Monday, September 10, 2012

I survived...

Well, I survived the first week of the Bible Study that I am leading at church! I was well-prepared and I think it went well! We had 10 women there and there were 3 more that I know will be there next week. So, that is great! And...I didn't cry! I came very close once or twice, but I didn't cry!!! This week at of the lessons that I heard loud and clear is that God is in control in every circumstance. So, one day when we look back at our lives and see even the tough moments....we can see His hand in them. He doesn't CAUSE bad things to happen...He ALLOWS them to. That is a big difference. And then He uses even those bad circumstances to teach us life lessons and show us His sovereignty. I also saw something the other day that I have been thinking about...."We are so vain. We are so focused on ourselves, that we think the whole eternal plan of redemption is about us. But is isn't. It concerns us, it transforms us, but it is all about God." Another powerful lesson that came out of our study last night....True surrender happens at the point when we stop negotiating with God. Powerful things. God is working. Will I let Him?

1 comment:

Jodi said...

I heard a sermon on the radio to that effect... that it is not all about us but it's about all of creation bringing glory to God. That has really stuck with me too... it's a really hard lesson for this egocentirc society we live in