AM and then I worked from home in the PM after my meeting was over. It was such a beautiful day! FAB was feeling a bit better, it seemed, so I did play with them outside a bit and we went shopping. She still wasn’t eating good. Oh, and I forgot to mention that I-Man started his coughing stuff in the night. Where he coughs so hard he ends up getting sick. I really would love to know what causes him to do this. It happens way too often. It is getting very frustrating! I guess we will find out when soccer starts if it is asthma! So, anyways, Thursday night….nothing too exciting happened…at least not that I can remember.
Well, my mom came up to watch the kids on Friday. I went to work as usual in the morning and then Hubby called me a little after 8:00 and told me that FAB woke up with a fever! Will it ever end?!?!? So, I decided that we were going to take her to the doctor because bless her heart, she had been sick all week! So, I had to leave work early and take her to the doctor. Actually, my mom met me there with the kids. Turns out that FAB had an ear infection. They think she probably had the roto virus earlier in the week….and then because her immune system was down, her cold turned into an ear infection. The cool thing is that when I went to pay my co-pay, they told me that I had a credit on my account, so I didn’t have to pay! COOL! At least that helps to pay for the $80 prescription she needs!!! Oh well! She is worth it! So, we got her started on anti-biotics. She still wasn’t eating well, at all!!! Or drinking! She was eating/drinking enough to have one or two wet diapers…but not nearly as much as she normally does. So, Friday night we went to the surprise party for Aunt Beautiful. Here is where I would like to insert a prayer request….two of my uncles have worked together at the same company for nearly 35 years (Queen’s Dad and Aunt Chatty Cathy – who watches my kids – her husband). The company is going out of business and they are going to be out of jobs! So, please pray for them. They both seem pretty positive (at least more positive than I would be) but I am sure this is going to be very hard for their families. It just is really bad timing around these parts because of all the anticipated GM lay-offs too. (Which my Skinny Cousin’s husband works there…so he will be out of a job soon, too!) Satan is just going to be so disappointed at how well my family does under attack!!!! God will be glorified through all this time of un-rest and Satan will be so disappointed!!!
Okay…so back to Friday. We left the party a little early…and left the kids there with my mom…and JJ, Buford, Hubby and I went to a bar/restaurant and had dinner and listened to my Uncle and his “should-be Girlfriend” sing. That was very fun! The company was great and the entertainment was great, too! It was nice to be able to spend time with JJ and Buford with no kids around! Funny story about the night…I decided that it was warm enough to wear “capris”. So, I decided to try on a pair of jeans that I bought at the Goodwill a while back. They were a size smaller than I have been wearing….and they were too short to wear as jeans. So, I folded them up and wore them as capris. Well, I tried them on and decided that they fit! I was so excited! So, I wore them. Well, I didn’t think that yeah, they fit me until I ate!!! I was so uncomfortable! As soon as Hubby and I got in the van to go home, I had to unbutton and unzip my pants! Why did I, a pregnant woman, try to squeeze into a smaller size?!?!? DUMB!!!!! But, they fit!!!!!!!
Okay…so Saturday morning, Hubby and I got to sleep in….no kids, remember! They were at my mom’s house! So, that was heavenly! Then we got up and got ready and went over to my mom’s house. We picked up the kids and headed to Pita Pocket’s party. I was a bad mom! I-Man started playing with one of the elephant decorations that had fallen down. Well, I knew that HBM would be upset because they were for decoration! (We are brain-twins sometimes!) So, I made him put it up. Well, then he threw a fit…so I took him in the bathroom and had a stern talk with him….then we sat there until he calmed down. Well, when we came out of the bathroom….nearly all the kids had these elephants and were playing with them…but of course there were no extras. Boy, was I the bad mom. I-Man threw another fit…rightfully so! He had it first…but I made him put it up! Oh well….so, I asked Elvis if he could take one down for I-Man…he did…and all was well! The party was fun…FAB still wasn’t quite herself…but it was fun! HBM…all her hard work paid off! It was a great party! I was like others though…..I was so scared of saying the wrong thing to her parents that I just didn’t say anything. I still feel bad about that. I should’ve said SOMETHING to them! I wanted to tell them how much we love their daughter…but I didn’t. Sorry HBM! So, we left the party and went home. FAB went right to sleep …Hubby and I watched “Deal or No Deal” that we had taped…and then Hubby and I-Man went to I-Man’s soccer meeting. FAB woke up and she and I went shopping….for Maternity jeans! No more nights like Friday night!!! I forgot how expensive maternity clothes can be! I am going to have to do some shopping on-line for some good deals! It is hard to find plus-size maternity clothes! If I would’ve just lost a few more pounds…I could’ve fit into regular sized ones! Oh well!!!! I am wearing a smaller size than I did the last two times I was pregnant!!! But I don’t have any clothes from the last two times….so it is starting from scratch for me! Umm…then we came home and had a quick dinner and went to PT practice. It was so much fun. I just love hanging out with HBM and praising God. We picked on Elvis some…and he picked back….and it was just fun. God has truly blessed us with them…and with a friend like HBM!!! Even though she doesn’t think she is a girlfriend, she is! We came home and gave the kids baths and then bed!
