Tuesday, September 04, 2012


If you woke up tomorrow with only the things you thanked God for today…would you be happy or sad? My dad posted on FB today this quote (or a variation of this quote) that he saw in a store and it has me thinking. Boy, does it have me thinking. Today (and I am only going to commit to one day at a time) I have decided that I need to keep my blog updated. You just never know what can happen. And you just never know who might stumble on it and need to see what I am going through. And you just never know if one day my kids want to look back at our life and see what I was thinking. You just never know. That seems to be on my tongue a lot these days. So many people that I know and love are hurting and I can’t do anything to help them…or so I let myself believe. But there is one really important thing I can do – I can pray. And I am committing to becoming the person who says “I am praying for you” and mean it. Not just to be the person who says that but never does it. So, if I tell you that I am praying for you – I mean it. I am really praying for you. God is really working in my heart – in my life – in every part of who I am. This summer at church camp, we talked a lot about the Lord’s Prayer. That has just had such a lasting impact on me. I remember the skit that Alan did about “Our Fathereth up in heaventh” and how we try to use such big words when we pray – instead of just being like…”Dad. I need you. I am broken. My heart is breaking thinking about this person who is going through this thing. Help. Give me Your words. Fill me up with You. Less of me – more of You.” We can say that! We don’t have to pray some big pretty prayer. We can just pray to HIM and He will answer. Seriously – I cannot imagine going through the valleys of life without having God by my side. When people – good people – die. When people – people you love – get diagnosed with cancer. When people- good people – do stupid things that tear families apart. All of these things that I have lived this past summer…..I have lived it with God by my side. I can’t imagine living it without Him. I also saw a funny play on the old Footprints poem. “Why are their those funny looking tracks next to your footprints sometimes, God?” “Oh, those…that is when I had to drag you.” Wow. Funny…but so, so true. I also watched a video on You Tube yesterday where this woman was giving God the Control Seat (or for visual affects, a stool) to her life. But then she crawled on top of Him, held onto Him – everything short of pushing Him off. She begged him to take it from her and He said no….you have to choose to give it to me. WOW. So life is hard. Life is painful. Life is preparing us for a much better place. We are only here temporarily. Thank the Good Lord, we are NOT home yet. I am so looking forward to the day when I am home. Home with Him. In the meantime, Scott and I are doing great. We have been doing daily devotions and prayer time together for 3 or 4 months now. That has made – is making – a big difference in our lives. Isaac is getting ready to turn 11 and in Middle School (how did I get that old?!?!?). Faith is 8 and in 3rd Grade and Gracie is about to turn 6 and in Kindergarten. They keep us busy. Our prayer every morning for them is - Lord, please help them to make wise decisions today and help them to be lights in this dark world. That is all for now. For today. Committing to one day at a time.

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