Sunday, November 20, 2005

My First Entry Here!!!

Okay...I am going to try this again! As most of you know by other site has crashed or something. So, I am going to try to make this my new home! I miss all of my "journal goddesses" so much! I hope we can find Josy...she is the only one that I don't know how to get ahold of! HBM and I were talking about that and we are going to miss her....if we can't find her!

Hopefully the other "goddesses" can learn all about how to use this new site and share it with me. I am not as "savvy" as we'll see how this works!

Umm...not really sure where I left off....but Friday was a horrible day at work! I was literally on the verge of tears more than once...but KK helped me through it. Just not a good day. Oh well....

Friday night...picked up the kids...and then picked up Pita Pocket. We had a good evening. Hubby helped HBM and Elvis move some stuff...and I had the kids. They were all amazingly great! We went to BK for dinner and they played well...and then we went to Meijers and they were great....and then we came home. It was a really good evening!

Saturday....was Hubby's Birthday! Happy Birthday Hubby!!!! We got up and he went to help HBM and Elvis move some more.....and then he came home in time for the OSU/Michigan game. His mom made cabbage rolls (yuck!) and brought them over and I made mashed taters. She (mil) took the kiddos because Hubby had friends and his dad over to watch the game. I actually was able to go shopping by myself! I went to a craft show....and a few stores.....I got a track for PT auditions.....I love the song but just hope I can pull it off! We'll see! It was wierd to go places by myself!

Then we had the Thanksgiving Dinner at church...Hubby sang a song...and he did really good. I was so proud of him. Then we had PT practice...and then we came home. And then it began.

FAB went to bed....she was pretty tired because she didn't have a nap yesterday. So....she went down immediately. Just a few minutes later....she started crying. I wasn't going to get her.....because I thought she would just go back to sleep. So, Hubby and I went to her room a few minutes later...and soon as we opened the door...we smelled it! She had vomited all over herself and the bed. So we got her cleaned up...and back in bed....and a bit later....again! So, she slept the rest of the night. We woke her up this morning and she was acting fine. Hubby laid in bed and fed her a bottle. She drank it all gone....sat up and puked it all up! So....I stayed home with her during Sunday School...and then MIL came and watched her so that Hubby and I could be at church. She has kept water and crackers down today...but we gave her a bottle again this evening and she didn't keep it down. Who knows what is wrong with her.....hopefully just a 24 hour bug. And hopefully we don't all get it! Pray...pray...pray....

One more thing to pray for.....just pray for my attitude and our church. That is really all that I want to say about it. Just pray. God is Satan is stepping up a notch!

Well....I have to go! I need to get to bed because I am planning on going in really early to work tomorrow so that I can come home early so that Hubby and I can split the day! The joys of being a working mother!!!!!

Love and prayers to all! Hopefully we will all be "together" again soon.


Dawn said...

Hey girl love your new bloggy name!! I hate that FAB is sick. Hope she is better tomorrow and yes I'll be praying that you all dont' get it. She was just so stinkin cute last night (as always) and yeppers your hubby did a great job singing. I bet you were proud of him. I will pray for you with your attitude with church and you can pray for my attitude with church. Forgot your thank you card that Madison made you for making her that scarff. I told you I'd forget to bring it. LOVE YA girlie talk to ya later!!

Mandalynn said...

Whew!! I'm glad we all found a new journal!! LOL :) I am really addicted!! :) I wonder if there's a way to do the links to other's journals like on moj? I miss HBM, too!! :)

Praying for FABulous :) I hate it when they get sick...besides the cleaning up the pukey stuff, I just feel so bad they have to go through that stuff...

Talk to ya later :)

Sara said...

Hey! Looks like I will need to get myself up and running here. Not like I don't have some time on my hands....ha ha. So sorry about Fab. Poor thing! I hope she's better today and I hope you have a better day at work! Love ya!

Kelley said...

YEAH!!!!!! We're back together! Can you believe how awful it has made me feel that our journals haven't been working? It's almost scary!
Sorry that FAB was sick. I hope that she is better this morning. I know that's rough....and throw up...YUCK!
I'll pray about your attitude if you pray about mine! I have a God's Daily Journal message that comes to me every morning and this morning was about "what is your attitude going into the worship service". Hubby was beside me and I read it to him. He was amazed! It's funny how God has those relate to me in my time of need!
Hope you have a great day....maybe FAB will be feeling better and you can have fun this afternoon!
Lots of Love

Josy said...

What if I find you first, LOL! Hey, I was really getting nervous about finding y'all. So sorry to hear about Fab feeling sick. (I forgot to tell HBM about Little Buddy's nightmares, remind me to do that tomorrow.) How's here ears? Seems like the only time Little Buddy got throwing up sick was because his ears were all plugged up (causing vertigo, whatever that's called). Well, you know what's best for Fab.


SebbieDue said...

Yea! I found you!

Sorry I missed your hubby's song, wish I could have been there cause I missed you guys. re: all need to do what I do...don't talk to anyone on Sunday morning that isn't giving you "happy talk". What I don't know, doesn't hurt me!!! (I know it's easier for me cause I'm not on the PT, but it does work!)

Praying for little FAB and that you all stay well and for good attitudes all around!