The hour change kept me from going to the Heritage service on Sunday. I just had a hard time getting up! So, I was with the kids in the back for both hours this week. I am amazed at how well-behaved FAB is for Wee Ones Worship. She is a different kid there than she is at home, that is for sure! After church, we went to lunch with MIL and SIL#1 to Max & Erma’s and then we went to Dicks to get all of the things that I-Man needs for soccer and t-ball. $150!!! That kid needs a sponsor! It was fun, though. He is so excited….and so is his Daddy!!! After that, we all came home and took naps! That was great! Then we got up and went outside so that I-Man could practice t-ball. He had his first sports injury. He and Hubby were playing catch and Hubby threw the ball at I-Man. It went in his glove and then bounced out and hit I-Man in the nose. He started crying for me and his nose started bleeding immediately. Great! So, we came inside…it was starting to rain anyways…and we were fixing a quick dinner when MIL stopped by (un-announced…even though we have told her to call first) with her boyfriend. I was perturbed because the house was a mess! Oh well! So, then they left and I went off to Women’s group. I enjoyed it so much this week. It was nice to be able to spend time with the girls and talk. It was great…..but our husbands kept calling us with updated weather reports….there was a storm coming. Oh my! Funny. I got a lot done on my purse!!! I am getting excited about that!
Monday (for those of you who are still with me!)
Well, I took the day off work because we had tickets for Hubby and I to go to the Red’s Opening Day with FIL and Step-MIL. I wasn’t jazzed about going with them. In fact, I didn’t want to ride with them…but Hubby made the plans for us to do just that. GREAT! So, then it turns out that I-Man is supposed to have his first soccer practice on Monday night. Well, I did not want to miss that! So, I was very worried about it (actually lost sleep over it) to the point that Hubby finally gave in and called his Dad. Of course, his Dad was not willing to commit to leaving the Reds game early (again, his grandson is not important, so why would he?)…so they chose to drive themselves. So, yeah!!! We sat with them…but I made Hubby sit next to Step MIL, so I didn’t even really talk to FIL. Except to make fun of his hair. He is letting it grow and it is rather disgusting. So, Hubby was making fun of it…and then he said that he had actually gotten it cut. So, I said: “I hope you didn’t pay for that hair-cut.” He just smiled. It is a given that we don’t like each other…so why pretend?!?!? Oh well! I am stuck with him, unfortunately!!! My MIL is SO much better off without him. He is a jerk…he is selfish….he is weird…I could go on and on!!! But, I am digressing!
So, Monday morning…I had to go get blood-work done..so I went and did that and then we took the kids to my aunt’s house and we were off. We had to stand in line for about 45 minutes to go through security to get into the game because President Bush was throwing out the first pitch. Our seats were way up high…but that was a good thing. It was so cold and windy….well, our seats were out of the wind, so that was good. But it was still freezing. It was pretty cool to see the President and the entourage that travels with him. There were SWAT team people and secret service all over the place. We could see where he was sitting…it was way cool! The game sucked…because the Reds were bad…but it was fun! We left early to get back for I-Man’s soccer practice….and because we were cold. His soccer coach called us when we were on our way and practice was cancelled. I-Man was very disappointed. But it was so cold and the fields were so muddy…they don’t make the little kids play in that. I was kinda glad because I didn’t want to sit out in that weather…but I-Man was upset. We picked them up from MIL’s house and we took I-Man to get his haircut. He played with his soccer ball in the house when we got home, bless his heart! FAB was finally acting like herself again yesterday and was eating and drinking normally again! That made me very happy!!!! I have my little DIVA back!
So, that is about it! I went to the gym this morning. I have been averaging about 3 days a week…which is not great..but better than nothing! It is just hard to get up and make myself go! I was having some cramps last night and just not feeling good…but I felt better this morning…and couldn’t sleep anyways…so I went!
Umm…I hope you are all doing well! Again, sorry I have been lurking lately…I will try to do better!!! Take care, YaYa’s and I will talk to you soon! Love ya!